flatVShier <- function (tree, flat.clustering, flat.order = NULL,
look.ahead = 2, score.function = "crossing", expanded = FALSE,
expression = NULL, greedy = TRUE, layout = NULL, pausing = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE, greedy.colours = NULL, h.min = 0.04, labels = NULL,
max.branches = 100, line.wd = 3, cex.labels = 1, main = NULL,
ramp = NULL, bar1.col = NULL, bar2.col = NULL) {
##### INITIAL SETUP ######
flat.clustering <- as.vector(flat.clustering)
m <- 1 ## root of the tree
n <- length(unique(flat.clustering))
if (length(flat.order) == 0) {
flat.order <- 1:n
names(flat.order) <- unique(flat.clustering)
if (length(flat.order) != n) {stop("flat.order has an incorrect length...")}
if ((is.character(score.function) == FALSE)|
(!(score.function %in% c("crossing","it")))) {
stop("score.function must be a character string,
equal to 'crossing' or 'it'...")
no.genes <- length(flat.clustering)
tree <- as.hclust(tree)
tree.maxHeight <- max(tree$height)
tree$height <- tree$height/tree.maxHeight
if (max.branches > no.genes) {max.branches <- no.genes}
## initial tree: only one node (root)
best.tree <- rep((no.genes - 1), no.genes) ## a vector stating the branch
# to which each gene is assigned (the root at the first stage)
best.order1 <- as.character(no.genes - 1) ## to use them as names/rownames
best.order2 <- flat.order
coord2.ifFinger <- list()
best.coord1 <- 0.5 ## root node, only
best.coord2 <- (1:n) - n / 2
queue <- no.genes - 1 ## branches in queue to be split/explored
#(by depth-first search)
split <- c() ## to be a matrix storing by rows each explored
# parent (col1) with its two children (cols 2 and 3)
split.branch <- no.genes - 1 # root
sub.branches <- tree$merge[split.branch, ] ## children of the split branch
#(the two clusters agglomerated to form the split.branch)
step <- no.genes - 1 # next branch to be analysed in the loop
steps <- c() # set of split branches
subtree <- sub.branches # descendants of branch under consideration
#to be split by looking ahead
# initialize pointers for the look ahead part
looking.ahead <- FALSE
finger <- queue[1]
finger.tree <- best.tree
finger.distance <- 0; names(finger.distance) <- finger
counter <- 0
### start the iterations
while ((length(queue) > 0) & (m < max.branches)) {
### update parent.tree ###
parent.tree <- best.tree ## tree
parent.order1 <- best.order1 ## orders
parent.order2 <- best.order2
parent.coord1 <- best.coord1 ## coords
parent.coord2 <- best.coord2
weight.1 <- table(finger.tree, flat.clustering)
split <- as.matrix(rbind(split, c(split.branch, sub.branches)))
steps <- c(steps, step)
### build children.tree ###
m <- m + 1 ## one more node in the children.tree after split
children.tree <- parent.tree
queue.1 <- sub.branches[1]
queue.2 <- sub.branches[2]
## reassign genes in split branch to one of new children
while (length(queue.1) > 0) {
if (queue.1[1] < 0) {
children.tree[abs(queue.1[1])] <- sub.branches[1]
queue.1 <- queue.1[-1]
} else {
row <- queue.1[1]
queue.1 <- insert(queue.1, position = 2, tree$merge[row,])
queue.1 <- queue.1[-1]
} # end ELSE
} ## end WHILE queue1
while ( length(queue.2) > 0) {
if (queue.2[1] < 0) {
children.tree[abs(queue.2[1])] <- sub.branches[2]
queue.2 <- queue.2[-1]
} else {
row <- queue.2[1]
queue.2 <- insert(queue.2, 2, tree$merge[row,])
queue.2 <- queue.2[-1]
} # end ELSE
} ## end WHILE queue2
slot <- which(as.numeric(parent.order1) == split.branch)
## where to insert the new children in children.order1
# create orders
children.order1 <- parent.order1
children.order1 <- insert(children.order1, slot, 0)
children.order1 <- replace(children.order1, slot:(slot + 1),
children.order2 <- parent.order2 ## (= best.order2)
