#' Compact plotting of per group summaries for expression of multiple features
#' @param vars String vector (example: \code{c("gene1","gene2","gene3")}) which selects which variables, typically genes, to show.
#' @param String representing the name of a metadata to use for separating the cells/samples into discrete groups.
#' @param summary.fxn.color,summary.fxn.size A function which sets how color or size will be used to summarize variables' data for each group.
#' Any function can be used as long as it takes in a numeric vector and returns a single numeric value.
#' @param adjustment When plotting gene expression (or antibody, or other forms of counts data), should that data be adjusted altogether before \code{cells.use} subsetting and splitting into groups?
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"": divided by the maximum expression value to give percent of max values between [0,1]}
#' \item{"z-score": centered and scaled to produce a relative-to-mean z-score representation}
#' \item{NULL: Default, no adjustment}
#' }
#' @param scale String which sets whether the values shown with color (default: mean non-zero expression) should be centered and scaled.
#' @param size Number which sets the dot size associated with the highest value shown by dot size (default: percent non-zero expression).
#' @param min.percent,max.percent Numbers between 0 and 1 which sets the minimum and maximum percent expression to show.
#' When set to NA, the minimum/maximum of the data are used.
#' @param min.color,max.color colors to use for minimum and maximum color values.
#' Default = light grey and purple.
#' @param min,max Numbers which set the values associated with the minimum and maximum colors.
#' @param ylab String which sets the y/grouping-axis label.
#' Default is \code{} so it defaults to the name of the grouping information.
#' Set to \code{NULL} to remove.
#' @param xlab String which sets the x/var-axis label.
#' Set to \code{NULL} to remove.
#' @param x.labels.rotate Logical which sets whether the var-labels should be rotated.
#' @param y.labels String vector, c("label1","label2","label3",...) which overrides the names of the samples/groups.
#' @param y.reorder Integer vector. A sequence of numbers, from 1 to the number of groupings, for rearranging the order of groupings.
#' Method: Make a first plot without this input.
#' Then, treating the bottom-most grouping as index 1, and the top-most as index n,
#' values of y.reorder should be these indices, but in the order that you would like them rearranged to be.
#' Recommendation for advanced users: If you find yourself coming back to this input too many times, an alternative solution that can be easier long-term
#' is to make the target data into a factor, and to put its levels in the desired order: \code{factor(data, levels = c("level1", "level2", ...))}.
#' \code{\link{metaLevels}} can be used to quickly get the identities that need to be part of this 'levels' input.
#' @param legend.color.title,legend.size.title String or \code{NULL}, sets the title displayed above legend keys.
#' @param do.hover Logical. Default = \code{FALSE}.
#' If set to \code{TRUE} the object will be converted to an interactive plotly object in which underlying data for individual dots will be displayed when you hover your cursor over them.
#' @inheritParams dittoPlotVarsAcrossGroups
#' @inheritParams dittoScatterPlot
#' @return a ggplot object where dots of different colors and sizes summarize continuous data for multiple features (columns) per multiple groups (rows)
#' Alternatively when \code{data.out = TRUE}, a list containing the plot ("p") and the underlying data as a dataframe ("data").
#' Alternatively when \code{do.hover = TRUE}, a plotly converted version of the plot where additional data will be displayed when the cursor is hovered over the dots.
#' @details
#' This function will output a compact summary of expression of multiple genes, or of values of multiple numeric metadata, across cell/sample groups (clusters, sample identity, conditions, etc.),
#' where dot-size and dot-color are used to reflect distinct features of the data.
#' Typically, and by default, size will reflect the percent of non-zero values, and color will reflect the mean of non-zero values for each var and group pairing.
#' Internally, the data for each element of \code{vars} is obtained.
#' When elements are genes/features, \code{assay} and \code{slot} are utilized to determine which expression data to use,
#' and \code{adjustment} determines if and how the expression data might be adjusted.
#' (Note that 'adjustment' would be applied \emph{before} cells/samples subsetting, and across all groups of cells/samples.)
#' Groupings are determined using \code{}, and then data for each variable is summarized based on \code{summary.fxn.color} & \code{summary.fxn.size}.
#' If \code{scale = TRUE} (default setting), the color summary values are centered and scaled.
#' Doing so 1) puts values for all \code{vars} in a similar range, and 2) emphasizes relative differences between groups.
