# Data loading from CTRP -------------------------------------------------------
#' Load CTRP data
#' If given paths direct to non-existing files, those files will be downloaded
#' @param geneExpressionFile Character: path to file with gene expression
#' @param geneInfoFile Character: path to file with gene information
#' @param cellLineInfoFile Character: path to file with cell line information
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom reshape2 dcast
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom R.utils renameFile
#' @return Data frame
#' @keywords internal
loadCTRPgeneExpression <- function(
geneExpressionFile="CTRP 2.1/geneExpr.txt",
geneInfoFile="CTRP 2.1/geneInfo.txt",
cellLineInfoFile="CTRP 2.1/cellLineInfo.txt") {
if (!any(file.exists(geneExpressionFile, geneInfoFile))) {
url <- file.path("",
folder <- dirname(geneExpressionFile)
toExtract <- c("",
downloadIfNotFound(url, file.path(folder, basename(url)),
renameFile(file.path(folder, toExtract[[1]]), geneExpressionFile)
renameFile(file.path(folder, toExtract[[2]]), geneInfoFile)
renameFile(file.path(folder, toExtract[[3]]), cellLineInfoFile)
# Prepare gene expression (in wide format)
message(sprintf("Loading CTRP gene expression from %s...",
geneExpr <- fread(geneExpressionFile)
wide <- dcast(geneExpr, master_ccl_id ~ idx_gene_feature,
fun.aggregate=mean, value.var="mrna_expression_avg_log2")
colnames(wide)[1] <- "cellLine"
# Correctly set gene names
message(sprintf("Loading CTRP gene metadata from %s...", geneInfoFile))
geneInfo <- fread(geneInfoFile)
geneNames <- setNames(geneInfo$gene_primary_name, geneInfo$idx_gene_feature)
colnames(wide)[-1] <- geneNames[colnames(wide)[-1]]
attr(wide, "geneInfo") <- geneInfo[geneInfo$gene_primary_name %in%
colnames(wide)[-1], ]
# Cell line metadata
cellLineInfo <- fread(cellLineInfoFile)
colnames(cellLineInfo)[1] <- "cellLine"
attr(wide, "cellLineInfo") <- cellLineInfo
#' @rdname loadCTRPgeneExpression
#' @param drugSensitivityFile Character: path to file with drug sensitivity
#' @param experimentFile Character: path to file with experiment information
#' @param compoundFile Character: path to file with compound information
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @importFrom reshape2 dcast
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom R.utils renameFile
loadCTRPdrugSensitivity <- function(
drugSensitivityFile="CTRP 2.1/drugSensitivity.txt",
experimentFile="CTRP 2.1/experimentInfo.txt",
compoundFile="CTRP 2.1/compoundInfo.txt") {
if (!any(file.exists(drugSensitivityFile, experimentFile, compoundFile))) {
url <- paste0("",
folder <- dirname(drugSensitivityFile)
toExtract <- c("",
downloadIfNotFound(url, file.path(folder, basename(url)),
renameFile(file.path(folder, toExtract[[1]]), drugSensitivityFile)
renameFile(file.path(folder, toExtract[[2]]), experimentFile)
renameFile(file.path(folder, toExtract[[3]]), compoundFile)
message(sprintf("Loading CTRP drug sensitivity from %s...",
drugSensitivity <- fread(drugSensitivityFile)
# Get cell lines from experiment file
message(sprintf("Loading CTRP experiment metadata from %s...",
experimentInfo <- fread(experimentFile)
experimentInfo$run_id <- experimentInfo$experiment_date <- NULL
merged <- merge(drugSensitivity, unique(experimentInfo))
wide <- dcast(merged, master_ccl_id ~ master_cpd_id, fun.aggregate=mean,
attr(wide, "drugActivityMetric") <- "z-score(-log10(GI50))"
attr(wide, "isDrugActivityDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity") <- TRUE
colnames(wide)[1] <- "cellLine"
# Correctly set compound names
message(sprintf("Loading CTRP compound metadata from %s...", compoundFile))
compoundInfo <- loadCTRPcompoundInfo(compoundFile)
attr(wide, "compoundInfo") <- compoundInfo
#' @rdname loadCTRPgeneExpression
#' @keywords internal
loadCTRPcompoundInfo <- function(compoundFile="CTRP 2.1/compoundInfo.txt") {
compoundInfo <- fread(compoundFile)
cols <- c("master_cpd_id"="id",
