#' @importFrom foreach foreach %:% %dopar%
#' @importFrom doRNG %dorng%
#' @title Statistical test for differential association analysis
#' @description Perform statistical tests for scores generated using
#' \code{dcScore}. Selects appropriate tests for the different methods used
#' in computing scores. The exact test is selected based on the scoring method
#' used and cannot be manually specified. Available tests include the z-test
#' and permutation tests. Parallel computation supported for the permutation
#' test.
#' @param dcscores a matrix, the result of the \code{dcScore} function. The
#' results should be passed as produced by the function and not modified in
#' intermediate steps
#' @param emat a matrix, data.frame, ExpressionSet, SummarizedExperiment or
#' DGEList. This should be the one passed to \code{dcScore}
#' @param condition a numeric, (with 1's and 2's representing a binary
#' condition), a factor with 2 levels or a character representing 2
#' conditions. This should be the one passed to \code{dcScore}
#' @param ... see details
#' @details Ensure that the score matrix passed to this function is the one
#' produced by \code{dcScore}. Any modification to the result matrix will
#' cause this function to fail. This is intended as the test need to be
#' performed on the entire score matrix, not subsets.
#' The appropriate test is chosen automatically based on the scoring method
#' used. A z-test is performed for the z-score method while no tests are
#' performed for DiffCoEx, EBcoexpress and FTGI. Permutation tests are
#' performed for the remainder of methods by permutation sample labels.
#' Statistics from a permutation are pooled such that statistics from all
#' scores are used to evaluate a single observed score.
#' Additional method specific parameters can be supplied to the function when
#' performing permutation tests. \code{B} specifies the number of permutations
#' to be performed and defaults to 20.
#' If a cluster exists, computation in a permutation test will be performed in
#' parallel (see examples).
#' @name dcTest
#' @return a matrix, of p-values (or scores in the case of DiffCoEx and
#' EBcoexpress) representing significance of differential associations.
#' DiffCoEx will return scores as the publication specifies direct
#' thresholding of scores and EBcoexpress returns posterior probabilities.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dcMethods}}, \code{\link{dcScore}}
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(60), 2, 30)
#' cond <- rep(1:2, 15)
#' scores <- dcScore(x, cond, dc.method = 'mindy')
#' dcTest(scores, emat = x, condition = cond)
#' \dontrun{
#' #running in parallel
#' num_cores = 2
#' cl <- parallel::makeCluster(num_cores)
#' doSNOW::registerDoSNOW(cl) #or doParallel
#' set.seed(36) #for reproducibility
#' dcTest(scores, emat = x, condition = cond, B = 100)
#' parallel::stopCluster(cl)
#' }
#' @export
dcTest <- function(dcscores, emat, condition, ...) {
if (!all(c('dc.method', 'call') %in% names(attributes(dcscores)))) {
stop('Please ensure dcscores has not been modified')
dc.method = attr(dcscores, 'dc.method')
pmat =[dc.method, 'testf'], list(quote(dcscores), quote(emat), quote(condition), ...))
z.test <- function(dcscores, ...) {
#compute raw p-values
pvals = pnorm(abs(dcscores), lower.tail = FALSE) * 2
attributes(pvals) = attributes(dcscores)
#add test type to attributes
attr(pvals, 'dc.test') = 'two tailed z-test'
no.test <- function(dcscores, ...) {
warning('No statistical test required')
attr(dcscores, 'dc.test') = 'none'
#vectorize networks - helper function convert scorematrix to a symmetric matrix then vector
mat2vec <- function(m) {
m = pmax(m, t(m))
v = m[upper.tri(m)]
attr(v, 'feature.names') = rownames(m) #store names to enable reconstruction
attr(v, 'mat.attrs') = attributes(m) #store names to enable reconstruction
vec2mat <- function(v) {
sz = (1 + sqrt(1 + 8 * length(v))) / 2 #recompute size, quadratic solve
m = matrix(NA, sz, sz)
m[upper.tri(m)] = v
m = t(m)
m[upper.tri(m)] = v
colnames(m) = rownames(m) = attr(v, 'feature.names')
attributes(m) = attr(v, 'mat.attrs')
perm.test <- function(dcscores, emat, condition, B = 20) {
obs = mat2vec(dcscores)
#package requirements
pckgs = c('dcanr')
#perform permutation
pvals = foreach(
b = seq_len(B),
.combine = function(...) {mapply(sum, ...)},
.multicombine = TRUE,
.inorder = FALSE,
.packages = pckgs
) %dorng% {
#shuffle condition and recalculate scores
env = new.env()
#convert conditions to numeric
condition = as.numeric(as.factor(condition))
assign('emat', emat, envir = env)
assign('condition', sample(condition, length(condition)), envir = env)
permsc = eval(attr(dcscores, 'call'), envir = env)
permsc = mat2vec(permsc)
#count elements greater than obs
permsc = abs(permsc)
permsc = permsc[!( || is.infinite(permsc))]
permcounts = vapply(abs(obs), function(x) sum(permsc > x), 0)
return(c(permcounts, length(permsc)))
N = pvals[length(pvals)]
pvals = pvals[-(length(pvals))] / N
attributes(pvals) = attributes(obs)
pvals = vec2mat(pvals)
attr(pvals, 'dc.test') = 'permutation'
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