#' Robust Model-based Clustering for Flow Cytometry
#' This function performs automated clustering for identifying cell populations
#' in flow cytometry data. The approach is based on the tmixture model
#' with the Box-Cox transformation, which provides a unified framework to
#' handle outlier identification and data transformation simultaneously.
#' Estimation of the unknown parameters (including the Box-Cox parameter) is
#' done via an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. At each EM iteration,
#' Brent's algorithm is used to find the optimal value of the Box-Cox
#' transformation parameter. Conditional on the transformation parameter, all
#' other estimates can be obtained in closed form. Please refer to Lo et al.
#' (2008) for more details.
#' The \pkg{flowClust} package makes extensive use of the GSL as well as BLAS.
#' If an optimized BLAS library is provided when compiling the package, the
#' \pkg{flowClust} package will be able to run multi-threaded processes.
#' Various operations have been defined for the object returned from
#' \code{\link{flowClust}}.
#' In addition, to facilitate the integration with the \pkg{flowCore} package
#' for processing flow cytometry data, the \code{flowClust} operation can be
#' done through a method pair (\code{\link{tmixFilter}} and
#' \code{\link[=tmixFilter]{filter}}) such that various methods defined in
#' \pkg{flowCore} can be applied on the object created from the filtering
#' operation.
#' @name fowClust
#' @param x A numeric vector, matrix, data frame of observations, or object of
#' class \code{flowFrame}. Rows correspond to observations and columns
#' correspond to variables.
#' @param expName A character string giving the name of the experiment.
#' @param varNames A character vector specifying the variables (columns) to be
#' included in clustering. When it is left unspecified, all the variables will
#' be used.
#' @param K An integer vector indicating the numbers of clusters.
#' @param nu The degrees of freedom used for the \eqn{t} distribution. Default
#' is 4. If \code{nu=Inf}, Gaussian distribution will be used.
#' @param lambda The initial transformation to be applied to the data.
#' @param trans A numeric indicating whether the Box-Cox transformation
#' parameter is estimated from the data. May take 0 (no estimation), 1
#' (estimation, default) or 2 (cluster-specific estimation).
#' @param min.count An integer specifying the threshold count for filtering
#' data points from below. The default is 10, meaning that if 10 or more data
#' points are smaller than or equal to \code{min}, they will be excluded from
#' the analysis. If \code{min} is \code{NULL}, then the minimum of data as per
#' each variable will be used. To suppress filtering, set it as -1.
#' @param max.count An integer specifying the threshold count for filtering
#' data points from above. Interpretation is similar to that of
#' \code{min.count}.
#' @param min The lower boundary set for data filtering. Note that it is a
#' vector of length equal to the number of variables (columns), implying that a
#' different value can be set as per each variable.
#' @param max The upper boundary set for data filtering. Interpretation is
#' similar to that of \code{min}.
#' @param randomStart A numeric value indicating how many times a random
#' parition of the data is generated for initialization. The default is 0,
#' meaning that a deterministic partition based on kmeans clustering is used. A
#' value of 10 means random partitions of the data will be generated, each of
#' which is followed by a short EM run. The partition leading to the highest
#' likelihood value will be adopted to be the initial partition for the
#' eventual long EM run.
#' @param prior The specification of the prior. Used if usePrior="yes"
#' @param usePrior Argument specifying whether or not the prior will be used.
#' Can be "yes","no","vague". A vague prior will be automatically specified if
#' usePrior="vague"
#' @param criterion A character string stating the criterion used to choose the
#' best model. May take either \code{"BIC"} or \code{"ICL"}. This argument is
#' only relevant when \code{length(K)>1}. Default is "BIC".
#' @param ... other arguments: B: The maximum number of EM iterations.Default
#' is 500.
#' tol: The tolerance used to assess the convergence of the EM. default is
#' 1e-5.
#' nu.est: A numeric indicating whether \code{nu} is to be estimated or not.
#' May take 0 (no estimation, default), 1 (estimation) or 2 (cluster-specific
#' estimation). Default is 0.
#' level: A numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the threshold quantile
#' level used to call a point an outlier. The default is 0.9, meaning that any
#' point outside the 90\% quantile region will be called an outlier.
