##' @title Assign Colors Based on the Position of a Value in a Distribution
##' @description This is a function to generate colors for plot elements on the basis of the position of a value within a distribution.
##' Called internally by ct.viewGuides.
##' @param exprs The value whose color is to be returned.
##' @param rankedexprs A vector of values the length of cols that corresponds to the values in the distribution.
##' @param colors The vector of colors to be used as a reference.
##' @return A value contained in cols.
##' @keywords internal
##' @author Russell Bainer
ct.exprsColor <- function(exprs, rankedexprs, colors){
colors[which(abs(rankedexprs-exprs) == min(abs(rankedexprs-exprs)))]
##' @title Draw a horizontal line of a specified color.
##' @description This is a function called internally by ct.viewGuides to generate the color legend. End users should not use it.
##' @param x,y Minimal coordinates to specify the line, which is drawn from the Y axis.
##' @param color Guess!
##' @param width Line width.
##' @return A line on an open device.
##' @keywords internal
##' @author Russell Bainer
ct.drawFlat <- function(x, y, color, width = 1){
lines(c(0, x), c(y, y), col = color, lwd = width);
##' @title Draw a density color legend.
##' @description This is a function called internally by ct.viewGuides to generate the color legend. End users should not use it.
##' @param dens A density object.
##' @param colorscale A vector of colors to draw behind the density.
##' @return A color legend on the current graphics device.
##' @keywords internal
##' @author Russell Bainer
ct.drawColorLegend <- function(dens, colorscale){
yrange <- (rep(max(abs(range(dens$x))), 2) * c(-1, 1))
xlim = c(0,max(dens$y)),
ylim = range(dens$x),
xaxt = "n", xlab = "",
ylab = "Log2 Normalized Reads",
x = rep(max(dens$y), length(colorscale)),
y = seq(yrange[2], yrange[1], length.out = length(colorscale)),
width = 2,
color = colorscale))
polygon(x=dens$y, y= dens$x, col = "black")
##' @title Generate a Plot of individual gRNA Pair Data in a Crispr Screen
##' @description This function generates a visualization of the effect estimates from a MArrayLM model result for all of the
##' individual guides targeting a particular element, specified somewhere in the library annotation file. The estimated effect
##' size and variance is plotted relative to zero for the specified contrast, with the color of the dot indicating the relative scale of the
##' of the guide intercept within the model framework, with warmer colors indicating lowly expressed guides. For comparison, the density of gRNA
##' fold change estimates is privided in a pane on the right, with white lines indicating the exact levels of the individual guides.
##' @param gene the name of the target element of interest, contained within the "type" column of the annotation file.
##' @param fit An object of class MArrayLM containing, at minimum, an "Amean" slot containing the guide level abundances,
##' a "coefficients" slot containing the effect estimates for each guide, and an "stdev.unscaled" slot giving the coefficient standard Deviations.
##' @param ann A data.frame object containing the gRNA annotations.
##' At mimimum, it should have a column with the name specified by the \code{type} argument, containing the element targeted by each guide.
##' @param type A character string indicating the column in ann containing the target of interest.
##' @param contrast.term If a fit object with multiple coefficients is passed in, a string indiating the coefficient of interest.
##' @param ylims An optional numeric vector of length 2 indicating the extremes of the y-axis scale.
##' @return An image summarizing gRNA behavior within the specifed gene on the default device.
##' @author Russell Bainer
##' @examples
##' data('fit')
##' data('ann')
##' ct.viewGuides('Target1633', fit, ann)
##' @export
ct.viewGuides <- function(gene, fit, ann, type = "geneSymbol", contrast.term = NULL, ylims = NULL){
current.graphic.params <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(xpd = FALSE)
if(ncol(fit$coefficients) > 1){
stop("The fit object contains multiple coefficients. Please specify a contrast.term.")
fit <- ct.preprocessFit(fit, contrast.term)
if(!methods::is(fit, "MArrayLM")){stop(paste(deparse(substitute(eset)), "is not an MArrayLM."))}
#Find the gRNAs targeting the gene from the annotation, and order them
ann <- ct.prepareAnnotation(ann, fit, controls = FALSE)
if(!(sum(ann[,type] %in% gene))){stop(paste(gene, "is not present in the annotation file."))}
grna.inx <- row.names(ann)[(ann[,type] %in% gene)]
grna.inx <- sort(grna.inx)
#Set up the color palette and the legend first:
day3Density <- density(fit$coefficients)
ylimit <- max(fit$coefficients)
ylims <- range(c(min(0,(fit$coefficients[grna.inx,1]-fit$stdev.unscaled[grna.inx,1])),
if(any(length(na.omit(ylims)) != 2, !is.numeric(ylims), sum(is.infinite(ylims)) > 0)){
stop('ylims must be a numeric vector of length 2 containing finite values.')
#Set up the guide colors based on their overall expression
cols <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "orange", "white", "blue", "purple"))(1000)
rankexprscolors <- seq(from = max(fit$Amean), to = min(fit$Amean), length.out = 1000)
#Set up a couple of panes:
par(mar = c(5,4,4,2))
ylab = "Log2(Fold Change)",
main = gene, xlab = "", ylim = sort(ylims),
col = vapply(fit$coefficients[grna.inx,1], ct.exprsColor, character(1), rankedexprs = rankexprscolors, colors = cols),
xaxt = "n", pch = 18)
axis(1, at=1:length(grna.inx), labels=grna.inx, las = 2)
abline(h = 0, lty = 4, col = "red")
abline(v = (seq_len(length(grna.inx)) + 0.5), col = "grey")
#title(main = )
if (!is.null(contrast.term)) {
mtext(contrast.term, side=3, line=0)
#Plop in the legend:
par(mar = c(5,1,4,1))
ct.drawColorLegend(dens = day3Density, colorscale = cols)
mapply(ct.drawFlat, x = rep(max(day3Density$y), length(grna.inx)),
y = fit$coefficients[grna.inx,1], width = 0.5, color = "black")
lines(c(0, max(day3Density$y)), c(0, 0), col = 'red', lty = 'dashed')
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