# Plot method by Venkatraman E. Seshan, Adam Olshen (DNAcopy, v1.29)
# modified for fastseg input.
#' Plots the data from a copy number array experiment (aCGH, ROMA etc.)
#' along with the results of segmenting it into regions of equal copy
#' numbers.
#' @param x The object that was segmented by fastseg.
#' @param res The result of fastseg.
#' @param plot.type the type of plot. (Default = "s").
#' @param altcol logical flag to indicate if chromosomes should be
#' plotted in alternating colors in the whole genome plot. (Default = TRUE).
#' @param sbyc.layout \code{layout} settings for the multifigure grid layout
#' for the `samplebychrom' type. It should be specified as a vector of
#' two integers which are the number of rows and columns. The default
#' values are chosen based on the number of chromosomes to produce a
#' near square graph. For normal genome it is 4x6 (24 chromosomes)
#' plotted by rows. (Default = NULL).
#' @param cbys.layout \code{layout} settings for the multifigure grid layout
#' for the `chrombysample' type. As above it should be specified as
#' number of rows and columns and the default chosen based on the
#' number of samples. (Default = NULL).
#' @param cbys.nchrom the number of chromosomes per page in the layout.
#'(Default = 1).
#' @param include.means logical flag to indicate whether segment means
#' are to be drawn. (Default = TRUE).
#' @param zeroline logical flag to indicate whether a horizontal line at
#' y=0 is to be drawn. (Default = TRUE).
#' @param pt.pch the plotting character used for plotting the log-ratio
#' values. (Default = ".")
#' @param pt.cex the size of plotting character used for the log-ratio
#' values (Default = 3).
#' @param pt.cols the color list for the points. The colors alternate
#' between chromosomes. (Default = c("green","black").
#' @param segcol the color of the lines indicating the segment means.
#' (Default = "red").
#' @param zlcol the color of the zeroline. (Default = "grey").
#' @param ylim this argument is present to override the default limits
#' which is the range of symmetrized log-ratios. (Default = NULL).
#' @param lwd line weight of lines for segment mean and zeroline. (Default = 3).
#' @param ... other arguments which will be passed to \code{plot}
#' commands.
#' @examples
#' data(coriell)
#' head(coriell)
#' samplenames <- colnames(coriell)[4:5]
#' data <- as.matrix(coriell[4:5])
#' chrom <- coriell$Chromosome
#' maploc <- coriell$Position
#' library("GenomicRanges")
#' gr <- GRanges(seqnames=chrom,
#' ranges=IRanges(maploc, end=maploc))
#' mcols(gr) <- data
#' colnames(mcols(gr)) <- samplenames
#' res <- fastseg(gr)
#' segPlot(gr,res)
#' @return A plot of the values and segments.
#' @author klambaue
#' @export
segPlot <- function(x,res,
cbys.nchrom=1, cbys.layout=NULL, include.means=TRUE, zeroline=TRUE,
pt.pch = NULL, pt.cex=NULL, pt.cols = NULL, segcol=NULL,
zlcol =NULL, ylim=NULL,lwd=NULL,...){
if (is.vector(x)){
xdat <- as.matrix(x,ncol=1)
nsample <- 1
chrom <- as.character(seqnames(res))
if (length(unique(chrom))!=1){
stop("Data points and result indicate different number of chromosomes.")
chrom <- rep(unique(chrom),length(x))
maploc <- 1:length(x)
} else if (is.matrix(x)){
if (is.null(colnames(x))){
colnames(x) <- paste("Sample",1:ncol(x),sep="_")
xdat <- x
nsample <- ncol(x)
chrom <- as.character(seqnames(res))
if (length(unique(chrom))!=1){
stop("Data points and result indicate different number of chromosomes.")
chrom <- rep(unique(chrom),nrow(x))
maploc <- 1:nrow(x)
} else if (inherits(x, "GRanges")){
xdat <-"cbind",values(x)@listData)
nsample <- ncol(values(x))
chrom <- as.character(seqnames(x))
#chrom <- rep(unique(chrom),length(x))
maploc <- ( start(ranges(x)) + end(ranges(x)) )/2
stop("x must be of type GRanges, vector or matrix!")
