flatVSflat <- function(flat1, flat2, coord1 = NULL, coord2 = NULL,
max.iter = 24, h.min = 0.1, plotting = TRUE, horiz = FALSE,
offset = 0.1, line.wd = 3, = 2, evenly = FALSE,
greedy = TRUE, greedy.colours = NULL, main = "", xlab = "",
ylab = "", col = NULL, ...){
weights <- as.matrix(table(flat1, flat2))
m <- nrow(weights)
n <- ncol(weights)
if (length(rownames(weights)) == 0) {
rownames(weights) <- paste("A", 1:m, sep = "")
if (length(colnames(weights)) == 0) {
colnames(weights) <- paste("B", 1:n, sep = "")
if (length(coord1) == 0) {
coord1 <- m:1 - m / 2
names(coord1) <- rownames(weights)
} else {coord1 <- as.vector(coord1)}
if (length(coord2) == 0) {
coord2 <- n:1 - n / 2
names(coord2) <- colnames(weights)
} else {coord2 <- as.vector(coord2)}
if ((any(names(coord1) != rownames(weights))) | (any(names(coord2) !=
colnames(weights)))) {
stop("The coordinates and the contingency table labels do not
current.order1 <- order(coord1, decreasing = TRUE)
current.order2 <- order(coord2, decreasing = TRUE)
current.crossings <- initial.crossings <-
dyn.cross(weights[current.order1, current.order2])
current.coord1 <- coord1
current.coord2 <- coord2
continue <- TRUE
it.counter <- 0
if (it.counter >= max.iter) {continue <- FALSE}
if ((m==1)|(n==1)){
continue <- FALSE
current.crossings <- 0
} # end IF
while (continue){
previous.order1 <- current.order1
previous.order2 <- current.order2
### find the barycentre for each node in each layer
### layer 1
new.coord1 <- apply(weights, 1, FUN = barycentre,
coordinates = current.coord2)
new.order1 <- order(new.coord1, decreasing = TRUE)
### correction of distances if too close
for (i in 1:(m-1)) {
if (new.coord1[new.order1[i]] - new.coord1[new.order1[i + 1]] <
h.min) {
new.coord1[new.order1[(i+1):m]] <-
new.coord1[new.order1[(i+1):m]] - h.min
} # end IF
} # end FOR
### compute the number of crossings; update if there is any improvement
new.crossings <- dyn.cross(weights[new.order1, current.order2])
improved <- (new.crossings < current.crossings)
if (improved) {
current.order1 <- new.order1
current.coord1 <- new.coord1
current.crossings <- new.crossings
} # end IF improved
# swap consecutive nodes
improved <- TRUE
while (improved){
improved <- FALSE
for (i in 1:(m - 1)){
new.order1 <- current.order1
new.order1[i:(i + 1)] <- new.order1[(i + 1):i]
new.crossings <- dyn.cross(weights[new.order1, current.order2])
if (new.crossings < current.crossings) {
current.crossings <- new.crossings
current.order1 <- new.order1
swapping <- c(names(current.coord1[ current.order1[i] ]),
names(current.coord1[ current.order1[i + 1] ]) )
current.coord1[swapping] <- current.coord1[rev(swapping)]
improved <- TRUE
} # end IF
} # end FOR
} # end WHILE
### layer 2
new.coord2 <- apply(weights, 2, FUN = barycentre,
coordinates = current.coord1)
new.order2 <- order(new.coord2, decreasing = TRUE)
### correction of distances if too close
for (j in 1:(n - 1)) {
if (new.coord2[new.order2[j]] -
new.coord2[new.order2[j + 1]] < h.min){
new.coord2[new.order2[(j + 1):n]] <-
new.coord2[new.order2[(j + 1):n]] - h.min
} # end IF
} # end FOR j
### compute the number of crossings; update if there is any improvement
new.crossings <- dyn.cross(weights[current.order1, new.order2])
improved <- (new.crossings < current.crossings)
if (improved) {
current.order2 <- new.order2
current.coord2 <- new.coord2
current.crossings <- new.crossings
} # end IF
# swap consecutive nodes
improved <- TRUE
while (improved){
improved <- FALSE
for (j in 1:(n - 1)){
new.order2 <- current.order2
new.order2[j:(j + 1)] <- new.order2[(j + 1):j]
new.crossings <- dyn.cross(weights[current.order1, new.order2])
if (new.crossings < current.crossings) {
current.crossings <- new.crossings
current.order2 <- new.order2
swapping <- c( names(current.coord2[ current.order2[j] ]),
names( current.coord2[ current.order2[j + 1] ]) )
current.coord2[swapping] <- current.coord2[rev(swapping)]
improved <- TRUE
} # end IF
} # end FOR
} # end WHILE
it.counter <- it.counter + 1
if (all(previous.order1 == current.order1) &
all(previous.order2 == current.order2)) {continue <- FALSE}
if (it.counter >= max.iter) {continue <- FALSE}
} # end WHILE
if (plotting){
if (evenly) {
current.coord1 <- c(m:1)[order(current.order1)] - m / 2
current.coord2 <- c(n:1)[order(current.order2)] - n / 2
} # end IF evenly
pmax <- max(c(current.coord1, current.coord2))
pmin <- min(c(current.coord1, current.coord2))
s <- (pmax - pmin) / 10
par(mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1) + 0.5)
if (length(col) == 0) {col <- 1}
if (horiz){
current.coord1 <- (-current.coord1)
current.coord2 <- (-current.coord2)
pmax <- -pmax
pmin <- -pmin
plot(x = c(current.coord1, current.coord2),
y=c(rep(0, length(current.coord1)),
rep(1, length(current.coord2))),
axes = FALSE, main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = c(pmax - s, pmin + s),
ylim = c(-2 * offset, 1 + 2 * offset), ty="n")
# edges
sc <- max(weights); <- weights*line.wd / sc
for (i in 1:m){
order <- which([i, ] != 0)
segments(current.coord1[i], 0, current.coord2[order], 1,
lwd =[i, order], col = col)
} # end FOR
# points
points(x = current.coord1, y = rep(0, length(current.coord1)),
cex =, pch = 19, col = col)
points(x = current.coord2, y = rep(1, length(current.coord2)),
cex =, pch = 19, col = col)
# labels
text(x = current.coord1, y = -offset, labels = rownames(weights),
col = col, ...)
