## Contains the various model components used in the flowPloidy analysis.
## ModelComponent Class ##
#' An S4 class to represent model components
#' \code{\link{ModelComponent}} objects bundle the actual mathematical
#' function for a particular component with various associated data
#' necesarry to incorporate them into a complete NLS model.
#' To be included in the automatic processing of potential model
#' components, a \code{\link{ModelComponent}} needs to be added to the
#' variable \code{fhComponents}.
#' @name ModelComponent
#' @slot name character, a convenient name with which to refer to the
#' component
#' @slot desc character, a short description of the component, for human
#' readers
#' @slot color character, the color to use when plotting the component
#' @slot includeTest function, a function which takes a single argument, a
#' \code{\link{FlowHist}} object, and returns \code{TRUE} if the
#' component should be included in the model for that object.
#' @slot function function, a single-line function that returns the value
#' of the component. The function can take multiple arguments, which
#' usually will include \code{xx}, the bin number (i.e., x value) of the
#' histogram. The other arguments are model parameters, and should be
#' included in the \code{initParams} function.
#' @slot initParams function, a function with a single argument, a
#' \code{\link{FlowHist}} object, which returns named list of model
#' parameters and their initial estimates.
#' @slot specialParams list, a named list. The names are variables to
#' exclude from the default argument list, as they aren't parameters to
#' fit in the NLS procedure, but are actually fixed values. The body of
#' the list element is the object to insert into the model formula to
#' account for that variable. Note that this slot is not set directly,
#' but should be provided by the value returned by
#' \code{specialParamSetter} (which by default is \code{list(xx =
#' substitute(xx))}).
#' @slot specialParamSetter function, a function with one argument, the
#' \code{\link{FlowHist}} object, used to set the value of
#' \code{specialParams}. This allows parameters to be declared 'special'
#' based on values in the \code{\link{FlowHist}} object. The default
#' value for this slot is a function which returns \code{list(xx =
#' substitute(xx))}
#' @slot paramLimits list, a named list with the upper and lower limits of
#' each parameter in the function.
#' @slot doCounts logical, should cell counts be evaluated for this
#' component? Used to exclude the debris models, which don't work with
#' R's Integrate function.
#' @section Coding Concepts:
#' See the source code file \code{models.R} for the actual code used in
#' defining model components. Here are a few examples to illustrate
#' different concepts.
#' We'll start with the G1 peaks. They are modelled by the components
#' \code{fA1} and \code{fB1} (for the A and B samples). The
#' \code{includeTest} for \code{fA1} is simply \code{function(fh) TRUE},
#' since there will always be at least one peak to fit. \code{fB1} is
#' included if there is more than 1 detected peak, and the setting
#' \code{samples} is more than 1, so the \code{includeTest} is
#' \preformatted{function(fh) nrow(fhPeaks(fh)) > 1 && fhSamples(fh) > 1}
#' The G1 component is defined by the function
#' \preformatted{(a1 / (sqrt(2 * pi) * Sa) * exp(-((xx - Ma)^2)/(2 *
#' Sa^2)))}
#' with the arguments \code{a1, Ma, Sa, xx}. \code{xx} is treated
#' specially, by default, and we don't need to deal with it here. The
#' initial estimates for the other parameters are calculated in
#' \code{initParams}:
#' \preformatted{function(fh){
#' Ma <- as.numeric(fhPeaks(fh)[1, "mean"])
#' Sa <- as.numeric(Ma / 20)
#' a1 <- as.numeric(fhPeaks(fh)[1, "height"] * Sa / 0.45)
#' list(Ma = Ma, Sa = Sa, a1 = a1)
#' }
#' }
#' \code{Ma} is the mean of the distribution, which should be very close to
#' the peak. \code{Sa} is the standard distribution of the distribution.
#' If we assume the CV is 5\%, that means the \code{Sa} should be 5\% of
#' the distribution mean, which gives us a good first estimate.
#' \code{a1} is a scaling parameter, and I came up with the initial
#' estimate by trial-and-error. Given the other two values are going to be
#' reasonably close, the starting value of \code{a1} doesn't seem to be
#' that crucial.
#' The limits for these values are provided in \code{paramLimits}.
#' \preformatted{paramLimits = list(Ma = c(0, Inf), Sa = c(0, Inf), a1 =
#' c(0, Inf))}
#' They're all bound between 0 and Infinity. The upper bound for \code{Ma}
#' and \code{Sa} could be lowered to the number of bins, but I haven't had
#' time or need to explore this yet.
