
Defines functions getZfactor

Documented in getZfactor

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
## LPB, August 2007
## Function to calculate per-experiment Z'-factor based on positive and negative controls
## (for each replicate and channel).
## 	Arguments:
## 		x - cellHTS object
##		robust - logical (TRUE or FALSE) - should the Z'-factor use robust measures
##                       of location and spread (median and MAD)?
## 		verbose - TRUE or FALSE
##	        posControls  - optional (list or vector of regular expressions)
##		negControls - optional (vector of regular expressions)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
getZfactor <- function(x, robust=TRUE, verbose=interactive(), posControls, negControls)
    ## consistency checks:
    if(!inherits(x, "cellHTS"))
        stop("'x' must be a 'cellHTS' object")
    ## Check the status of the 'cellHTS' object
        stop("Please configure 'x' (using the function 'configure') before calculating ",
             "Z'-factor values!")

    if (!is.logical(verbose))
        stop("'verbose' must be a logical value.")
    if (!is.logical(robust))
        stop("'robust' must be a logical value.")

    twoWay <- FALSE

    ## Get data
    y <- Data(x)

    ## use mean and sd or median and mad?
    if (robust)
        locationFun <- median 
        spreadFun <- mad
        locationFun <- mean
        spreadFun <- sd
    ## dimensions
    d <- dim(y)
    nrReplicates <- d[2]
    nrChannels <- d[3]
    nrProbes <- d[1]
    wAnno <- as.character(wellAnno(x))
    ##   -------  Controls annotation ---------------
    if (!missing(posControls))

        ## checks, determine assay type and name of positive controls if assay is one-way
        namePos <- checkPosControls(posControls, nrChannels, wAnno, plateConf(x)$Content)
        twoWay <- namePos$twoWay
        namePos <- namePos$namePos 
    {## if !missing
        ## assumes the screen is a one-way assay
        posControls <- as.vector(rep("^pos$", nrChannels))
        namePos <- "pos"

    if (!missing(negControls))
        checkControls(y=negControls, len=nrChannels, name="negControls") #check
        negControls <- as.vector(rep("^neg$", nrChannels))

    ##   -------  Get controls positions ---------------
    allControls <- getControlsPositions(posControls, negControls, twoWay, namePos,
                                        nrChannels, wAnno)

    actCtrls <- allControls$actCtrls
    inhCtrls <- allControls$inhCtrls
    posCtrls <- allControls$posCtrls
    negCtrls <- allControls$negCtrls
    nms <- if(twoWay) c("activators", "inhibitors") else namePos

    ## the line below is needed to have some feedback in 'writeReport'
    Zfac <- vector("list", length=max(1, length(nms)))
    names(Zfac) <- nms
    for(i in 1:length(Zfac))
        Zfac[[i]] <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrReplicates, ncol=nrChannels)
        dimnames(Zfac[[i]]) <- list(paste("Replicate", 1:nrReplicates, sep=""),
                                    paste("Channel", 1:nrChannels, sep=""))
    nrPos <- sapply(actCtrls, length) + sapply(inhCtrls, length) +
        sapply(posCtrls, function(w) length(unlist(w)))
    nrNeg <- sapply(negCtrls, length) 

    ##   -------  Calculate the per-plate dynamic ranges ---------------
    ## calculate quality metrics
    for (ch in 1:nrChannels)
        ## if there are no neg controls or no type of positive controls, Z'-factor cannot
        ## be calculated!
        if( nrPos[ch] & nrNeg[ch])
            yy <- matrix(y[,,ch, drop=FALSE], ncol=nrReplicates, nrow=nrProbes)
            xact <- yy[actCtrls[[ch]],, drop=FALSE]
            xinh <- yy[inhCtrls[[ch]],, drop=FALSE]
            xpos <- lapply(posCtrls[[ch]], function(d) yy[d, ,drop=FALSE])
            xneg <- yy[negCtrls[[ch]], , drop=FALSE]
            nms <- xpos
            nms$activators<- xact
            nms$inhibitors <- xinh
            aux <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), ncol=length(nms), nrow=nrReplicates)
            colnames(aux) <- names(nms)
            for(dn in seq(along=nms))
                for (i in seq_len(ncol(nms[[dn]])))
                    aux[i, dn] <- zfacFun(nms[[dn]][,i], xneg[,i], locationFun, spreadFun)
            inames <- which(colnames(aux) %in% names(Zfac) )
            for(i in inames)
                nm <- colnames(aux)[i]
                Zfac[[nm]][,ch] <- aux[,i]
        { #nrPos & nrNeg
            if(verbose) cat("\nNo positive and/or negative controls were found!\n\n")
    } ## for channel

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cellHTS2 documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6 p.m.