#' @include sugar.R
#' Generalized differential Loop Calling
#' \code{loopAssoc} takes a \code{loops} object and prepares it for the
#' returns another \code{loops} object with summary statistics
#' per-loop in the \code{rowData}
#' By the default, we generate is to generate a design matrix from
#' \code{loops@colData$groups}. Currently, 'edgeR' and 'Voom' are the
#' two supported association
#' methods, but new association tests may be added in later developments.
#' @param y A loops object for association
#' @param method Specifies association; either "Voom" or "edgeR"
#' @param design A design matrix of the samples; required for "Voom"
#' @param coef A vector for the coefficient of GLM. See edgeR manual
#' @param contrast A vector for the contrast. See edgeR manual
#' @return A loops object
#' @examples
#' # Differential loop fit
#' rda<-paste(system.file('rda',package='diffloop'),'loops.small.rda',sep='/')
#' load(rda)
#' # assoc <- loopAssoc(loops.small, coef = 2)
#' @import edgeR
#' @import locfit
#' @import statmod
#' @import limma
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "loopAssoc", def = function(y, method = "edgeR", design = NULL, coef = NULL, contrast = NULL)
#' @rdname loopAssoc
setMethod(f = "loopAssoc", signature = c("loops", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"),
definition = function(y, method = "edgeR", design = NULL, coef = NULL, contrast = NULL) {
stopifnot(method == "edgeR" | method == "Voom")
if(is.null(coef) & is.null(contrast) & method == "edgeR"){
stop("specify either the coefficient or the contrast when using the edgeR method")
groups <- y@colData$groups
z <- DGEList(counts = y@counts, group = groups)
z <- calcNormFactors(z)
design <- model.matrix(~groups)
cat("The coefficients of the fitted GLM object are:\n")
if(method == "edgeR"){
yy <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(z, design)
fit <- glmQLFit(yy, design, robust = TRUE)
qlf <- glmLRT(fit, coef = coef)
} else {
qlf <- glmLRT(fit, contrast = contrast)
results <-, n = nrow(y@counts), = "none"))
} else {
v <- voom(z,design,plot=FALSE)
fit <- lmFit(v, design)
fit <- eBayes(fit, robust = TRUE)
results <-, number = nrow(y@counts), = "none"))
newRowData <-, results))
row.names(newRowData) <- NULL
y@rowData <- newRowData
#' Combined association test for all loops in a defined region
#' \code{slidingWindowTest} takes a \code{loops} object and
#' integer values of the association window and the distance between
#' consecutive windows.
#' This function returns a data.frame sorted by FDR of each region. The engine
#' loops over each chromosome and defines the first window at the left-most
#' loop and slides the window right until no more loops are present in \code{x}
#' Each region is determined from a sliding window of fixed length.
#' The combined significance measure per feature is computed via the Simes
#' method for intrachromosomal loops where at least one anchor from the loop
#' overlaps with the region. Requires PValue column in the rowData slot.