#' The G2 peaks include the \code{d} argument, which is the ratio of the G2
#' peak to the G1 peak. That is, the linearity parameter:
#' \preformatted{func = function(a2, Ma, Sa, d, xx){
#' (a2 / (sqrt(2 * pi) * Sa * 2) *
#' exp(-((xx - Ma * d)^2)/(2 * (Sa * 2)^2)))
#' }
#' }
#' \code{d} is the ratio between the G2 and G1 peaks. If \code{linearity =
#' "fixed"}, it is set to 2. Otherwise, it is fit as a model parameter.
#' This requires special handling. First, we check the \code{linearity}
#' value in \code{initParams}, and provide a value for \code{d} if needed:
#' \preformatted{res <- list(a2 = a2)
#' if(fhLinearity(fh) == "variable")
#' res <- c(res, d = 2)
#' }
#' Here, \code{a2} is always treated as a parameter, and \code{d} is
#' appended to the initial paramter list only if needed.
#' We also need to use the \code{specialParamSetter} function, in this case
#' calling the helper function \code{setLinearity(fh)}. This function
#' checks the value of \code{linearity}, and returns the appropriate object
#' depending on the result.
#' Note that we use the arguments \code{Ma} and \code{Sa} appear in the
#' \code{function} slot for \code{fA2}, but we don't need to provide their
#' initial values or limits. These values are already supplied in the
#' definition of \code{fA1}, which is always present when \code{fA2} is.
#' NB.: This isn't checked in the code! I know \code{fA1} is always
#' present, but there is no automated checking of this fact. If you create
#' a \code{ModelComponent} that has parameters that are not defined in that
#' component, and are not defined in other components (like \code{Ma} is in
#' this case), you will cause problems. There is also nothing to stop you
#' from defining a parameter multiple times. That is, you could define
#' initial estimates and limits for \code{Ma} in \code{fA1} and \code{fA2}.
#' This may also cause problems. It would be nice to do some
#' sanity-checking to protect against using parameters without defining
#' initial estimates or limits, or providing multiple/conflicting
#' definitions.
#' The Single-Cut Debris component is unusual in two ways. It doesn't
#' include the argument \code{xx}, but it uses the pre-computed values
#' \code{SCvals}. Consequently, we must provide a function for
#' \code{specialParamSetter} to deal with this:
#' \preformatted{specialParamSetter = function(fh){ list(SCvals =
#' substitute(SCvals)) } }
#' The Multi-Cut Debris component \code{MC} is similar, but it needs to
#' include \code{xx} as a special parameter. The aggregate component
#' \code{AG} also includes several special parameters.
#' For more discussion of the debris components, see
#' \code{\link{DebrisModels}}.
#' The code responsible for this is in the file \code{models.R}. Accessor
#' functions are provided (but not exported) for getting and setting
#' \code{\link{ModelComponent}} slots. These functions are named
#' \code{mcSLOT}, and include \code{mcFunc}, \code{mcColor},
#' \code{mcName}, \code{mcDesc}, \code{mcSpecialParams},
#' \code{mcSpecialParamSetter}, \code{mcIncludeTest},
#' \code{mcInitParams}.
#' @examples
#' ## The 'master list' of components is stored in fhComponents:
#' flowPloidy:::fhComponents ## outputs a list of component summaries
#' ## adding a new component to the list:
#' \dontrun{
#' fhComponents$pois <-
#' new("ModelComponent", name = "pois", color = "bisque",
#' desc = "A poisson component, as a silly example",
#' includeTest = function(fh){
#' ## in this case, we check for a flag in the opt slot
#' ## We could also base the test on some feature of the
#' ## data, perhaps something in the peaks or histData slots
#' "pois" %in% fh@opt
#' },
#' func = function(xx, plam){
#' ## The function needs to be complete on a single line, as it
#' ## will be 'stitched' together with other functions to make
#' ## the complete model.
#' exp(-plam)*plam^xx/factorial(xx)
#' },
#' initParams = function(fh){
#' ## If we were to use this function for one of our peaks, we
#' ## could use the peak position as our initial estimate of
#' ## the Poisson rate parameter:
#' plam <- as.numeric(fhPeaks(fh)[1, "mean"])
#' },
#' ## bound the search for plam between 0 and infinity. Tighter
#' ## bounds might be useful, if possible, in speeding up model
#' ## fitting and avoiding local minima in extremes.
