### R code from vignette source 'flowPlots.Rnw'
### code chunk number 1: loadPackage
### code chunk number 2: profBP
profileDataSubset = subset(profileDF, stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC")
# Use data helper function, makeDataList()
groupDataList = makeDataList(profileDataSubset ,"group", 1:16)
# Make x-axis tick labels
theMarkers = colnames(markerMatrix)
xTickLabels = cbind(theMarkers, t(markerMatrix))
### code chunk number 3: flowPlots.Rnw:83-91
GroupListBoxplot(groupDataList, xlabel="",
ylabel="Percent of All Cells", boxOutliers=FALSE,
xAxisLabels=xTickLabels, xMtext="Marker Category",
mainTitle="Stimulation = LPS, Concentration Group = 3, Cell = mDC",
legendGroupNames=c("Adults","Neonates"), pointColor=c(2,4),
testTitleCEX=.8, nCEX=.6, pCEX=.6, legendColor=c(2,4), legendCEX=.6,
xAxisCEX=.7, xAtMtext=-1)
mtext("PROFILE DATA", side=3, line=2)
### code chunk number 4: margBP
marginalDataSubset = subset(marginalDF, stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC")
# Use data helper function, makeDataList()
groupDataList = makeDataList(marginalDataSubset ,"group", 1:5)
### code chunk number 5: flowPlots.Rnw:111-118
GroupListBoxplot(groupDataList, xlabel="Cytokine",
ylabel="Percent of All Cells", boxOutliers=FALSE,
mainTitle="Stimulation = LPS, Concentration Group = 3, Cell = mDC",
legendGroupNames=c("Adults","Neonates"), pointColor=c(2,4),
testTitleCEX=.8, nCEX=.8, pCEX=.8, legendColor=c(2,4), legendCEX=.7)
mtext("MARGINAL DATA", side=3, line=2)
### code chunk number 6: pfdBP
pfdDataSubset = subset(pfdDF, stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC")
# Use data helper function, makeDataList()
groupDataList = makeDataList(pfdDataSubset ,"group", 1:4)
### code chunk number 7: flowPlots.Rnw:138-144
GroupListBoxplot(groupDataList, xlabel="Cytokine",
ylabel="Percent of Reactive Cells", boxOutliers=FALSE,
mainTitle="Stimulation = LPS, Concentration Group = 3, Cell = mDC",
legendGroupNames=c("Adults","Neonates"), pointColor=c(2,4),
testTitleCEX=.8, nCEX=.8, pCEX=.8, legendColor=c(2,4), legendCEX=.7)
mtext("PFD DATA", side=3, line=2)
### code chunk number 8: pfd1BP
# Look at the composition percentages for the case where PFD=1
pfdEq1PartsDataSubset = subset(pfdPartsList[[1]], stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC")
# Use data helper function, makeDataList()
groupDataList = makeDataList(pfdEq1PartsDataSubset, "group", 1:4)
### code chunk number 9: flowPlots.Rnw:165-171
GroupListBoxplot(groupDataList, xlabel="Cytokine",
ylabel="Percent of Cells With PFD=1", boxOutliers=FALSE,
mainTitle="Stimulation = LPS, Concentration Group = 3, Cell = mDC",
legendGroupNames=c("Adults","Neonates"), pointColor=c(2,4),
testTitleCEX=.8, nCEX=.8, pCEX=.8, legendColor=c(2,4), legendCEX=.7)
mtext("COMPOSITION OF PFD=1 DATA", side=3, line=2)
### code chunk number 10: pfd2BP
# Look at the composition percentages for the case where PFD=2
pfdEq2PartsDataSubset = subset(pfdPartsList[[2]], stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC")
# Use data helper function, makeDataList()
groupDataList = makeDataList(pfdEq2PartsDataSubset, "group", 1:6)
### code chunk number 11: flowPlots.Rnw:190-196
GroupListBoxplot(groupDataList, xlabel="Cytokine",
ylabel="Percent of Cells With PFD=2", boxOutliers=FALSE,
mainTitle="Stimulation = LPS, Concentration Group = 3, Cell = mDC",
legendGroupNames=c("Adults","Neonates"), pointColor=c(2,4),
testTitleCEX=.8, nCEX=.8, pCEX=.8, legendColor=c(2,4), legendCEX=.7)
mtext("COMPOSITION OF PFD=2 DATA", side=3, line=2)
### code chunk number 12: pfd3BP
# Look at the composition percentages for the case where PFD=3
pfdEq3PartsDataSubset = subset(pfdPartsList[[3]], stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC")
# Use data helper function, makeDataList()
groupDataList = makeDataList(pfdEq3PartsDataSubset, "group", 1:4)
### code chunk number 13: flowPlots.Rnw:215-221
GroupListBoxplot(groupDataList, xlabel="Cytokine",
ylabel="Percent of Cells With PFD=3", boxOutliers=FALSE,
mainTitle="Stimulation = LPS, Concentration Group = 3, Cell = mDC",
legendGroupNames=c("Adults","Neonates"), pointColor=c(2,4),
testTitleCEX=.8, nCEX=.8, pCEX=.8, legendColor=c(2,4), legendCEX=.7)
mtext("COMPOSITION OF PFD=3 DATA", side=3, line=2)
