setClass(Class = "TissueOpennessSpecificity",
contains = "EnrichStep"
f = "init",
signature = "TissueOpennessSpecificity",
definition = function(.Object,prevSteps = list(),...){
allparam <- list(...)
bedInput <- allparam[["bedInput"]]
openBedInput <- allparam[["openBedInput"]]
sampleTxtInput <- allparam[["sampleTxtInput"]]
bedOutput <- allparam[["bedOutput"]]
distPdfOutput <- allparam[["distPdfOutput"]]
heatmapPdfOutput <- allparam[["heatmapPdfOutput"]]
sampleTxtOutput <- allparam[["sampleTxtOutput"]]
prevStep <- prevSteps[[1]]
bedInput0 <- getParam(prevStep,"bedOutput")
input(.Object)$bedInput <- bedInput0
input(.Object)$bedInput <- bedInput
input(.Object)$openBedInput <- openBedInput
input(.Object)$openBedInput <- getRefFiles("OpenRegion")
input(.Object)$sampleTxtInput <- sampleTxtInput
input(.Object)$sampleTxtInput <- getRefFiles("SampleName")
output(.Object)$bedOutput <-
getAutoPath(.Object,originPath =
regexSuffixName = "bed",suffix = "bed")
output(.Object)$bedOutput <- bedOutput
output(.Object)$distPdfOutput <-
getAutoPath(.Object,originPath =
regexSuffixName = "bed",suffix = "dist.pdf")
output(.Object)$distPdfOutput <- distPdfOutput
output(.Object)$heatmapPdfOutput <-
getAutoPath(.Object,originPath =
regexSuffixName = "bed",suffix = "heat.pdf")
output(.Object)$heatmapDataOutput <-
getAutoPath(.Object,originPath =
regexSuffixName = "bed",suffix = "heat.pdf.Rdata")
output(.Object)$heatmapPdfOutput <- heatmapPdfOutput
output(.Object)$heatmapDataOutput <- paste0(heatmapPdfOutput,".Rdata")
output(.Object)$sampleTxtOutput <-
getAutoPath(.Object,originPath =
regexSuffixName = "bed",suffix = "txt")
output(.Object)$sampleTxtOutput <- sampleTxtOutput
#' @importFrom ggpubr ggarrange
#' @importFrom heatmap3 heatmap3
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_histogram
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_vline
#' @importFrom ggplot2 annotate
#' @importFrom ggplot2 xlab
f = "processing",
signature = "TissueOpennessSpecificity",
definition = function(.Object,...){
bedInput <- getParam(.Object,"bedInput")
bedOutput <- getParam(.Object,"bedOutput")
openBedInput <-getParam(.Object,"openBedInput")
sampleTxtInput <-getParam(.Object,"sampleTxtInput")
distPdfOutput <- getParam(.Object,"distPdfOutput")
heatmapPdfOutput <- getParam(.Object,"heatmapPdfOutput")
sampleTxtOutput <- getParam(.Object,"sampleTxtOutput")
heatmapDataOutput <- getParam(.Object,"heatmapDataOutput")
message("read input data")
region <- import.bed(bedInput)
openTable <- read.table(openBedInput,header = F,sep = "\t")
spname <- read.table(sampleTxtInput, header = F, sep = "\t")
message("transform open table into GRanges format")
openBed <- openTable[,1:3]
colnames(openBed) <- c("chrom", "start", "end")
openValue <- openTable[,4:ncol(openTable)]
colnames(openValue) <- as.character(seq_len(ncol(openValue)))
openRanges <- as(openBed,"GRanges")
mcols(openRanges) <- openValue
message("find overlapped region")
pairs <- findOverlapPairs(openRanges, region, ignore.strand = TRUE)
openRegion <- first(pairs)
openValue <- mcols(openRegion)
colnames(openValue) <- as.character(seq_len(ncol(openValue)))
openRegion <-
write.table(openRegion[,c(1:3,6:ncol(openRegion))],file = bedOutput,
sep="\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
message("median open leve of each tissue sample")
rs<-lapply(as.list(openValue), median)
allidx<-order(unlist(rs),decreasing = TRUE)
showspname <- showspname[allidx,]
colnames(showspname)<-c("Index","Tissue / Cell Type", "ENCODE", "Median")
write.table(showspname, file = sampleTxtOutput,col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE,quote = FALSE, sep = '\t')
message("draw distribution")
idx <- allidx
plt<-lapply(idx, function(x){
v <- openValue[[x]]
ggplot(data.frame(v=v),aes(x=v)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1) +
geom_vline(xintercept = median(v)) +
annotate("text", x = median(v),
y = 50, color="white",
size=2 ,label = paste("median:", median(v))) + xlab(spname[x,2])
plt[["nrow"]] <- ceiling(length(idx)/2)
plt[["ncol"]] <- 2
pdf(distPdfOutput) = ggarrange,args = plt)
message("draw heatmap")
openheat <- openValue
rownames(openheat) <- as.character(seq_len(nrow(openValue)))
colnames(openheat) <- as.character(spname[,3])
heatmapData <- as.matrix(openheat)
heatmap3(heatmapData, useRaster = TRUE)
save(heatmapData,file = heatmapDataOutput)
f = "genReport",
signature = "TissueOpennessSpecificity",
definition = function(.Object, ...){
#' @name TissueOpennessSpecificity
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import.bed
#' @title Tissue's open specificity of the given region
#' @description
#' User provide region through a BED file.