text(x = current.coord2, y = 1 + offset, labels = colnames(weights),
col = col, ...)
# greedy
if (greedy){
Greedy <- SCmapping(flat1, flat2, plotting = FALSE)
# number of superclusters
N <- length(unique(Greedy$s.clustering1))
# number of colours provided
L <- length(greedy.colours)
if (L == 0) {greedy.colours <- 1:8; L <- 8}
if (N > L * 5){
print("Too many superclusters to be distinctly shown using
the colours provided...")
} # end IF
else {
if ((N > L)){
greedy.colours <- rep(greedy.colours,ceiling(N/L))
} #end IF
greedy.symbols <- c(rep(21, L), rep(22, L),
rep(23, L), rep(24, L), rep(25, L))[1 : N]
for (p in 1:length(Greedy$merging1)){
# label flat1
i <- which(rownames(weights) %in% Greedy$merging1[[p]])
points(x = current.coord1[i],
y = rep(0, length(current.coord1[i])),
col = greedy.colours[p], cex = + 2,
pch = greedy.symbols[p])
# label flat2
i <- which(colnames(weights) %in% Greedy$merging2[[p]])
y <- current.coord2[i]
points(x = current.coord2[i],
y = rep(1, length(current.coord2[i])),
col = greedy.colours[p], cex = + 2,
pch = greedy.symbols[p])
} # end FOR p
} # end ELSE
} # end IF greedy
} else {
plot(x = c(rep(0, m), rep(1, n)),
y = c(current.coord1, current.coord2),
axes = FALSE, main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
xlim = c(-2 * offset, 1 + 2 * offset),
ylim = c(pmin - s, pmax + s), ty = "n")
# edges
sc <- max(weights); <- weights * line.wd / sc
for (i in 1:m){
index <- which([i, ] != 0)
segments(0, current.coord1[i], 1, current.coord2[index],
lwd =[i, index], col = col)
} # end FOR
# points
points(x = rep(0, m), y = current.coord1, cex =, pch = 19,
col = col)
points(x = rep(1, n), y = current.coord2, cex =, pch = 19,
col = col)
# labels
text(x = -offset, y = current.coord1, labels = rownames(weights),
col = col, ...)
text(x = 1 + offset, y = current.coord2, labels = colnames(weights),
col = col, ...)
# greedy
if (greedy){
Greedy <- SCmapping(flat1, flat2, plotting = FALSE)
# number of superclusters
N <- length(unique(Greedy$s.clustering1))
# number of colours provided
L <- length(greedy.colours)
if (L == 0) {greedy.colours <- 1:8; L <- 8}
if (N > L * 5){
print("Too many superclusters to be distinctly shown using
the colours provided...")
} # end IF
else {
if ((N > L)){
greedy.colours <- rep(greedy.colours,ceiling(N/L))
} #end IF
greedy.symbols <- c(rep(21, L), rep(22, L),
rep(23, L), rep(24, L), rep(25, L))[1 : N]
for (p in 1:length(Greedy$merging1)){
# label flat1
i <- which(rownames(weights) %in% Greedy$merging1[[p]])
points(x = rep(0, length(current.coord1[i])),
y = current.coord1[i],
col = greedy.colours[p], cex = + 2,
pch = greedy.symbols[p])
# label flat2
i <- which(colnames(weights) %in% Greedy$merging2[[p]])
y <- current.coord2[i]
points(x = rep(1, length(current.coord2[i])),
y = current.coord2[i],
col = greedy.colours[p], cex = + 2,
pch = greedy.symbols[p])
} # end FOR p
} # end ELSE
} # end IF greedy
} # end ELSE
} # end IF plotting
if (greedy) {
return(list(icross = initial.crossings, fcross = current.crossings,
coord1 = current.coord1, coord2 = current.coord2,
s.clustering1 = Greedy$s.clustering1,
s.clustering2 = Greedy$s.clustering2,
merging1 = Greedy$merging1,
merging2 = Greedy$merging2))
} else {
return(list(icross = initial.crossings, fcross = current.crossings,
coord1 = current.coord1, coord2 = current.coord2))
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