#' @title Return matrix from ClusterExperiment with reduced dimensions
#' @description Returns a matrix of data from a \code{ClusterExperiment} object
#' based on the choices of dimensionality reduction given by the user.
#' @rdname reduceFunctions
#' @aliases getReducedData
#' @param object For \code{makeReducedDims},\code{makeFilterStats},
#' \code{defaultNDims} either matrix-like, \code{SingleCellExperiment}, or
#' \code{ClusterExperiment} object. For \code{getReducedData} only a
#' \code{ClusterExperiment} object allowed.
#' @param nDims The number of dimensions to keep from \code{reduceMethod}. If
#' missing calls \code{\link{defaultNDims}}.
#' @param whichAssay numeric or character specifying which assay to use. See
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{assay}} for details.
#' @param filterIgnoresUnassigned logical. Whether filtering statistics should
#' ignore the unassigned samples within the clustering. Only relevant if
#' 'reduceMethod' matches one of built-in filtering statistics in
#' \code{\link{listBuiltInFilterStats}()}, in which case the clustering
#' identified in \code{whichCluster} is passed to \code{makeFilterStats} and
#' the unassigned samples are excluded in calculating the statistic. See
#' \code{\link{makeFilterStats}} for more details.
#' @param returnValue The format of output. Users will generally want to keep
#' the default (see details)
#' @param reducedDimName The name given to the reducedDims slot storing result
#' (if \code{returnValue="object"}). If missing, the function will create a
#' default name: if \code{reduceMethod} is a dimensionality reduction, then
#' \code{reduceMethod} will be given as the name; if a filtering statistic,
#' "filteredBy_" followed by \code{reduceMethod}.
#' @inheritParams getClusterIndex
#' @details \code{getReducedData} determines the matrix of values that can be used for
#' computation based on the user's choice of dimensionality methods. The
#' methods can be either of the filtering kind or the more general
#' dimensionality reduction. The function will first look at any stored
#' \code{ReducedDims} or filtering statistics already present in the data, and
#' if missing, will assume that \code{reduceMethod} is one of the built-in
#' method provided by the package and calculate the necessary. Note that if
#' \code{reduceMethod} is a filtering statistic, in addition to filtering the
#' features, the function will also perform the stored transformation of the
#' data.
#' @details Note that this is used internally by functions, but is mainly only
#' of interest for the user if they want to have the filtered, transformed
#' data available as a matrix for continual use.
#' @details If \code{returnValue="object"}, then the output is a single, updated
#' \code{ClusterExperiment} object with the reduced data matrix stored as an
#' element of the list in \code{reducedDims} slot (with name given by
#' \code{reducedDimName} if given). If "list", then a list with one element
#' that is the object and the other that is the reduced data matrix. Either
#' way, the object returned in the list will be updated to contain with the
#' filtering statistics or the dimensionality reduction. The only difference
#' is that if "list", the reduced dimension matrix is NOT saved in the object
#' (and so only really makes a difference if the \code{reduceMethod} argument
#' is a filtering method). The option "list" is mainly for internal use, where
#' we do not want to continually save subseted datasets.
#' @details If \code{nDims} is missing, it will be given a default value
#' depending on the value of \code{reduceMethod}. See
#' \code{\link{defaultNDims}} for details.
#' @details If \code{filterIgnoresUnassigned} is missing, then it is set to TRUE
#' \emph{unless}: \code{reduceMethod} matches a stored filtering statistic in
#' \code{rowData} AND does not match a built-in filtering method provided by
#' the package.
#' @return If \code{returnValue="object"}, a \code{ClusterExperiment} object.
#' @return If \code{returnValue="list"} a list with elements:
#' \itemize{ \item{\code{objectUpdate}}{object, potentially updated if had to
#' calculate dimensionality reduction or filtering statistic}
#' \item{\code{dataMatrix}}{the reduced dimensional matrix with the samples in
#' columns, features in rows} }
#' @seealso \code{\link{makeFilterStats}},\code{\link{makeReducedDims}},
#' \code{\link{filterData}}, \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{reducedDim}}
#' @export
f = "getReducedData",
signature = "ClusterExperiment",
definition = function(object,reduceMethod,filterIgnoresUnassigned,
whichAssay=1, returnValue=c("object","list"),reducedDimName){
if(isReducedDims(object,reduceMethod) & isFilterStats(object,reduceMethod)) stop(paste(reduceMethod,"is the name of both a stored filtering statistic and a stored dimensionality reduction -- cannot create reduced data"))
if(isFilterStats(object,reduceMethod) & !isBuiltInFilterStats(reduceMethod)) filterIgnoresUnassigned<-FALSE
else filterIgnoresUnassigned<-TRUE
if(filterIgnoresUnassigned & isBuiltInFilterStats(reduceMethod)){
if(length(nDims) > 1) {
stop("getReducedData only handles one choice of dimensions.")