#' u.cutoff: Another criterion used to identify outliers. If this is
#' \code{NULL}, which is default, then \code{level} will be used. Otherwise,
#' this specifies the threshold (e.g., 0.5) for \eqn{u}, a quantity used to
#' measure the degree of \dQuote{outlyingness} based on the Mahalanobis
#' distance. Please refer to Lo et al. (2008) for more details.
#' z.cutoff: A numeric value between 0 and 1 underlying a criterion which may
#' be used together with \code{level}/\code{u.cutoff} to identify outliers. A
#' point with the probability of assignment \eqn{z} (i.e., the posterior
#' probability that a data point belongs to the cluster assigned) smaller than
#' \code{z.cutoff} will be called an outlier. The default is 0, meaning that
#' assignment will be made no matter how small the associated probability is,
#' and outliers will be identified solely based on the rule set by \code{level}
#' or \code{cutoff}.
#' B.init: The maximum number of EM iterations following each random partition
#' in random initialization. Default is the same as B.
#' tol.init: The tolerance used as the stopping criterion for the short EM runs
#' in random initialization. Default is 1e-2.
#' seed: An integer giving the seed number used when
#' \code{randomStart>0}.Default is 1.
#' control: An argument reserved for internal use.
#' @return If \code{K} is of length 1, the function returns an object of class
#' \code{flowClust} containing the following slots, where \eqn{K} is the number
#' of clusters, \eqn{N} is the number of observations and \eqn{P} is the number
#' of variables: \item{expName}{Content of the \code{expName} argument.}
#' \item{varNames}{Content of the \code{varNames} argument if provided;
#' generated if available otherwise.} \item{K}{An integer showing the number of
#' clusters.} \item{w}{A vector of length \eqn{K}, containing the estimates of
#' the \eqn{K} cluster proportions.} \item{mu}{A matrix of size \eqn{K \times
#' P}{K x P}, containing the estimates of the \eqn{K} mean vectors.}
#' \item{sigma}{An array of dimension \eqn{K \times P \times P}{K x P x P},
#' containing the estimates of the \eqn{K} covariance matrices.}
#' \item{lambda}{The Box-Cox transformation parameter estimate.} \item{nu}{The
#' degrees of freedom for the \eqn{t} distribution.} \item{z}{A matrix of size
#' \eqn{N \times K}{N x K}, containing the posterior probabilities of cluster
#' memberships. The probabilities in each row sum up to one.} \item{u}{A
#' matrix of size \eqn{N \times K}{N x K}, containing the \dQuote{weights} (the
#' contribution for computing cluster mean and covariance matrix) of each data
#' point in each cluster. Since this quantity decreases monotonically with the
#' Mahalanobis distance, it can also be interpreted as the level of
#' \dQuote{outlyingness} of a data point. Note that, when \code{nu=Inf}, this
#' slot is used to store the Mahalanobis distances instead.} \item{label}{A
#' vector of size \eqn{N}, showing the cluster membership according to the
#' initial partition (i.e., hierarchical clustering if \code{randomStart=0} or
#' random partitioning if \code{randomStart>0}). Filtered observations will be
#' labelled as \code{NA}. Unassigned observations (which may occur since only
#' 1500 observations at maximum are taken for hierarchical clustering) will be
#' labelled as 0.} \item{uncertainty}{A vector of size \eqn{N}, containing the
#' uncertainty about the cluster assignment. Uncertainty is defined as 1 minus
#' the posterior probability that a data point belongs to the cluster to which
#' it is assigned.} \item{ruleOutliers}{A numeric vector of size 3, storing the
#' rule used to call outliers. The first element is 0 if the criterion is set
#' by the \code{level} argument, or 1 if it is set by \code{u.cutoff}. The
#' second element copies the content of either the \code{level} or
#' \code{u.cutoff} argument. The third element copies the content of the
#' \code{z.cutoff} argument. For instance, if points are called outliers when
#' they lie outside the 90\% quantile region or have assignment probabilities
#' less than 0.5, then \code{ruleOutliers} is \code{c(0, 0.9, 0.5)}. If points
#' are called outliers only if their \dQuote{weights} in the assigned clusters
#' are less than 0.5 regardless of the assignment probabilities, then
#' \code{ruleOutliers} becomes \code{c(1, 0.5, 0)}.} \item{flagOutliers}{A
#' logical vector of size \eqn{N}, showing whether each data point is called an
#' outlier or not based on the rule defined by \code{level}/\code{u.cutoff} and
#' \code{z.cutoff}.} \item{rm.min}{Number of points filtered from below.}
#' \item{rm.max}{Number of points filtered from above.} \item{logLike}{The
#' log-likelihood of the fitted mixture model.} \item{BIC}{The Bayesian
#' Information Criterion for the fitted mixture model.} \item{ICL}{The
#' Integrated Completed Likelihood for the fitted mixture model.} If \code{K}
#' has a length >1, the function returns an object of class
#' \code{flowClustList}. Its data part is a list with the same length as
#' \code{K}, each element of which is a \code{flowClust} object corresponding
#' to a specific number of clusters. In addition, the resultant
#' \code{flowClustList} object contains the following slots:\cr
#' \code{index} An integer giving the index of the list element corresponding
#' to the best model as selected by \code{criterion}.\cr \code{criterion} The
#' criterion used to choose the best model -- either \code{"BIC"} or
#' \code{"ICL"}.\cr
#' Note that when a \code{flowClustList} object is used in place of a
#' \code{flowClust} object, in most cases the list element corresponding to the
#' best model will be extracted and passed to the method/function call.
