## ----"knitr options", echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE----------
message = FALSE,
warning = FALSE,
collapse = TRUE,
fig.align = "center",
comment = "#>",
crop = NULL
## ----"Installation", eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------
# install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("clustifyr")
## ----"Load data"--------------------------------------------------------------
# Matrix of normalized single-cell RNA-seq counts
pbmc_matrix <- clustifyr::pbmc_matrix_small
# table containing cluster assignments for each cell
# The table that we are using also contains the known cell identities in the "classified" column
pbmc_meta <- clustifyr::pbmc_meta
## ----"Run clustifyr()"--------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate correlation coefficients for each cluster (spearman by default)
vargenes <- pbmc_vargenes[1:500]
res <- clustify(
input = pbmc_matrix, # matrix of normalized scRNA-seq counts (or SCE/Seurat object)
metadata = pbmc_meta, # table containing cell clusters
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters", # name of column in containing cell clusters
ref_mat = cbmc_ref, # matrix of RNA-seq expression data for each cell type
query_genes = vargenes # list of highly varible genes identified with Seurat
# Peek at correlation matrix
res[1:5, 1:5]
# Call cell types
res2 <- cor_to_call(
cor_mat = res, # matrix correlation coefficients
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters" # name of column in containing cell clusters
res2[1:5, ]
# Insert into original metadata as "type" column
pbmc_meta2 <- call_to_metadata(
res = res2, # data.frame of called cell type for each cluster
metadata = pbmc_meta, # original table containing cell clusters
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters" # name of column in containing cell clusters
## ----"Create correlation heatmap", fig.height = 5, fig.width = 7--------------
# Create heatmap of correlation coefficients using clustifyr() output
plot_cor_heatmap(cor_mat = res)
## ----"Overlay corr coefficients on UMAP", fig.height = 3.5, fig.width = 9-----
# Overlay correlation coefficients on UMAPs for the first two cell types
corr_umaps <- plot_cor(
cor_mat = res, # matrix of correlation coefficients from clustifyr()
metadata = pbmc_meta, # table containing UMAP or tSNE data
data_to_plot = colnames(res)[1:2], # name of cell type(s) to plot correlation coefficients
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters" # name of column in containing cell clusters
plotlist = corr_umaps,
rel_widths = c(0.47, 0.53)
## ----"Label clusters", fig.height = 5.5, fig.width = 12-----------------------
# Label clusters with clustifyr cell identities
clustifyr_types <- plot_best_call(
cor_mat = res, # matrix of correlation coefficients from clustifyr()
metadata = pbmc_meta, # table containing UMAP or tSNE data
do_label = TRUE, # should the feature label be shown on each cluster?
do_legend = FALSE, # should the legend be shown?
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters"
) +
ggtitle("clustifyr cell types")
# Compare clustifyr results with known cell identities
known_types <- plot_dims(
data = pbmc_meta, # table containing UMAP or tSNE data
feature = "classified", # name of column in to color clusters by
do_label = TRUE, # should the feature label be shown on each cluster?
do_legend = FALSE # should the legend be shown?
) +
ggtitle("Known cell types")
plot_grid(known_types, clustifyr_types)
## ----"clustifyr with gene lists", fig.height = 4, fig.width = 6---------------
# Take a peek at marker gene table
# Available metrics include: "hyper", "jaccard", "spearman", "gsea"
list_res <- clustify_lists(
input = pbmc_matrix, # matrix of normalized single-cell RNA-seq counts
metadata = pbmc_meta, # table containing cell clusters
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters", # name of column in containing cell clusters
marker = cbmc_m, # list of known marker genes
metric = "pct" # test to use for assigning cell types
# View as heatmap, or plot_best_call
cor_mat = list_res, # matrix of correlation coefficients from clustify_lists()
cluster_rows = FALSE, # cluster by row?
cluster_columns = FALSE, # cluster by column?
legend_title = "% expressed" # title of heatmap legend
# Downstream functions same as clustify()
# Call cell types
list_res2 <- cor_to_call(
cor_mat = list_res, # matrix correlation coefficients
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters" # name of column in containing cell clusters
# Insert into original metadata as "list_type" column
pbmc_meta3 <- call_to_metadata(
res = list_res2, # data.frame of called cell type for each cluster
metadata = pbmc_meta, # original table containing cell clusters
cluster_col = "seurat_clusters", # name of column in containing cell clusters
rename_prefix = "list_" # set a prefix for the new column
## ----average------------------------------------------------------------------
new_ref_matrix <- average_clusters(
mat = pbmc_matrix,
metadata = pbmc_meta$classified, # or use metadata = pbmc_meta, cluster_col = "classified"
if_log = TRUE # whether the expression matrix is already log transformed
# For further convenience, a shortcut function for generating reference matrix from `SingleCellExperiment` or `seurat` object is used.
new_ref_matrix_sce <- object_ref(
input = sce_small, # SCE object
cluster_col = "cell_type1" # name of column in colData containing cell identities
new_ref_matrix_v2 <- seurat_ref(
seurat_object = s_small, # seuratv2 object
cluster_col = "res.1" # name of column in containing cell identities
new_ref_matrix_v3 <- seurat_ref(
seurat_object = s_small3, # SeuratV3 object
cluster_col = "RNA_snn_res.1" # name of column in containing cell identities
## ----ucsc, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------
# # There's also the option to pull UCSC cell browser data.
# get_ext_reference(cb_url = "",
# cluster_col = "celltype")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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