drawTreeGraph <- function(weight, current.order, coordinates, tree,
dot = TRUE, line.wd = 3, main = NULL, expanded = FALSE,
hclust.obj = NULL, flat.obj = NULL, labels = NULL,
cex.labels = 1, expression = NULL, layout = NULL,
ramp = NULL, bar1.col = NULL, bar2.col = NULL) {
if (length(names(coordinates[[2]])) == 0) {
names(coordinates[[2]]) <- colnames(weight)
heatmap <- (length(expression)>0)
if (expanded == FALSE) {heatmap <- FALSE}
else {if (length(hclust.obj)==0)
{stop('The full dendrogram must be provided to plot its expanded
# determine layout (x axis) values for plot
if (heatmap) {
if (length(layout) < 3) {layout <- c(1,3,5)}
else {layout <- sort(layout[1:3])}
else {
if (length(layout) < 2) {layout <- c(1,3)}
else {layout <- sort(layout[1:2])}
if (layout[1] <= 0) {stop("The layout values must be positive...")}
if (length(tree$heights) == 0) {
message("No branch should be split...")
nodes.2 <- length(current.order[[2]])
if (expanded){ ############ ONE BRANCH, EXPANDED
Merge <- hclust.obj$merge
Height <- hclust.obj$height
max.height <- max(Height)
Height <- Height/max.height
Order <- hclust.obj$order
N <- length(Order)
if (length(labels) > 0){
Labels <- labels
if (length(Labels) != length(Order)) {
stop("Incorrect number of labels...")
} else {
Labels <- hclust.obj$labels
if (length(Labels) == 0) {
Labels <- 1:N
mySeq <- seq(min(coordinates[[2]]), max(coordinates[[2]]),
length.out = N)
B <- layout[length(layout)]
space <- B - layout[length(layout)-1]
A <- B - space/2
plot( mySeq, ty = "n", axes = FALSE, ylab = '', xlab = '',
main = main, xlim = c(-max(Height), B + space),
ylim = c(min(mySeq), max(mySeq)) )
for (i in 1:(N-1)){
if (all(Merge[i,] < 0)){
leaves <- which(Order %in% -(Merge[i,]))
myDots <- as.matrix(rbind(myDots, c(mySeq[leaves[1]],
# draw tree
lines(x = c( 0, -Height[i], -Height[i], 0 ),
y = c( myDots[i,1], myDots[i,1], myDots[i,2],
myDots[i,2] ), col = 4 )
} else {
if (all(Merge[i,] > 0)){
myDots <- as.matrix(rbind(myDots,
mean(myDots[Merge[i,2],]) ) ) )
# draw tree
lines( x = c( -Height[Merge[i,1]], -Height[i],
-Height[i], -Height[Merge[i,2]] ),
y = c( myDots[i,1], myDots[i,1], myDots[i,2],
myDots[i,2] ), col = 4 )
} else {
if (Merge[i,1] < 0) {
leaves <- which(Order == -(Merge[i,1]))
myDots <- as.matrix(rbind(myDots, c(mySeq[leaves],
mean(myDots[Merge[i,2],]) ) ))
# draw tree
lines(x = c( 0, -Height[i], -Height[i],
-Height[Merge[i,2]] ),
y = c( myDots[i,1], myDots[i,1], myDots[i,2],
myDots[i,2] ), col = 4 )
} else { # Merge[i,2]<0
leaves <- which(Order == -(Merge[i,2]))
myDots <- as.matrix(rbind(myDots,
c( mean(myDots[Merge[i,1],]), mySeq[leaves])))
# draw tree
lines(x = c( -Height[Merge[i,1]], -Height[i],
-Height[i], 0),
y = c( myDots[i,1], myDots[i,1], myDots[i,2],
myDots[i,2] ), col = 4 )
} # end ELSE
} # end ELSE
} # end ELSE
} # end FOR
# write tree labels
text(x = 0.1, y = mySeq, Labels[Order], adj = 0,
cex = cex.labels)
sep <- (mySeq[2] - mySeq[1]) / 2
## draw rectangles representing collapsed branches
if (length(bar1.col)==0) {bar1.col <- 2}
limits <- c(min(mySeq) - sep, max(mySeq) + sep )
even.branch.coordinates <- (limits[2] + limits[1]) / 2
rect(rep(layout[length(layout) - 1] + space/15, 2), limits[1],
rep(layout[length(layout) - 1] + space/5, 2),
limits[2], col = bar1.col[1], border = NA)
## draw heatmap
if (heatmap) {
no.genes <- ncol(expression)
no.samples <- nrow(expression)
NN <- no.genes * no.samples
if (length(ramp) == 2) {
myColor <- colorRampPalette(c(ramp[1], ramp[2]))
else {myColor <- colorRampPalette(c('aliceblue',