#' @author Raphael Gottardo <\email{}>, Kenneth Lo
#' <\email{}>
#' @seealso \code{\link[=summary.flowClust]{summary}},
#' \code{\link[=plot,flowClust-method]{plot}},
#' \code{\link[=density.flowClust]{density}},
#' \code{\link[=hist.flowClust]{hist}}, \code{\link{Subset}},
#' \code{\link{split}}, \code{\link{ruleOutliers}}, \code{\link{Map}},
#' \code{\link{SimulateMixture}}
#' @references Lo, K., Brinkman, R. R. and Gottardo, R. (2008) Automated Gating
#' of Flow Cytometry Data via Robust Model-based Clustering. \emph{Cytometry A}
#' \bold{73}, 321-332.
#' @keywords cluster models
#' @examples
#' library(flowCore)
#' data(rituximab)
#' ### cluster the data using FSC.H and SSC.H
#' res1 <- flowClust(rituximab, varNames=c("FSC.H", "SSC.H"), K=1)
#' ### remove outliers before proceeding to the second stage
#' # %in% operator returns a logical vector indicating whether each
#' # of the observations lies within the cluster boundary or not
#' rituximab2 <- rituximab[rituximab %in% res1,]
#' # a shorthand for the above line
#' rituximab2 <- rituximab[res1,]
#' # this can also be done using the Subset method
#' rituximab2 <- Subset(rituximab, res1)
#' ### cluster the data using FL1.H and FL3.H (with 3 clusters)
#' res2 <- flowClust(rituximab2, varNames=c("FL1.H", "FL3.H"), K=3)
#' show(res2)
#' summary(res2)
#' # to demonstrate the use of the split method
#' split(rituximab2, res2)
#' split(rituximab2, res2, population=list(sc1=c(1,2), sc2=3))
#' # to show the cluster assignment of observations
#' table(Map(res2))
#' # to show the cluster centres (i.e., the mean parameter estimates
#' # transformed back to the original scale)
#' getEstimates(res2)$locations
#' ### demonstrate the use of various plotting methods
#' # a scatterplot
#' plot(res2, data=rituximab2, level=0.8)
#' plot(res2, data=rituximab2, level=0.8, include=c(1,2), grayscale=TRUE,
#' pch.outliers=2)
#' # a contour / image plot
#' res2.den <- density(res2, data=rituximab2)
#' plot(res2.den)
#' plot(res2.den, scale="sqrt", drawlabels=FALSE)
#' plot(res2.den, type="image", nlevels=100)
#' plot(density(res2, include=c(1,2), from=c(0,0), to=c(400,600)))
#' # a histogram (1-D density) plot
#' hist(res2, data=rituximab2, subset="FL1.H")
#' ### to demonstrate the use of the ruleOutliers method
#' summary(res2)
#' # change the rule to call outliers
#' ruleOutliers(res2) <- list(level=0.95)
#' # augmented cluster boundaries lead to fewer outliers
#' summary(res2)
#' # the following line illustrates how to select a subset of data
#' # to perform cluster analysis through the min and max arguments;
#' # also note the use of level to specify a rule to call outliers
#' # other than the default
#' flowClust(rituximab2, varNames=c("FL1.H", "FL3.H"), K=3, B=100,
#' min=c(0,0), max=c(400,800), level=0.95, z.cutoff=0.5)
#' @rdname flowClust
#' @import methods graph flowCore
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @useDynLib flowClust
#' @export
flowClust<-function(x, expName="Flow Experiment", varNames=NULL, K
, nu=4, lambda=1,trans=1, min.count=10, max.count=10, min=NULL, max=NULL
, randomStart=0, prior=NULL,usePrior="no", criterion="BIC", ...)