#' paramLimits = list(plam = c(0, Inf))
#' )
#' ## specialParamSetter is not needed here - it will default to a
#' ## function that returns "xx = xx", indicating that all other
#' ## parameters will be fit. That is what we need for this example. If
#' ## the component doesn't include xx, or includes other fixed
#' ## parameters, then specialParamSetter will need to be provided.
#' ## Note that if our intention is to replace an existing component with
#' ## a new one, we either need to explicitly change the includeTest for
#' ## the existing component to account for situations when the new one
#' ## is used instead. As a temporary hack, you could add both and then
#' ## manually remove one with \code{dropComponents}.
#' }
setClass(Class = "ModelComponent",
representation =
representation(name = "character",
desc = "character",
color = "character",
includeTest = "function",
func = "function",
initParams = "function",
specialParams = "list",
specialParamSetter = "function",
paramLimits = "list",
doCounts = "logical",
doCV = "logical"
setMethod(f = "show", signature = "ModelComponent",
def = function(object){
cat("** flowHist model component: ")
cat(mcName(object)); cat(" ** \n")
cat(mcDesc(object)); cat(" \n")
cat("Parameters: ")
pnames <- mcParams(object)
cat(paste(pnames, collapse = ", "))
if(length(mcSpecialParams(object)) > 0){
cat("Special Parameters: ")
cat(paste(names(mcSpecialParams(object)), collapse = ", "))
## Accessors ##
mcFunc <- function(mc){
mcColor <- function(mc){
mcName <- function(mc){
mcDesc <- function(mc){
mcParams <- function(mc){
pnames <- names(formals(mcFunc(mc)))
pnames <- pnames[which(pnames != "xx")]
mcSpecialParams <- function(mc){
`mcSpecialParams<-` <- function(mc, value){
mc@specialParams <- value
mcSpecialParamSetter <- function(mc){
mcIncludeTest <- function(mc){
mcInitParams <- function(mc){
mcParamLimits <- function(mc){
mcDoCounts <- function(mc){
mcDoCV <- function(mc){
ModelComponent <- function(name, color, desc, includeTest, func,
specialParamSetter = function(fh)
list(xx = substitute(xx)),
paramLimits = list(), doCounts = TRUE,
doCV = FALSE){
new("ModelComponent", name = name, color = color, desc = desc,
includeTest = includeTest, func = func, initParams = initParams,
specialParamSetter = specialParamSetter, paramLimits = paramLimits,
doCounts = doCounts, doCV = doCV)
## Model Components ##
## Store all the components in a single, unexported list. This serves as
## our 'menu', which we will search through for each dataset, selecting the
## components that pass the includeTest to add to the components for that
## dataset.
fhComponents <- list()
## Helper Functions for Model Components ##
## Set the lower and upper bounds of linearity. We can't leave it
## unconstrained, as in particularly messy histograms it may drift so far
## that the G2 peak is lower than the G1 peak, which is impossible. Not
## sure what the best values to use here actually are. The original range
## of 1.9-2.1 is too constraining for some users.
linL <- 1.5
linH <- 2.5
setLinearity <- function(fh){
## Helper function for components that include the linearity parameter d
if(fh@linearity == "fixed")
return(list(xx = substitute(xx), linearity = 2))
else if(fh@linearity == "variable")
return(list(xx = substitute(xx)))
stop("Incorrect setting for linearity")
