#' load_se_from_tables
#' Create a SummarizedExperiment object (dataset_se) from a count matrix, cell
#' information and optionally gene information.
#' This function makes a SummarizedExperiment object in a form that
#' should work for celaref functions. Specifically, that means it will have an
#' 'ID' feild for genes (view with \code{rowData(dataset_se)}), and both
#' 'cell_sample' and 'group' feild for cells (view with
#' \code{colData(dataset_se)}). See parameters for detail.
#' Additionally, the counts will be an integer matrix (not a
#' sparse matrix), and the \emph{group} feild (but not \emph{cell_sample}
#' or \emph{ID}) will be a factor.
#' Note that data will be subsetted to cells present in both the counts matrix
#' and cell info, this is handy for loading subsets of cells.
#' However, if \bold{gene_info_file} is defined, all genes must match exactly.
#' The \code{load_se_from_files} form of this function will run the same
#' checks, but will read everything from files in one go. The
#' \code{load_se_from_tables}
#' form is perhaps more useful when the annotations need to be modified (e.g.
#' programmatically adding a different gene identifier, renaming groups,
#' removing unwanted samples).
#' Note that the SummarizedExperiment object can also be created without using
#' these functions, it just needs the \emph{cell_sample}, \emph{ID} and
#' \emph{group} feilds as described above. Since sometimes it might be easier
#' to add these to an existing \emph{SummarizedExperiment} from upstream
#' analyses.
#' @param counts_matrix A tab-separated matrix of read counts for each gene
#' (row) and each cell (column). Columns and rows should be named.
#' @param cell_info_table Table of cell information.
#' If there is a column labelled
#' \emph{cell_sample}, that will be used as the unique cell identifiers.
#' If not, the first column is assumed to be cell identifiers, and will be
#' copied to a new feild labelled \emph{cell_sample}.
#' Similarly - the clusters of these cells should be listed in one column -
#' which can be called 'group' (case-sensitive) or specified with
#' \bold{group_col_name}. \emph{Minimal data format: <cell_sample> <group>}
#' @param gene_info_table Optional table of gene information. If there is a
#' column labelled
#' \emph{ID}, that will be used as the gene identifiers (they must be unique!).
#' If not, the first column is assumed to be a gene identifier, and will be
#' copied to a
#' new feild labelled \emph{ID}. Must match all rownames in
#' \bold{counts_matrix}.
#' If omitted, ID wll be generated from the rownames of counts_matrix.
#' Default=NA
#' @param group_col_name Name of the column in \bold{cell_info_table}
#' containing
#' the cluster/group that each cell belongs to. Case-sensitive. Default='group'
#' @param cell_col_name Name of the column in \bold{cell_info_table} containing
#' a cell id. Ignored if \emph{cell_sample} column is already present.
#' If omitted, (and no \emph{cell_sample} column) will use first column.
#' Case-sensitive. Default=NA
#' @return A SummarisedExperiment object containing the count data, cell info
#' and gene info.
#' @examples
#' # From data frames (or a matrix for counts) :
#' demo_se <- load_se_from_tables(counts_matrix=demo_counts_matrix,
#' cell_info_table=demo_cell_info_table)
#' demo_se <- load_se_from_tables(counts_matrix=demo_counts_matrix,
#' cell_info_table=demo_cell_info_table,
#' gene_info_table=demo_gene_info_table)
#' # Or from data files :
#' counts_filepath <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "celaref")
#' cell_info_filepath <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "celaref")
#' gene_info_filepath <- system.file("extdata", "", package = "celaref")
#' demo_se <- load_se_from_files(counts_file=counts_filepath, cell_info_file=cell_info_filepath)
#' demo_se <- load_se_from_files(counts_file=counts_filepath, cell_info_file=cell_info_filepath,
#' gene_info_file=gene_info_filepath )
#' @seealso \href{}{SummarizedExperiment} For general doco on the SummarizedExperiment objects.
#' @family Data-loading functions
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
load_se_from_tables <- function(
counts_matrix, cell_info_table, gene_info_table = NA,
group_col_name="group", cell_col_name=NA
) {
cell_info_table <- data.frame(cell_info_table, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# If there's no cell_sample, and no cell_col_name, make the first