"broad_cpd_id"="broad id",
"cpd_status"="FDA status",
colnames(compoundInfo)[match(names(cols), colnames(compoundInfo))] <- cols
colnames(compoundInfo) <- gsub("_", " ", colnames(compoundInfo))
# Data loading from NCI60 ------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname loadCTRPgeneExpression
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @importFrom data.table data.table transpose
#' @importFrom R.utils renameFile
loadNCI60geneExpression <- function(file="NCI60/geneExpr.xls",
cellLineInfoFile="cellLineInfo.xls") {
if (!file.exists(file)) {
url <- paste0(
folder <- dirname(file)
downloadIfNotFound(url, file.path(folder, basename(url)))
renameFile(file.path(folder, "RNA__RNA_seq_composite_expression.xls"),
renameFile(file.path(folder, "NCI60_CELL_LINE_METADATA.xls"),
message(sprintf("Loading NCI60 gene expression from %s...", file))
geneExpr <- read_excel(file, skip=10, na=c("na", "-"))
# Convert data to numeric
mat <- data.matrix(geneExpr[7:66])
df <- data.table(mat)
# Transpose data
trans <- cbind(colnames(mat), transpose(df))
colnames(trans) <- c("cellLine", geneExpr[[1]])
# Cell line metadata
message(sprintf("Loading NCI60 cell line metadata from %s...", file))
cellLineInfo <- read_excel(cellLineInfoFile, skip=7, n_max=60)
# Remove footnote letters
colnames(cellLineInfo) <- gsub(" .(,.)?$", "", colnames(cellLineInfo))
colnames(cellLineInfo)[1] <- "cellLine"
cellLineInfo$cellLine <- gsub(" .$", "", cellLineInfo$cellLine)
# Fix cell names to be the exact same between datasets
cellLineInfo$cellLine <- gsub("_", "-", cellLineInfo$cellLine)
fix <- c("BR:HS578T"="BR:HS 578T",
"CO:COLO205"="CO:COLO 205",
"RE:RXF-393"="RE:RXF 393")
cellLines <- match(names(fix), cellLineInfo$cellLine)
cellLineInfo$cellLine[cellLines] <- fix
colnames(cellLineInfo)[1] <- "cellLine"
attr(trans, "cellLineInfo") <- cellLineInfo
#' @inherit loadNCI60geneExpression
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @importFrom data.table data.table transpose
#' @importFrom R.utils renameFile
#' @keywords internal
loadNCI60drugSensitivity <- function(file="NCI60/drugSensitivity.xls") {
if (!file.exists(file)) {
url <- paste0("",
toExtract <- "DTP_NCI60_ZSCORE.xls"
folder <- dirname(file)
downloadIfNotFound(url, file.path(folder, basename(url)))
renameFile(file.path(folder, toExtract), file)
message(sprintf("Loading NCI60 drug sensitivity from %s...", file))
drugSensitivity <- read_excel(file, skip=8, na=c("na", "-"))
# Convert data to numeric
mat <- data.matrix(drugSensitivity[7:66])
mat <- -mat # Additive inverse of AUC values
df <- data.table(mat)
# Transpose data
trans <- cbind(colnames(mat), transpose(df))
colnames(trans) <- c("cellLine", drugSensitivity[[1]])
attr(trans, "drugActivityMetric") <- "-AUC (area under dose-response curve)"
attr(trans, "isDrugActivityDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity") <- TRUE
# Prepare compound information
loadNCI60compoundInfo <- function(drugSensitivity) {
# NCI60_CIDs: internal table with matches between PubChem CIDs and SIDs
compoundInfo <- drugSensitivity[1:6]
compoundInfo$`PubChem CID` <- NCI60_CIDs$CID[match(
compoundInfo$`PubChem SID`, NCI60_CIDs$SID)]
colnames(compoundInfo) <- gsub(" [a-z]$", "", colnames(compoundInfo))
compoundInfo <- compoundInfo[c(1:5, 7, 6)]
cols <- c("NSC #"="id", "Drug name"="name", "Mechanism of action"="MOA")
colnames(compoundInfo))] <- cols
compoundInfo <- loadNCI60compoundInfo(drugSensitivity)
attr(trans, "compoundInfo") <- compoundInfo
# Data loading from GDSC -------------------------------------------------------
#' @rdname loadCTRPgeneExpression
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @param file Character: file path
loadGDSC7file <- function(file, filename, type, ...) {
if (!file.exists(file)) {
url <- paste0(
"release-7.0/", filename)
downloadIfNotFound(url, file)
message(sprintf("Loading GDSC %s from %s...", type, file))
data <- read_excel(file, ...)