erf <- function(x) {
## Helper function used in broadened rectangle features
2 * pnorm(x * sqrt(2)) - 1
## Notes on broadened rectangles and trapezoids ##
## for testing the influence of sd:
## This isn't used in any other code, retained here for further study if
## needed.
## brA1 <- function(BRA, Ma, xx, sd){
## BRA * ((flowPloidy::erf(((2 * Ma) - xx)/sqrt(2 * sd)) -
## erf((Ma - xx)/sqrt(2 * sd))) / 2)
## }
## The basic broadened trapezoid functions
## Retained here for study, but the complexity doesn't provide much/any
## useful improvement in the model fit.
## broadenedTrapezoid <- function(BTt1, BTt2, BTx1, BTx2, BTs1, BTs2, xx){
## ((BTt2 - BTt1) / (BTx2 - BTx1) * (xx - BTx2) + BTt2) *
## ((erf((BTx2 - xx)/sqrt(2 * BTs2)) -
## erf((BTx1 - xx)/sqrt(2 * BTs1))) / 2)
## }
## ## Translated into model components:
## btA <- function(BTt1A, BTt2A, Ma, xx){
## ## Simplified to use a fixed sd (5), and bounded to the G1 mean value
## ## (and by extension the G2 mean value).
## ((BTt2A - BTt1A) / Ma * (xx - (2 * Ma)) + BTt2A) *
## ((erf(((2 * Ma) - xx)/sqrt(2 * 5)) -
## erf((Ma - xx)/sqrt(2 * 5))) / 2)
## }
## btB <- function(BTt1B, BTt2B, Mb, xx){
## ## Simplified to use a fixed sd (5), and bounded to the G1 mean value
## ## (and by extension the G2 mean value).
## ((BTt2B - BTt1B) / Mb * (xx - (2 * Mb)) + BTt2B) *
## ((erf(((2 * Mb) - xx)/sqrt(2 * 5)) -
## erf((Mb - xx)/sqrt(2 * 5))) / 2)
## }
makeG1 <- function(l, clr, desc, num){
## Generate a G1 peak model component
v1 <- paste(l, 1, "P", sep = "")
vM <- paste(l, "mean", sep = "_")
vS <- paste(l, "stddev", sep = "_")
pL <- list(c(0, Inf), c(0, Inf), c(0, Inf))
names(pL) <- c(vM, vS, v1)
makeFun <- function(l){
tmp <- function(){}
formals(tmp) <-
eval(parse(text = sprintf("alist(%s = , %s = , %s = , xx = )",
v1, vM, vS)))
body(tmp) <-
parse(text =
sprintf("(%s / (sqrt(2 * pi) * %s) * exp(-((xx - %s)^2)/(2 * %s^2)))",
v1, vS, vM, vS))
newComp <- ModelComponent(
name = paste(l, 1, sep = ""), color = clr,
desc = desc,
includeTest = function(fh){
nrow(fhPeaks(fh)) >= num && fhSamples(fh) >= num
func = makeFun(l),
initParams = function(fh){
mI <- as.numeric(fhPeaks(fh)[num, "mean"])
sI <- as.numeric(mI / 20)
iI <- as.numeric(fhPeaks(fh)[num, "height"] * sI / 0.45)
res <- list(mI, sI, iI)
names(res) <- c(vM, vS, v1)
paramLimits = pL,
makeG2 <- function(l, clr, desc, num){
## Generate a G2 peak model component
v2 <- paste(l, 2, "P", sep = "")
vM <- paste(l, "mean", sep = "_")
vS <- paste(l, "stddev", sep = "_")
pL <- list(c(0, Inf), c(0, Inf), c(0, Inf), c(linL, linH))
names(pL) <- c(vM, vS, v2, "linearity")
makeFun <- function(l){
tmp <- function(){}
formals(tmp) <-
eval(parse(text =
sprintf("alist(%s = , %s = , %s = , linearity = , xx = )",
v2, vM, vS)))
body(tmp) <-
parse(text =
sprintf("(%s / (sqrt(2 * pi) * %s * 2) * exp(-((xx - %s * linearity)^2)/(2 * (%s * 2)^2)))",
v2, vS, vM, vS))
newComp <- ModelComponent(
name = sprintf("%s2", l), color = clr,
desc = desc,
includeTest = function(fh){
fhG2(fh) && nrow(fhPeaks(fh)) >= num &&
(fhPeaks(fh)[num, "mean"] * 2) <= nrow(fhHistData(fh)) &&
fhSamples(fh) >= num
func = makeFun(l),
initParams = function(fh){
mI <- as.numeric(fhPeaks(fh)[num, "mean"])
sI <- as.numeric(mI / 20)
iI <- as.numeric(fhHistData(fh)[mI * 2, "intensity"] *
sI * 2 / 0.45)
res <- list(iI)
names(res) <- v2
if(fhLinearity(fh) == "variable")
res <- c(res, linearity = 2)
paramLimits = pL,
specialParamSetter = function(fh){
makeS <- function(l, clr, desc, num){
vBR <- paste(l, "sP", sep = "_")
vM <- paste(l, "mean", sep = "_")
pL <- list(c(0, Inf), linearity = c(linL, linH))
names(pL) <- c(vBR, "linearity")
makeFun <- function(l){
tmp <- function(){}
formals(tmp) <-
eval(parse(text = sprintf("alist(%s = , %s = , linearity = , xx = )",
vBR, vM)))
body(tmp) <-
parse(text =
sprintf("%s * ((flowPloidy:::erf(((linearity * %s) - xx)/sqrt(2 * 1)) - flowPloidy:::erf((%s - xx)/sqrt(2 * 1))) / 2)",
vBR, vM, vM))
newComp <- ModelComponent(
name = sprintf("%s_s", l), color = clr, desc = desc,
includeTest = function(fh){
nrow(fhPeaks(fh)) >= num && fhSamples(fh) >= num
func = makeFun(l),
initParams <- function(fh, vBR. = vBR){
res <- list(10)
names(res) <- vBR.
