#' @title Check project folder
#' @description The function checkProjectFolder() verifies that the
#' project folder is set up correctly. It checks that the mandatory files
#' (.gtf file, the folders with the circRNAs_X.txt files and experiemnt.txt)
#' are present in the working directory.The function
#' \code{\link{initCircRNAprofiler}} can be used to initialize the project folder.
#' @param pathToExperiment A string containing the path to the experiment.txt
#' file. The file experiment.txt contains the experiment design information.
#' It must have at least 3 columns with headers:
#' - label (1st column): unique names of the samples (short but informative).
#' - fileName (2nd column): name of the input files - e.g. circRNAs_X.txt, where
#' x can be can be 001, 002 etc.
#' - group (3rd column): biological conditions - e.g. A or B; healthy or
#' diseased if you have only 2 conditions.
#' By default pathToExperiment is set to NULL and the file it is searched in the
#' working directory. If experiment.txt is located in a different directory
#' then the path needs to be specified.
#' @param pathToGTF A string containing the path to the the GTF file.
#' Use the same annotation file used during the RNA-seq mapping procedure.
#' By default pathToGTF is set to NULL and the file it is searched in the
#' working directory. If .gtf is located in a different directory then the
#' path needs to be specified.
#' @param pathToMotifs A string containing the path to the motifs.txt
#' file. The file motifs.txt contains motifs/regular expressions specified
#' by the user. It must have 3 columns with headers:
#' - id (1st column): name of the motif. - e.g. RBM20 or motif1.
#' - motif (2nd column): motif/pattern to search.
#' - length (3rd column): length of the motif.
#' By default pathToMotifs is set to NULL and the file it is searched in the
#' working directory. If motifs.txt is located in a different directory then
#' the path needs to be specified. If this file is absent or empty only the
#' motifs of RNA Binding Proteins in the ATtRACT or MEME database are considered
#' in the motifs analysis.
#' @param pathToMiRs A string containing the path to the miRs.txt file.
#' The file miRs.txt contains the microRNA ids from miRBase
#' specified by the user. It must have one column with header id. The first row
#' must contain the miR name starting with the ">", e.g >hsa-miR-1-3p. The
#' sequences of the miRs will be automatically retrieved from the mirBase latest
#' release or from the given mature.fa file, that should be present in the
#' working directory. By default pathToMiRs is set to NULL and the file it is
#' searched in the working directory. If miRs.txt is located in a different
#' directory then the path needs to be specified. If this file is absent or
#' empty, all miRs of the species specified in input are considered in the
#' miRNA analysis.
#' @param pathToTranscripts A string containing the path to the transcripts.txt
#' file. The file transcripts.txt contains the transcript ids of the
#' circRNA host gene to analyze. It must have one column with header id.
#' By default pathToTranscripts is set to NULL and the file it is searched in
#' the working directory. If transcripts.txt is located in a different
#' directory then the path needs to be specified. If this file is empty or
#' absent the longest transcript of the circRNA host gene containing the
#' back-spliced junctions are considered in the annotation analysis.
#' @param pathToTraits A string containing the path to the traits.txt
#' file. contains diseases/traits specified by the user. It must
#' have one column with header id. By default pathToTraits is set to NULL and
#' the file it is searched in the working directory. If traits.txt is located
#' in a different directory then the path needs to be specified. If this file is
#' absent or empty SNPs associated with all diseases/traits in
#' the GWAS catalog are considered in the SNPs analysis.
#' @return An integer. If equals to 0 the project folder is correctly
#' set up.
#' @examples
#' checkProjectFolder()
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
checkProjectFolder <-
function(pathToExperiment = NULL,
pathToGTF = NULL,
pathToMotifs = NULL,
pathToMiRs = NULL,
pathToTranscripts = NULL,
pathToTraits = NULL) {
# Check optional files
# Check mandatory files
# Check GTF
check1 <- .checkGTF(pathToGTF)
# check experiment.txt and prediction results
check2 <- .checkExperiment(pathToExperiment)
checks <- check1 + check2
# Check motifs.txt
.checkMotifs <- function(pathToMotifs = NULL) {
# Check optional files
# check motifs.txt
motifsFromFile <- .readMotifs(pathToMotifs)
if (nrow(motifsFromFile) > 0) {
cnm <- c("id", "motif", "length")
if (!all(cnm %in% colnames(motifsFromFile))) {
missingNamesId <- which(!cnm %in%
"(!) missing or wrong column names in motifs.txt: ",
paste(cnm[missingNamesId], collapse = " \t"),
} else if (ncol(motifsFromFile) != 3) {
cat("(!) motifs.txt must have 3 column with header id, motif and length\n")
} else{
"Missing or empty motifs.txt file.