#' @rdname loadCTRPgeneExpression
loadGDSC7cellLineInfo <- function(file="GDSC_7/cellLineInfo.xlsx") {
cellLineInfo <- loadGDSC7file(file, "Cell_Lines_Details.xlsx",
"cell line information", sheet=2)
colnames(cellLineInfo)[2] <- "cellLine"
#' @rdname loadCTRPgeneExpression
loadGDSC7compoundInfo <- function(file="GDSC_7/compoundInfo.xlsx") {
compoundInfo <- loadGDSC7file(file, "Screened_Compounds.xlsx",
"compound information")
cols <- c("DRUG_ID"="id", "DRUG_NAME"="name")
colnames(compoundInfo)[match(names(cols), colnames(compoundInfo))] <- cols
colnames(compoundInfo) <- gsub("_", " ", tolower(colnames(compoundInfo)))
#' @rdname loadCTRPgeneExpression
#' @importFrom data.table fread transpose
loadGDSC7geneExpression <- function(file="GDSC_7/geneExpr.txt") {
if (!file.exists(file)) {
url <- paste0(
downloadIfNotFound(url, file)
message(sprintf("Loading GDSC gene expression from %s...", file))
geneExpr <- fread(file, header=TRUE)
gext <- transpose(geneExpr[ , -1])
gext2 <- cbind(colnames(geneExpr)[-1], gext)
colnames(gext2) <- c("cellLine", geneExpr[[1]])
# Convert from ENSEMBL to gene symbols
colnames(gext2) <- convertENSEMBLtoGeneSymbols(colnames(gext2))
#' @rdname loadCTRPgeneExpression
#' @importFrom reshape2 dcast
loadGDSC7drugSensitivity <- function(file="GDSC_7/drugs.xlsx") {
drugSensitivity <- loadGDSC7file(file, "v17.3_fitted_dose_response.xlsx",
"drug sensitivity")
# Convert to wide format: compound (rows) vs cell lines (columns)
drugSensitivity$minus_LN_IC50 <- -drugSensitivity$LN_IC50
wide <- dcast(drugSensitivity, COSMIC_ID ~ DRUG_ID, fun.aggregate=mean,
colnames(wide)[1] <- "cellLine"
attr(wide, "drugActivityMetric") <- "-log(IC50)"
attr(wide, "isDrugActivityDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity") <- TRUE
# Correlate gene expression and drug sensitivity -------------------------------
#' @importFrom stats cor
correlateGEandDrugSensitivity <- function(geneExpr, drugSensitivity,
method="spearman") {
message("Correlating gene expression and drug sensitivity...")
# Match cell lines between datasets
cellLines <- intersect(geneExpr$cellLine, drugSensitivity$cellLine)
geneExpr <- geneExpr[match(cellLines, geneExpr$cellLine), ]
drugSensitivity <- drugSensitivity[match(cellLines,
drugSensitivity$cellLine), ]
time <- Sys.time()
res <- cor(geneExpr[ , -1], drugSensitivity[ , -1], method=method,
diffTime <- format(round(Sys.time() - time, 2))
msg <- "Gene expression and drug sensitivity correlation performed in %s\n"
message(sprintf(msg, diffTime))
attr(res, "cellLines") <- cellLines
attr(res, "method") <- method
attr(res, "type") <- "compounds"
attr(res, "date") <- Sys.time()
attr(res, "runtime") <- diffTime
#' Prepare gene expression and drug sensitivity correlation matrix
#' @param dataset Character: dataset to use (\code{CTRP}, \code{GDSC} or
#' \code{NCI60})
#' @param method Character: correlation method to use between gene expression
#' and drug sensitivity
#' @details If path directs to non-existing files, data will be downloaded.