#' @param x A loops object with PValue column (from association testing)
#' @param window The length a window will be for combined association
#' @param step The size that the window will shift for each association
#' @return A data.frame sorted by FDR
#' @examples
#' # Sliding window test 100kb at a time between naive and jurkat
#' rda<-paste(system.file('rda',package='diffloop'),'loops.small.rda',sep='/')
#' load(rda)
#' # assoc_jn <- loopAssoc(loops.small, coef = 2)
#' # sw_jn <- slidingWindowTest(assoc_jn, 100000, 100000)
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases model.matrix p.adjust prcomp setNames
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "slidingWindowTest", def = function(x, window,
step) standardGeneric("slidingWindowTest"))
#' @rdname slidingWindowTest
setMethod(f = "slidingWindowTest", signature = c("loops", "numeric",
"numeric"), definition = function(x, window, step) {
dlo <- x
pvals <- x@rowData$PValue
# Generate data.frame of anchor locations and pvalues for
# loops
keepcols <- c("chr_1", "start_1", "end_1", "chr_2", "start_2",
bigdf <- cbind(summary(dlo)[keepcols], pvals)
df.use <- bigdf[bigdf$chr_1 == bigdf$chr_2, ] #only intra
all.chromosomes <- unique(c(levels(droplevels(df.use$chr_1)),
# Count how many regions will be present
nRegions.perchr <- sapply(all.chromosomes, function(t) {
if (any(df.use$chr_1 == t)) {
endBP <- max(df.use[df.use$chr_1 == t, c("end_1",
start <- min(df.use[df.use$chr_1 == t, c("start_1",
nRegions <- round((endBP - start)/step) + 1
} else {
# Define results data.frame
resdf <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = sum(nRegions.perchr),
ncol = 6))
# i row of resdf; j element of all.chromosomes; kth step
for (j in 1:length(all.chromosomes)) {
chrom <- all.chromosomes[j]
last <- sum(nRegions.perchr[1:j])
i <- last - nRegions.perchr[j]
k <- 0
chrdf <- df.use[df.use$chr_1 == all.chromosomes[j], ]
startchr <- min(chrdf[, c("start_1", "start_2")])
while (i < last) {
start <- window * k + startchr
end <- start + window
# Determine if either anchor overlaps with window Keep
# pvalues where they do
lAnchorIn <- ((chrdf$end_1 >= start & chrdf$end_1 <=
end) | (chrdf$start_1 >= start & chrdf$start_1 <=
rAnchorIn <- ((chrdf$end_2 >= start & chrdf$end_2 <=
end) | (chrdf$start_2 >= start & chrdf$start_2 <=
wPvals <- chrdf[(lAnchorIn | rAnchorIn), "pvals"]
if (length(wPvals) != 0) {
# Perform Simes Method
r <- rank(wPvals)
combinedP <- min(length(wPvals) * wPvals/r)
FDR <- combinedP
combinedResult <- cbind(combinedP, FDR)
row <- data.frame(chrom, start, end, length(wPvals),
combinedResult, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
resdf[i, ] <- row
i <- i + 1
k <- k + 1
# Adjust for multiple testing using FDR keep instances where
# we actually had a hit.
resdf <- resdf[complete.cases(resdf), ]
resdf$X5 <- p.adjust(resdf$X5, method = "fdr")
colnames(resdf) <- c("chr", "start", "stop", "n", "FDR",
return(resdf[with(resdf, order(FDR)), ])
#' Combined association test for all loops in a defined region
#' \code{featureTest} takes a \code{loops} and
#' genomic coordinates of regions and computes combined significance
#' metrics for each region using the Simes procedure
#' This function returns a data.frame sorted by FDR of each region. Assumes
#' the region name is specified in the GRanges object with \code{id} column.
#' Each feature is a one row in the GRanges object. The combined significance
#' measure per feature is computed via the Simes method for intrachromosomal
#' loops where at least one anchor from the loop overlaps with the region of
#' interest.