# one 'cell_sample', else use cell_col_name.
if (! "cell_sample" %in% colnames(cell_info_table)) {
if ( {
cell_info_table <-[,1],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
else {
stopifnot(cell_col_name %in% colnames(cell_info_table))
cell_info_table <-
stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
# Check for 'group' anything from group_col_name will be copied into group
if (! group_col_name %in% colnames(cell_info_table)) {
stop( "Couldn't find group/cluster column ", group_col_name ,
" in cell_info_table ",cell_info_table )
if (group_col_name != "group") {
cell_info_table$group <- cell_info_table[,group_col_name]
# Only keep common cells, match order
cells <- intersect(cell_info_table$cell_sample, colnames(counts_matrix))
if (length(cells) <= 1) {
stop("Couldn't find cells in common between counts matrix ",
"(col names) and cell_info_file (cell_sample column, ",
"first col or specified as cell_col_name)")
if ( length(cells) != nrow(cell_info_table)
|| length(cells) != ncol(counts_matrix) ) {
message("Not all cells were listed in both ",
"counts matrix and cell_info_file. ",
"Is this expected? Keeping the ", length(cells), " in common")
cell_info_table<-cell_info_table[match(cells, cell_info_table$cell_sample),]
counts_matrix <-counts_matrix[,cells]
# NB factorising group after removal of unmatched cells
cell_info_table$group <- factor(cell_info_table$group)
# Make summarised experiment.
# With or without gene info file.
dataset_se <- NA
if (all( {
dataset_se <- SummarizedExperiment(
assays = S4Vectors::SimpleList(counts=counts_matrix),
rowData(dataset_se)$ID <- rownames(assay(dataset_se,'counts'))
else {
gene_info_table <- data.frame(gene_info_table, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# If there's no ID col, make the first 'ID'
if (! "ID" %in% colnames(gene_info_table)) {
gene_info_table <-
# Cells might not, but genes should be matching.
genes <- intersect(gene_info_table$ID, rownames(counts_matrix))
num_genes <- length(genes)
if ( num_genes != nrow(gene_info_table)
|| num_genes != nrow(counts_matrix) ) {
stop( "Gene IDs did not match between ID feild of ",
"gene_info_file (or first column), and row names of ",
"counts matrix")
# Create a summarised experiment object.
dataset_se <- SummarizedExperiment(
assays = S4Vectors::SimpleList(counts=counts_matrix),
#' load_se_from_files
#' \code{load_se_from_files} is a wrapper for \code{load_se_from_tables} that
#' will read in tables from specified files.
#' @param counts_file A tab-separated file of a matrix of read counts. As per
#' \bold{counts_matrix}. First column should be gene ID, and top row cell ids.
#' @param cell_info_file Tab-separated text file of cell information, as per
#' \bold{cell_info_table}. Columns must have names.
#' @param gene_info_file Optional tab-separated text file of gene information,
#' as per \bold{gene_info_file}. Columns must have names. Default=NA
#' @family Data loading functions
#' @describeIn load_se_from_tables To read from files
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
load_se_from_files <- function(
counts_file, cell_info_file, gene_info_file = NA, group_col_name="group",
) {
counts_matrix <- as.matrix(utils::read.table(
counts_file, row.names=1, header=TRUE, sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names=FALSE ))
cell_info_table <- utils::read.table(cell_info_file, header=TRUE,
sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
# Read gene Info table, if specified
gene_info_table <- NA
if (! {
gene_info_table <- utils::read.table(gene_info_file,
sep = "\t",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
return(load_se_from_tables(counts_matrix, cell_info_table, gene_info_table,
group_col_name, cell_col_name = cell_col_name) )
#' load_dataset_10Xdata
#' Convenience function to create a SummarizedExperiment object (dataset_se)
#' from a the output of 10X cell ranger pipeline run.
#' This function makes a SummarizedExperiment object in a form that
#' should work for celaref functions. Specifically, that means it will have an
#' 'ID' feild for genes (view with \code{rowData(dataset_se)}), and both
#' 'cell_sample' and 'group' feild for cells (view with
#' \code{colData(dataset_se)}). See parameters for detail.
#' Additionally, the counts will be an integer matrix (not a
#' sparse matrix), and the \emph{group} feild (but not \emph{cell_sample}
#' or \emph{ID}) will be a factor.
#' The clustering information can be read from whichever cluster is specified,
#' usually there will be several choices.
#' This funciton is designed to work with output of version 2.0.1 of the
#' cellRanger pipeline, may not work with others (will not work for 1.x).
#' @param dataset_path Path to the directory of 10X data, as generated by the
#' cellRanger pipeline (versions 2.1.0 and 2.0.1). The directory should have
#' subdirecotires \emph{analysis}, \emph{filtered_gene_bc_matrices} and
#' \emph{raw_gene_bc_matrices} (only the first 2 are read).
#' @param dataset_genome The genome that the reads were aligned against,
#' e.g. GRCh38. Check for this as a directory name under the
#' \emph{filtered_gene_bc_matrices} subdirectory if unsure.
#' @param clustering_set The 10X cellRanger pipeline produces several
#' different cluster definitions per dataset. Specify which one to use e.g.