if(fhLinearity(fh) == "variable")
res <- c(res, linearity = 2)
paramLimits = pL,
specialParamSetter = function(fh){
#' Gaussian model components
#' Components for modeling Gaussian features in flow histograms
#' Typically the complete models will contain fA1 and fB1, which model the
#' G1 peaks of the sample and the standard. In many cases, they will also
#' contain fA2 and fB2, which model the G2 peaks. The G2 peaks are linked
#' to the G1 peaks, in that they require some of the parameters from the
#' G1 peaks as well (mean and standard deviation).
#' If the linearity parameter is set to "fixed", the G2 peaks will be fit
#' as exactly 2 times the mean of the G1 peaks. If linearity is set to
#' "variable", the ratio of the G2 peaks to the G1 peaks will be fit as a
#' model parameter with an initial value of 2, and constrained to the range
#' 1.5 -- 2.5. (The range is coded as linL and linH. If in doubt, check the
#' values of those, i.e., flowPloidy:::linL, flowPloidy:::linH, to be sure
#' Tyler hasn't changed the range without updating this documentation!!)
#' Additionally, for each set of peaks (sample and standard(s)), a
#' broadened rectangle component is included to model the S-phase. At
#' present, this is component has a single parameter, the height of the
#' rectangle. The standard deviation is fixed at 1. Allowing the SD to vary
#' in the model fitting doesn't make an appreciable difference in my tests
#' so far, so I've left it simple.
#' @param a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2 area parameters
#' @param Ma,Mb,Mc curve mean parameter
#' @param Sa,Sb,Sc curve standard deviation parameter
#' @param xx vector of histogram intensities
#' @param linearity numeric, the ratio of G2/G1 peak means. When linearity is
#' fixed, this is set to 2. Otherwise, it is fit as a model parameter
#' bounded between flowPloidy:::linL and flowPloidy:::linH.
#' @return NA
#' @author Tyler Smith
#' @name gauss
#' @aliases GaussianComponents
fhComponents$a1 <-
makeG1("a", "blue", "Gaussian curve for G1 peak of sample A", 1)
fhComponents$a2 <-
makeG2("a", "blue", "Gaussian curve for G2 peak of sample A", 1)
fhComponents$brA <-
makeS("a", "blue", "Broadened rectangle for S-phase of sample A", 1)
fhComponents$b1 <-
makeG1("b", "orange", "Gaussian curve for G1 peak of sample B", 2)
fhComponents$b2 <-
makeG2("b", "orange", "Gaussian curve for G2 peak of sample B", 2)
fhComponents$brB <-
makeS("b", "orange", "Broadened rectangle for S-phase of sample B", 2)
fhComponents$c1 <-
makeG1("c", "darkgreen", "Gaussian curve for G1 peak of sample C", 3)
fhComponents$c2 <-
makeG2("c", "darkgreen", "Gaussian curve for G2 peak of sample C", 3)
fhComponents$brC <-
makeS("c", "darkgreen", "Broadened rectangle for S-phase of sample C", 4)
fhComponents$d1 <-
makeG1("d", "salmon", "Gaussian curve for G1 peak of sample D", 4)
fhComponents$d2 <-
makeG2("d", "salmon", "Gaussian curve for G2 peak of sample D", 4)
fhComponents$brD <-
makeS("d", "salmon", "Broadened rectangle for S-phase of sample D", 4)
fhComponents$e1 <-
makeG1("e", "plum", "Gaussian curve for G1 peak of sample E", 5)
fhComponents$e2 <-
makeG2("e", "plum", "Gaussian curve for G2 peak of sample E", 5)
fhComponents$brE <-
makeS("e", "plum", "Broadened rectangle for S-phase of sample E", 5)
fhComponents$f1 <-
makeG1("f", "papayawhip", "Gaussian curve for G1 peak of sample F", 6)
fhComponents$f2 <-
makeG2("f", "papayawhip", "Gaussian curve for G2 peak of sample F", 6)
fhComponents$brF <-
makeS("f", "papayawhip", "Broadened rectangle for S-phase of sample F",
#' Histogram Debris Models
#' Implementation of debris models described by Bagwell et al. (1991).
