# auxiliary functions
boostMDS <- function(D, Y, rate=.01, maxit=50, tol=0.001, samplesize, verbose=TRUE, scale=FALSE, seed=149, plt=FALSE, mc.cores=1) {
# boostMDS, based on HITMDS High-Throughput Dimensional Scaling (HiT-MDS), see
# Introduction of a quadratic step size grid search
# Introduced paralellization and estimation of step size by resampling the original points when big MDS are used
# Arguments:
# D - source dissimilarity matrix
# Y - initial target point configuration
# rate - step size parameter
# maxit - maximum number of iterations
# tol - tolerance for the objective function.
# samplesize - fraction of data points to use to determine step size. Number of points > 100
# Return:
# Y - non-standardized embedded points (apply stdscatter for standardization)
if (scale) Y <- scale(Y,center=TRUE,scale=TRUE)
n_dim <- ncol(Y)
stop('D no matrix!')
n_data <- nrow(D)
zers <- which(D == 0)
n_datainvs <- 1. / (n_data * n_data - length(zers))
if(n_dim == 1 && length(Y) > 0 && !is.matrix(Y))
Y <- as.matrix(Y)
if(length(Y) > 0 && (nrow(Y) != n_data))
stop('Y matrix has wrong size!')
# initialize via cmdscale if necessary
if(length(Y) == 0) cmdscale(D,k=n_dim)
mn_D <- sum(D) * n_datainvs
D <- D - mn_D
D[zers] <- 0
mo_D <- sum(D * D)
pnt_del <- Y
T <- D
# Prepare resampling if necessary
sel <- 1:nrow(D)
if (missing(samplesize)) samplesize <- 0.01
if (samplesize<1)
nsample <- ifelse(samplesize*nrow(D)<100, 100, floor(samplesize*nrow(D)))
if (nsample < nrow(D)) {
cat("\nSampling ",nsample,"elements...\n")
sel <- sample(sel,nsample,replace=FALSE)
targetf <- function(r,resample=FALSE) {
if (resample) {
D <- D[sel,sel]
zers <- which(D == 0)
Y <- Y[sel,]
n_data <- nrow(D)
n_datainvs <- 1. / (n_data * n_data - length(zers))
mo_D <- sum(D * D)
pnt_del <- pnt_del[sel,]
Ynew <- Y + r * pnt_del / sqrt(abs(pnt_del)+.001)
T <- as.matrix(dist(Ynew))
T[zers] <- 0
mn_T <- sum(T) * n_datainvs
T <- T - mn_T
T[zers] <- 0
mi_T <- sum(T * D)
mo_T <- sum(T * T)
f <- 2 / (abs(mi_T) + abs(mo_T))
mi_T <- mi_T * f
mo_T <- mo_T * f
#sqrt(mi_T * mi_T / (mo_D * mo_T * f))
(mi_T * mi_T / (mo_D * mo_T * f)) # return r square
i <- 1; fup <- tol+.1
while(i<=maxit && fup>tol) {
T <- as.matrix(dist(Y))
#T <- as.matrix(dist(Y, diag=T, upper=T))
T[zers] <- 0
mn_T <- sum(T) * n_datainvs
T <- T - mn_T
T[zers] <- 0 # unknowns: zero force
mi_T <- sum(T * D)
mo_T <- sum(T * T)
f <- 2 / (abs(mi_T) + abs(mo_T))
mi_T <- mi_T * f
mo_T <- mo_T * f
tmpT <- T * mi_T - D * mo_T
T <- T + (0.1 + mn_T)
tmpT <- tmpT / T
# calc point i update strength
for(j in 1:n_dim) {
tmp <- Y[,rep(j,n_data)]
tmp <- t(tmp) - tmp
tmp = tmp * tmpT
#pnt_del[,j] = apply(tmp,1,sum)
pnt_del[,j] = rowSums(tmp)
if (i==1) {
#cat("\nResampling is",(samplesize<1))
r2 <- targetf(0,resample=(samplesize<1))
if (verbose) cat(' Correl',' Step size\n',r2,'\n',sep='')
# Grid step size search
rateseq <- seq(.1*rate,2*rate,length=5)
#cat("\nResampling is",(samplesize<1))
if (mc.cores>1) {
if ('parallel' %in% loadedNamespaces()) r2new <- unlist(parallel::mclapply(rateseq,targetf,resample=(samplesize<1),mc.cores=mc.cores,mc.preschedule=FALSE))
else stop('parallel library has not been loaded!')
