# Copyright (C) 2011 Klambauer Guenter
# <>
#' Detection of breakpoints using a fast segmentation algorithm based
#' on the cyber t-test.
#' @param x Values to be segmented either in the format of a sorted GRanges
#' object, ExpressionSet object, matrix or vector.
#' @param type Parameter that sets the type of test. If set to 1 a test of
#' the left against the right window is performend. If set to 2 the segment
#' is also tested against the global mean. (Default = 1).
#' @param alpha A value between 0 and 1 is interpreted as the ratio of
#' initial breakpoints. An integer greater than one is interpreted as number
#' of desired breakpoints. Increasing this parameter leads to more segments.
#' (Default = 0.05)
#' @param segMedianT A numeric vector of length two with the thresholds of
#' segments' median values that are considered as significant. Only segments
#' with a median above the first or below the second value are kept in a final
#' merging step. (Default = "missing").
#' @param minSeg The minimal segment length. (Default = 4).
#' @param eps Minimal difference between consecutive values. Only consecutive
#' values with a minimium difference of "eps" are tested. This makes the
#' segmentation algorithm even faster. If all values should be tested "eps" can
#' be set to zero. (Default = 0).
#' @param delta Segment extension parameter. If delta consecutive extensions
#' of the left and the right segment do not lead to a better p-value the testing
#' is stopped. (Default = 5).
#' @param maxInt Maximal length of the left and the right segment. (Default =
#' 10).
#' @param squashing The degree of squashing of the input values. If set to zero
#' no squashing is performed. (Default = 0).
#' @param cyberWeight The nu parameter of the cyber t-test. Can be interpreted
#' as the weight of the global variance. The higher the value the more small
#' segments with high variance will be significant. (Default = 10).
#' @examples
#' x <- rnorm(n=500,sd=0.5)
#' x[150:200] <- rnorm(n=51,mean=3,sd=0.5)
#' fastseg(x)
#' @importFrom IRanges sort
#' @importFrom IRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges setdiff
#' @return A data frame containing the segments.
#' @author Guenter Klambauer \email{}
#' @noRd
segmentGeneral <- function(x, type = 1, alpha = 0.05, segMedianT, minSeg = 4,
eps=0, delta = 5, maxInt = 10, squashing = 0, cyberWeight = 10) {
if (any(!is.finite(x))){
message("Detected infinite values in the data. Replacing with max/min!")
y <- x[which(is.finite(x) & !]
x[which(x==Inf)] <- max(y,na.rm=TRUE)
x[which(x==-Inf)] <- min(y,na.rm=TRUE)
globalMedian <- median(x,na.rm=TRUE)
if (any( {
x[] <- globalMedian
if (missing("segMedianT")) {
segMedianT <- c()
segMedianT[1] <- median(x, na.rm=TRUE)+1.5*sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
segMedianT[2] <- median(x, na.rm=TRUE)-1.5*sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
if (length(segMedianT)==1){
segMedianT <- c(abs(segMedianT), -abs(segMedianT))
if (!(type==1 | type==2)) stop("\"type\" must be 1 or 2!")
if (!is.numeric(alpha)) stop("\"alpha\" must be numeric!")
if (!is.numeric(minSeg)) stop("\"minSeg\" must be numeric!")
if (!is.numeric(maxInt)) stop("\"maxInt\" must be numeric!")
if (!is.numeric(delta)) stop("\"minSeg\" must be numeric!")
if (!is.numeric(cyberWeight)) stop("\"cyberWeight\" must be numeric!")
if (minSeg < 2) minSeg <- 2
if (maxInt < (minSeg+5)) maxInt <- minSeg+5
if (cyberWeight < 0) cyberWeight <- 0
if (missing("eps")) {
eps <- quantile(abs(diff(x)), probs=0.75)
if (type==1) {
res <- .Call("segment", as.numeric(x), as.double(eps), as.integer(delta),
as.integer(maxInt), as.integer(minSeg),
as.integer(squashing), as.double(cyberWeight))
} else if (type==2) {
res <- .Call("segmentCyberT", as.numeric(x), as.double(eps), as.integer(3),
as.integer(delta), as.integer(maxInt), as.integer(minSeg),
as.integer(squashing), as.double(cyberWeight))
if (alpha >= 1) {
alpha <- as.integer(alpha)
brkptsInit <- sort(order(res$stat,decreasing=TRUE)[1:alpha])
} else if (alpha < 1 & alpha > 0) {
pValT <- quantile(res$stat, probs=1-alpha)
brkptsInit <- which(res$stat > pValT)
} else {
stop(paste("Alpha must be either between 0 and 1 or an integer",
"greater than 1."))
m <- length(x)
nbrOfBrkpts <- length(brkptsInit)+1
start <- c(1,brkptsInit+1)
end <- c(brkptsInit,m)
brkptsInit <- c(0, brkptsInit, m)
avgs <- sapply(2:(nbrOfBrkpts+1),function(i){
df <- data.frame("start"=start, "end"=end, "mean"=avgs[2, ],
"median"=avgs[1, ])
if (all(segMedianT==0)) {
#message("No merging of segments.")