#' kmeans_10_clusters Find them as directory names under
#' \emph{analysis/clustering/}
#' @param gene_id_cols_10X Vector of the names of the columns in the gene
#' description file (\emph{filtered_gene_bc_matrices/GRCh38/genes.csv}). The
#' first element of this will become the ID.
#' Default = c("ensembl_ID","GeneSymbol")
#' @param id_to_use Column from \bold{gene_id_cols_10X} that defines the gene
#' identifier to use as 'ID' in the returned SummarisedExperiment object.
#' Many-to-one relationships betwen the assumed unique first element of
#' \bold{gene_id_cols_10X} and \bold{id_to_use} will be handled gracefully by
#' \code{\link{convert_se_gene_ids}}.
#' Defaults to first element of \bold{gene_id_cols_10X}
#' @return A SummarisedExperiment object containing the count data, cell info
#' and gene info.
#' @examples
#' example_10X_dir <- system.file("extdata", "sim_cr_dataset", package = "celaref")
#' dataset_se <- load_dataset_10Xdata(example_10X_dir, dataset_genome="GRCh38",
#' clustering_set="kmeans_4_clusters", gene_id_cols_10X=c("gene"))
#' \dontrun{
#' dataset_se <- load_dataset_10Xdata('~/path/to/data/10X_pbmc4k',
#' dataset_genome="GRCh38",
#' clustering_set="kmeans_7_clusters")
#' }
#' @seealso \href{}{SummarizedExperiment}
#' For general doco on the SummarizedExperiment objects.
#' @seealso \code{\link{convert_se_gene_ids}} describes method for
#' converting IDs.
#' @family Data loading functions
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
load_dataset_10Xdata <- function(
dataset_path, dataset_genome, clustering_set,
gene_id_cols_10X =c("ensembl_ID","GeneSymbol"),
id_to_use = gene_id_cols_10X[1]
) {
matrix_file <- file.path(dataset_path,"filtered_gene_bc_matrices",
cells_file <- file.path(dataset_path,"filtered_gene_bc_matrices",
genes_file <- file.path(dataset_path,"filtered_gene_bc_matrices",
clustering_file <- file.path(dataset_path,"analysis","clustering",
clustering_table <- readr::read_csv(clustering_file, col_types=readr::cols())
colnames(clustering_table) <- c('cell_sample', 'group')
clustering_table$group <- factor(clustering_table$group)
# gene info
# Start with the first id (assumed uniq!), but change to specified after.
genes_table <- readr::read_tsv(genes_file,
col_names = gene_id_cols_10X,
col_types = readr::cols())
genes_table$ID <- dplyr::pull(genes_table, gene_id_cols_10X[1])
# Not there's no lables here, but <genes> rows and <cells> columns
filtered_matrix <- as.matrix(Matrix::readMM(matrix_file)) # from Matrix
storage.mode(filtered_matrix ) <- "integer"
order_of_cells <- scan(cells_file, what=character())
colnames(filtered_matrix) <- order_of_cells
rownames(filtered_matrix) <- genes_table$ID
# Create a summarised experiment objct.
dataset_se <- SummarizedExperiment(
assays = S4Vectors::SimpleList(counts=filtered_matrix),
# Optionally change id (handles m:1)
rowData(dataset_se)$total_count <-
if (id_to_use != gene_id_cols_10X[1] ) {
dataset_se <- convert_se_gene_ids(dataset_se,
#' convert_se_gene_ids
#' Change the gene IDs in in the supplied datatset_se object to some other id
#' already present in the gene info (as seen with \code{rowData()})
#' @param dataset_se Summarised experiment object containing count data. Also
#' requires 'ID' and 'group' to be set within the cell information
#' (see \code{colData()})
#' @param new_id A column within the feature information (view
#' \code{colData(dataset_se)})) of the \bold{dataset_se}, which will become
#' the new ID column. Non-uniqueness of this column is handled gracefully!
#' Any \emph{NAs} will be dropped.
#' @param eval_col Which column to use to break ties of duplicate
#' \bold{new_id}. Must be a column within the feature information (view
#' \code{colData(dataset_se)})) of the \bold{dataset_se}. Total reads per gene
#' feature is a good choice.
#' @param find_max If false, this will choose the minimal \bold{eval_col}
#' instead of max. Default = TRUE
#' @return A modified dataset_se - ID will now be \bold{new_id}, and unique.
#' It will have fewer genes if old ID to new ID was not a 1:1 mapping.
#' The selected genes will be according to the eval col max (or min).
#' \emph{should} pick the alphabetical first on ties, but could change.
#' @examples
#' # The demo dataset doesn't have other names, so make some up
#' # (don't do this)
#' dataset_se <- demo_ref_se
#' rowData(dataset_se)$dummyname <- toupper(rowData(dataset_se)$ID)
#' # If not already present, define a column to evaluate,
#' # typically total reads/gene.
