##' @title fcScan
##' @export getCluster
getCluster <- function(x, w, c, overlap = 0, greedy = FALSE, seqnames = NULL,
s = "*" , order = NULL, site_orientation = NULL,
site_overlap = 0, verbose = FALSE) {
sitesToExclude <- NULL
final = NULL
start.time = Sys.time()
##check arguments
if (missing(x)) {
stop("A data frame, Granges object or input files are needed")
## Checking input format
if (is(x, "data.frame") || is(x, "GRanges")) {
## print("data.frame input")
if(is.null(names(c))) {
stop("When input is a data frame or GRanges object, site names
in condition must be explicitly defined")
x = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(x, keep.extra.columns = TRUE, = TRUE)
else if(is(x, "GRanges")){
else {
## print("File(s) input")
if (length(c) != length(x))
stop("Condition and files should be of same length")
stop("You either give names to all conditions or leave them empty")
##assigning names to condition if null
if (is.null(names(c))) {
names(c) = seq(from = 1,to = length(c),by = 1)
x = load_data(all_files = x, c = c)
x <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(x, keep.extra.columns = TRUE, = TRUE)
stop("Names of conditions must be unique")
if(length(which(c<0))!=0 | !(is.numeric(c))){
stop("Only positive integers are allowed")
## overlap will accept integers only
if(!(overlap%%1 == 0)){
stop("Only integers are allowed for overlap")
indexToExclude <- which(c == 0)
## Getting conditions to exclude (i.e with 0 values)
if(length(indexToExclude) != 0){
sitesToExclude <- names(indexToExclude)
## Test if window is a positive integer
if (w < 0 | w%%1!=0)
stop("Window size should be a positive integer")
if (!(s %in% c("+", "-", "*")))
stop('Strand needs to be a valid option. Accepted options are "+", "-"
and "*"')
##if not greedy and order is given
if(is.null(order) == FALSE){
##checking for consistency of name in order and condition
if(!(all(order %in% names(c))))
stop("site names between order and condition do not match")
##check if number of sites is equal betweeb condition and order
if(greedy == FALSE){
count_elements <- c(count(order)$freq)
names(count_elements) <- count(order)$x
if(!(all(sort(count_elements) == sort(c)))){
stop("Greedy is set to FALSE and order is larger than condition")
#site orientation works only if order is provided
if(!(is.null(site_orientation)) & is.null(order)){
stop("site_orientation cannot be used unless order is specified")
#site orientation should be positive or negative
if(!(all(site_orientation %in% c("+","-")))){
stop('Site orientation should be "+" or "-"')
#site orientation input length should have same order length
if(length(order) != length(site_orientation) &
stop("When specified, sites orientation must be defined to
all sites following 'order' option")
##site_overlap should be either positive, negative or zero
if(!(is.numeric(site_overlap) || site_overlap == 0)){
stop("Only integers are allowed for distance between sites")
##check verbose input argument
if( !(verbose %in% c("TRUE", "FALSE"))) {
stop("Verbose should be TRUE or FALSE")
## n contains the total number of sites desired
n = sum(c)
##getting sites found on the required seqnamesom
### change 2: subsetting from GRanges according to seqnames ###
if (length(seqnames) > 0) {
x = x[seqnames(x) %in% seqnames]
##getting sites found on the required strand
### change 3: subsetting from GRanges according to strand ###
if (s != "*") {
x <- x[strand(x) == s]
##check if the sites given in condition c are found in the data'
if( !all(names(c) %in% x$site)) {
message("Sites in condition do not match sites in data")
cat (length(x), " entries loaded", "\n")
##need to subset to keep only the sites required by the user,
##if the user wants sites "a","b" and input has "a", "b" and "c",
##we subset to get sites "a", "b"
x = subset(x, x$site %in% names(c))
unique_seqnames = unique((seqnames(x)))
## creating an array to fill results
res = array(data = NA, dim = c(length(x), ncol = 7))
colnames(res) = c("seqnames", "start", "end", "site", "strand",
"isCluster", "status")
## looping over chromosomes and call cluster_sites
for(seq in seq_along(unique_seqnames)){
gr = subset(x, seqnames == unique_seqnames[seq])
gr = sort(gr, ignore.strand = TRUE)
if (length(gr) >= n) {
result = cluster_sites(gr, w, c, overlap, n,
res, s, greedy, order, sitesToExclude,
site_orientation, site_overlap)
final = rbind(final, result)
if(length(final) !=0 ){
final <- GRanges(
seqnames = as.character(final[,1]),
ranges = IRanges(as.numeric(final[,2]), as.numeric(final[,3])),
sites = as.character(final[,4]),
strand = as.character(final[,5]),
isCluster = as.logical(final[,6]),
status = as.character(final[,7]))
names(final) <- NULL
message("No cluster found")
##if verbose is FALSE, get only clusters with "PASS"
if(verbose == FALSE) {
final = subset(final, final$status == "PASS")
##if TRUE, get everything
if(verbose == TRUE) {
end.time = Sys.time()
print(end.time - start.time)
load_data <- function(all_files, c) {
df = NULL
for(i in seq_along(all_files)){
if(grepl("\\.bed$", all_files[i])){