ir <- IRanges(df$start, df$end)
ir <- ir[which(width(ir)>=minSeg)]
irAll <- IRanges(1, length(x))
segsFinal <-, setdiff(irAll, ir))))
bIdx <- c(0,segsFinal$end)
avgs <- sapply(2:(length(bIdx)),function(i){
df2 <- data.frame("start"=segsFinal$start, "end"=segsFinal$end,
"mean"=avgs[2,], "median"=avgs[1,])
l <- list(df2, df)
names(l) <- c("finalSegments", "unmergedSegments")
} else {
dfAmp <- df[which(df$median > segMedianT[1]), ]
irAmp <- IRanges(dfAmp$start, dfAmp$end)
irAmp <- reduce(irAmp)
dfLoss <- df[which(df$median < segMedianT[2]), ]
irLoss <- IRanges(dfLoss$start, dfLoss$end)
irLoss <- reduce(irLoss)
ir <- sort(c(irAmp, irLoss))
ir <- ir[which(width(ir)>=minSeg)]
rm(irAmp, irLoss, dfAmp, dfLoss)
irAll <- IRanges(1, length(x))
segsFinal <-
c(ir, setdiff(irAll, ir))))
bIdx <- c(0,segsFinal$end)
avgs <- sapply(2:(length(bIdx)),function(i){
df2 <- data.frame("start"=segsFinal$start, "end"=segsFinal$end,
"mean"=avgs[2, ], "median"=avgs[1, ])
l <- list(df2, df)
names(l) <- c("finalSegments", "unmergedSegments")
#' Detection of breakpoints using a fast segmentation algorithm based
#' on the cyber t-test.
#' @param x Values to be segmented either in the format of a sorted GRanges
#' object, ExpressionSet object, matrix or vector.
#' @param type Parameter that sets the type of test. If set to 1 a test of
#' the left against the right window is performend. If set to 2 the segment
#' is also tested against the global mean. (Default = 1).
#' @param alpha A value between 0 and 1 is interpreted as the ratio of
#' initial breakpoints. An integer greater than one is interpreted as number
#' of desired breakpoints. Increasing this parameter leads to more segments.
#' (Default = 0.1)
#' @param segMedianT A numeric vector of length two with the thresholds of
#' segments' median values that are considered as significant. Only segments
#' with a median above the first or below the second value are kept in a final
#' merging step. If missing the algorithm will try to find a reasonable value
#' by using z-scores. (Default "missing".)
#' @param minSeg The minimal segment length. (Default = 4).
#' @param eps Minimal distance between consecutive values. Only consecutive
#' values with a minimium distance of "eps" are tested. This makes the
#' segmentation algorithm even faster. If all values should be tested "eps" can
#' be set to zero. If missing the algorithm will try to find a reasonable value
#' by using quantiles. (Default = 0.)
#' @param delta Segment extension parameter. If delta consecutive extensions
#' of the left and the right segment do not lead to a better p-value the testing
#' is stopped. (Default = 5).
#' @param maxInt Maximal length of the left and the right segment. (Default =
#' 40).
#' @param squashing The degree of squashing of the input values. If set to zero
#' no squashing is performed. (Default = 0).
#' @param cyberWeight The nu parameter of the cyber t-test. Can be interpreted
#' as the weight of the global variance. The higher the value the more small
#' segments with high variance will be significant. (Default = 10).
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to the plot function.
#' @return A data frame containing the segments.
#' @author Guenter Klambauer \email{}
#' @export
#' @useDynLib fastseg
#' @examples
#' library(fastseg)
#' #####################################################################
#' ### the data
#' #####################################################################
#' data(coriell)
#' head(coriell)
#' samplenames <- colnames(coriell)[4:5]
#' data <- as.matrix(coriell[4:5])
#' data[] <- median(data, na.rm=TRUE)
#' chrom <- coriell$Chromosome
#' maploc <- coriell$Position
#' ###########################################################
#' ## GRanges
#' ###########################################################
#' library("GenomicRanges")
#' ## with both individuals
#' gr <- GRanges(seqnames=chrom,
#' ranges=IRanges(maploc, end=maploc))
#' mcols(gr) <- data
#' colnames(mcols(gr)) <- samplenames
#' res <- fastseg(gr)
#' ## with one individual
#' gr2 <- gr
#' data2 <- as.matrix(data[, 1])
#' colnames(data2) <- "sample1"
#' mcols(gr2) <- data2
#' res <- fastseg(gr2)
#' ###########################################################
#' ## vector
#' ###########################################################
#' data2 <- data[, 1]
#' res <- fastseg(data2)
#' ###########################################################
#' ## matrix
#' ###########################################################
#' data2 <- data[1:400, ]
#' res <- fastseg(data2)
fastseg <- function(x, type = 1, alpha = 0.05, segMedianT, minSeg = 4,
eps = 0, delta = 5, maxInt = 40, squashing = 0, cyberWeight = 10) {
if (inherits(x, "ExpressionSet")) {
if (!("intensity" %in% names(assayData(x)))) {
stop("ExpressionSet needs to have an assayData slot named intensity!")