#' @param x A loops object
#' @param features A GRanges object defining regions for a combined test
#' @return A data.frame sorted by FDR
#' @examples
#' # Human genes chromosome 1 regional association
#' rda<-paste(system.file('rda',package='diffloop'),'loops.small.rda',sep='/')
#' load(rda)
#' # assoc <- loopAssoc(loops.small, coef = 2)
#' # Gene based association
#' # sw_jn <- featureTest(assoc, getHumanGenes(c('1')))
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases model.matrix p.adjust prcomp setNames
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "featureTest", def = function(x, features) standardGeneric("featureTest"))
#' @rdname featureTest
setMethod(f = "featureTest", signature = c("loops", "GRanges"),
definition = function(x, features) {
dlo <- x
pvals <- x@rowData$PValue
# Generate data.frame of anchor locations and pvalues for
# loops
keepcols <- c("chr_1", "start_1", "end_1", "chr_2", "start_2",
bigdf <- cbind(summary(dlo)[keepcols], pvals)
df.use <- bigdf[bigdf$chr_1 == bigdf$chr_2, ] #intra
featuredf <-
# Define results data.frame
resdf <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = length(features),
ncol = 7))
for (i in 1:length(features)) {
# Feature coordinates
start <- featuredf[i, ]$start
end <- featuredf[i, ]$end
chr <- as.character(featuredf[i, ]$seqnames)
feat <- as.character(featuredf[i, ]$id)
# Grab pvalues of anchors in individual feature locus
lAnchorIn <- ((df.use$end_1 >= start & df.use$end_1 <=
end) | (df.use$start_1 >= start & df.use$start_1 <=
rAnchorIn <- ((df.use$end_2 >= start & df.use$end_2 <=
end) | (df.use$start_2 >= start & df.use$start_2 <=
samechromo <- as.character(df.use$chr_1) == chr
wPvals <- df.use[(lAnchorIn | rAnchorIn) & samechromo,
# Perform Simes method; update dataframe
if (length(wPvals) != 0) {
r <- rank(wPvals)
combinedP <- min(length(wPvals) * wPvals/r)
FDR <- combinedP
combinedResult <- cbind(combinedP, FDR)
row <- data.frame(chr, start, end, length(wPvals),
feat, combinedResult, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
resdf[i, ] <- row
i <- i + 1
# Adjust for multiple testing using FDR keep instances where
# we actually had a hit.
resdf <- resdf[complete.cases(resdf), ]
resdf$X6 <- p.adjust(resdf$X6, method = "fdr")
colnames(resdf) <- c("chr", "start", "stop", "n", "feature",
"FDR", "PValue")
return(resdf[with(resdf, order(FDR)), ])
#' Perform quick differential loop calling
#' \code{quickAssoc} takes a loops object and performs a basic
#' \code{edgeR} association on the counts matrix and groups from \code{colData}
#' This function returns the output of fitting an edgeR model using
#' the groups defined in \code{colData} for the specific loops
#' object. The factor normalization is based on the \code{edgeR} model.
#' For quick association, the number of groups is restricted to two. If
#' a more complex group structure exists, consider using the \code{loopAssoc}
#' function.
#' @param y A loops object for association
#' @return A loops object
#' @examples
#' # Differential loop calling between naive and primed
#' rda<-paste(system.file('rda',package='diffloop'),'loops.small.rda',sep='/')
#' load(rda)
#' np <- loops.small[,1:4]
#' assoc_np <- quickAssoc(np)
#' @import edgeR
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "quickAssoc", def = function(y) standardGeneric("quickAssoc"))
#' @rdname quickAssoc
setMethod(f = "quickAssoc", signature = c("loops"), definition = function(y) {
# Check that there's only two groups, if not, escape
if (length(unique(y@colData$groups)) != 2) {
stop("Must be two groups for quickAssoc; use loopAssoc instead!")
groups <- y@colData$groups
z <- DGEList(counts = y@counts, group = groups)
design <- model.matrix(~groups)
z <- calcNormFactors(z)
yy <- estimateGLMCommonDisp(z, design)
fit <- glmQLFit(yy, design, robust = TRUE)
qlf <- glmLRT(fit, coef = 2)
results <-, n = nrow(y@counts), = "none"))
newRowData <-, results))
row.names(newRowData) <- NULL
y@rowData <- newRowData
#' Perform quick differential loop calling
#' \code{quickAssocVoom} takes a loops object and performs a basic
#' \code{voom} association on the counts matrix and groups from \code{colData}
#' This function returns the output of fitting an \code{voom} model using
#' the groups defined in \code{colData} for the specific loops
#' object. The factor normalization is based on the \code{voom} model.
#' For quick association, the number of groups is restricted to two. If
#' a more complex group structure exists, consider using the \code{loopAssoc}
#' function.