if(! & reduceMethod=="none") {
warning("specifying nDims has no effect if reduceMethod==`none`")
#deal with name of new assay
if(returnValue=="object" ){
warning("will not add reduced dataset to object because already exists method with that name")
if(isFilterStats(object,reduceMethod) || isBuiltInFilterStats(reduceMethod)){
else reducedDimName<-reduceMethod
else addToObject<-FALSE
#check nDims less than nDims of saved object...otherwise will have to recalculate it, if possible, and give it new name
if(isReducedDims(object,reduceMethod) && nDims > ncolReducedDims(object)[[reduceMethod]]){
warning("requesting an existing dimensionality reduction but with greater number of dimensions than available. Will ignore nDims and use max dimensions")
###Calculate filters/reduceMethod if needed...
if(!isReducedDims(object,reduceMethod) & isBuiltInReducedDims(reduceMethod)){
else if(!isFilterStats(object,reduceMethodName) & isBuiltInFilterStats(reduceMethod)){
object<-makeFilterStats(object,filterStat=reduceMethod, whichAssay=whichAssay,
whichClusterIgnoreUnassigned=if(filterIgnoresUnassigned) whCl else NULL)
dat<-transformData(object, whichAssay=whichAssay)
else if(isReducedDims(object,reduceMethod))
else if(isFilterStats(object,reduceMethodName))
dat<-transformData(filterData(object,filterStats=reduceMethodName,percentile=nDims), whichAssay=whichAssay)
else stop("'object' does not contain the given 'reduceMethod' value nor does 'reduceMethod' value match any built-in filters or dimensionality reduction options.")
if(isReducedDims(object,reduceMethod) & reduceMethod!=reducedDimName){
#means was already calcualted and saved with name 'reduceMethod' but not right name
if(length(wh)>1) stop("internal coding error -- multiple matches of reduceMethod")
else reducedDim(object,reducedDimName) <- t(dat)
#redo filtering statistic on subset determined by cluster unassigned
#reduce reduced dims to get larger number of Dims
#' @rdname reduceFunctions
#' @param reduceMethod character. A method (or methods) for reducing the size of
#' the data, either by filtering the rows (genes) or by a dimensionality
#' reduction method. Must either be 1) must match the name of a built-in
#' method, in which case if it is not already existing in the object will be
#' passed to \code{\link{makeFilterStats}} or \code{link{makeReducedDims}}, or
#' 2) must match a stored filtering statistic or dimensionality reduction in
#' the object
#' @param typeToShow character (optional). If given, should be one of
#' "filterStats" or "reducedDims" to indicate of the values in the
#' reduceMethod vector, only show those corresponding to "filterStats" or
#' "reducedDims" options.
#' @return \code{defaultNDims} returns a numeric vector giving the default
#' dimensions the methods in \code{clusterExperiment} will use for reducing
#' the size of the data. If \code{typeToShow} is missing, the resulting vector
#' will be equal to the length of \code{reduceMethod}. Otherwise, it will be a
#' vector with all the unique valid default values for the \code{typeToShow}
#' (note that different dimensionality reduction methods can have different
#' maximal dimensions, so the result may not be of length one in this case).
#' @details For a \code{reduceMethod} that corresponds to a filtering statistics
#' the current default is 1000 (or the length of the number of features, if
#' less). For a dimensionality reduction saved in the reducedDims slot the
#' default is 50 or the maximum number of dimensions if less than 50.
#' @details \code{reduceMethod} will first be checked to see if it corresponds
#' with an existing saved filtering statistic or a dimensionality reduction to
#' determine which of these two types it is. If it does not match either, then
#' it will be checked against the built in functions provided by the package.
#' @examples
#' se<-SingleCellExperiment(matrix(rnorm(5000*100),nrow=5000,ncol=100))
#' defaultNDims(se,"PCA")
#' defaultNDims(se,"mad")
#' @aliases defaultNDims defaultNDims,SingleCellExperiment-method
#' @export
isFilter<-isBuiltInFilterStats(reduceMethod) | isFilterStats(object,reduceMethod)
isRed<-isReducedDims(object,reduceMethod ) | isBuiltInReducedDims(reduceMethod)
nDims[isBuiltInFilterStats(reduceMethod) | isFilterStats(object,reduceMethod)]<-min(1000,NROW(object))
if(any(isReducedDims(object,reduceMethod )))
nDims[isReducedDims(object,reduceMethod)] <- ncolReducedDims(object)[reduceMethod[isReducedDims(object,reduceMethod )]]
if(any(!isReducedDims(object,reduceMethod )& isBuiltInReducedDims(reduceMethod))) nDims[!isReducedDims(object,reduceMethod )& isBuiltInReducedDims(reduceMethod)]<-min(c(50,dim(object)))
if(!missing(typeToShow)){ #means pick a single one for each type
if(any(isFilter)) nDims<-min(unique(nDims[isFilter])) else nDims<-NA
if(any(isRed)) nDims<-min(unique(nDims[isRed])) else nDims<-NA
if(length(nDims)==0) nDims<-NA
#' @rdname reduceFunctions
#' @export
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