#' @section Single Cut Model:
#' This is the theoretical probability distribution of the size of pieces
#' formed by a single random cut through an ellipsoid. In other words, we
#' assume that the debris is composed of nuclei pieces generated by cutting
#' a subset of the nuclei in a sample into two pieces.
#' The model is:
#' \deqn{S(x) = a \sum_{j = x + 1}^{n} \sqrt[3]{j} Y_j P_s(j, x)}
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{x} the histogram channel that we're estimating the debris
#' value for.
#' \item \code{SCaP} the amplitude parameter.
#' \item \code{Y_j} the histogram intensity for channel j.
#' }
#' where P_s(j, x) is the probability of a nuclei from channel j falling
#' into channel x when cut. That is, for j > x, the probability that
#' fragmenting a nuclei from channel j with a single cut will produce a
#' fragment of size x. This probability is calculated as:
#' \deqn{P_s(j, x) = \frac{2}{(\pi j \sqrt{(x/j) (1 - x/j)}}}
#' This model involves a recursive calculation, since the fitted value
#' for channel x depends not just on the intensity for channel x, but also
#' the intensities at all channels > x. I deal with this by pre-calculating
#' the raw values, which don't actually depend on the only parameter,
#' \code{SCaP}. These raw values are stored in the \code{histData} matrix
#' (which is a slot in the \code{\link{FlowHist}} object). This must be
#' accomodated by treating \code{SCvals} as a 'special parameter' in the
#' \code{\link{ModelComponent}} definition. See that help page for details.
#' @section Multiple-Cut Model:
#' The Multiple-Cut model extends the Single-Cut model by assuming that a
#' single nuclei may be cut multiple times, thus creating more than two
#' fragments.
#' The model is:
#' \deqn{S(x) = MCaP e^{-kx}\sum_{j = x + 1}^{n} Y_j}
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \code{x} the histogram channel that we're estimating the debris
#' value for.
#' \item \code{k} an exponential fitting parameter
#' \item \code{MCaP} the amplitiude parameter
#' \item \code{Y_j} the histogram intensity for channel j.
#' }
#' This model involves another recursive or "histogram-dependent"
#' component. Again, the sum is independent of the fitted parameters, so we
#' can pre-compute that and add it to the \code{histData} slot, in the
#' column \code{MCvals}. This is treated as a 'special parameter' when the
#' Multiple-Cut model is applied, so we only need to fit the parameters k
#' and MCaP.
#' @section Debris Models and Gating:
#' The debris models assume that all debris is composed of nuclei (G1 and
#' G2), that have been cut into 2 or more fragments. In actual practice, at
#' least when working with plant cells, the debris likely also includes
#' other cellular debris, including secondary compounds. This non-nuclear
#' debris may take up, and interact with, the stain in unpredictable ways.
#' In extreme cases, such as the Vaccinium example in the ``flowPloidy
#' Getting Started'' vignette, this cellular debris can completely obscure
#' the G1 and G2 peaks, requiring gating.
#' The ideal gate would be one that excludes all of the non-nuclear debris,
#' and none of the nuclear debris (i.e., the nuclei fragments). If we could
#' accomplish this, then gating would improve our model-fitting. Leaving
#' non-nuclear debris in the data will result in it getting fit by some
#' combination of the model components, with a negative impact on their
#' accuracy. On the other hand, excluding nuclear debris will reduce the
#' information used to fit the SC or MC components, which will also reduce
#' model accuracy.
#' Of course, we can't define an ideal gate, anymore than we can optimize
#' our sample preparation such that our histograms are completely free of
#' debris. As a practical approach, we recommend avoiding gating whenever
#' possible, and taking a conservative approach when it is unavoidable.
#' @name DebrisModels
#' @param intensity a numeric vector, the histogram intensity in each
#' channel
#' @param xx an integer vector, the ordered channels corresponding to the
#' values in `intensity'.