if(!all(colnames(fData(x))[1:3] == c("chrom", "start", "end"))) {
stop("The first 3 colnames of featureData need to be names: chrom, start, end")
if(length(sampleNames(x)) != ncol(assayData(x)$intensity)) {
stop("sampleNames must be assigned and have a correct dimension!")
y <- lapply(unique(featureData(x)$chrom), function (chr, data) {
data[which(featureData(data)$chrom == chr), , drop = FALSE]
}, data=x)
names(y) <- unique(featureData(x)$chrom)
nbrOfSeq <- length(y)
res02 <- list()
for (seq in seq_len(nbrOfSeq)) {
x <- y[[seq]]
res <- list()
for (sampleIdx in seq_len(ncol(assayData(x)$intensity))) {
z01 <- assayData(x)$intensity[, sampleIdx]
sample <- sampleNames(x)[sampleIdx]
resTmp <- segmentGeneral(z01, type, alpha, segMedianT, minSeg,
eps, delta, maxInt, squashing, cyberWeight)$finalSegments
resTmp$sample <- sample
res[[sampleIdx]] <- resTmp
res <-"rbind", res)
res$num.mark <- res$end - res$start
chrom <- rep(featureData(x)$chrom[1], nrow(res))
start <- featureData(x)$start[res$start]
end <- featureData(x)$end[res$end]
resX <- data.frame(
ID = res$sample,
chrom = chrom,
loc.start = start,
loc.end = end,
num.mark = res$num.mark,
seg.mean = res$mean,
startRow = res$start,
endRow = res$end,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
res02[[seq]] <- resX
res03 <-"rbind", res02)
finalRes <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(res03$chrom),
ranges = IRanges(start = res03$loc.start, end = res03$loc.end),
ID = res03$ID,
num.mark = res03$num.mark,
seg.mean = res03$seg.mean,
startRow = res03$startRow,
endRow = res03$endRow)
} else if (inherits(x, "GRanges")) {
# if (!all(lapply(mcols(x), mode) == "numeric")) {
# stop("All mcols of GRanges object needs to be numeric!")
# }
y <- split(x, as.character(seqnames(x)))
nbrOfSeq <- length(y)
res02 <- list()
for (seq in seq_len(nbrOfSeq)) {
x <- y[[seq]]
res <- list()
for (sampleIdx in seq_len(ncol(mcols(x)))) {
z01 <- mcols(x)[[sampleIdx]]
sample <- names(mcols(x))[sampleIdx]
resTmp <- segmentGeneral(z01, type, alpha, segMedianT, minSeg,
eps, delta, maxInt, squashing, cyberWeight)$finalSegments
resTmp$sample <- sample
res[[sampleIdx]] <- resTmp
res <-"rbind", res)
res$num.mark <- res$end - res$start
chrom <- as.character(seqnames(x)[1])
start <- start(x)[res$start]
end <- start(x)[res$end] + width(x)[res$end]-1
resX <- data.frame(
ID = res$sample,
chrom = chrom,
loc.start = start,
loc.end = end,
num.mark = res$num.mark,
seg.mean = res$mean,
startRow = res$start,
endRow = res$end,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
resX <- resX[order(resX$chrom,resX$loc.start), ]
res02[[seq]] <- resX
res03 <-"rbind", res02)
finalRes <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(res03$chrom),
ranges = IRanges(start = res03$loc.start, end = res03$loc.end),
ID = res03$ID,
num.mark = res03$num.mark,
seg.mean = res03$seg.mean,
startRow = res03$startRow,
endRow = res03$endRow)
} else if (is.matrix(x)) {
nbrOfSamples <- ncol(x)
if (is.null(colnames(x))){
colnames(x) <- paste("Sample",1:ncol(x),sep="_")
samples <- colnames(x)
segsTmp <- list()
for (i in seq_len(nbrOfSamples)) {
segsTmp[[i]] <- segmentGeneral(x[, i], type, alpha, segMedianT, minSeg,
eps, delta, maxInt, squashing, cyberWeight)$finalSegments
segsTmp[[i]]$sample <- samples[i]
res02 <-"rbind", segsTmp)
finalRes <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(rep(1, nrow(res02))),
ranges = IRanges(start = res02$start, end = res02$end),
ID = res02$sample,
num.mark = res02$end - res02$start + 1,
seg.mean = res02$mean,
startRow = res02$start,
endRow = res02$end)
} else if (is.vector(x)) {
res02 <- segmentGeneral(x, type, alpha, segMedianT, minSeg,
eps, delta, maxInt, squashing, cyberWeight)$finalSegments
finalRes <- GRanges(seqnames = Rle(rep(1, nrow(res02))),
ranges = IRanges(start = res02$start, end = res02$end),
ID = rep("sample1", nrow(res02)),
num.mark = res02$end - res02$start + 1,
seg.mean = res02$mean,
startRow = res02$start,
endRow = res02$end)
} else {
stop("GRanges object, vector or matrix as input expected!")
finalRes <- finalRes[order(
as.numeric(start(finalRes))), ]
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