if (is(x, "flowFrame")) {
if (length(varNames)==0) {
y <- exprs(x)
varNames <- colnames(y)
else {
y <- as.matrix(exprs(x)[, varNames,drop=FALSE])
else if (is(x, "matrix")) {
if (length(varNames)==0) {
y <- x
if (length(colnames(x))==0)
varNames <- "Not Available"
else varNames <- colnames(x)
else {
y <- as.matrix(x[, varNames,drop=FALSE])
else if (is(x, "data.frame")) {
if (length(varNames)==0) {
y <- as.matrix(x)
varNames <- colnames(x)
else {
y <- as.matrix(x[, varNames,drop=FALSE])
else if (is(x, "vector")) {
y <- matrix(x)
if (length(varNames)==0)
varNames <- "Not Available"
else {
stop(paste("Object ", as.character(x), " is not of class flowFrame / matrix / data frame!"))
# finding filtered observations
rm.max <- rm.min <- rep(FALSE, nrow(y))
if (max.count > -1) {
if (is.null(max)[1])
max <- apply(y, 2, max)
for (k in 1:ncol(y)) if (sum(y[,k]>=max[k]) >= max.count)
rm.max <- rm.max | (y[,k] >= max[k])
if (min.count > -1) {
if (is.null(min)[1])
min <- apply(y, 2, min)
for (k in 1:ncol(y)) if (sum(y[,k]<=min[k]) >= min.count)
rm.min <- rm.min | (y[,k] <= min[k])
if(min.count <= -1 && max.count <= -1)
include <- NULL
include <- !rm.max & !rm.min
stop("You must specify a prior with usePrior=\"yes\"");
if (length(K)>1)
stop("You can only use a prior if the number of cluster is fixed!")
message("randomStart>0 has no effect when using a prior. Labels are initialized from the prior.");
stop("You are using a prior with cluster specific transformations.\n This is not recommended.")
stop("If usePrior='yes', nu or nu0 may not be Inf");
warning("Use of a prior with transformation estimation and lambda!=1 requires the prior means to be on the transformed scale.")
# TODO Add tests for validity of w0. Set a default. Same for oorder.
#Check that the prior dimensions match the model being fit.
if(any(is.null(prior$w0)))stop("w0 prior should be defined")
stop("Prior dimensions must match the number of clusters and the number of dimensions being analyzed.")
#Extend nu0 to be a vector of length k. We allow cluster specific weight for covariance matrices.
#Extend w0 to be a vector of length k.
if (usePrior=="no")
message("The prior specification has no effect when usePrior=",usePrior);
mc.cores <- getOption("mc.cores", 2L)
if(mc.cores < 2||length(K) == 1)
message("Using the serial version of flowClust")
# C version
result<-lapply(as.list(1:length(K)),.flowClustK, y, expName=expName, varNames=varNames, K=K, criterion=criterion
, nu=nu, lambda=lambda, trans=trans, min.count=min.count, max.count=max.count, min=min, max=max
, randomStart=randomStart, include=include, rm.max, rm.min, prior,usePrior
, ...)
# Split into nClust segReadsList
# We solely rely on getOption("mc.cores",2L) to determine parallel cores.
# and don't want to pass mc.cores explicitly because on windows, mclapply does not take mc.cores>1
result<-mclapply(as.list(1:length(K)),.flowClustK, y, expName=expName, varNames=varNames, K=K, criterion=criterion
, nu=nu, lambda=lambda, trans=trans, min.count=min.count, max.count=max.count, min=min, max=max
, randomStart=randomStart, include=include, rm.max, rm.min, prior,usePrior, mc.preschedule=FALSE
, ...)