#' Finally, data is plotted as dots of differing colors and sizes.
#' @section Many characteristics of the plot can be adjusted using discrete inputs:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Size of the dots can be changed with \code{size}.
#' \item Subsetting to utilize only certain cells/samples can be achieved with \code{cells.use}.
#' \item Colors can be adjusted with \code{min.color} and \code{max.color}.
#' \item Displayed value ranges can be adjusted with \code{min} and \code{max} for color, or \code{min.percent} and \code{max.percent} for size.
#' \item Titles and axes labels can be adjusted with \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}, \code{legend.color.title}, and \code{legend.size.title} arguments.
#' \item The legend can be hidden by setting \code{ = FALSE}.
#' \item The color legend tick marks and associated labels can be adjusted with \code{legend.color.breaks} and \code{legend.color.breaks.labels}, respectively.
#' \item The groupings labels and order can be changed using \code{y.labels} and \code{y.reorder}
#' \item Rotation of x-axis labels can be turned off with \code{x.labels.rotate = FALSE}.
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{dittoPlotVarsAcrossGroups}} for a method of summarizing expression of multiple features across distinct groups that can be better (and more compact) when the identities of the individual genes are unimportant.
#' \code{\link{dittoPlot}} and \code{\link{multi_dittoPlot}} for plotting of expression and metadata vars, each as separate plots, on a per cell/sample basis.
#' @examples
#' example(importDittoBulk, echo = FALSE)
#' myRNA
#' # These random data aren't very exciting, but we can at least add some zeros
#' # for making slightly more interesting dot plots.
#' counts(myRNA)[1:4,1:40] <- 0
#' logcounts(myRNA)[1:4,1:40] <- 0
#' dittoDotPlot(
#' myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"),
#' = "clustering")
#' # 'size' adjusts the dot-size associated with the highest percent expression
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#' size = 12)
#' # 'scale' input can be used to control / turn off scaling of avg exp values.
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#' scale = FALSE)
#' # x-axis label rotation can be controlled with 'x.labels.rotate'
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#' x.labels.rotate = FALSE)
#' # Title are adjustable via various discrete inputs:
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#' main = "Title",
#' sub = "Subtitle",
#' ylab = "y-axis label",
#' xlab = "x-axis label",
#' legend.color.title = "Colors title",
#' legend.size.title = "Dot size title")
#' # For certain specialized applications, it may be helpful to adjust the
#' # functions used for summarizing the data as well. Inputs are:
#' # summary.fxn.color & summary.fxn.size
#' # Requirement for each: Any function that takes in a numeric vector &
#' # returns, as output, a single numeric value.
#' dittoDotPlot(myRNA, c("gene1", "gene2", "gene3", "gene4"), "clustering",
#' summary.fxn.color = mean,
#' legend.color.title = "mean\nexpression\nincluding 0s",
#' main = "scater::plotDots() defaulting recreation",
#' x.labels.rotate = FALSE,
#' scale = FALSE)
#' @author Daniel Bunis
#' @export
dittoDotPlot <- function(
scale = TRUE,
cells.use = NULL,
size = 6,
min.percent = 0.01,
max.percent = NA,
min.color = "grey90",
max.color = "#C51B7D",
min = "make",
max = NULL,
summary.fxn.color = function(x) {mean(x[x!=0])},
summary.fxn.size = function(x) {mean(x!=0)},
assay = .default_assay(object),
slot = .default_slot(object),
adjustment = NULL,
do.hover = FALSE,
main = NULL,
sub = NULL,
ylab =,
y.labels = NULL,
y.reorder = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
x.labels.rotate = TRUE,
theme = theme_classic(), = TRUE,
legend.color.breaks = waiver(),
legend.color.breaks.labels = waiver(),
legend.color.title = "make",
legend.size.title = "percent\nexpression",
data.out = FALSE) {
cells.use <- .which_cells(cells.use, object)
# Fill defaults
legend.color.title <- .leave_default_or_null(
default = ifelse(scale,"relative\nexpression","average\nexpression"))
min <- .leave_default_or_null(