#' @param integer, the lowest bin to include in the modelling
#' process. Determined by the internal function \code{fhStart}.
#' @return \code{getSingleCutVals}, the vectorized function built from
#' getSingleCutValsBase, returns the fixed \code{SCvals} for the
#' histogram.
#' \code{getMultipleCutVals}, a vectorized function, returns the
#' fixed \code{MCvals} for the histogram.
#' @references Bagwell, C. B., Mayo, S. W., Whetstone, S. D., Hitchcox, S.
#' A., Baker, D. R., Herbert, D. J., Weaver, D. L., Jones, M. A. and
#' Lovett, E. J. (1991), DNA histogram debris theory and compensation.
#' Cytometry, 12: 107-118. doi: 10.1002/cyto.990120203
#' @author Tyler Smith
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ## This is an internal function, called from setBins()
#' \dontrun{
#' ## ...
#' SCvals <- getSingleCutVals(intensity, xx, startBin)
#' MCvals <- getMultipleCutVals(intensity, startBin)
#' ## ...
#' fhHistData(fh) <- data.frame(xx = xx, intensity = intensity,
#' SCvals = SCvals, MCvals = MCvals,
#' DBvals = DBvals, TRvals = TRvals,
#' QDvals = QDvals, gateResid = gateResid)
#' ## ...
#' }
getSingleCutValsBase <- function(intensity, xx,{
## compute the single cut debris model values
## Do not extend the model below/beyond the data
## Modfit appears to cut off the debris slightly above the lowest data,
## which gives a better fit. Perhaps set to 2-4? Need to
## test this and determine best fit. Possibly use an extra parameter to
## tune this for each data set individually. <- which(intensity > 0)[2]
res <- 0
if(xx >= & xx < length(intensity)){
channels = (xx + 1):length(intensity)
denominator = pi * channels * sqrt(xx/channels * (1 - xx/channels))
res <- res + sum(channels^(1/3) * intensity[channels] * 2 /
getSingleCutVals <- Vectorize(getSingleCutValsBase, "xx")
#' @rdname DebrisModels
#' @name SingleCut
fhComponents$SC <-
name = "SC", color = "green",
desc = "The single-cut debris model.",
includeTest = function(fh){
fhDebris(fh) == "SC"
func = function(SCaP, SCvals){
SCaP * SCvals
initParams = function(fh){
list(SCaP = 0.1)
paramLimits = list(SCaP = c(0, Inf)),
specialParamSetter = function(fh){
list(SCvals = substitute(SCvals))
doCounts = FALSE
#' @rdname DebrisModels
#' @name getMultipleCutVals
getMultipleCutVals <- function(intensity,{
tmpI <- intensity
res <- sum(tmpI) - cumsum(tmpI)
res[seq_len( - 1)] <- 0
#' @rdname DebrisModels
#' @name MultipleCut
fhComponents$MC <-
name = "MC", color = "green",
desc = "The single-cut debris model.",
includeTest = function(fh){
fhDebris(fh) == "MC"
func = function(xx, MCaP, k, MCvals){
MCaP * exp(-k * xx) * MCvals ##[xx]
initParams = function(fh){
list(MCaP = 0.01, k = 0.001)
paramLimits = list(MCaP = c(1e-10, Inf), k = c(1e-10, Inf)),
specialParamSetter = function(fh){
list(xx= substitute(xx), MCvals = substitute(MCvals))
doCounts = FALSE
getDoubletVals <- function(intensity){
doublets <- numeric(length(intensity))
for(i in seq_along(intensity)[-1]){
j <- seq_len(floor(i/2))
doublets[i] <-
sum(intensity[j] * intensity[i-j] * (j * (i - j))^(2/3))
getTripletVals <- function(intensity, doublets){
triplets <- numeric(length(intensity))
for(i in seq_along(intensity)[-1]){
j <- seq_len(floor(i/2))
triplets[i] <-
sum(intensity[j] * doublets[i-j] * (j * (i - j))^(2/3))
getQuadrupletVals <- function(intensity, doublets, triplets){
quadruplets <- numeric(length(intensity))
for(i in seq_along(intensity)[-1]){
j <- seq_len(floor(i/2))
quadruplets[i] <-
sum(intensity[j] * triplets[i - j] * (j * (i - j))^(2/3) +
doublets[j] + doublets[i - j] * (j * (i - j))^(2/3))
fhComponents$AG <-
name = "AG", color = "purple",
desc = "Continuous Aggregate",
includeTest = function(fh){
func = function(AP, DBvals, TRvals, QDvals){
AP * DBvals + AP * AP * TRvals + AP * AP * AP * QDvals
initParams = function(fh){
list(AP = 1e-9)
paramLimits = list(AP = c(0, Inf)),
specialParamSetter = function(fh){
list(DBvals = substitute(DBvals), TRvals = substitute(TRvals),
QDvals = substitute(QDvals))
doCounts = FALSE
## Model Building Functions ##
#' Functions for assembling non-linear regression models for
#' \code{\link{FlowHist}} objects.