} else r2new <- unlist(lapply(rateseq,targetf,resample=(samplesize<1)))
#Consider quadratic step size
fit <- lm(r2new ~ rateseq + I(rateseq^2))
ropt <- -stats::coef(fit)[2]/(2*stats::coef(fit)[3])
rateseq <- c(rateseq, ropt)
#cat("\nResampling is",(samplesize<1))
r2new <- c(r2new,targetf(ropt,resample=(samplesize<1)))
#Update solution, objective function and optimal rate
fup <- r2new[which.max(r2new)] - r2
if (fup > 0) {
r2 <- r2new[which.max(r2new)]
rate <- rateseq[which.max(r2new)]
Y <- Y + rate * pnt_del / sqrt(abs(pnt_del)+.001)
#Y <- Y + rate * i * .25 * (1+ i %% 2) / maxit * pnt_del / sqrt(abs(pnt_del)+.001)
if (verbose) cat(r2,rate,'\n')
if (plt) plot(Y)
i <- i+1
} # while
#return(new("mds",points=Y,R.square=r2)) # Since resampling is allowed, this r2 would be the one for the sample and not for the whole MDS
} # function
stress <- function(dr,da,tri=FALSE)
if(tri) {
sum((da-dr)^2) / sum(dr^2)
setGeneric("mds", function(d,m=NULL,k=2,type='classic',add=FALSE,cor.method='pearson',splitMDS=FALSE,split=0.26,overlap=0.025,stepSize=0.01,reshuffle=TRUE,set.seed=149,mc.cores=1,...) standardGeneric("mds"))
setMethod("mds", signature=c(d="distGPS",m="missing"),
function(d,m=NULL,k=2,type='classic',add=FALSE,cor.method='pearson',splitMDS=FALSE,split=0.26,overlap=0.025,stepSize=0.01,reshuffle=TRUE,set.seed=149,mc.cores=1,...) {
metric <- d@metric
idx <- rownames(d@d)
#maptype <- d@type
if (splitMDS)
dsplit <- splitDistGPS(d,split=split,overlap=overlap,reshuffle=reshuffle,set.seed=set.seed,mc.cores=mc.cores)
#ans <- mds(dsplit,k=k,type=type,add=add,splitMDS=FALSE,mc.cores=mc.cores)
ans <- splitMDS(dsplit,k=k,type=type,plt=FALSE,mc.cores=mc.cores)
ans <- ans@points
d <- d@d
d <- d[rownames(ans),rownames(ans)] # Reindex internally with rownames from m@points for correct calculation of r2
else {
d <- d@d
if (type=='classic') {
ans <- cmdscale(as.dist(d), k=k, add=add)
if (add) ans <- ans$points
} else if (type=='isoMDS') {
ans <- isoMDS(d, k=k, maxit=50, trace=FALSE)$points
# Deprecated, since only possible behaviour with signature distGPS,mds is performing a boostMDS
#else if (type=='boostMDS') {
# cat('\nPerforming boostMDS without initial configuration. Classic MDS will be used\n')
# ans <- boostMDS(d, Y=cmdscale(as.dist(d), k=k, add=add), rate=stepSize,...)
else {
stop('Available MDS type for signature distGPS are: classic, isoMDS')
dapprox <- as.matrix(dist(ans, method='euclidean'))
#if (metric == 'chisquare') d <- log(d) # If chisquare metric is used, compute log distances to make distances less unbalanced
if (type=='isoMDS') # If isoMDS of a factors map, compute scale factor so that dr and dapprox have the same dynamic range
# Old computation mode with linear model, takes forever to compute if used with big MDS objects, that is because it stores the residues...