Optional file. If absent or empty only
ATtRACT motifs will be analyzed\n"
# check traits.txt
.checkTraits <- function(pathToTraits = NULL) {
# Read traits.txt
traitsFromFile <- .readTraits(pathToTraits)
# Check if there there are traits
if (nrow(traitsFromFile) > 0) {
# Check if column id
if (!"id" %in% colnames(traitsFromFile)) {
cat("(!) missing or wrong column name in traits.txt: id\n ")
} else if (ncol(traitsFromFile) != 1) {
cat("(!) traits.txt must have 1 column with header id\n ")
} else {
"Missing or empty traits.txt file.
Optional file. If absent or empty all
traits in the GWAS catalog will be analyzed\n"
# check miRs.txt
.checkMiRs <- function(pathToMiRs = NULL) {
# Read miRs.txt
miRsFromFile <- .readMiRs(pathToMiRs)
if (nrow(miRsFromFile) > 0) {
# Check if column id
if (!"id" %in% colnames(miRsFromFile)) {
cat("(!) missing or wrong column name in traits.txt: id\n ")
} else if (ncol(miRsFromFile) != 1) {
cat("(!) miRs.txt must have 1 column with header id\n ")
} else{
"Missing or empty miRs.txt file.
Optional file. If absent or empty all miRNAs of the
specified species will be analyzed\n"
# check transcripts.txt
.checkTranscripts <- function(pathToTranscripts = NULL) {
# check transcripts.txt
transcriptsFromFile <- .readTranscripts(pathToTranscripts)
if (nrow(transcriptsFromFile) > 0) {
# Check if column id
if (!"id" %in% colnames(transcriptsFromFile)) {
cat("(!) missing or wrong column name in traits.txt: id\n ")
} else if (ncol(transcriptsFromFile) != 1) {
cat("(!) transcripts.txt must have 1 column with header id\n ")
} else{
"Missing or empty transcripts.txt.
Optional file. If absent or empty the longest
transcripts for all circRNAs will be analyzed\n"
# Check GTF file
.checkGTF <- function(pathToGTF = NULL) {
fileNames <- list.files()
check <- 0
# check GTF file
if (is.null(pathToGTF)) {
pathToGTF <- grep("gtf", fileNames, value = TRUE)[1]
if ( {
cat("(!): missing gtf file\n")
check <- check + 1
# check experiment.txt and prediction results
.checkExperiment <- function(pathToExperiment = NULL) {
fileNames <- list.files()
check <- 0
# Read experiment.txt
experiment <- .readExperiment(pathToExperiment)
if (nrow(experiment) > 0) {
cne <- c("label", "fileName", "condition")
if (!all(cne %in% colnames(experiment))) {
missingNamesId <- which(!cne %in% colnames(experiment))
"(!): missing or wrong column names in experiment.txt: ",
paste(cne[missingNamesId], collapse = " \t", "\n")
check <- check + 1
}else if (ncol(experiment) != 3) {
cat("(!) experiment must have 3 column with header label, fileName and condition\n")
# check folders with circRNA predictions
predictionToolsAll <- getDetectionTools()
if (sum(predictionToolsAll$name %in% fileNames) >= 1) {
pt <-
predictionToolsAll$name[which(predictionToolsAll$name %in% fileNames)]
for (i in seq_along(pt)) {
if (!all(experiment$fileName %in% list.files(pt[i]))) {
missingFilesId <- which(!experiment$fileName %in% list.files(pt[i]))
"(!): .txt file reported in experiment.txt is not
present in folder named",
"Missing files:",
collapse = " \t"),
check <- check + 1
} else {
cat("(!): missing folders containing circRNA predictions\n")
"Folders containing .txt files with circRNA predictions
must be present in the wd\n"
check <- check + 1
} else {
cat("(!): experiment.txt is absent or empty\n")
check <- check + 1
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