## before barycentre
children.coord2 <- parent.coord2
m <- length(children.order1)
children.coord1<- (1:m) - m / 2 # equally spaced
weight.2 <- table(children.tree, flat.clustering)
## weights after split
before.crossing <- dyn.cross(weight.2[children.order1,
## before barycentre
######### GRAVITATION ALGORITHM #########
### barycentre; flat side (1) ###
## update coords
children.coord2 <- apply(weight.2[children.order1, ], 2,
FUN = barycentre, coordinates = children.coord1)
### to update coordinates and order
children.order2 <- order(children.coord2)
# guarantee a distance at least h.min between nodes in flat layer
for (j in 1:(n - 1)) {
if (children.coord2[children.order2][j + 1] -
children.coord2[children.order2][j] < h.min ) {
children.coord2[children.order2][(j + 1):n] <-
children.coord2[children.order2][(j + 1):n] + h.min
} # end IF
} # end FOR j
current.crossing <- dyn.cross(weight.2[children.order1,children.order2])
### swap; flat side ###
## swap adjacent nodes in flat layer
for (j in 1:(n - 1)){
children.swapped.flat.order2 <- children.order2
children.swapped.flat.order2[j:(j + 1)]<-
children.swapped.flat.order2[(j + 1):j]
swapped.flat.crossing <- dyn.cross(weight.2[children.order1,
if (swapped.flat.crossing < current.crossing) {
current.crossing <- swapped.flat.crossing
children.order2 <- children.swapped.flat.order2
children.coord2[children.swapped.flat.order2[j:(j + 1)]] <-
children.coord2[children.swapped.flat.order2[(j + 1):j]]
} # end IF
} # end FOR
if (current.crossing > before.crossing){
best.crossing <- before.crossing
} else {
best.crossing <- current.crossing
best.coord2 <- children.coord2
best.order2 <- children.order2
} # end ELSE
### swap branches ###
children.swapped.tree.order1 <- children.order1
children.swapped.tree.coord1 <- children.coord1
index <- which( children.order1 %in% as.numeric(sub.branches) )
children.swapped.tree.order1[index] <-
before.crossing <- dyn.cross(weight.2[children.swapped.tree.order1,
### barycentre; flat side (2) ###
children.coord2 <- apply(weight.2[children.swapped.tree.order1,], 2,
FUN = barycentre, coordinates = children.swapped.tree.coord1)
children.order2 <- order(children.coord2)
for (j in 1:(n - 1)) {
if (children.coord2[children.order2][j + 1] -
children.coord2[children.order2][j] < h.min ) {
children.coord2[children.order2][(j + 1):n] <-
children.coord2[children.order2][(j + 1):n] + h.min
} # end IF
} # end FOR j
current.crossing <- dyn.cross(weight.2[children.swapped.tree.order1,
### swap; flat side ###
for (j in 1:(n - 1)){
children.swapped.flat.order2 <- children.order2
children.swapped.flat.order2[j:(j + 1)] <-
children.order2[(j + 1):j]
swapped.flat.crossing <- dyn.cross(weight.2
[children.swapped.tree.order1, children.swapped.flat.order2])
if (swapped.flat.crossing < current.crossing) {
current.crossing <- swapped.flat.crossing
children.order2 <- children.swapped.flat.order2
children.coord2[children.swapped.flat.order2[j:(j + 1)]] <-
children.coord2[children.swapped.flat.order2[(j + 1):j]]
} # end IF
} # end FOR
if (current.crossing > before.crossing) {
best.swapped.crossing <- before.crossing
swapped.order2 <- best.order2
swapped.coord2 <- best.coord2
} else {
best.swapped.crossing <- current.crossing
swapped.order2 <- children.order2
swapped.coord2 <- children.coord2
} # end ELSE
if (best.swapped.crossing < best.crossing){
best.crossing <- best.swapped.crossing
children.coord1 <- children.swapped.tree.coord1
children.coord2 <- swapped.coord2
children.order1 <- children.swapped.tree.order1
children.order2 <- swapped.order2
sub.branches[1:2] <- sub.branches[2:1]
j <- which(subtree %in% sub.branches)
subtree[j] <- subtree[rev(j)]
split[nrow(split), 2:3] <- split[nrow(split), 3:2]