if(missing(ylim)) {
uylim <- max(abs(xdat[which(is.finite(xdat))]), na.rm=TRUE)
ylim <- c(-uylim, uylim)
xres <- data.frame("ID" = values(res)$ID,
"num.mark" = (-values(res)$startRow+values(res)$endRow)+1,
"chrom" = as.character(seqnames(res)),
"seg.mean" = values(res)$seg.mean,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
xres <- xres[order(values(res)$ID,as.character(seqnames(res)),
values(res)$startRow), ]
if(dev.cur() <= 1) <- dev.interactive()
#plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type)
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
parask <- par("ask")
if ( & !parask & nsample>1) par(ask = TRUE)
sampleid <- colnames(xdat)
if (is.null(sampleid)){sampleid <- paste("sample",1:nsample,sep="")}
chrom0 <- chrom
uchrom <- unique(chrom0)
nchrom <- length(uchrom)
if (xmaploc) {
maploc0 <- as.numeric(maploc)
if(length(uchrom)>1 & max(maploc0[chrom0==uchrom[1]]) > min(maploc0[chrom0==uchrom[2]])) {
plen <- max(maploc0[chrom0==uchrom[1]])
for(i in 2:nchrom) {
maploc0[chrom0==uchrom[i]] <- plen + maploc0[chrom0==uchrom[i]]
plen <- max(maploc0[chrom0==uchrom[i]])
if (missing(pt.pch)) pt.pch <- "."
if (missing(pt.cex)) {
if (pt.pch==".") { pt.cex <- 3}
else {pt.cex <- 1}
wcol0 <- rep(1, length(chrom0))
if (altcol) {
j <- 0
for (i in uchrom) {
j <- (j+1) %% 2
wcol0[chrom0==i] <- 1+j
if (missing(pt.cols)) pt.cols <- c("black","green")
if (missing(segcol)) segcol <- "red"
if (missing(zlcol)) zlcol <- "grey"
if (missing(lwd)) lwd <- 3
if (plot.type == "chrombysample" | plot.type == "c" ) {
#cat("Setting multi-figure configuration\n")
par(mar = c(0, 4, 0, 2), oma = c(4, 0, 4, 0), mgp = c(2, 0.7, 0))
if (missing(cbys.layout)) {
nrow <- ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(nsample))
if (nrow*ncol - nsample > 0) {
nrow <- nrow - 1
ncol <- ncol + 1
if (nrow*ncol - nsample >= nrow) ncol <- ncol - 1
cbys.layout <- c(nrow, ncol)
lmat0 <- lmat1 <- c(1:nsample, rep(-cbys.nchrom*nsample,
max(prod(cbys.layout) - nsample,1)))
for(i in 1:(cbys.nchrom-1)) {
lmat1 <- c(lmat1,lmat0+nsample*i)
lmat1[lmat1<0] <- 0
lmat <- matrix(lmat1[1:prod(cbys.layout)], nrow = cbys.layout[1],
ncol = cbys.nchrom*cbys.layout[2], byrow = FALSE)
#lmat <- matrix(lmat1, nrow = cbys.layout[1], ncol = cbys.layout[2], byrow = FALSE)
#cat("lmat: ",lmat,"\n")
#cat("cbys: ",cbys.layout,"\n")
if (plot.type == "samplebychrom"| plot.type == "s" ) {
#cat("Setting multi-figure configuration\n")
par(mar = c(4, 4, 4, 2), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0), mgp = c(2, 0.7, 0))
if (missing(sbyc.layout)) {
nrow <- ncol <- ceiling(sqrt(nchrom))
if (nrow*ncol - nchrom > 0) {
nrow <- nrow - 1
ncol <- ncol + 1
if (nrow*ncol - nchrom > ncol) ncol <- ncol - 1
sbyc.layout <- c(nrow, ncol)
lmat <- matrix(c(1:nchrom, rep(0,prod(sbyc.layout)-nchrom)),
nrow = sbyc.layout[1], ncol = sbyc.layout[2], byrow=TRUE)
if (plot.type == "chrombysample" | plot.type == "c") {
atchrom <- 0.5/cbys.nchrom
for (ichrom in uchrom) {
if (xmaploc) maploc1 <- maploc0[chrom0==ichrom]
for (isamp in 1:nsample) {
genomdat <- xdat[chrom0==ichrom, isamp]
ina <- which(is.finite(genomdat))
genomdat <- genomdat[ina]
if (xmaploc) maploc <- maploc1[ina]
