stFn <- function(par,fx.par,data,nstates) {
# this is a quick fix to cap transition probabilities near 0 and 1
par[1:2] <- pmin(pmax(par[1:2],-100),100)
goto.cnv <- logistic(par[1])
goto.normal <- logistic(par[2])
normal.state <- fx.par$normal.state
min.normal.stay <- .5
start.probs <- numeric(nstates)
if (goto.cnv < 1/(nstates-1)) {
start.probs[-normal.state] <- goto.cnv
} else {
start.probs[-normal.state] <- (1 - min.normal.stay)/(nstates-1)
start.probs[normal.state] <- 1 - sum(start.probs[-normal.state])
trFn <- function(par,fx.par,data,nstates) {
# this is a quick fix to cap transition probabilities near 0 and 1
par[1:2] <- pmin(pmax(par[1:2],-100),100)
goto.cnv <- logistic(par[1])
goto.normal <- logistic(par[2])
normal.state <- fx.par$normal.state
min.normal.stay <- .5
A <- matrix(1e-8,ncol=nstates,nrow=nstates)
for (i in 1:nstates) {
if (i != normal.state) {
if (i+1 <= nstates) {
A[i,i+1] <- goto.cnv
if (i-1 >= 1) {
A[i,i-1] <- goto.cnv
A[i,normal.state] <- goto.normal
if (i == normal.state) {
if (goto.cnv < 1/(nstates-1)) {
A[i,-i] <- goto.cnv
} else {
A[i,-i] <- (1 - min.normal.stay)/(nstates-1)
A[i,i] <- 1 - sum(A[i,-i])
emFn <- function(par,fx.par,data,nstates) {
S <- fx.par$S
d <- fx.par$d
fit.var <- fx.par$fit.var
beta <- par[3:(2+ncol(data$X))]
mu <- exp(data$X %*% beta)
#mu[mu < 1] <- 1
if (!fit.var) {
phi <- exp(par[(3+ncol(data$X))])
phi <- max(1e-6,phi)
phi <- min(phi,1e4)
} else {
gamma <- par[(3+ncol(data$X)):length(par)]
phi <- exp(data$Y %*% gamma)
phi[phi < 1e-6] <- 1e-6
phi[phi > 1e4] <- 1e4
emit.probs <- t(sapply(1:nstates,function(j) dnbinom(data$O,mu=(mu*S[j]/d + ifelse(S[j]==0,1,0)),size=1/phi)))
negLogLike <- function(par,fx.par,data,nstates,stFn,trFn,emFn) {
start.probs <- stFn(par,fx.par,data,nstates)
A <- trFn(par,fx.par,data,nstates)
emit.probs <- emFn(par,fx.par,data,nstates)
T <- length(data$O)
if (length(start.probs) != nstates) {
stop("vector of starting probabilities not equal to number of states")
if (all(dim(A) != nstates)) {
stop("transition matrix must have the same number of rows and columns as number of states")
if ((nrow(emit.probs) != nstates) | (ncol(emit.probs) != T)) {
stop("emission probabilities matrix must have a row for each state and a column for each position")
} <- .C("negloglike",tmax=as.integer(T),nstates=as.integer(nstates),start.probs=as.double(start.probs),A=as.double(A),emit.probs=as.double(emit.probs),alpha=double(nstates),,nll=as.double(1))
viterbiPath <- function(par,fx.par,data,nstates,stFn,trFn,emFn) {
start.probs <- stFn(par,fx.par,data,nstates)
A <- trFn(par,fx.par,data,nstates)
emit.probs <- emFn(par,fx.par,data,nstates)
T <- length(data$O)
if (length(start.probs) != nstates) {
stop("vector of starting probabilities not equal to number of states")
if (all(dim(A) != nstates)) {
stop("transition matrix must have the same number of rows and columns as number of states")
if ((nrow(emit.probs) != nstates) | (ncol(emit.probs) != T)) {
stop("emission probabilities matrix must have a row for each state and a column for each position")
V <- matrix(0,nrow=nstates,ncol=T)
V.path <- matrix(0,nrow=nstates,ncol=T) <- .C("viterbi",tmax=as.integer(T),nstates=as.integer(nstates),start.probs=as.double(start.probs),A=as.double(A),emit.probs=as.double(emit.probs),V=as.double(V),V.path=as.integer(V.path),path=as.integer(numeric(T)),trans.prob=as.double(numeric(nstates^2)),trans.prob.max=as.double(numeric(nstates)),trans.prob.whichmax=as.integer(numeric(nstates)))
return($path + 1)
exomeCopy <- function(gr,, X.names, Y.names, fit.var=FALSE, reltol=1e-4, S=0:4, d=2, goto.cnv=1e-4, goto.normal=1/20, init.phi="norm") {
if (! %in% colnames(mcols(gr))) {
stop(" is not a metadata column in gr.")