image(x = seq(layout[1], layout[2], length.out = no.genes + 1),
y = seq(min(limits), max(limits),
length.out = no.samples + 1),
z = t(expression[Order,]), add = TRUE, col = myColor(NN))
# draw collapsed branches
points(x = A,
y = even.branch.coordinates, pch = 19)
# draw flat nodes
points(x = rep(B, nodes.2), y = coordinates[[2]], pch = 19)
# size of flat clusters
if (length(bar2.col)==0) {bar2.col <- (1:nodes.2)}
text(x = 0.2 + B, y = sort(coordinates[[2]]),
labels = paste("size:", weight[current.order[[2]]]),
cex = cex.labels * 0.9, adj = 0)
# labels
text(x = rep(B + space/2, nodes.2), y = coordinates[[2]],
labels = paste("F(", colnames(weight)[sort(current.order[[2]])],
")", sep = ''),
#labels = colnames(weight)[sort(current.order[[2]])],
adj = 0, cex = cex.labels, col = bar2.col)
## draw rectangles representing flat clusters
bar2.colours <- match(flat.obj, sort(unique(colnames(weight))))
rect(rep( B + space,
nodes.2 + 1),
c(min(mySeq-sep),sep + mySeq[1:N-1]),
rep(B + 5*space/3,
nodes.2 + 1),
col = (bar2.col[bar2.colours])[Order],
border = NA)
# draw edges
sc <- max(weight); <- weight * line.wd / sc
segments(rep(A, nodes.2), rep(even.branch.coordinates, nodes.2),
rep(B, nodes.2), coordinates[[2]], lwd =
if (dot) {
bb <- tree$branches[nrow(tree$branches), 1]
points(x = -Height[bb], y = mean(myDots[bb,]), col = 3,
cex = 1.1)
} # end IF
even.flat.coordinates <- coordinates[[2]]
} else{ ############# ONE BRANCH, COLLAPSED
B <- layout[length(layout)]
space <- B - layout[length(layout)-1]
A <- B - space/2
plot(rep(B, nodes.2), coordinates[[2]], xlab = "", ylab = "",
xlim = c(A - space, B + space),
ylim = c(min(min(coordinates[[1]],
min(coordinates[[2]]))) - 0.1, max(max(coordinates[[1]],
max(coordinates[[2]]))) + 0.1),
main = main, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", pch = 19, axes = FALSE)
# draw root
points(x = A, y = 0.5, pch = 19)
sc <- max(weight); <- weight * line.wd / sc
segments( rep(A, length(coordinates[[2]])), 0.5,
B, coordinates[[2]], lwd =
# label flat clusters
text(B + space/2,
sort(coordinates[[2]]), labels = paste("F(",
")", sep = ""), cex = cex.labels, col = 2, adj = 1)
# size of tree
text(A - 0.2, 0.5, labels = paste("size:",
sum(weight)), cex = cex.labels * 0.9, adj = 1)
# size of flat clusters
text(B + 0.2, sort(coordinates[[2]]),
labels = paste("size:", weight[current.order[[2]]]),
cex = cex.labels * 0.9, adj = 0)
} # end ELSE
} else{ ################### MORE THAN ONE BRANCH
tree.maxHeight <- max(tree$height)
tree.heights <- tree$heights/tree.maxHeight
tree.branch <- tree$branch
current.order[[1]] <- as.character(current.order[[1]])
nodes.1 <- length(current.order[[1]])
nodes.2 <- length(current.order[[2]])
minimum <- min(c(coordinates[[1]], coordinates[[2]]))
maximum <- max(c(coordinates[[1]], coordinates[[2]]))
new.split <- tree.branch[nrow(tree.branch), 1]
if (expanded) { ######### EXPANDED
Merge <- hclust.obj$merge
Height <- hclust.obj$height
max.height <- max(Height)
Height <- Height / max.height
Order <- hclust.obj$order
N <- length(Order)
if (length(labels) > 0){
Labels <- labels
if (length(Labels) != N) {stop("Incorrect number of labels.")}
} else {
Labels <- hclust.obj$labels
if (length(Labels) == 0) {Labels <- 1:N}
mySeq <- seq(1, nodes.1, length.out = N) - nodes.1 / 2
h.flat <- (max(mySeq) - min(mySeq)) / (nodes.2 * 2)
B <- layout[length(layout)]
space <- B - layout[length(layout)-1]
A <- B - space/2
plot(mySeq, ty = "n", axes = FALSE, ylab = '', xlab = '',
xlim = c(-max(Height), B + space),
ylim = c(min(mySeq), max(mySeq)), main = main)
myDots <- c()