default = if (scale) {NULL} else {0})
# Create data table summarizing vars data for each group
data <- .data_gather_summarize_vars_by_groups(
object, vars,,
list(summary.fxn.color, summary.fxn.size),
c("color", "size"),
cells.use, assay, slot, adjustment, do.hover)
data$var <- factor(data$var, levels = vars)
data$grouping <-
.rename_and_or_reorder(data$grouping, y.reorder, y.labels)
if (scale) {
data$pre.scale <- data$color
for (i in vars) {
data$color[data$var == i] <-
# center, if multiple groups express this var, also scale
if (sum(!$color[data$var == i]))>1) {
scale(data$color[data$var == i])
} else {
scale(data$color[data$var == i], scale = FALSE)
# Generate Plot
p <- .ditto_dot_plot(
data, do.hover, main, sub, ylab, xlab, x.labels.rotate, scale,
min.color, max.color, min, max,
size, min.percent, max.percent, theme,
legend.color.title, legend.color.breaks, legend.color.breaks.labels,
# DONE. Return
if (data.out) {
return(list(p = p, data = data))
} else {
if (do.hover) {
return(plotly::ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text"))
} else {
.ditto_dot_plot <- function(
legend.size.title, {
p <- ggplot(data,
aes_string(x = "var", y = "grouping", color = "color", size = "size")) +
theme +
ggtitle(main, sub) + xlab(xlab) + ylab(ylab) +
name = legend.size.title,
limits = c(min.percent, max.percent),
range = c(0, size)) +
name = legend.color.title,
low= min.color, high = max.color,
limits = c(
ifelse(is.null(min), min(data$color), min),
ifelse(is.null(max), max(data$color), max)),
breaks = legend.color.breaks,
labels = legend.color.breaks.labels)
if (do.hover) {
p <- p + suppressWarnings(
geom_point(aes_string(text = "hover.string"), na.rm = TRUE))
} else {
p <- p + geom_point(na.rm = TRUE)
if (x.labels.rotate) {
p <- p + theme(axis.text.x= element_text(angle=45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))
if (! {
p <- .remove_legend(p)
.data_gather_summarize_vars_by_groups <- function(
summary.fxns, # list of summaries to make
names, # vector of what to call those summaries
numeric.only = TRUE) {
groupings <- meta(, object)[cells.use]
### Grab (and adjust) vars data per cell/sample
# rows = cells/samples
# cols = vars
vars_data <- .multi_var_gather_raw(
object, vars, assay, slot, adjustment, cells.use, numeric.only)
### Summarize vars data per group
# rows = summarized vars data
# cols = groupings
summarize <- function(summary.fxn) {
function ( {
function(this.var) {
summary.fxn(vars_data[groupings ==, this.var])
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length(vars))))
summary_data <- lapply(summary.fxns, summarize)
### Vectorize the summary data
# rows = individual data points; each var for group1, group2, group3,...
data <- data.frame(
var = rep(vars, ncol(summary_data[[1]])),
grouping = rep(unique(groupings), each = nrow(summary_data[[1]]))
for (i in seq_along(summary_data)) {
data <- cbind(data, unlist(summary_data[[i]]))
names(data) <- c("var", "grouping", names)
if (do.hover) {
data$hover.string <- .make_hover_strings_from_df(data)
#' @importFrom stats sd
.multi_var_gather_raw <- function(
numeric.only) {
call_meta <- isMeta(vars, object, return.values = FALSE)
meta_vars <- vars[call_meta]
gene_vars <- isGene(vars[!call_meta], object, assay, return.values = TRUE)
if (!all(vars %in% c(meta_vars, gene_vars))) {
stop("All 'vars' must be a metadata or gene")
if (length(vars) <= 1) {
stop("'vars' must be a vector of at least two elements for this function.")
vars_data <- if (length(meta_vars)>0) {
as.matrix(getMetas(object, names.only = FALSE)[, meta_vars, drop = FALSE])
} else {
if (length(gene_vars)>0) {
gene_data <- t(as.matrix(.which_data(assay,slot,object)[gene_vars, , drop = FALSE]))
if (!is.null(adjustment)) {
if (adjustment=="z-score") {
gene_data <- apply(gene_data, 2, function(x) {(x-mean(x))/sd(x)})
if (adjustment=="") {
gene_data <- apply(gene_data, 2, function(x) {x/max(x)})
vars_data <- cbind(vars_data, gene_data)
if (numeric.only) {
for (ind in seq_len(ncol(vars_data))) {
if (!is.numeric(vars_data[,ind])) {
stop("All 'vars' must be numeric. ", names(vars_data)[ind], " is not numeric.")
vars_data[cells.use, vars]
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