#' @describeIn coverage_process Load and normalise coverage from RNA-sequencing data
#' @export
coverage_norm <- function(
unannot_width = 20,
coverage_chr_control = NULL,
load_func = .coverage_load,
bp_param = BiocParallel::SerialParam(),
norm_const = 1) {
##### Check user-input #####
if (sum(colData(junctions)[["case_control"]] == "case") != length(coverage_paths_case)) {
stop("Number of cases must equal the length of coverage_paths_case")
if (length(coverage_paths_control) < 2) {
stop("coverage_paths_control must cover at least 2 controls")
if (!is.null(coverage_chr_control)) {
if (!coverage_chr_control %in% c("chr", "no_chr")) {
stop("coverage_chr_control must be one of 'chr' or 'no_chr'")
##### Get exon/intronic regions for each junction #####
print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Obtaining exonic and intronic regions to load coverage from..."))
coverage_regions <- .coverage_exon_intron(junctions, unannot_width)
##### Get region to normalise coverage with respect to #####
print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Obtaining regions to use to normalise coverage..."))
# load in reference annotation
ref <- .ref_load(ref)
coverage_regions <- .coverage_norm_region(junctions, ref, coverage_regions)
##### Load coverage #####
print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Loading coverage..."))
case_control_coverage <- .coverage_load_samp(
coverage_regions = coverage_regions,
coverage_paths_case = coverage_paths_case,
coverage_paths_control = coverage_paths_control,
coverage_chr_control = coverage_chr_control,
load_func = load_func,
bp_param = bp_param
##### Normalise coverage #####
print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Normalising coverage..."))
case_control_coverage <- .coverage_norm(case_control_coverage, norm_const)
print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - done!"))
#' Obtain the regions of interest for each junction
#' `.coverage_exon_intron` obtains the exonic and intronic regions
#' corresponding each junction. If the junctions ends are annotated, it
#' takes the exon definitions. If unannotated, then will use an arbitrary exon
#' width defined by the user in `unannot_width`. If multiple exons overlap
#' a junction end, the shortest definition is used. Intron definitions are the
#' junction co-ordinates.
#' @inheritParams coverage_norm
#' @return [GRangesList-class][GenomicRanges::GRangesList-class] containing 3
#' sets of ranges, corresponding the the flanking exons and intron
#' definitions.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.coverage_exon_intron <- function(junctions, unannot_width) {
coverage_regions <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(compress = FALSE)
##### Get exonic regions of interest #####
for (start_end in c("start", "end")) {
exon_widths <- mcols(junctions)[[stringr::str_c("exon_width_", start_end)]]
# fill unannotated ends with user-defined width
exon_widths <- replace(
x = exon_widths,
which(lengths(exon_widths) == 0),
values = unannot_width
) %>%
stopifnot(all(lengths(exon_widths) > 0))
# take the smallest exon if multiple overlap
exon_widths <- min(exon_widths)
# take off 1bp from the exon widths so resultant exon width remains the same
if (start_end == "start") {
exon_ends <- start(junctions) - 1
exon_starts <- exon_ends - (exon_widths - 1)
} else {
exon_starts <- end(junctions) + 1
exon_ends <- exon_starts + (exon_widths - 1)
coverage_regions[[stringr::str_c("exon_coords_", start_end)]] <-
seqnames = seqnames(junctions),
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
start = exon_starts,
end = exon_ends
strand = strand(junctions)
##### Add intron/junction coords #####
coverage_regions[["intron_coords"]] <-
mcols(coverage_regions[["intron_coords"]]) <- NULL
#' Obtain the region to normalise coverage
#' `.coverage_norm_region` obtains the region to use to normalise coverage
#' across exons and intron for each junction. Currently, this is the gene
#' definition associated with each junction. For junctions that are unannotated,
#' the largest local region is taken from the start of the upstream to the end
#' of downstream exon. For ambiguous genes (> 1 gene associated to a junction),
#' the shortest gene definition is used.