# Simply return a flowClust object
if (length(K)==1)
# Create a list flowClustList
result <- new("flowClustList", result, criterion=criterion)
result@index <- which.max(criterion(result, criterion))
.flowClustK<-function(i, y, expName="Flow Experiment", varNames=NULL, K
, nu, lambda, trans, min.count, max.count, min, max, randomStart, include, rm.max,rm.min, prior,usePrior, criterion # default values set in flowClust API
, nu.est=0, B=500, tol=1e-5, level=0.9, u.cutoff=NULL, z.cutoff=0, B.init=B, tol.init=1e-2, seed=1, control=NULL
, nstart = 100 # passed to kmeans, only has effect on more than 1d clustering
.model<-1; #Tells the C code whether to run ECM with non-conjugate priors, or classic flowClust.'
y <- as.matrix(y[include,,drop=FALSE])
ly <- nrow(y)
py <- ncol(y)
if (min(y)<=0 && lambda<=0)
stop("lambda must be positive when data contain zero / negative values!")
else if(usePrior=="yes")
#If we have a prior lambda.. use it to override the specified lambda.
for(j in 1:K[i]){
Omega0[,,j] <- tryCatch(qr.solve(Omega0[,,j]), error = function(e)solve(Omega0[,,j]))
#cat("initprec dim: ",dim(initprec),"\n")
#cat("Lambda0 dim:",dim(Lambda0),"\n");
for(j in 1:dim(Lambda0)[3]){
#cat("Lambda0 value:",(Lambda0[,,j]),"\n")
#cat("initprec value:",initprec[,,j],"\n")
cholStatus <- try(u <- chol(Lambda0[,,j]),silent=TRUE);
cholError <- inherits(cholStatus,"try-error")
newMat <- Lambda0[,,j]
#cat("initprec class:",class(initprec[,,]))
#cat("solve initprec value:",initprec[,,j],"\n")
##Should do something here to catch the error.
iter <- iter + 1
cat("iteration ", iter, "\n")
# replace -ve eigen values with small +ve number
newEig <- eigen(newMat)
newEig2 <- ifelse(newEig$values < 0, 0.1, newEig$values)
# create modified matrix eqn 5 from Brissette et al 2007, inv = transp for
# eig vectors
newMat <- newEig$vectors %*% diag(newEig2) %*% t(newEig$vectors)
# normalize modified matrix eqn 6 from Brissette et al 2007
newMat <- newMat/sqrt(diag(newMat) %*% t(diag(newMat)))
# try chol again
cholStatus <- try(u <- chol(newMat), silent = TRUE)
cholError <- ifelse(class(cholStatus) == "try-error", TRUE, FALSE)
initprec[,,j] <- qr.solve(Lambda0[,,j])
Lambda0[,,j] <- qr.solve(initprec[,,j])
initprec[,,j] <- chol2inv(u)
Lambda0[,,j] <- chol2inv(chol(initprec[,,j]))
# Non informative prior
nu0<- rep(-py-1,K[i]);
#Don't need Omega0, we'll use the conjugate prior code.