#' @param y A loops object for association
#' @return A loops object
#' @examples
#' # Differential loop calling between naive and primed
#' rda<-paste(system.file('rda',package='diffloop'),'loops.small.rda',sep='/')
#' load(rda)
#' np <- loops.small[,1:4]
#' assoc_np_voom <- quickAssocVoom(np)
#' @import limma
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "quickAssocVoom", def = function(y) standardGeneric("quickAssocVoom"))
#' @rdname quickAssocVoom
setMethod(f = "quickAssocVoom", signature = c("loops"), definition = function(y) {
# Check that there's only two groups, if not, escape
if (length(unique(y@colData$groups)) != 2) {
stop("Must be two groups for quickAssoc; use loopAssoc instead!")
groups <- y@colData$groups
z <- DGEList(counts = y@counts, group = groups)
design <- model.matrix(~groups)
z <- calcNormFactors(z)
v <- voom(z,design,plot=FALSE)
fit <- lmFit(v,design)
fit <- eBayes(fit, robust = TRUE)
results <-, number = nrow(y@counts), = "none"))
newRowData <-, results))
row.names(newRowData) <- NULL
y@rowData <- newRowData
#' Grab top loops
#' \code{topLoops} takes a loops object and performs basic filtering
#' for \code{FDR} or \code{PValue}
#' This function returns a subsetted \code{loops} object where all
#' loops meet the significance threshold specificed by the parameters
#' in the function call.
#' @param dlo A loops object
#' @param FDR Maximum threshold for False Discovery Rate; default = 1
#' @param PValue Maximum threshold for P-value; default = 1
#' @return A loops object subsetted by specified parameters
#' @examples
#' # Differential loop calling between naive and primed
#' rda<-paste(system.file('rda',package='diffloop'),'loops.small.rda',sep='/')
#' load(rda)
#' np <- loops.small[,1:4]
#' assoc_np <- quickAssoc(np)
#' top_np <- topLoops(assoc_np, FDR = 0.3)
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "topLoops", def = function(dlo, FDR, PValue) standardGeneric("topLoops"))
.topLoops <- function(dlo, FDR, PValue) {
idxF <- dlo@rowData$FDR <= FDR
idxP <- dlo@rowData$PValue <= PValue
idxA <- idxF & idxP
return(subsetLoops(dlo, idxA))
#' @rdname topLoops
setMethod(f = "topLoops", signature = c("loops", "numeric", "numeric"),
definition = function(dlo, FDR, PValue) {
.topLoops(dlo, FDR, PValue)
#' @rdname topLoops
setMethod(f = "topLoops", signature = c("loops", "numeric", "missing"),
definition = function(dlo, FDR, PValue) {
.topLoops(dlo, FDR, 1)
#' @rdname topLoops
setMethod(f = "topLoops", signature = c("loops", "missing", "numeric"),
definition = function(dlo, FDR, PValue) {
.topLoops(dlo, 1, PValue)
#' Retain loops spanning some genomic feature
#' \code{filterSpanningLoops} returns a loops object where the ends of the
#' anchors completely span one or more genomic feature (e.g. boundary)
#' Rather than a simple overlap, the function by default requires a
#' genomic locus to be completely contacints
#' @param dlo A loops object
#' @param gf A GRanges object of features
#' @return An loops object
#' @examples
#' # Return the width for loops
#' rda<-paste(system.file('rda',package='diffloop'),'loops.small.rda',sep='/')
#' load(rda)
#' w <- loopWidth(loops.small)
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "filterSpanningLoops", def = function(dlo, gf) standardGeneric("filterSpanningLoops"))
#' @rdname filterSpanningLoops
setMethod(f = "filterSpanningLoops", signature = c("loops", "GRanges"), definition = function(dlo, gf) {
sdf <- summary(dlo)
span <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(sdf, seqnames.field = "chr_1", start.field = "start_1", end.field = "end_2")
co <- findOverlaps(gf, span, type = "within")
return(subsetLoops(dlo, subjectHits(co)))
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