#' @inheritParams coverage_norm
#' @param coverage_regions
#' @return [GRangesList-class][GenomicRanges::GRangesList-class] containing an
#' additional set of ranges containing regions to use to normalise coverage.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.coverage_norm_region <- function(junctions, ref, coverage_regions) {
# for R CMD check
index <- NULL
ref_genes <- ref %>%
GenomicFeatures::genes(columns = c("gene_id", "exon_name")) %>%
coverage_norm_regions <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(compress = FALSE)
##### no gene #####
no_gene_indexes <- which(lengths(mcols(junctions)[["gene_id_junction"]]) == 0)
# for these we obtain the largest local region possible
# from start exon overlapping start to end of exon overlapping end
no_gene_coords <-
seqnames = seqnames(junctions)[no_gene_indexes],
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(
start = coverage_regions[["exon_coords_start"]][no_gene_indexes] %>% start(),
end = coverage_regions[["exon_coords_end"]][no_gene_indexes] %>% end()
strand = strand(junctions)[no_gene_indexes]
mcols(no_gene_coords)[["index"]] <- no_gene_indexes
##### single gene #####
single_gene_indexes <- which(lengths(mcols(junctions)[["gene_id_junction"]]) == 1)
# easiest case, we just use the gene coords
single_gene_coords <- dplyr::tibble(
gene_id = unlist(mcols(junctions)[["gene_id_junction"]][single_gene_indexes]),
index = single_gene_indexes
) %>%
dplyr::left_join(ref_genes, by = "gene_id") %>%
dplyr::select(seqnames, start, end, strand, index) %>%
##### ambig gene #####
ambig_gene_indexes <- which(lengths(mcols(junctions)[["gene_id_junction"]]) > 1)
ambig_gene_coords <- mcols(junctions)[["gene_id_junction"]][ambig_gene_indexes]
names(ambig_gene_coords) <- ambig_gene_indexes
# right now, this takes the smallest gene
# however could be updated to be more complex
ambig_gene_coords <- dplyr::tibble(
index = names(unlist(ambig_gene_coords)),
gene_id = unlist(ambig_gene_coords)
) %>%
dplyr::left_join(ref_genes, by = "gene_id") %>%
dplyr::group_by(index) %>%
dplyr::filter(width == min(width)) %>%
dplyr::select(seqnames, start, end, strand, index) %>%
##### merge all gene coords together ####
norm_coords <- c(
# arrange the coords by index so they're order matches junctions
mcols(norm_coords)[["index"]] <- mcols(norm_coords)[["index"]] %>% as.integer()
norm_coords <- norm_coords %>% plyranges::arrange(index)
stopifnot(identical(mcols(norm_coords)[["index"]], seq_along(junctions)))
mcols(norm_coords)[["index"]] <- NULL
coverage_regions[["norm_coords"]] <- norm_coords
#' Loads coverage from case and control BigWig files
#' `.coverage_load_samp` uses `dasper:::.coverage_load` to load coverage from
#' BigWig files across all samples. It does this for both case and controls and
#' for each set of ranges in `coverage_regions`.
#' @inheritParams coverage_norm
#' @inheritParams .coverage_norm_region
#' @return list containing two lists called "case" and "control", each
#' containing coverage matrices. The number of matrices is equal to the length
#' of `coverage_regions`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.coverage_load_samp <-
load_func = .coverage_load,
bp_param = BiocParallel::SerialParam()) {
case_control_coverage <- list()
for (case_control in c("case", "control")) {
if (case_control == "case") {
coverage_paths <- coverage_paths_case
chr_format <- NULL # assume case coverage paths always same chr as junctions
} else {
coverage_paths <- coverage_paths_control
chr_format <- coverage_chr_control
coverage_mats <- list()
for (i in seq_along(coverage_regions)) {
# sum to obtain total AUC for normalisation
# mean for exon/intron regions
sum_fun <- ifelse(names(coverage_regions)[i] == "norm_coords", "sum", "mean")
# parrallelise across coverage_paths
coverage_mat <-
FUN = load_func,
BPPARAM = bp_param,
regions = coverage_regions[[i]],
chr_format = chr_format,
sum_fun = sum_fun
) %>%
unlist() %>%
ncol = length(coverage_paths),
nrow = length(coverage_regions[[i]])
coverage_mats[[i]] <- coverage_mat
case_control_coverage[[case_control]] <- coverage_mats
# convert names from coords to coverage to represent contents
names(case_control_coverage[[case_control]]) <- names(coverage_regions) %>%
stringr::str_replace("coords", "coverage")
#' Normalises coverage across the exons/intron associated with each junction
#' `.coverage_norm` normalises coverage across exons/introns by dividing
#' their coverage by the total AUC across the norm region.
#' @param case_control_coverage list containing coverage for case and controls
#' returned by `dasper:::.coverage_load_samp`
#' @param norm_const integer to add to the normalisation coverages. This
#' prevents dividing by 0 and NaN/Inf values resulting.
#' @return list containing two lists called "case" and "control". Each
#' containing 3 matrices with normalised coverage across exons/introns for
#' each junction/sample.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.coverage_norm <- function(case_control_coverage, norm_const = 1) {
# loop across case and controls
for (case_control in c("case", "control")) {
# and each coverage matrix within case/controls
for (j in seq_along(case_control_coverage[[case_control]])) {
# skip normalisation coverage as this does not need to be normalised itself
if (names(case_control_coverage[[case_control]][j]) == "norm_coverage") {
} else {
# normalise coverage across exons/intron
# by dividing by the coverage across normalisation regions
case_control_coverage[[case_control]][[j]] <-
case_control_coverage[[case_control]][[j]] / (case_control_coverage[[case_control]][["norm_coverage"]] + norm_const)
case_control_coverage[[case_control]][[j]][[[case_control]][[j]])] <- 0
# remove norm coverage
case_control_coverage[[case_control]] <-
case_control_coverage[[case_control]][names(case_control_coverage[[case_control]]) != "norm_coverage"]
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