#Lambda0, the prior covariance
# to determine the rule of calling outliers
if (nu != Inf) {
if (is.null(u.cutoff)) {
if (!nu.est) {
cc <- py * qf(level, py, nu)
u.cutoff <- (nu + py) / (nu + cc)
else {
u.cutoff <- level # pass level to .C call to compute u.cutoff
ruleOutliers <- c(0, level, z.cutoff) # 0 means quantile
else {
ruleOutliers <- c(1, u.cutoff, z.cutoff) # 1 means cutoff
else {
if (level != 1)
q.cutoff <- qchisq(level, py)
q.cutoff <- -1 # -1 means no outlier identification
ruleOutliers <- c(0, level, z.cutoff)
if (is.null(control$B.lambda)) control$B.lambda <- B # BSolve=100
if (is.null(control$B.brent)) control$B.brent <- 10000 # iterSolveMax=50
if (is.null(control$tol.brent)) control$tol.brent <- 1e-5 # DiffSolve=1e-3
if (is.null(control$xLow)) control$xLow <- 0.1 # xLow=.1
if (is.null(control$xUp)) control$xUp <- 10 # xUp=1
if (is.null(control$nuLow)) control$nuLow <- 2 # nuLow=2
if (is.null(control$nuUp)) control$nuUp <- 100 # nuUp=30
if (is.null(control$seed)) control$seed <- TRUE
ind <- 0
if (K[i]==1)
label <- rep(1, ly)
else if (!randomStart) #kmeans initialization
if (py==1)
q <- quantile(y, seq(from=0, to=1, by=1/K[i]))
label <- rep(0, ly)
q[1] <- q[1]-1
for (k in 1:K[i]) label[y>q[k] & y<=q[k+1]] <- k
{ # Initialization based on short EMs with random partitions if randomStart=TRUE
if (control$seed) set.seed(seed)
if (randomStart==1)
label <- sample(1:K[i], ly, replace=T)
else if(randomStart==0)
label <- sample(1:K[i], ly, replace=T)
maxLabel <- vector("list",randomStart)
maxLogLike <- rep(NA,randomStart)
for (j in 1:randomStart)
label <- sample(1:K[i], ly, replace=TRUE)
if (nu != Inf)
#ordering of the priors.. used to reorder the population names;
obj <- try(.C("flowClust", as.double(t(y)), as.integer(ly),
as.integer(py), as.integer(K[i]),
w=rep(0,K[i]), mu=rep(0,K[i]*py),
lambda=as.double(rep(lambda, length.out=(if (trans>1) K[i] else 1))),
z=rep(0,ly*K[i]), u=rep(0,ly*K[i]),
as.integer(label), uncertainty=double(ly),
as.double(rep(u.cutoff,K[i])), as.double(z.cutoff),
flagOutliers=integer(ly), as.integer(B.init),
as.double(tol.init), as.integer(trans),
as.integer(nu.est), logLike=as.double(0),
as.integer(control$B.lambda), as.integer(control$B.brent),
as.double(control$tol.brent), as.double(control$xLow),
as.double(control$xUp), as.double(control$nuLow),
if (class(obj)=="try-error")
message("flowClust failed")
obj <- try(.C("flowClustGaussian", as.double(t(y)), as.integer(ly),
as.integer(py), as.integer(K[i]),
w=rep(0,K[i]), mu=rep(0,K[i]*py),
lambda=as.double(rep(lambda, length.out=(if (trans>1) K[i] else 1))),
z=rep(0, ly*K[i]), u=rep(0,ly*K[i]),
as.integer(label), uncertainty=double(ly),
as.double(q.cutoff), as.double(z.cutoff),
flagOutliers=integer(ly), as.integer(B.init),
as.double(tol.init), as.integer(trans),
as.integer(control$B.lambda), as.integer(control$B.brent),
as.double(control$tol.brent), as.double(control$xLow),
if (class(obj)!="try-error")
maxLabel[[j]] <- label
maxLogLike[j] <- obj$logLike
ind <- order(maxLogLike, decreasing=T, na.last=NA)
