#' Combine two ExpressionSet objects
#' Suitable for SNP or non-polymorphic data which were already processed with
#' single locus FARMS
#' @param object01 An instance of \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}
#' either with SNP or non-polymorphic data
#' @param object02 An instance of \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}
#' either with SNP or non-polymorphic data
#' @param obj01Var States the variable which should be combined from the
#' assayData slot. Default is intensity.
#' @param obj02Var States the variable which should be combined from the
#' assayData slot. Default is intensity.
#' @param runtype Mode how the results are saved. Possible values are ff or bm.
#' If ff is chosen the data will not be saved automatically.
#' With bm the results will be saved permanently.
#' @param saveFile Name of the file to save.
#' @return An instance of \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}.
#' @author Djork-Arne Clevert \email{} and
#' Andreas Mitterecker \email{}
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("exampleData/normData.RData", package = "cn.farms"))
#' notes(experimentData(normData))$annotDir <-
#' system.file("exampleData/annotation/pd.genomewidesnp.6/1.1.0",
#' package = "cn.farms")
#' summaryMethod <- "Variational"
#' summaryParam <- list()
#' summaryParam$cyc <- c(10)
#' slData <- slSummarization(normData,
#' summaryMethod = summaryMethod,
#' summaryParam = summaryParam)
#' assayData(slData)$L_z[1:10, ]
#' combData <- combineData(slData, slData)
#' combData
#' @export
combineData <- function (
obj01Var = "intensity",
obj02Var = "intensity",
runtype = "ff",
saveFile = "combData") {
## assure correct file extension
saveFile <- gsub("\\.RData", "", saveFile)
saveFile <- gsub("\\.rda", "", saveFile)
saveFile <- paste(saveFile, ".RData", sep = "")
if (runtype == "bm" & file.exists(saveFile)) {
message("Combining the data has already been done")
message("Trying to load combined data ...")
dataSnpType <- experimentData(object01)@other$type
dataNpType <- experimentData(object02)@other$type
colNamesSnp <- c("chrom", "start", "end", "man_fsetid")
colNamesNp <- c("chrom", "start", "end", "man_fsetid")
if (dataSnpType == "slData" & dataNpType == "npData") {
a <- fData(object01)[, colNamesSnp]
b <- fData(object02)[, colNamesNp]
colnames(b) <- colNamesSnp
} else if (dataSnpType == "npData" & dataNpType == "slData") {
a <- fData(object01)[, colNamesNp]
b <- fData(object02)[, colNamesSnp]
colnames(a) <- colNamesSnp
} else if (dataSnpType == "slData" & dataNpType == "slData") {
a <- fData(object01)[, colNamesSnp]
b <- fData(object02)[, colNamesSnp]
} else if (dataSnpType == "npData" & dataNpType == "npData") {
a <- fData(object01)[, colNamesNp]
b <- fData(object02)[, colNamesNp]
} else {
stop("Wrong input objects")
phInfTmp <- rbind(a, b)
idx <- order(phInfTmp[, "chrom"], phInfTmp[, "start"])
phInf <- phInfTmp[idx, ]
cutoff <- nrow(a)
nbrOfProbes <- nrow(phInf)
nbrOfSamples <- ncol(assayData(object01)[[obj01Var]])
intensity <- createMatrix(runtype, nbrOfProbes, nbrOfSamples,
type = "double", bmName = gsub("\\.RData", "", saveFile))
intensity[which(idx <= cutoff), ] <- as.matrix(assayData(object01)[[obj01Var]][])
intensity[which(idx > cutoff), ] <- as.matrix(assayData(object02)[[obj02Var]][])
combData <- new("ExpressionSet")
## assay data
assayData(combData) <- list(intensity = intensity)
## protocol data
protocolData(combData) <- protocolData(object01)
## pheno data
phenoData(combData) <- phenoData(object01)
## feature data
featureData(combData) <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
data = phInf)
## experiment data
experimentData(combData) <- experimentData(object01)
experimentData(combData)@other$type <- "combData"
## annotation
##annotation(combData) <- annotation(object01)
if (runtype == "bm") {
cat(paste(Sys.time(), "| Saving normalized data \n"))
save(combData, file = saveFile)
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