#c <- stats::coef(lm(d[upper.tri(d)]~-1+dapprox[upper.tri(dapprox)]))
# New computation
c <- sum(dapprox[upper.tri(dapprox)]*d[upper.tri(d)])/sum(dapprox[upper.tri(dapprox)]^2)
dapprox <- dapprox * c
ans <- ans * c # For isoMDS compute coordinate rescaling so that now real distances are comparable with those seen on the map scales
# Compute RSquare with log distances instead of raw distances if metric is chisquare
if (metric == 'chisquare') R.square <- ifelse(nrow(d)==2, 1, cor(log(d[upper.tri(d)]), log(dapprox[upper.tri(dapprox)]), method=cor.method)^2)
else R.square <- ifelse(nrow(d)==2, 1, cor(d[upper.tri(d)], dapprox[upper.tri(dapprox)], method=cor.method)^2)
stress <- ifelse(nrow(d)==2, 1, stress(d[upper.tri(d)],dapprox[upper.tri(dapprox)]))
# Revert possible reshuffling in mds elements
# if (splitMDS==TRUE) if ((rownames(d)!=NULL) & (unique(rownames(ans) %in% rownames(d))==TRUE)) ans <- ans[rownames(d),]
#new("mds", points=ans, Type=type, Adj=FALSE, R.square=R.square, stress=stress)
new("mds", points=ans[idx,], Type=type, Adj=FALSE, R.square=R.square, stress=stress)
setMethod("mds", signature=c(d="distGPS",m="mds"), function(d,m,type='classic',stepSize=0.01,...) {
# boostMDS, ensures R2 optimization
#if (type != c('boostMDS')) stop('Only boostMDS type is available if an input MDS configuration is given')
if (missing(type)) if ('type' %in% slotNames(m)) if (m@type=='isoMDS') type <- m@type else type <- '' # If type of MDS is not there, try to get it from the slot (for backwards compatibility)
d@d <- d@d[rownames(m@points),rownames(m@points)] # Reindex internally with rownames from m@points for correct calculation of r2
ans <- boostMDS(d@d, Y=m@points, rate=stepSize,...)
dapprox <- dist(ans, method='euclidean')
dapprox <- as.matrix(dapprox)
#if (d@metric == 'chisquare') d@d <- log(d@d) # If chisquare metric is used, compute log distances to normalize values
# Always compute scale factor so that dr and dapprox have the same dynamic range
c <- sum(dapprox[upper.tri(dapprox)]*d@d[upper.tri(d@d)])/sum(dapprox[upper.tri(dapprox)]^2)
dapprox <- dapprox * c
ans <- ans * c # For isoMDS compute coordinate rescaling so that now real distances are comparable with those seen on the map scales
# Compute RSquare with log distances instead of raw distances if metric is chisquare
if (d@metric == 'chisquare') R.square <- ifelse(nrow(d@d)==2, 1, cor(log(d@d[upper.tri(d@d)]), dapprox[upper.tri(dapprox)], method=cor.method)^2)
else R.square <- ifelse(nrow(d@d)==2, 1, cor(d@d[upper.tri(d@d)], dapprox[upper.tri(dapprox)], method=cor.method)^2)
stress <- ifelse(nrow(d@d)==2, 1, stress(d@d[upper.tri(d@d)],dapprox[upper.tri(dapprox)]))
new("mds", points=ans, Type=type, Adj=FALSE, R.square=R.square, stress=stress)
# This method should be deprecated, we directly call splitMDS instead
setMethod("mds", signature=c(d="splitDistGPS",m="missing"), function(d,k=2,type='classic',plt=FALSE,mc.cores=1,...) {
ans <- splitMDS(d,k=k,type=type,plt=plt,mc.cores=mc.cores)
# Functions to paralelize MDS, adapted on april 2012 for returning a mds class object, R.square is the average r2 correlation of all independent MDSs
splitMDS <- function(d,k=2,type='classic',plt=FALSE,mc.cores=1)
if (mc.cores>1) {
if ('parallel' %in% loadedNamespaces()) m <- parallel::mclapply(d@d,mds,k=k,type=type,splitMDS=FALSE,mc.cores=mc.cores,mc.preschedule=FALSE)
else stop('parallel library has not been loaded!')
