##' @title Generate a Figure Summarizing Overall Signal for One or More Targets
##' @description Given one or more targets of interest, this function generates a summary image contextualizing the
##' corresponding signals within the contest of the provided contrast. This takes the form of an annotated ranking
##' curve of target-level signals, supplemented with horizontal Q-value cutoffs and an inset volcano plot of gRNA
##' behavior.
##' Limited annotation is provided for the specified targets using the following logic:
##' - If a character vector is provided, up to five targets are annotated; longer lists are highlighted without specifying individual elements.
##' - If a list is provided, the `names` element is used as the annotation. This is similarly constrained to a total of 5 annotated elements.
##' @param summaryDF A dataframe summarizing the results of the screen, returned by the function \code{\link{ct.generateResults}}.
##' @param targets A list or character vector containing the names of the targets to be displayed. Only targets contained in the \code{geneSymbol}
##' column of the provided \code{summaryDF} are considered. Plotting priority (e.g., the points to plot last in the case
##' of overlapping signals) is given to earlier elements in the list.
##' @param direction Should enrichment or depletion be considered? Must be one of \code{"enrich"} or \code{"deplete"}.
##' @param callout Logical indicating whether lines should be plotted indicating individual gene sets to augment the point highlighting.
##' @return A summary plot on the current device.
##' @author Russell Bainer
##' @examples data('resultsDF')
##' ct.signalSummary(resultsDF, list('CandidateA' = 'Target229', 'Pathway3' = resultsDF$geneSymbol[c(42,116,1138,5508)]), 'enrich')
##' @examples
##' data('es')
##' data('ann')
##' data('fit')
##' ct.GCbias(es, ann)
##' ct.GCbias(fit, ann)
##' @export
ct.signalSummary <-
direction = c("enrich", "deplete"),
callout = FALSE) {
#Check the input:
direction <- match.arg(direction)
stop("Execution halted.")
targets <- as.list(targets)
names(targets) <- targets
if(length(targets) > 5){
stop('Too many targets specified; suppressing annotation.')
targets <- list(unique(unlist(targets)))
targets <- rev(targets)
bad <- setdiff(unlist(targets), summaryDF$geneSymbol)
if(length(bad) > 0){
stop(paste0('Cannot find the following supplied targets in the geneSymbol column of the supplied DF: ', paste(bad, collapse = ', ')))
#Prep data
summaryDF <- switch(direction,
'enrich' = summaryDF[order(summaryDF$`Target-level Enrichment P`, decreasing = FALSE),],
'deplete' = summaryDF[order(summaryDF$`Target-level Depletion P`, decreasing = FALSE),])
p <- switch(direction,
'enrich' = -log10(summaryDF$`Target-level Enrichment P`),
'deplete' = -log10(summaryDF$`Target-level Depletion P`))
p[is.infinite(p)] <- max(p[is.finite(p)]) + 0.5
genewise <- !duplicated(summaryDF$geneSymbol)
gwp <- p[genewise]
names(gwp) <- summaryDF$geneSymbol[genewise]
exes <- (1:length(gwp))/length(gwp)
qcut <- min(p[switch(direction,
'enrich' = summaryDF$`Target-level Enrichment Q`[genewise] < 0.1,
'deplete' = summaryDF$`Target-level Depletion Q`[genewise] < 0.1)])
#Compose Plot
plot(exes, gwp,
ylab = 'Target -log10 P', xaxt = 'n', xlab = 'Signal Rank',
pch = 19, cex = 0.5, col = rgb(14/255,41/255,56/255))
maxval <- max(gwp)
glfc <- summaryDF$`gRNA Log2 Fold Change`
gp <- switch(direction,
'enrich' = -log10(summaryDF$`gRNA Enrichment P`),
'deplete' = -log10(summaryDF$`gRNA Depletion P`))
inset.x <- ((0.29/(max(glfc) - min(glfc))) * (glfc - min(glfc))) + 0.7
inset.y <- ((((maxval - 0.1) - ((maxval)/2))/(max(gp) - min(gp))) * (gp - min(gp))) + ((maxval + 0.05)/2) <- inset.x[which(abs(glfc) == min(abs(glfc), na.rm = TRUE))][1]
polygon(x = c(0.7,1,1,0.7), y = (rep(maxval, 4) - rep(c(maxval/2, 0), each = 2)), col = 'white')
lines(rep(, 2), c(maxval/2, maxval), lty = 2, col = 'lightgrey')
points(inset.x, inset.y, pch = 19, cex = 0.2, col= rgb(14/255,41/255,56/255))
graphics::text(0.85, maxval, 'gRNA', adj = c(0.5,1.5), cex = 1)
graphics::text(0.85, (maxval/2), 'Log2 Fold Change', adj = c(0.5, 1.5), cex = 0.7)
graphics::text(0.7, 3*(maxval/4), '-log10P', srt = 90, adj = c(0.7, -0.5), cex = 0.7)
#add annotation
t.col <- c(rgb(218/255, 111/255, 90/255),
rgb(111/255, 130/255, 138/255),
rgb(100/255, 190/255, 203/255),
rgb(127/255, 47/255, 105/255))
#Optionally add annotations
if(length(targets) <= 5){
ylocs <- rev(seq((maxval * 0.95), (maxval/2), length.out = 5)[1:length(targets)])
ybuff <- (maxval/20)/2
selected <- (summaryDF$geneSymbol %in% targets[[x]])
all.targ <- (selected & genewise)
gw.ranks <- vapply(summaryDF$geneSymbol[all.targ],
#function(x){grep(x, summaryDF$geneSymbol[genewise], fixed = TRUE)},
function(x){which(summaryDF$geneSymbol[genewise] == x)},
segments(exes[gw.ranks], gwp[gw.ranks], 0.3, ylocs[x], col = rgb(78/255, 78/255, 76/255, 0.4))
graphics::text(0.3, ylocs[x], names(targets)[x], pos = 4)
points(0.3, ylocs[x], pch = 22, cex = 2, bg = t.col[x])
#Highlight Points
selected <- (summaryDF$geneSymbol %in% targets[[x]])
all.targ <- (selected & genewise)
gw.ranks <- vapply(summaryDF$geneSymbol[all.targ],
#function(x){grep(x, summaryDF$geneSymbol[genewise], fixed = TRUE)},
function(x){which(summaryDF$geneSymbol[genewise] == x)},
points(inset.x[selected], inset.y[selected], col = rgb(14/255,41/255,56/255), bg = t.col[x], pch = 21, cex = 0.7, lwd = 1.2)
points(exes[gw.ranks], gwp[gw.ranks], pch = 21, bg = t.col[x], cex = 1.2, lwd = 1.2)
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