b = import(all_files[i])
else if(grepl("\\.vcf$|\\.vcf.gz$", all_files[i])){
b = rowRanges(readVcf(all_files[i]))
stop("only .bed, .vcf and .vcf.gz extensions are accepted")
b$site = names(c[i])
df = rbind(df,[, c("seqnames", "start", "end",
"strand", "site")])
df$strand[df$strand == "*"] <- "+"
## n contains the total number of sites desired
## s contains strand
## res is array for temporary results
cluster_sites <- function(gr, w, c, overlap, n, res, s, greedy, order,
sitesToExclude, site_orientation, site_overlap){
start_site <- start(gr)
end_site <- end(gr)
end_check <- 0
site <- gr$site
exclusion_ls <- sitesToExclude
strand <- as.vector(strand(gr))
site_orientation_input <- site_orientation
site_overlap_input <- site_overlap
isCluster <- FALSE
#upper_boundary controls looping limit
if (greedy == FALSE) {
# number of sites to be searched must be respected
# and looping should be made to fit the number of sites in condition
# because cluster should have max size of 'n' sites
upper_boundary = length(gr) - n + 1
} else {
#greedy = TRUE, no limit on number of sites in the cluster
upper_boundary = length(gr)
for (i in seq_len(upper_boundary)) {
## check for overlap. basically, the first new
## site should satisfy the overlap condition
if (greedy == TRUE) {
if (end_site[i] > start_site[i] + w) {
if (isCluster) {
if ((start_site[i] - end) < overlap) {
} else {
isCluster = FALSE
if (greedy == TRUE) {
end = end(gr)[end(gr) <= start_site[i] + w]
end = end[length(end)]
if(end_check == 0){
end_check = end
iEnd = which(end(gr) == end)[1]
# Cluster of sites to be checked (ls),
# their orientation (so),
# their start and end coordinates (sc and ec respectively)
ls <- site[i:iEnd]
so <- strand[i:iEnd]
sc <- start_site[i:iEnd]
ec <- end_site[i:iEnd]
else if(end_check == end & is.null(exclusion_ls)){
else {
end_check = end
iEnd = which(end(gr) == end)[1]
ls <- site[i:iEnd]
so <- strand[i:iEnd]
sc <- start_site[i:iEnd]
ec <- end_site[i:iEnd]
else {
end = max((end_site[i:(i + n - 1)]))
## putative cluster is bigger than window
if (greedy == FALSE) {
if ((end - start_site[i]) > w) {
} else {
ls <- site[i:(i + n - 1)]
so <- strand[i:(i + n - 1)]
sc <- start_site[i:(i + n -1)]
ec <- end_site[i:(i + n -1)]
## checking if required sites are present
ans <- testCombn(ls, c, order, exclusion_ls,so,site_orientation_input,
sc, ec, site_overlap_input)
isCluster = ans$logical
status = ans$status
## if we get combnFail, skip
if(status == "combnFail"){
res[i, "seqnames"] <- as.character(seqnames(gr)[i])
res[i, "start"] <- start_site[i]
res[i, "end"] <- max(ec)
res[i, "strand"] <- s
res[i, "status"] <- ans$status
if (greedy == TRUE) {
res[i, "site"] <- paste(site[i:iEnd], collapse = ",")
} else{
res[i, "site"] <- paste(site[i:(i + n - 1)], collapse = ",")
res[i, "isCluster"] <- isCluster
res <- res[complete.cases(res), ]
#Case with one entry, Converting vector to matrix prior to return
if (is(res, "character")){
res.names <- names(res)
res = matrix(res, 1, length(res))
colnames(res) <- res.names
testCombn <- function(ls, c, order, sitesToExclude, so, s_orientation,
start_site, end_site, s_overlap) {
ans <- list()
temp <- NULL
site_orientation_check <- FALSE
site_overlap_check <- FALSE
#check for minimum number of sites if satisfying condition
for (key in names(c)) {
if (sum((ls == key)) < c[key]) {
ans$logical = FALSE
ans$status = "combnFail"
if(is.null(order)){ ## order doesn't matter
ans$logical = TRUE
ans$status = "PASS"
}else{ # check for order validity
if(grepl(paste(order,collapse=";"),paste(ls,collapse=";")) == TRUE
& is.null(s_orientation))
ans$logical = TRUE
ans$status = "PASS"
# check for sites orientation validity
else if(grepl(paste(order,collapse=";"),paste(ls,collapse=";")) == TRUE
& !(is.null(s_orientation))){
for(i in seq_along(ls)){#use of seq_along as advised by BiocCheck
temp <- as.vector(na.omit(ls[i:(i+length(order)-1)]))
if((length(temp) == length(order)) && (all(temp == order)) &&
== s_orientation))))){
site_orientation_check <- TRUE
ans$logical = TRUE
ans$status = "PASS"
ans$logical = FALSE
ans$status = "siteOrientation"
ans$logical = FALSE
ans$status = "orderFail"
# check for excluded sites - zero sites in condition
for (exc_site in sitesToExclude){
if(length(grep(exc_site, ls, value = TRUE))>0){
ans$logical = FALSE
ans$status = "excludedSites"
# check for distance between sites within cluster
if(s_overlap != 0){
if(s_overlap > 0){
#if s_overlap is positive,
#it means sites should have min distance and above
for(i in seq_len(length(start_site)-1)){
if((cbind(start_site, end_site)[(i+1),1]) -
(cbind(start_site, end_site)[(i),2]) < s_overlap){
site_overlap_check <- TRUE
#if s_overlap is negative,
#it means sites should have max distance and below
else if(s_overlap < 0){
for(i in seq_len(length(start_site)-1)){
if((cbind(start_site, end_site)[(i+1),1]) -
(cbind(start_site, end_site)[(i),2]) > abs(s_overlap)){
site_overlap_check <- TRUE
if(ans$status == "PASS"){
ans$status = "siteOverlap"
ans$logical = FALSE
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