### reverse the original dendrogram for the expanded version
tree$merge[split.branch,] <- rev(tree$merge[split.branch,])
children.branches<-vector("list", 2)
# compute clusters in tree
for (cc in 1:2){
v <- as.numeric(sub.branches[cc])
if (v < 0) {
children.branches[[cc]]<- (-v)
} else{
check <- tree$merge[v,]
while (length(check) > 0){
if (check[1] < 0) {
children.branches[[cc]] <-
c(children.branches[[cc]], -check[1])
check <- check[-1]
} else {
check <- insert(check, 2, tree$merge[check[1], ])
check <- check[-1]
} # end ELSE
} # end WHILE
} # end ELSE
} # end FOR
group1<-sort(which( tree$order %in% children.branches[[1]] ))
group2<-sort(which( tree$order %in% children.branches[[2]] ))
lim1 <- min(c(group1, group2))
lim2 <- max(c(group1, group2))
if (lim1 > 1){
if (lim2 < length(tree$order)){
tree$order <- tree$order[c(1:(lim1 - 1),group1,group2,
(lim2 + 1):length(tree$order))]
} else {
tree$order <- tree$order[c(1:(lim1 - 1), group1, group2)]
} # end ELSE
} else {
if (lim2 < length(tree$order)){
tree$order <- tree$order[c(group1, group2,
(lim2 + 1):length(tree$order))]
} else {
tree$order <- tree$order[c(group1, group2)]
} # end ELSE
} # end ELSE
} else {
children.coord2 <- best.coord2
children.order2 <- best.order2
} # end ELSE
############ DRAW THE TREE ####################
if (pausing) {
dendrogram <- list(heights = tree$height[steps], branches = split)
drawTreeGraph(weight.2, list(children.order1, children.order2),
coordinates = list(children.coord1, children.coord2),
dendrogram, line.wd = line.wd, main = paste("No.crossings = ",
best.crossing, ", No.Branches = ", m), expanded = expanded,
hclust.obj = tree, cex.labels = cex.labels, labels = labels,
expression = expression, layout = layout, ramp = ramp)
} # end IF pausing
######## compute the score
k <- which(children.order1 %in% subtree)
subtree.order.1 <- children.order1[k]
if (score.function == "crossing"){
subtree.score <-score.crossing(weight.1, weight.2,
dyn.cross(weight.2[subtree.order.1, children.order2]))
} else {subtree.score <- lapply(, weight.2), "-")}
if (looking.ahead) {score <- subtree.score$sc2 - finger.score.1}
else {score <- subtree.score$sc2 - subtree.score$sc1}
if (score >= 0) { # improvement
### CASE A ###
# update queue
if (queue[1] == (no.genes - 1)) {
queue <- insert(queue, 2, tree$merge[step,])
} else {queue <- insert(queue, 2, sub.branches)} # end ELSE
if (verbose) {
message(paste("Splitting the branch ", queue[1] ,
" in sub-branches ", queue[2] , " and ", queue[3],
" improves the score...", sep=""))
} # end IF
queue <- queue[-1]
while (queue[1] < 0 & length(queue) > 0) {
queue <- queue[-1]
} # remove leaves from the queue
if (looking.ahead){
looking.ahead <- FALSE
if (verbose) {"This split improves the scoring of
a previously not-allowed split..."}
} # end IF looking-ahead
if (length(queue) > 0) {
finger <- queue[1]
finger.tree <- children.tree
finger.distance <- 0; names(finger.distance) <- finger
} # end IF update finger
subtree <- tree$merge[finger, ]
# update best
best.tree <- children.tree
best.order1 <- children.order1; best.order2 <- children.order2
best.coord1 <- children.coord1; best.coord2 <- children.coord2
} else { # no improvement
if (pausing){
# mark the finger when no improvement
x <- tree$height[finger]
abline(v = -x, col = 2, lty = 2)
} # end IF pausing
# update counter
counter <- counter + 1
if (verbose) {message(paste("Splitting the branch ", queue[1],
" does not improve the score...", sep = "" ) )}
if (looking.ahead == FALSE) {
# start a new look ahead process
looking.ahead <- TRUE
finger.score.1 <- subtree.score$sc1
} # end IF new looking ahead
# update generations
finger.distance <- c(finger.distance, rep(counter, 2))
