#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start end
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics start<- end<-
setClass(Class = "GenBackground",
contains = "EnrichStep"
f = "init",
signature = "GenBackground",
definition = function(.Object,prevSteps = list(),...){
allparam <- list(...)
inputForegroundBed <- allparam[["inputForegroundBed"]]
genome <- allparam[["genome"]]
outputForegroundBed <- allparam[["outputForegroundBed"]]
outputBackgroundBed <- allparam[["outputBackgroundBed"]]
outputRegionBed <- allparam[["outputRegionBed"]]
regionLen <- allparam[["regionLen"]]
sampleNumb <- allparam[["sampleNumb"]]
prevStep <- prevSteps[[1]]
foregroundBed <- getParam(prevStep,"bedOutput")
input(.Object)$inputForegroundBed <- foregroundBed
input(.Object)$inputForegroundBed <- inputForegroundBed
output(.Object)$outputForegroundBed <-
getAutoPath(.Object,originPath =
regexSuffixName = "bed",suffix = "foreground.bed")
output(.Object)$outputForegroundBed <- outputForegroundBed
output(.Object)$outputBackgroundBed <-
getAutoPath(.Object,originPath =
regexSuffixName = "bed",suffix = "background.bed")
output(.Object)$outputBackgroundBed <- outputBackgroundBed
output(.Object)$outputRegionBed <-
getAutoPath(.Object,originPath =
regexSuffixName = "bed",suffix = "allregion.bed")
output(.Object)$outputRegionBed <- outputRegionBed
if(getGenome() == "testgenome"){
param(.Object)$bsgenome <- BSgenome::getBSgenome("hg19")
param(.Object)$bsgenome <- BSgenome::getBSgenome(getGenome())
if(genome == "testgenome"){
genome <- "hg19"
param(.Object)$bsgenome <- BSgenome::getBSgenome(genome = genome)
param(.Object)$regionLen <- regionLen
param(.Object)$sampleNumb<- 0
param(.Object)$sampleNumb <- sampleNumb
# randomSampleOnGenome<-function(regionLen, sampleNumber,bsgenome){
# chrlens <-seqlengths(bsgenome)
# selchr <- grep("_|M",names(chrlens),invert=TRUE)
# chrlens <- chrlens[selchr]
# startchrlens <- chrlens - regionLen
# totallen <- sum(startchrlens)
# spnb <- floor(runif(sampleNumber) * totallen) + 1
# acclen <- startchrlens
# for(i in 2:length(acclen)){
# acclen[i] <- acclen[i-1] + acclen[i]
# }
# acclen <- c(0,acclen)
# gr <- GRanges()
# for(i in 1:(length(acclen)-1)){
# sel <- spnb[(spnb>acclen[i]) & (spnb<=acclen[i+1])]
# sel <- sel - acclen[i]
# gr <- c(gr,GRanges(seqnames = names(acclen)[i+1], ranges = IRanges(start = sel, width = 1000)))
# }
# return(sort(gr,ignore.strand=TRUE))
# }
randomSampleOnGenome<-function(regionLen, sampleNumber,bsgenome){
chrlens <-seqlengths(bsgenome)
if(getGenome() == "testgenome"){
selchr <- grep("_|M",names(chrlens),invert=TRUE)
chrlens <- chrlens[selchr]
startchrlens <- chrlens - regionLen
spchrs <- sample(x = names(startchrlens),size = sampleNumber,
replace = TRUE, prob = startchrlens / sum(startchrlens))
#gr <- GRanges()
# for(chr in names(startchrlens)){
# if(sum(spchrs == chr) == 0){
# next
# }
# startpt <- sample(x = 1:startchrlens[chr],size = sum(spchrs == chr),replace = FALSE)
# #non overlapped method:
# #startpt <- sample(x = 1:(startchrlens[chr] - sum(spchrs == chr) * regionLen),size = sum(spchrs == chr),replace = FALSE)
# #startpt <- startpt + 0:(sum(spchrs == chr)-1) * regionLen
# gr <- c(gr,GRanges(seqnames = chr, ranges = IRanges(start = startpt, width = 1000)))
# }
gr <- lapply(names(startchrlens), function(chr){
if(sum(spchrs == chr) == 0){
startpt <- sample(x = seq_len(startchrlens[chr]),
size = sum(spchrs == chr),replace = FALSE)
#non overlapped method:
#startpt <- sample(x = 1:(startchrlens[chr] - sum(spchrs == chr) * regionLen),size = sum(spchrs == chr),replace = FALSE)
#startpt <- startpt + 0:(sum(spchrs == chr)-1) * regionLen
return(GRanges(seqnames = chr,
ranges = IRanges(start = startpt, width = 1000)))
gr <-"c",gr)
f = "processing",
signature = "GenBackground",
definition = function(.Object,...){
inputForegroundBed <- getParam(.Object,"inputForegroundBed")
bsgenome <- getParam(.Object,"bsgenome")
outputForegroundBed <- getParam(.Object,"outputForegroundBed")
outputBackgroundBed <- getParam(.Object,"outputBackgroundBed")
outputRegionBed <- getParam(.Object,"outputRegionBed")
regionLen <- getParam(.Object,"regionLen")
sampleNumb <- getParam(.Object,"sampleNumb")