#FIXME priors with transformation is currently borked
#Assuming Mu0 is on transformed scale
# We use the prior densities to initialize the cluster labels to the
# mixture component (cluster) that maximizes the prior probability.
prob <- sapply(seq_len(K), function(k) {
with(prior, w0[k] * dmvt(x = ytmp, mu = Mu0[k, ], sigma = Lambda0[k,,],
nu = nu0[k], lambda = lambda)$value)
label <- apply(prob, 1, which.max)
# long EMs
for (M in ind)
if (nu != Inf)
obj <- try(.C("flowClust", as.double(t(y)), as.integer(ly),
as.integer(py), as.integer(K[i]),
w=rep(0,K[i]), mu=rep(0,K[i]*py),
lambda=as.double(rep(lambda, length.out=(if (trans>1) K[i] else 1))),
z=rep(0,ly*K[i]), u=rep(0,ly*K[i]),
as.integer(if (M==0) label else maxLabel[[M]]), uncertainty=double(ly),
as.double(rep(u.cutoff,K[i])), as.double(z.cutoff),
flagOutliers=integer(ly), as.integer(B),
as.double(tol), as.integer(trans),
as.integer(nu.est), logLike=as.double(0),
as.integer(control$B.lambda), as.integer(control$B.brent),
as.double(control$tol.brent), as.double(control$xLow),
as.double(control$xUp), as.double(control$nuLow),
if (class(obj)=="try-error"){
message("flowClust failed")
obj <- try(.C("flowClustGaussian", as.double(t(y)), as.integer(ly),
as.integer(py), as.integer(K[i]),
w=rep(0,K[i]), mu=rep(0,K[i]*py),
lambda=as.double(rep(lambda, length.out=(if (trans>1) K[i] else 1))),
z=rep(0,ly*K[i]), u=rep(0,ly*K[i]),
as.integer(if (M==0) label else maxLabel[[M]]), uncertainty=double(ly),
as.double(q.cutoff), as.double(z.cutoff),
flagOutliers=integer(ly), as.integer(B),
as.double(tol), as.integer(trans),
as.integer(control$B.lambda), as.integer(control$B.brent),
as.double(control$tol.brent), as.double(control$xLow),
if (class(obj)!="try-error"){
obj$nu <- Inf
if (class(obj)!="try-error")
if (class(obj)=="try-error")
# output obj$precision to sigma
sigma <- array(0, c(K[i], py, py))
precision <- matrix(obj$precision, K[i], py * py, byrow=TRUE)
for (k in 1:K[i])
sigma[k,,] <- matrix(precision[k,], py, py, byrow = TRUE)
# output BIC & ICL
BIC <- 2*obj$logLike - log(ly) * (K[i]*(py+1)*py/2 + K[i]*py + K[i]-1 + (if (trans>1) K[i] else trans) + (if (nu.est>1) K[i] else abs(nu.est)))
z <- matrix(obj$z, ly, K[i], byrow = TRUE)
ICL <- BIC + 2 * sum(z*log(z), na.rm = TRUE)
# output z, u, label, uncertainty, flagOutliers
z <- u <- matrix(NA, ly, K[i])
z <- matrix(obj$z, ly, K[i], byrow=TRUE)
u <- matrix(obj$u, ly, K[i], byrow=TRUE)
tempLabel <- if (M==0) label else maxLabel[[M]]
label <- uncertainty <- flagOutliers <- rep(NA, ly)
label <- tempLabel
uncertainty <- obj$uncertainty
flagOutliers <- as.logical(obj$flagOutliers)
# output z, u, label, uncertainty, flagOutliers
z <- u <- matrix(NA, length(include), K[i])
z[include,] <- matrix(obj$z, ly, K[i], byrow=TRUE)
u[include,] <- matrix(obj$u, ly, K[i], byrow=TRUE)
tempLabel <- if (M==0) label else maxLabel[[M]]
label <- uncertainty <- flagOutliers <- rep(NA, length(include))
label[include] <- tempLabel
uncertainty[include] <- obj$uncertainty
flagOutliers[include] <- as.logical(obj$flagOutliers)
# output reordered prior
#result<- new("flowClust", expName=expName, varNames=varNames, K=K[i],
# w=obj$w, mu=matrix(obj$mu, K[i], py, byrow=TRUE), sigma=sigma,
# lambda=(if (trans>0) obj$lambda else numeric(0)), nu=(if (nu.est>1) obj$nu else obj$nu[1]), z=z,
# u=u, label=label, uncertainty=uncertainty,
# ruleOutliers=ruleOutliers, flagOutliers=flagOutliers, rm.min=sum(rm.min),
# rm.max=sum(rm.max), logLike=obj$logLike, BIC=BIC, ICL=ICL);
#do nothing in particular if trans>1
#Not sure if the above does the right thing when trans=1, and the returned lambda=1, and usePrior="no"
result<- new("flowClust", expName=expName, varNames=varNames, K=K[i],
w=obj$w, mu=matrix(obj$mu, K[i], py, byrow=TRUE), sigma=sigma,
lambda= obj$lambda, nu=(if (nu.est>1) obj$nu else obj$nu[1]), z=z,
u=u, label=label, uncertainty=uncertainty,
ruleOutliers=ruleOutliers, flagOutliers=flagOutliers, rm.min=sum(rm.min),
rm.max=sum(rm.max), logLike=obj$logLike, BIC=BIC, ICL=ICL,prior=prior);
# if(!any("yes"&ruleOutliers[1]==0){
# label<-.fcbMap(result,ruleOutliers[2])
# result@flagOutliers<-label==0
# label[result@flagOutliers]<-NA;
# result@label<-label;
# }
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