#' rowData(dataset_se)$total_count <- rowSums(assay(dataset_se))
#' dataset_se <- convert_se_gene_ids(dataset_se, new_id='dummyname', eval_col='total_count')
#' @seealso \href{}{SummarizedExperiment}
#' For general doco on the SummarizedExperiment objects.
#' @seealso \code{\link{load_se_from_files}} For reading data from flat
#' files (not 10X cellRanger output)
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
convert_se_gene_ids <- function(dataset_se, new_id, eval_col, find_max=TRUE) {
old_id = "ID"
if (! all(c(old_id, new_id, eval_col) %in% colnames(rowData(dataset_se)))) {
stop("Can't find all of ", c(old_id, new_id, eval_col),
" in rowData(dataset_se) colnames")
row_data_df <-[,c(old_id,new_id, eval_col)]
colnames(row_data_df) <- c("old_lab", "new_lab", "eval_lab")
row_data_df <- row_data_df[!$new_lab),]
if (find_max) {
row_data_df <- row_data_df %>%
}else { #min
row_data_df <- row_data_df %>%
row_data_unique <- row_data_df %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$new_lab) %>%
# Subset to just those representative old ids, and give the unique new id
dataset_se<- dataset_se[ row_data_unique$old_lab , ]
rowData(dataset_se)$ID <- rowData(dataset_se)[[new_id]] # overwrite the ID
rownames(dataset_se) <- rowData(dataset_se)[["ID"]]
#' trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes
#' Filter and return a SummarizedExperiment object (dataset_se) by several
#' metrics:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Cells with at least \bold{min_lib_size} total reads.
#' \item Genes expressed in at least \bold{min_detected_by_min_samples}
#' cells, at a threshold of \bold{min_reads_in_sample} per cell.
#' \item Remove entire groups (clusters) of cells where there are fewer than
#' \bold{min_group_membership} cells in that group.
#' }
#' If it hasn't been done already, it is highly reccomended to use this
#' function to filter out genes with no/low total counts
#' (especially in single cell data,
#' there can be many) - without expression they are not useful and may reduce
#' statistical power.
#' Likewise, very small groups (<5 cells) are unlikely to give useful
#' results with this method. And cells with abnormally small library sizes may
#' not be desireable.
#' Of course 'reasonable' thresholds for filtering cells/genes are subjective.
#' Defaults are moderately sensible starting points.
#' @param dataset_se Summarised experiment object containing count data. Also
#' requires 'ID' and 'group' to be set within the cell information
#' (see \code{colData()})
#' @param min_lib_size Minimum library size. Cells with fewer than this many
#' reads removed. Default = 1000
#' @param min_reads_in_sample Require this many reads to consider a gene
#' detected in a sample. Default = 1
#' @param min_detected_by_min_samples Keep genes detected in this many
#' samples. May change with experiment size. Default = 5
#' @param min_group_membership Throw out groups/clusters with fewer than this
#' many cells. May change with experiment size. Default = 5
#' @return A filtered dataset_se, ready for use.
#' @examples
#' demo_query_se.trimmed <-
#' trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes(demo_query_se)
#' demo_query_se.trimmed2 <-
#' trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes(demo_ref_se,
#' min_group_membership = 10)
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @export
trim_small_groups_and_low_expression_genes <- function(
dataset_se, min_lib_size=1000, min_group_membership=5,
min_reads_in_sample=1, min_detected_by_min_samples=5
) {
counts_index <- get_counts_index(n_assays=length(assays(dataset_se)),
assay_names = names(assays(dataset_se)))
## Filter by min lib size, num samples detected in
# Use different rowSums for hdf5-backed SCE.
if (is(assay(dataset_se, counts_index) , "DelayedMatrix")) {
samples_per_gene <- DelayedArray::rowSums(assay(dataset_se, counts_index) >= min_reads_in_sample)
dataset_se <- dataset_se[,DelayedArray::colSums(assay(dataset_se, counts_index))>=min_lib_size ]
} else {
samples_per_gene <- Matrix::rowSums(assay(dataset_se, counts_index) >= min_reads_in_sample)
dataset_se <- dataset_se[,Matrix::colSums(assay(dataset_se, counts_index))>=min_lib_size ]
dataset_se <- dataset_se[ samples_per_gene >= min_detected_by_min_samples, ]
## Less than a certain number of cells in a group,
# discard the group, and its cells.
# NB: also removes 'NA' group entries.
cell_group_sizes <- table(dataset_se$group)
groups_to_keep <- names(cell_group_sizes)[cell_group_sizes >= min_group_membership]
dataset_se <- dataset_se[,dataset_se$group %in% groups_to_keep]
dataset_se$group <- droplevels(dataset_se$group)
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