#' \code{\link{addComponents}} examines the model components in
#' \code{fhComponents} and includes the ones that pass their
#' \code{includeTest}.
#' \code{\link{dropComponents}} removes a component from the
#' \code{\link{FlowHist}} model
#' \code{\link{setLimits}} collates the parameter limits for the model
#' components included in a \code{\link{FlowHist}} object. (could be
#' called automatically from \code{\link{addComponents}}, as it already
#' is from \code{\link{dropComponents}}?)
#' \code{\link{makeModel}} creates a model out of all the included
#' components.
#' @title Building Flow Histogram Models
#' @name fhModels
#' @aliases flowModels
#' @param fh a \code{\link{FlowHist}} object
#' @return The updated \code{\link{FlowHist}} object.
#' @author Tyler Smith
addComponents <- function(fh){
## make sure old components are flushed!
fh <- resetFlowHist(fh, from = "comps")
for(i in fhComponents)
newComp <- i
mcSpecialParams(newComp) <- mcSpecialParamSetter(newComp)(fh)
fhComps(fh)[[mcName(i)]] <- newComp
## lims <- mcParamLimits(i)
## newLims <- fhLimits(fh)
## for(j in names(lims))
## newLims[[j]] <- lims[[j]]
## fhLimits(fh) <- newLims
if(fhLinearity(fh) == "variable")
if(sum(c("a2", "b2", "c2", "d2", "e2", "f2") %in%
names(fhComps(fh))) == 0){
message("No G2 peaks, using fixed linearity")
fh <- updateFlowHist(fh, linearity = "fixed")
#' @rdname fhModels
#' @param components character, a vector of \code{\link{ModelComponent}}
#' names.
dropComponents <- function(fh, components){
fh <- resetFlowHist(fh, "limits")
fhComps(fh) <- fhComps(fh)[! names(fhComps(fh)) %in% components]
fh <- setLimits(fh)
fh <- makeModel(fh)
fh <- getInit(fh)
#' @rdname fhModels
setLimits <- function(fh){
fhLimits(fh) <- list()
for(i in fhComps(fh)){
lims <- mcParamLimits(i)
for(j in names(lims)){
fhLimits(fh)[[j]] <- lims[[j]]
#' @rdname fhModels
#' @param env an R environment. Don't change this, it's R magic to keep the
#' appropriate environment in scope when building our model.
makeModel <- function(fh, env = parent.frame()){
components <- fhComps(fh)
names(components) <- NULL
args <- unlist(lapply(components, FUN = function(x) formals(mcFunc(x))))
args <- args[unique(names(args))]
bodList <- lapply(components, FUN = function(x) body(mcFunc(x)))
bod <- bodList[[1]]
bodList <- bodList[-1]
while(length(bodList) > 0){
bod <- call("+", bod, bodList[[1]])
bodList <- bodList[-1]
fhModel(fh) <- eval(call("function", as.pairlist(args), bod), env)
fhNLS(fh) <- structure(list(), class = "nls")
getInit <- function(fh){
fhInit(fh) <- list()
for(i in fhComps(fh)){
fhInit(fh) <- c(fhInit(fh), mcInitParams(i)(fh))
fhInit(fh) <- fhInit(fh)[unique(names(fhInit(fh)))]
getSpecialParams <- function(fh){
res <- list()
for(i in fhComps(fh))
res <- c(res, mcSpecialParams(i))
res[-1 * which(duplicated(res))]
getSpecialParamArgs <- function(fh){
params <- getSpecialParams(fh)
res <- character()
for(i in seq_along(params))
res <- c(res, paste(names(params)[i], " = ", params[[i]]))
paste(res, collapse = ", ")
getSpecialParamsComp <- function(comp){
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