names(finger.distance)[(length(finger.distance) - 1):
length(finger.distance)] <- tree$merge[queue[1], ]
coord2.ifFinger[[length(coord2.ifFinger) + 1]] <- parent.coord2
names(coord2.ifFinger) <- c(names(coord2.ifFinger)[1:
(length(coord2.ifFinger) - 1)], as.numeric(split.branch))
if (counter <= look.ahead) {#further exploring unless leaves
if (verbose) {message("We look ahead one more step...")}
### CASE B ###
# case B.1 = two branches
if (all(sub.branches[1:2] > 0)){ # split branches normally
index <- which(subtree==sub.branches[1])
subtree <- insert(subtree, index + 1,
tree$merge[sub.branches[1], ])
subtree <- subtree[-index]
} else {
if (all(sub.branches[1:2] < 0)){ # can't split branches
# even though the max number of steps ahead is not
# reached case B.2 = two leaves: undo the last split
# update the subtree
index <- which(subtree %in% sub.branches)
subtree[index[1]] <- split.branch
subtree <- subtree[-(index[2])]
# update the split/steps info
split <- as.matrix(rbind(c(), split[-nrow(split), ]))
steps <-steps[-length(steps)]
# update children
children.tree <- parent.tree
children.coord1 <- parent.coord1
children.coord2 <- parent.coord2
children.order1 <- parent.order1
children.order2 <- parent.order2
m <- length(children.coord1)
A <- queue[1]
A.generation <- finger.distance[as.character(A)]
same.generation <- names(which(finger.distance ==
A.sibbling <- same.generation[which(same.generation %in%
index <- which(A.sibbling < 0)
if (length(index) > 0) {
A.sibbling <- A.sibbling[-index]
if (length(A.sibbling) > 0) {
index <- which(subtree == A.sibbling[1])
subtree <- insert(subtree, index + 1,
tree$merge[as.numeric(A.sibbling[1]), ])
subtree <- subtree[-index]
} else {
continue <- TRUE
if (A == finger) {
continue <- FALSE
looking.ahead <- FALSE
coord2.ifFinger <- list()
# update finger
index <- which(queue[-1] > 0) + 1
if (length(index) > 0) {
finger <- queue[index[1]]
finger.tree <- children.tree
finger.distance <- 0
names(finger.distance) <- finger
subtree <- tree$merge[finger, ]
} # end IF
if (verbose){message("No more splits allowed")}
} # end IF reach finger back
while (continue){
A.parent <-which (tree$merge == A,
arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1]
index <- which(subtree %in% tree$merge[A.parent,
subtree <- insert(subtree, index[1], A.parent)
subtree <- subtree[-(index + 1)]
A.p.generation <- finger.distance[as.character
same.generation <- names(which
(finger.distance == A.p.generation))
A.parent.sibbling <- same.generation[which
(same.generation %in% queue[-1])]
index <- which(A.parent.sibbling < 0)
if (length(index) > 0) {A.parent.sibbling <-
if (length(A.parent.sibbling) > 0) {
continue <- FALSE
index <- which(subtree == A.parent.sibbling)
subtree<-insert(subtree, index + 1,
[as.numeric(A.parent.sibbling), ])
subtree <- subtree[-index]
} # end IF parent's sibbling
A <- A.parent
#### back to the parent node
children.tree[children.tree %in% tree$merge
[A.parent,]] <- A.parent
index <- which(children.order1 %in% tree$merge
[A.parent, ])
children.order1[index[1]] <- A.parent
children.order1 <- children.order1[-(index[2])]
m <- m - 1
children.coord1 <- (1:m) - m / 2
index <- which(names(coord2.ifFinger) ==
children.coord2 <- coord2.ifFinger[[index]]
children.order2 <- order(children.coord2)
index <- which(split[, 1] == A.parent)
split <- as.matrix(rbind(c(), split[-index,]))
steps <- steps[-index]
if (A == finger) {
continue <- FALSE
looking.ahead <- FALSE
coord2.ifFinger <- list()
# update finger
index <- which(queue[-1] > 0) + 1
if (length(index) > 0) {
finger <- queue[index[1]]
finger.tree <- children.tree
finger.distance <- 0
names(finger.distance) <- finger
subtree <- tree$merge[finger, ]