### code chunk number 14: ternPlot
pfdDataSubset = subset(pfdDF, stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC")
# Use data helper function, makeTernaryData()
ternaryData = makeTernaryData(pfdDataSubset, 1, 2, 3:4)
colnames(ternaryData) = c("PFD1", "PFD2", "PFD3-4")
adultPFDData = subset(pfdDataSubset, group=="adult", select=c(PFD1:PFD4))
neoPFDData = subset(pfdDataSubset, group=="neonate", select=c(PFD1:PFD4))
groupPFDDataList = list(adultPFDData, neoPFDData)
pfdGroupStatsList = computePFDGroupStatsList(groupPFDDataList, pfdValues=1:4,
numDigitsMean=3, numDigitsSD=2)
groupNames = c("Adults","Neonates")
legendNames = legendPFDStatsGroupNames(pfdGroupStatsList,groupNames)
### code chunk number 15: flowPlots.Rnw:248-255
# Load the package, vcd, for the ternaryplot() fcn
ternaryplot(ternaryData, cex=.5, col=as.numeric(pfdDataSubset$group)*2,
Stimulation = LPS, Concentration Group = 3, Cell = mDC")
grid_legend(0.8, 0.7, pch=c(20,20), col=c(2,4), legendNames,
title = "Group (n), mean/sd:", gp=gpar(cex=.8))
### code chunk number 16: barPlot
profileDataSubset = subset(profileDF, stim=="LPS" & concGroup==3 & cell=="mDC")
profileColumns = 1:16
# Use data helper function, makeBarplotData()
barplotData = makeBarplotData(profileDataSubset, profileColumns, groupVariableName="group")
barplotDataWithLegend = cbind(barplotData, NA, NA)
barColors = gray(0:15/15)[16:1]
### code chunk number 17: flowPlots.Rnw:276-281
barplot(barplotDataWithLegend, col=barColors,
main="Stimulation = LPS, Concentration Group = 3, Cell = mDC")
legendNames = rownames(barplotData)
mtext("BAR PLOT OF PROFILE DATA", side=3, line=3)
### code chunk number 18: boxplotExample
# Create Example data list
group1 =,1.2,.6),rnorm(10,3.2,.8)))
group2 =,1.2,.6),rnorm(10,3.2,.8)))
group3 =,1.2,.6),rnorm(10,3.2,.8)))
group4 =,1.2,.6),rnorm(10,3.2,.8)))
group5 =,1.2,.6),rnorm(10,3.2,.8)))
dataList = list(group1,group2,group3,group4,group5)
# Create pointColor list
colorGroup1 = cbind(c(rep(2,5),rep(4,5)),c(rep(2,5),rep(4,5)))
colorGroup2 = cbind(c(rep(2,5),rep(4,5)),c(rep(2,5),rep(4,5)))
colorGroup3 = cbind(c(rep(2,5),rep(4,5)),c(rep(2,5),rep(4,5)))
colorGroup4 = cbind(c(rep(2,5),rep(4,5)),c(rep(2,5),rep(4,5)))
colorGroup5 = cbind(c(rep(2,5),rep(4,5)),c(rep(2,5),rep(4,5)))
pointColorList = list(colorGroup1,colorGroup2,colorGroup3,colorGroup4, colorGroup5)
### code chunk number 19: flowPlots.Rnw:310-315
GroupListBoxplot(dataList, xlabel="Cytokine", ylabel="Percent of CD4 Cells",
xAxisLabels=c("IFNg","TNFa"), mainTitle="Compare Innate Immune Response",
legendGroupNames=c("Female","Male"), legendColors=c(2,4), boxOutliers=FALSE,
pointColor=pointColorList, testTitleCEX=.8, nCEX=.8, pCEX=.8)
text(3,3,"Groups 1-5 are plotted left to right")
### code chunk number 20: showData
# load an .rda file of stacked data
### code chunk number 21: showMarkers
### code chunk number 22: createStackedData
# create the StackedData object based on the adultsNeonates data
stackedDataObject = new("StackedData", stackedData = adultsNeonates)
### code chunk number 23: createMarkers
markerNames = c("TNFa","IL6","IL12","IFNa")
markers = computeMarkers(markerNames, includeAllNegativeRow=TRUE)
markers(stackedDataObject) = markers
### code chunk number 24: createProfileData
# The byVarNames specify the subsets in the data
byVarNames = c("stim", "concGroup", "cell")
profileData = computeProfileData(stackedDataObject, byVarNames, "id", "percentAll", "group")
profileData(stackedDataObject) = profileData
### code chunk number 25: createMarginalData
# The byVarNames specify the subsets in the data
byVarNames = c("stim", "concGroup", "cell")
marginalData = computeMarginalData(stackedDataObject, byVarNames, "id", "percentAll", "group")
marginalData(stackedDataObject) = marginalData
### code chunk number 26: createPFDData
# The byVarNames specify the subsets in the data
byVarNames = c("stim", "concGroup", "cell")
pfdData = computePFDData(stackedDataObject, byVarNames, "id", "percentAll", "group")
pfdData(stackedDataObject) = pfdData
### code chunk number 27: createPFDPartsData
# The byVarNames specify the subsets in the data
byVarNames = c("stim", "concGroup", "cell")
pfdPartsData = computePFDPartsData(stackedDataObject, byVarNames, "id", "percentAll", "group")
pfdPartsData(stackedDataObject) = pfdPartsData
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