foregroundgr <- import(con = inputForegroundBed,format = "bed")
midpoint <- (start(foregroundgr) + end(foregroundgr))/2
start(foregroundgr) <- floor(midpoint - regionLen/2)
end(foregroundgr) <- floor(midpoint + regionLen/2)
foregroundgr <- sort(foregroundgr,ignore.strand=TRUE)
mcols(foregroundgr)$name <- seq_len(length(foregroundgr))
export.bed(object = foregroundgr, con = outputForegroundBed)
if(sampleNumb == 0){
sampleNumb = length(foregroundgr)
backgroundgr <- randomSampleOnGenome(regionLen, sampleNumb, bsgenome)
mcols(backgroundgr)$name <-
(length(foregroundgr) + 1) : (length(foregroundgr) + length(backgroundgr))
export.bed(object = backgroundgr, con = outputBackgroundBed)
regiongr <- c(foregroundgr,backgroundgr)
score(regiongr) <- 0
export.bed(object = regiongr, con = outputRegionBed)
f = "genReport",
signature = "GenBackground",
definition = function(.Object, ...){
#' @name GenBackground
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import.bed
#' @title Generate background regions and reset the size of
#' foreground regions
#' @description
#' Use uniform distribution to generate background
#' sequence regions from genome.
#' The size of foreground regions will be unified into the
#' length specified in argument.
#' @param prevStep \code{\link{Step-class}} object scalar.
#' It needs to be the return value of upstream process
#' from other packages, such as esATAC.
#' @param inputForegroundBed \code{Character} scalar.
#' The directory of foreground BED file.
#' @param genome \code{Character} scalar.
#' Bioconductor supported genome such as "hg19", "mm10", etc.
#' Default: NULL (e.g. after library (enrichTF),
#' you can call function \code{setGenome("hg19")})
#' @param outputForegroundBed \code{Character} scalar.
#' The BED file directory of reshaped foreground regions.
#' Default: NULL (generated base on inputForegroundBed)
#' @param outputBackgroundBed \code{Character} scalar.
#' The BED file directory of reshaped background regions.
#' Default: NULL (generated base on inputForegroundBed)
#' @param outputRegionBed \code{Character} scalar.
#' Foreground and background merged BED files.
#' Default: NULL (generated base on inputForegroundBed)
#' @param regionLen \code{Character} scalar.
#' It sets the length of forground sequence regions.
#' Default: 1000
#' @param sampleNumb \code{numeric} scalar.
#' It sets the number of background regions that
#' will be sampled. Default: 10000
#' @param ... Additional arguments, currently unused.
#' @details
#' Use uniform distribution to generate background sequence
#' regions from genome.
#' The size of foreground regions will be unified into the
#' length specified in argument.
#' @return An invisible \code{\link{EnrichStep-class}}
#' object (\code{\link{Step-class}} based) scalar for downstream analysis.
#' @author Zheng Wei
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{regionConnectTargetGene}}
#' \code{\link{findMotifsInRegions}}
#' \code{\link{tfsEnrichInRegions}}
#' @examples
#' setGenome("testgenome") #Use "hg19","hg38",etc. for your application
#' foregroundBedPath <- system.file(package = "enrichTF", "extdata","testregion.bed")
#' gen <- genBackground(inputForegroundBed = foregroundBedPath)
inputForegroundBed = NULL,
genome = NULL,
outputForegroundBed = NULL,
outputBackgroundBed = NULL,
outputRegionBed = NULL,
regionLen = 1000,
sampleNumb = 10000,
...) standardGeneric("enrichGenBackground"))
#' @rdname GenBackground
#' @aliases enrichGenBackground
#' @export
f = "enrichGenBackground",
signature = "Step",
definition = function(prevStep,
inputForegroundBed = NULL,
genome = NULL,
outputForegroundBed = NULL,
outputBackgroundBed = NULL,
outputRegionBed = NULL,
regionLen = 1000,
sampleNumb = NULL,
allpara <- c(list(Class = "GenBackground",
prevSteps = list(prevStep)),
step <-,allpara)
#' @rdname GenBackground
#' @aliases genBackground
#' @export
genBackground <- function(inputForegroundBed,
genome = NULL,
outputForegroundBed = NULL,
outputBackgroundBed = NULL,
outputRegionBed = NULL,
regionLen = 1000,
sampleNumb = NULL,
allpara <- c(list(Class = "GenBackground",
prevSteps = list()),
step <-,allpara)
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