} # end IF
if (verbose){message("No splits allowed.")}
} # end IF reach finger back
} # end WHILE continue
} # end ELSE
} # end IF case B.2
else { # case B.3 = one leaf, one branch
if ((sub.branches[1] < 0) & (sub.branches[2] > 0)){
# can't split the leaf: will be removed later from
# the queue; split the branch...
index <- which(subtree == sub.branches[2])
subtree <- insert(subtree, index + 1,
tree$merge[sub.branches[2], ])
subtree <- subtree[-index]
} # end IF case B.3
else{ # case B.4 = one branch, one leaf
index <- which(subtree == sub.branches[1])
subtree <- insert(subtree, index + 1,
tree$merge[sub.branches[1], ])
subtree <- subtree[-index]
} # end ELSE case B.4
} # end ELSE
} # end ELSE
if (queue[1] == (no.genes - 1)) {
queue <- insert(queue, 2, tree$merge[step, ])}
else {queue <- insert(queue, 2, sub.branches)} # end ELSE
# update best
best.tree <- children.tree
best.order1 <- children.order1
best.order2 <- children.order2
best.coord1 <- children.coord1
best.coord2 <- children.coord2
} ### end IF case B
else { ## no further exploring is permitted...
if (verbose) {
message("Can't explore this descendant any further.")
} # end IF verbose
### CASE C ###
## similar to case B.2: we can't go further,
#thus we step back and keep on exploring until possible...
# update the subtree
index <- which(subtree %in% sub.branches)
subtree[index[1]] <- split.branch
subtree <- subtree[-(index[2])]
# update the split/steps info
split <- as.matrix(rbind(c(), split[-nrow(split), ]))
steps <- steps[-length(steps)]
# update children
children.tree <- parent.tree
children.coord1 <- parent.coord1
children.coord2 <- parent.coord2
children.order1 <- parent.order1
children.order2 <- parent.order2
m <- length(children.coord1)
A <- queue[1]
A.generation <- finger.distance[as.character(A)]
same.generation <- names(which(finger.distance == A.generation))
A.sibbling <- same.generation[which(same.generation %in%
index <- which(A.sibbling < 0)
if (length(index) > 0){A.sibbling <- A.sibbling[-index]}
if (length(A.sibbling) > 0) { # there's a explorable sibbling
index <- which(subtree == A.sibbling[1])
subtree <- insert(subtree, index + 1,
tree$merge[as.numeric(A.sibbling[1]), ])
subtree <- subtree[-index]
} # end IF sibbling
else { # there's no sibbling to explore
continue <- TRUE
if (A == finger) {
continue <- FALSE
looking.ahead <- FALSE
coord2.ifFinger <- list()
# update finger
index <- which(queue[-1] > 0) + 1
if (length(index) > 0) {
finger <- queue[index[1]]
finger.tree <- children.tree
finger.distance <- 0
names(finger.distance) <- finger
subtree <- tree$merge[finger, ]
} # end IF
if (verbose) {message("No more splits allowed...")}
} # end IF reach finger back
while (continue){
A.parent <- which(tree$merge == A, arr.ind = TRUE)[, 1]
index <- which(subtree %in% tree$merge[A.parent, ])
subtree <- insert(subtree, index[1], A.parent)
subtree <- subtree[-(index + 1)]
A.p.generation <-
same.generation <- names(which(finger.distance ==
A.parent.sibbling <- same.generation[which
(same.generation %in% queue[-1])]
index <- which(A.parent.sibbling < 0)
if (length(index) > 0){A.parent.sibbling <-
if (length(A.parent.sibbling) > 0) {
continue <- FALSE
index <- which(subtree == A.parent.sibbling)
subtree <- insert(subtree, index + 1,
tree$merge[as.numeric(A.parent.sibbling), ])
subtree <- subtree[-index]
} # end IF parent's sibbling
A <- A.parent
# back to the parent node
children.tree[children.tree %in%
tree$merge[A.parent, ]] <- A.parent
index <- which(children.order1 %in%
tree$merge[A.parent, ])
children.order1[index[1]] <- A.parent
children.order1 <- children.order1[-(index[2])]
m <- m - 1
children.coord1 <- (1:m) - m / 2
index <- which(names(coord2.ifFinger) == A.parent)
children.coord2 <- coord2.ifFinger[[index]]