#' This function will provide tissue's open specificity analysis for this region.
#' Open level median, distribution and clustering result (heatmap)
#' based on tissue and region will be provided.
#' @param prevStep \code{\link{Step-class}} object scalar.
#' This parameter is available when the upstream step function
#' (printMap() to see the previous functions)
#' have been sucessfully called.
#' Accepted value can be the object return by any step function or be feed by
#' \code{\%>\%} from last step function.
#' @param bedInput \code{Character} scalar.
#' The directory of region BED file for analysis.
#' @param openBedInput \code{Character} scalar.
#' The open level BED file for analysis. The first three columns are chromosome, start and end,
#' The remaining columns are the open level for each tissue.
#' The order of tissue should be consistent with the order in the file provided by sampleTxtInput.
#' @param sampleTxtInput \code{Character} scalar.
#' The tissue sample information of in the file provided by openBedInput.
#' There are 4 columns seperated by tab. The first column is the order number.
#' The second column is the tissue detail information.
#' The third column is the tissue name.
#' The forth column is the code from source project like ENCODE
#' @param bedOutput \code{Character} scalar.
#' The BED output file directory of merged BED files.
#' Default: NULL (generated base on bedInput)
#' @param distPdfOutput \code{Character} scalar.
#' The open level distribution figure for each tissue will be provided in PDF file.
#' The order is strong to weak.
#' @param heatmapPdfOutput \code{Character} scalar.
#' The open level hiachical clustering heatmap base on region and tissue will be provided in this PDF file.
#' The corresponding heatmap data will store at the same directory with suffix .Rdata
#' @param sampleTxtOutput \code{Character} scalar.
#' In this file, there are five columns seperated with tab.
#' Fist four columns are the same with sampleTxtInput:
#' The first column is the order number.
#' The second column is the tissue detail information.
#' The third column is the tissue name.
#' The forth column is the code from source project like ENCODE
#' The last column is the open level median level for each tissue.
#' The table is in decreasing order of last column
#' @param ... Additional arguments, currently unused.
#' @details
#' We collect 201 DNase-seq or ATAC-seq sample from ENCODE and calculate their open level value.
#' They can be download and install automatically. So users do not need to configure themselves.
#' @return An invisible \code{\link{EnrichStep-class}}
#' object (\code{\link{Step-class}} based) scalar for downstream analysis.
#' @author Zheng Wei
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{unzipAndMergeBed}}
#' @examples
#' foregroundBedPath <- system.file(package = "enrichTF", "extdata","testregion.bed")
#' tissueOpennessSpecificity(bedInput = foregroundBedPath)
bedInput = NULL,
openBedInput = NULL,
sampleTxtInput = NULL,
bedOutput = NULL,
distPdfOutput = NULL,
heatmapPdfOutput = NULL,
sampleTxtOutput = NULL,
...) standardGeneric("enrichTissueOpennessSpecificity"))
#' @rdname TissueOpennessSpecificity
#' @aliases enrichTissueOpennessSpecificity
#' @export
f = "enrichTissueOpennessSpecificity",
signature = "Step",
definition = function(prevStep,
bedInput = NULL,
openBedInput = NULL,
sampleTxtInput = NULL,
bedOutput = NULL,
distPdfOutput = NULL,
heatmapPdfOutput = NULL,
sampleTxtOutput = NULL, ...){
allpara <- c(list(Class = "TissueOpennessSpecificity",
prevSteps = list(prevStep)),
step <-,allpara)
#' @rdname TissueOpennessSpecificity
#' @aliases tissueOpennessSpecificity
#' @export
tissueOpennessSpecificity <- function(bedInput,
openBedInput = NULL,
sampleTxtInput = NULL,
bedOutput = NULL,
distPdfOutput = NULL,
heatmapPdfOutput = NULL,
sampleTxtOutput = NULL, ...){
allpara <- c(list(Class = "TissueOpennessSpecificity",
prevSteps = list()),
step <-,allpara)
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