for (i in 1:(N-1)){
if (all(Merge[i,] < 0)){
leaves <- which(Order %in% -(Merge[i,]))
myDots <- as.matrix(rbind(myDots, c(mySeq[leaves[1]],
# draw tree
lines(x = c(0, -Height[i], -Height[i], 0),
y = c(myDots[i,1], myDots[i,1], myDots[i,2],
myDots[i,2] ), col = 4 )
} else {
if (all(Merge[i,] > 0)){
myDots <- as.matrix(rbind(myDots,
mean(myDots[Merge[i,2],]) ) ) )
# draw tree
lines(x = c(-Height[Merge[i,1]], -Height[i], -Height[i],
-Height[Merge[i,2]] ), y = c( myDots[i,1],
myDots[i,1], myDots[i,2], myDots[i,2] ), col = 4)
} else {
if (Merge[i,1] < 0) {
leaves <- which(Order == -(Merge[i,1]))
myDots <- as.matrix(rbind(myDots, c(mySeq[leaves],
mean(myDots[Merge[i,2],]) ) ) )
# draw tree
lines(x = c(0, -Height[i], -Height[i],
-Height[Merge[i,2]]), y = c(myDots[i,1],
myDots[i,1], myDots[i,2], myDots[i,2]), col = 4)
} else { # Merge[i,2]<0
leaves <- which(Order == -(Merge[i,2]))
myDots <- as.matrix(rbind(myDots,
c(mean(myDots[Merge[i,1],]), mySeq[leaves])))
# draw tree
lines(x = c( -Height[Merge[i,1]], -Height[i],
-Height[i],0), y = c(myDots[i,1], myDots[i,1],
myDots[i,2], myDots[i,2] ), col = 4 )
} # end ELSE
} # end ELSE
} # end ELSE
} # end FOR
# write tree labels
text(x = 0.1, y = mySeq, Labels[Order], adj = 0,
cex = cex.labels)
sep <- (mySeq[2] - mySeq[1]) / 2
limits <- min(mySeq) - sep
clusters <- vector("list", nodes.1)
# compute clusters in tree and draw red dots
for (cc in 1:nodes.1){
v <- as.numeric(current.order[[1]][cc])
if (v < 0) {
clusters[[cc]] <- (-v)
points(x = 0, y = mySeq[max(which(Order == (-v)))],
pch = 19, col = 2)
} else {
points( x = -Height[v], y = mean(myDots[v,]), pch = 19,
col = 2)
check <- Merge[v,]
while (length(check) > 0){
if (check[1] < 0) {
clusters[[cc]] <- c(clusters[[cc]], -check[1])
check <- check[-1]
} else {
check <- insert(check, 2, Merge[check[1],])
check <- check[-1]
} # end ELSE
} # end WHILE
} # end ELSE
# compute limits for rectangles
limits <- c( limits, sep +
mySeq[max(which(Order %in% clusters[[cc]]))] )
} # end FOR
## draw heatmap
if (heatmap) {
no.genes <- ncol(expression)
no.samples <- nrow(expression)
NN <- no.genes * no.samples
if (length(ramp) == 2) {
myColor <- colorRampPalette(c(ramp[1], ramp[2]))
else {myColor <- colorRampPalette(c('aliceblue',
image(x = seq(layout[1], layout[2], length.out = no.genes + 1),
y = seq(min(limits), max(limits),
length.out = no.samples + 1),
z = t(expression[Order,]), add = TRUE, col = myColor(NN))
## draw rectangles representing collapsed branches
if (length(bar1.col)==0) {bar1.col <- 1:nodes.1}
limits <- sort(limits)
even.branch.coordinates <- (limits[2:(nodes.1 + 1)] +
limits[1:nodes.1]) / 2
rect(rep(layout[length(layout) - 1] + space/15, nodes.1 + 1),
limits[1:nodes.1], rep(layout[length(layout)-1] + space/5,
nodes.1 + 1), limits[2:(nodes.1 + 1)], col = bar1.col,
border = NA)
# draw collapsed branches
points(x = rep(A, nodes.1),
y = even.branch.coordinates, pch = 19)
# draw flat nodes
even.flat.coordinates <- (min(mySeq) + h.flat *
seq(1, nodes.2 * 2, by = 2))[order(current.order[[2]])]
points(x = rep(B, nodes.2),
y = even.flat.coordinates, pch = 19)
# write size box2
if (length(bar2.col)==0) {bar2.col <- (1:nodes.2)}
text(x = 0.2 + B,
y = sort(even.flat.coordinates),
labels = paste("size:", apply(weight[, current.order[[2]]],
2, sum)), cex = cex.labels * 0.9, adj = 0)
# labels
text(x = rep(B + space/2,
nodes.2), y = even.flat.coordinates,
labels = paste("F(", colnames(weight)[sort(current.order[[2]])],
")", sep = ''),
#labels = colnames(weight)[sort(current.order[[2]])],
adj = 0,