children.order2 <- order(children.coord2)
index <- which(split[,1] == A.parent)
split <- as.matrix(rbind(c(), split[-index, ]))
steps <- steps[-index]
if (A == finger) {
continue <- FALSE
looking.ahead <- FALSE
coord2.ifFinger <- list()
if (verbose) {
message("No more splits are allowed.")}
# update finger
index <- which(queue[-1] > 0) + 1
if (length(index) > 0) {
finger <- queue[index[1]]
finger.tree <- children.tree
finger.distance <- 0
names(finger.distance) <- finger
subtree <- tree$merge[finger, ]
} # end IF
} # end IF reach finger back
} # end WHILE continue
} # end ELSE no sibbling
# update best
best.tree <- children.tree
best.order1 <- children.order1
best.order2 <- children.order2
best.coord1 <- children.coord1
best.coord2 <- children.coord2
} # end ELSE case C
# update the queue for next loop
queue <- queue[-1]
while (queue[1] < 0 & length(queue) > 0) {queue <- queue[-1]}
## can't split leaves; remove them from the queue
} ### end ELSE no improvement
### final updates for next loop
step <- queue[1]
split.branch <- queue[1]
sub.branches <- tree$merge[step, ]
counter <- finger.distance[as.character(queue[1])]
names(counter) <- c()
if ({counter <- 0}
if (pausing == TRUE) {pause()}
} #### end WHILE
################ final plot #################################
best.dendrogram <- list(heights = tree$height[steps], branches = split)
weight.2 <- table(best.tree, flat.clustering)
if (length(main) == 0) {
if (m == 1) {
main <- paste("Optimal cutoff - ", m, " branch", sep = "")
else {main <- paste("Optimal cutoff - ", m, " branches", sep = "")}
final.coords <- drawTreeGraph(weight.2, list(best.order1, best.order2),
coordinates = list(best.coord1, best.coord2), best.dendrogram,
main = main, dot = FALSE, line.wd = line.wd, expanded = expanded,
hclust.obj = tree, flat.obj = flat.clustering,
cex.labels = cex.labels, labels = labels,
expression = expression, layout = layout, ramp = ramp,
bar1.col = bar1.col, bar2.col = bar2.col)
################# GREEDY #################
if (length(steps)==0) {greedy<-FALSE}
if (greedy){
Greedy <- SCmapping(best.tree, flat.clustering, plotting = FALSE)
N <- length(unique(Greedy$s.clustering1)) # number of superclusters
L <- length(greedy.colours) # number of colours provided
if (L == 0) {greedy.colours <- 1:8; L <- 8}
if (N > L * 5){
print("Too many superclusters to be distinctly shown using the
colours provided...")
else {
if ((N > L)){
greedy.colours <- rep(greedy.colours,ceiling(N/L))
} #end IF
greedy.symbols <- c(rep(21, L), rep(22, L), rep(23, L), rep(24, L),
rep(25, L))[1 : N]
for (p in 1:length(Greedy$merging1)){
# label tree
i <- which(best.order1 %in% Greedy$merging1[[p]])
if (expanded) {
y <- final.coords$b.coord[i]
points(rep( final.coords$x.coords[1],
length(y)), y, col = greedy.colours[p], cex = 3,
pch = greedy.symbols[p])
} # end IF
else {
y <- best.coord1[i]
points(rep( final.coords$x.coords[1] ,length(y)), y,
col = greedy.colours[p], cex = 3,
pch = greedy.symbols[p])
} # end ELSE
# label flat
i <- which(colnames(weight.2) %in% Greedy$merging2[[p]])
if (expanded){
y <- final.coords$f.coord[i]
points(rep( final.coords$x.coords[2] ,
length(y)), y, col = greedy.colours[p], cex = 3,
pch = greedy.symbols[p])
} # end IF
else {
y <- best.coord2[i]
points(rep(final.coords$x.coords[2], length(y)), y,
col = greedy.colours[p], cex = 3,
pch = greedy.symbols[p])
} # end ELSE
} # end FOR
} # end ELSE
return(list(tree.partition = best.tree,
tree.s.clustering = Greedy$s.clustering1,
flat.s.clustering = Greedy$s.clustering2,
tree.merging = Greedy$merging1,
flat.merging = Greedy$merging2,
dendrogram = tree))
} # end IF greedy
return(list(tree.partition = best.tree, dendrogram = tree))
} # end ELSE
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