} else m <- lapply(d@d,mds,k=k,type=type,splitMDS=FALSE)
# Ahora hay que juntar, es mejor hacerlo secuencialmente o por parejas y luego eliminar los puntos comunes ?
# Version secuencial, funciona bien
mpr <- m[[1]]@points # Init procrustes mds
for (i in 1:(length(m)-1))
pr <- mergeMDS(tail(mpr,d@o),m[[i+1]]@points[1:d@o,],m[[i+1]]@points[(d@o+1):nrow(m[[i+1]]@points),],scale=FALSE,symmetric=FALSE)
mpr <- rbind(mpr,pr$Y2rot)
if (plt) plot(mpr)
new("mds",points=mpr,Type=type,Adj=FALSE,R.square=mean(unlist(lapply(m,function(x) x@R.square))),stress=mean(unlist(lapply(m,function(x) x@stress))))
# Procrustes function taken from package vegan_2.0.1 and modified to match anchor points in different MDSs
mergeMDS <- function (X, Y, Y2, scale = TRUE, symmetric = FALSE, scores = "sites", ...)
# Procrustes modified to rotate additional matrix. X and Y are the matching elements, Y2 has also the Y elements no matching X
if (ncol(X) < ncol(Y)) {
warning("X has fewer axes than Y: X adjusted to comform Y\n")
addcols <- ncol(Y) - ncol(X)
for (i in 1:addcols) X <- cbind(X, 0)
ctrace <- function(MAT) sum(diag(crossprod(MAT)))
c <- 1
if (symmetric) {
X <- scale(X, scale = FALSE)
Y <- scale(Y, scale = FALSE)
X <- X/sqrt(ctrace(X))
Y <- Y/sqrt(ctrace(Y))
#Y2 <- Y2/sqrt(ctrace(Y2))
xmean <- apply(X, 2, mean)
ymean <- apply(Y, 2, mean)
#y2mean <- apply(Y2, 2, mean)
if (!symmetric) {
X <- scale(X, scale = FALSE)
Y <- scale(Y, scale = FALSE)
#Y2 <- scale(Y2, scale = FALSE)
XY <- crossprod(X, Y)
sol <- svd(XY)
A <- sol$v %*% t(sol$u)
if (scale) {
c <- sum(sol$d)/ctrace(Y)
Yrot <- c * Y %*% A
Y2rot <- c * Y2 %*% A
b <- xmean - t(A %*% ymean)
R2 <- ctrace(X) + c * c * ctrace(Y) - 2 * c * sum(sol$d)
reslt <- list(Yrot = Yrot, Y2rot = Y2rot, X = X, ss = R2, rotation = A,
translation = b, scale = c, symmetric = symmetric, call =
reslt$svd <- sol
class(reslt) <- "procrustes"
# Jan's function to add quantitative or whatever variable to an existing MDS, currently only for 2D MDS
addVar <- function(mds1,z,plot=TRUE,label='z',pos=3,...) {
if (ncol(mds1@points)!=2) stop('Currently only available for 2D MDS')
x <- mds1@points[,1]
y <- mds1@points[,2]
#zs <- scale(z,scale=FALSE)
zs <- z
lm.out <- lm(zs~-1+x+y)
b <- lm.out$coefficients
yhat <- fitted(lm.out)
fa <- sqrt(var(yhat))
bstar <- fa*b
gof <- summary(lm.out)$r.squared
ans <- list(b=b,bstar=bstar,gof=gof)
if (plot)
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