cex = cex.labels, col = bar2.col)
## draw rectangles representing flat clusters
bar2.colours <- match(flat.obj, sort(unique(colnames(weight))))
rect(rep( B + space,
nodes.2 + 1),
c(min(mySeq-sep),sep + mySeq[1:N-1]),
rep(B + 5*space/3,
nodes.2 + 1),
col = (bar2.col[bar2.colours])[Order],
border = NA)
# draw edges
sc <- max(weight) <- weight * line.wd / sc
for (i in 1:nodes.1){
index <- which([current.order[[1]][i], ] != 0)
segments(A, even.branch.coordinates[i],
B, even.flat.coordinates[index],
lwd =[current.order[[1]][i], index])
} # end FOR
if (dot) {
bb <- tree$branches[nrow(tree$branches), 1]
points(x = -Height[bb], y = mean(myDots[bb,]),
col = 3, cex = 1.1)
} # end IF
} else{ ############ collapsed tree
B <- layout[length(layout)]
space <- B - layout[length(layout)-1]
A <- B - space/2
# plot the branches
plot(rep(A, nodes.1), coordinates[[1]],
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "",
xlim = c(-1, B + space),
ylim = c(min(min(coordinates[[1]], min(coordinates[[2]]))) -
0.1, max(max(coordinates[[1]], max(coordinates[[2]]))) + 0.1 ),
main = main, pch = 19, axes = FALSE)
# plot the flat clusters
points(rep(B, nodes.2), coordinates[[2]], pch = 19)
# branch labels
text(0.1, sort(coordinates[[1]]), labels = paste( "B(",
current.order[[1]], ")", sep = ""), cex = cex.labels,
col = 2, adj = 0)
# label flat clusters
text(B + space/2,
sort(coordinates[[2]]), labels = paste( "F(",
names(coordinates[[2]])[order(coordinates[[2]])], ")",
sep = ""), cex = cex.labels, col = 2, adj = 0)
# write size box1
text(A - 0.2, sort(coordinates[[1]]),
labels = paste("size:", apply(weight[current.order[[1]], ], 1,
sum)), cex = cex.labels * 0.9, adj = 1)
# write size box2
text(B + 0.2, sort(coordinates[[2]]),
labels = paste("size:", apply(weight[, current.order[[2]]],
2, sum)), cex = cex.labels * 0.9, adj = 0)
# draw edges
sc <- max(weight); <- weight * line.wd / sc
for (i in 1:nodes.1){
index <- which([current.order[[1]][i], ] != 0)
segments(A, sort(coordinates[[1]])[i],
B, coordinates[[2]][index],
lwd =[current.order[[1]][i], index])
} # end FOR
no.steps <- length(tree.heights)
tree.coordinates <- cbind(current.order[[1]], rep(0, nodes.1),
tree.coordinates <- matrix(as.numeric(tree.coordinates),
nrow(tree.coordinates), 3)
for (step in no.steps:1) {
y1 <- tree.coordinates[tree.coordinates[, 1] ==
tree.branch[step, 2], 3]
y2 <- tree.coordinates[tree.coordinates[, 1] ==
tree.branch[step, 3], 3]
# draw the dendrogram
lines(x = c(-tree.coordinates[tree.coordinates[, 1] ==
tree.branch[step, 2], 2], -tree.heights[step],
-tree.coordinates[tree.coordinates[, 1] ==
tree.branch[step, 3], 2]),
y = c(y1, y1, y2, y2), col = 4)
tree.coordinates[tree.coordinates[,1] ==
tree.branch[step,2],] <-
c(tree.branch[step, 1], tree.heights[step], mean(c(y1, y2)))
index <- which(tree.coordinates[, 1] == tree.branch[step,3],
arr.ind = TRUE)[1]
tree.coordinates <- rbind(c(), tree.coordinates[-index, ])
# label the branch that has been split with a green dot
if (dot) {
index <- which(tree.coordinates[, 1] == new.split)
if (length(which(tree.coordinates[,1] == new.split)) != 0) {
points(x = -tree.coordinates[index, 2],
y = tree.coordinates[index, 3], col = 3, cex = 1.2)
} # end IF
} # end IF dot
} # end FOR step
} # end ELSE
} # end ELSE
if (expanded) {
return(list(b.coord = even.branch.coordinates,
f.coord = even.flat.coordinates,
x.coords = c(A, B)))
} else {
return(list(b.coord = sort(coordinates[[1]]),
f.coord = coordinates[[2]],
x.coords = c(A, B)))
} # end ELSE
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