ii <- cumsum(c(0,
xres$num.mark[xres$ID == sampleid[isamp] & xres$chrom==ichrom]))
mm <- xres$seg.mean[xres$ID == sampleid[isamp] & xres$chrom==ichrom]
kk <- length(ii)
zz <- cbind(ii[-kk] + 1, ii[-1])
if (xmaploc) {
plot(maploc, genomdat, pch = pt.pch, cex=pt.cex,
xaxt="n", ylim = ylim, ylab = sampleid[isamp])
} else {
plot(genomdat, pch = pt.pch, cex=pt.cex, xaxt="n",
ylim = ylim, ylab = sampleid[isamp])
if(zeroline) abline(h=0, col=zlcol, lwd=lwd)
if (isamp%%cbys.layout[1] == 0) {
axis(1, outer=TRUE)
if (include.means) {
for (i in 1:(kk - 1)) {
if (xmaploc) {
lines(maploc[zz[i, ]], rep(mm[i], 2), col = segcol, lwd=lwd)
} else {
lines(zz[i, ], rep(mm[i], 2), col = segcol, lwd=lwd)
mtext(paste("Chromosome",ichrom), side = 3, line = 1,
at = atchrom, outer=TRUE, font=2)
atchrom <- atchrom + 1/cbys.nchrom
atchrom <- atchrom - floor(atchrom)
} else {
for (isamp in 1:nsample)
xres <- xres[order(match(xres$chrom,uchrom)), ]
genomdat <- xdat[, isamp]
ina <- which(is.finite(genomdat))
genomdat <- genomdat[ina]
wcol <- wcol0[ina]
chrom <- chrom0[ina]
if (xmaploc) maploc <- maploc0[ina]
ii <- cumsum(c(0, xres$num.mark[xres$ID == sampleid[isamp]]))
mm <- xres$seg.mean[xres$ID == sampleid[isamp]]
kk <- length(ii)
zz <- cbind(ii[-kk] + 1, ii[-1])
if(missing(ylim)) ylim <- range(c(genomdat, -genomdat))
if (plot.type=="whole" | plot.type == "w")
{ #browser()
if (xmaploc) {
plot(maploc, genomdat, pch = pt.pch, cex=pt.cex,
col=pt.cols[wcol], main = sampleid[isamp],
ylab = "", ylim = ylim)
if(zeroline) abline(h=0, col=zlcol, lwd=lwd)
} else {
plot(genomdat, pch = pt.pch, cex=pt.cex,
col=pt.cols[wcol], main = sampleid[isamp],
ylab = "", ylim = ylim)
if(zeroline) abline(h=0, col=zlcol, lwd=lwd)
if (include.means) {
for (i in 1:(kk - 1))
if (xmaploc) {
lines(maploc[zz[i, ]], rep(mm[i], 2),
col = segcol, lwd=lwd)
} else {
lines(zz[i, ], rep(mm[i], 2), col = segcol, lwd=lwd)
if (plot.type=="samplebychrom" | plot.type == "s")
cc <- xres$chrom[xres$ID == sampleid[isamp]]
for (ichrom in uchrom)
if (xmaploc) {
plot(maploc[chrom == ichrom],
genomdat[chrom == ichrom], pch = pt.pch,
cex=pt.cex, xlab="maploc", ylab = "",
main = paste("Chromosome", ichrom), ylim = ylim)
} else {
plot(genomdat[chrom == ichrom], pch = pt.pch,
cex=pt.cex, ylab = "",
main = paste("Chromosome", ichrom), ylim = ylim)
if(zeroline) abline(h=0, col=zlcol, lwd=lwd)
if (include.means) {
jj <- which(cc==ichrom)
jj0 <- min(jj)
for (i in jj)
if (xmaploc) {
lines(maploc[zz[i, ]], rep(mm[i], 2),
col = segcol, lwd=lwd)
} else {
lines(1+zz[i, ]-zz[jj0,1], rep(mm[i], 2),
col = segcol, lwd=lwd)
mtext(sampleid[isamp], side = 3, line = 0, outer = TRUE, font=2)
if (plot.type=="plateau" | plot.type == "p")
omm <- order(mm)
ozz <- zz[omm,]
ina <- unlist(apply(ozz, 1, function(ii) ii[1]:ii[2]))
plot(genomdat[ina], pch = pt.pch, cex=pt.cex,
main = sampleid[isamp], ylab = "", ylim = ylim)
if(zeroline) abline(h=0, col=zlcol, lwd=lwd)
if (include.means) {
ii <- cumsum(c(0,
xres$num.mark[xres$ID == sampleid[isamp]][omm]))
smm <- mm[omm]
zz <- cbind(ii[-kk] + 1, ii[-1])
for (i in 1:(kk-1)) lines(zz[i, ],
rep(smm[i], 2), col = segcol, lwd=lwd)
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