O <- mcols(gr)[[]]
if (any(O != round(O) | O < 0)) {
stop("Sample counts must be non-negative integers")
if (mean(O == 0) > 0.9) {
warning("More than 90% of sample counts are zero, exomeCopy will return NULL")
if (any(S!=round(S)|S<0) | any(d!=round(d)|d<0)) {
stop("S and d must be non-negative integers")
if (!all(d %in% S)) {
stop("The normal state, d, must be one of the possible copy states in S")
if (!(all(X.names %in% colnames(mcols(gr))))) {
stop("all X.names must be columns in gr")
if (length(seqlevelsInUse(gr)) != 1) {
stop("The current gr argument has ranges over the following chromosomes: ",paste(seqlevelsInUse(gr),collapse=", "),".\n The gr argument should contain ranges over a single chromosome.\n You can pass exomeCopy a GRanges object with ranges from a single chromosome with this syntax: gr[seqnames(gr) == 'chr1'].\n See vignette for example of running on multiple chromosomes.")
if (length(gr) < 100) {
warning("exomeCopy was tested for thousands of ranges covering a targeted region on a single chromosome. The results might not be reliable for less than a hundred ranges.")
if (is.unsorted(gr)) {
stop("Genomic ranges in gr must be sorted.")
normal.state = which(S==d)
X <- as.matrix(mcols(gr)[,X.names,drop=FALSE])
colnames(X) <- X.names
if (fit.var) {
if (!(all(Y.names %in% colnames(mcols(gr))))) {
stop("Y.names must be metadata column names in gr")
Y <- as.matrix(mcols(gr)[,Y.names,drop=FALSE])
colnames(Y) <- Y.names
controls <- list(reltol=reltol,maxit=10000)
X.full <- cbind(intercept=rep(1,nrow(X)),scale(X))
lmfit <- lm(log(O+.1) ~ X.full + 0)
beta.hat <- lmfit$coefficients
names(beta.hat) <- colnames(X.full)
if (init.phi == "norm") {
phi.hat <- (var(O - exp(lmfit$fitted)) - mean(O))/mean(O)^2
} else if (init.phi == "counts") {
phi.hat <- (var(O)-mean(O))/mean(O)^2
phi.hat <- ifelse(phi.hat < 1e-6,1e-6,phi.hat)
init.par <- list(goto.cnv=goto.cnv,goto.normal=goto.normal,beta.hat=beta.hat,phi.hat=phi.hat)
fx.par <- list(S=S,d=d,normal.state=normal.state,fit.var=fit.var)
nstates <- length(S)
if (!fit.var) {
data <- list(O=O,X=X.full)
# added in this test if the loglikelihood is finite at initial setting
# otherwise, adjust the beta to simply the intercept
finite.test <- is.finite(negLogLike(c(logit(goto.cnv),logit(goto.normal),beta.hat,log(phi.hat)),
if (!finite.test) {
beta.hat <- rep(0,length(beta.hat))
beta.hat[1] <- log(mean(data$O)+.1)
} <- optim(c(logit(goto.cnv),logit(goto.normal),beta.hat,log(phi.hat)),function(par) negLogLike(par,fx.par,data,nstates,stFn,trFn,emFn),method="Nelder-Mead",control=controls)
} else {
Y.full <- cbind(intercept=rep(1,nrow(Y)),scale(Y))
data <- list(O=O,X=X.full,Y=Y.full)
gamma.hat <- c(log(phi.hat),rep(0,ncol(Y))) <- optim(c(logit(goto.cnv),logit(goto.normal),beta.hat,gamma.hat),function(par) negLogLike(par,fx.par,data,nstates,stFn,trFn,emFn),method="Nelder-Mead",control=controls)
goto.cnv.hat <- logistic($par[1])
goto.normal.hat <- logistic($par[2])
A <- trFn($par[1:2],fx.par,data,nstates)
beta.hat <-$par[3:(2+ncol(X.full))]
names(beta.hat) <- colnames(X.full)
mu.hat <- exp(as.numeric(X.full %*% beta.hat))
#mu.hat[mu.hat < 1] <- 1
if (!fit.var) {
phi.hat <- exp($par[(3+ncol(X.full))])
gamma.hat <- NULL
} else {
gamma.hat <-$par[(3+ncol(X.full)):length($par)]
names(gamma.hat) <- colnames(Y.full)
phi.hat <- exp(as.numeric(Y.full %*% gamma.hat))
phi.hat[phi.hat < 1e-6] <- 1e-6
path <- viterbiPath($par,fx.par,data,nstates,stFn,trFn,emFn)
emit.probs <- emFn($par,fx.par,data,nstates)
log.odds <- log(emit.probs[cbind(path,seq(path))]+1e-6) - log(emit.probs[normal.state,]+1e-6)
final.par <- list(goto.cnv=goto.cnv.hat,goto.normal=goto.normal.hat,beta=beta.hat,gamma=gamma.hat,phi=phi.hat)
fit <- new("ExomeCopy",,type=type,path=Rle(path),ranges=granges(gr),O.norm=as.numeric(O/mu.hat),log.odds=log.odds,fx.par=fx.par,init.par=init.par,final.par=final.par,$counts,$convergence,$value)
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