#' @return Correlation matrix between gene expression and drug sensitivity
#' @keywords internal
prepareExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation <- function(
dataset=c("GDSC 7", "CTRP 2.1", "NCI60"), method="spearman") {
dataset <- match.arg(dataset)
source <- dataset
if (dataset == "GDSC 7") {
geneExpr <- loadGDSC7geneExpression()
geneInfo <- NULL
cellLineInfo <- loadGDSC7cellLineInfo()
drugSensitivity <- loadGDSC7drugSensitivity()
compoundInfo <- loadGDSC7compoundInfo()
} else if (dataset == "CTRP 2.1") {
geneExpr <- loadCTRPgeneExpression()
geneInfo <- attr(geneExpr, "geneInfo")
cellLineInfo <- attr(geneExpr, "cellLineInfo")
drugSensitivity <- loadCTRPdrugSensitivity()
compoundInfo <- attr(drugSensitivity, "compoundInfo")
} else if (dataset == "NCI60") {
geneExpr <- loadNCI60geneExpression()
geneInfo <- NULL
cellLineInfo <- attr(geneExpr, "cellLineInfo")
drugSensitivity <- loadNCI60drugSensitivity()
compoundInfo <- attr(drugSensitivity, "compoundInfo")
cor <- correlateGEandDrugSensitivity(geneExpr, drugSensitivity, method)
# Include metadata
cellLines <- intersect(geneExpr$cellLine, drugSensitivity$cellLine)
cellLineInfo <- cellLineInfo[cellLineInfo$cellLine %in% cellLines, ]
attr(cor, "cellLineInfo") <- cellLineInfo
attr(cor, "geneInfo") <- geneInfo
attr(cor, "compoundInfo") <- compoundInfo
attr(cor, "source") <- source
attr(cor, "drugActivityMetric") <- attr(drugSensitivity,
attr(cor, "isDrugActivityDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity") <- attr(
drugSensitivity, "isDrugActivityDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity")
# Load gene expression/drug sensitivity associations ---------------------------
#' List available gene expression and drug sensitivity correlation matrices
#' @param url Boolean: return download link?
#' @family functions related with the prediction of targeting drugs
#' @return Character vector of available gene expression and drug sensitivity
#' correlation matrices
#' @export
#' @examples
#' listExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation()
listExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation <- function(url=FALSE) {
options <- c(
"GDSC 7"="5q0dazbtnpojw2m/expressionDrugSensitivityCorGDSC7.rds",
"CTRP 2.1"="zj53pxwiwdwo133/expressionDrugSensitivityCorCTRP2.1.rds",
link <- sprintf("", options)
names(link) <- names(options)
res <- link
if (!url) res <- names(res)
#' Load gene expression and drug sensitivity correlation matrix
#' @param source Character: source of matrix to load; see
#' \code{\link{listExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation}}
#' @param file Character: filepath to gene expression and drug sensitivity
#' association dataset (automatically downloaded if file does not exist)
#' @family functions related with the prediction of targeting drugs
#' @return Correlation matrix between gene expression (rows) and drug
#' sensitivity (columns)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' gdsc <- listExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation()[[1]]
#' loadExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation(gdsc)
loadExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation <- function(source, file=NULL) {
available <- listExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation(url=TRUE)
source <- match.arg(source, names(available))
link <- available[source]
if (is.null(file)) {
filename <- "expressionDrugSensitivityCor%s.rds"
file <- sprintf(filename, gsub(" ", "_", source))
downloadIfNotFound(link, file)
message(sprintf("Loading data from %s...", file))
cor <- readRDS(file)
attr(cor, "filename") <- normalizePath(file)
# Predict targeting drugs ------------------------------------------------------
#' Predict targeting drugs
#' Identify compounds that may target the phenotype associated with a
#' user-provided differential expression profile by comparing such against a
#' correlation matrix of gene expression and drug sensitivity.
#' @inheritParams compareAgainstReference
#' @param expressionDrugSensitivityCor Matrix: correlation matrix of gene
#' expression (rows) and drug sensitivity (columns) across cell lines.
#' Pre-prepared gene expression and drug sensitivity associations are
#' available to download using
#' \code{\link{loadExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation}()}.
#' @param isDrugActivityDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity Boolean: are the
#' values used for drug activity directly proportional to drug sensitivity?
#' See details.
#' @importFrom pbapply pbapply
#' @inheritSection rankSimilarPerturbations GSEA score
#' @details
#' If \code{isDrugActivityDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity = NULL}, the
#' attribute \code{isDrugMetricDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity} of
#' \code{expressionDrugSensitivityCor} is used (see
#' \code{\link{loadExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation}()}).
#' @family functions related with the prediction of targeting drugs
#' @return Data table with correlation or GSEA results comparing differential
#' expression values against gene expression and drug sensitivity associations
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Example of a differential expression profile
#' data("diffExprStat")
#' # Load expression and drug sensitivity association derived from GDSC data
#' gdsc <- loadExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation("GDSC 7")
#' # Predict targeting drugs on a differential expression profile
#' predictTargetingDrugs(diffExprStat, gdsc)
predictTargetingDrugs <- function(
input, expressionDrugSensitivityCor,
method=c("spearman", "pearson", "gsea"), geneSize=150,
isDrugActivityDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity=NULL) {
cellLines <- length(attr(expressionDrugSensitivityCor, "cellLines"))
# Check if drug metric is proportional to sensitivity
if (is.null(isDrugActivityDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity)) {
isDrugActivityDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity <- attr(
if (is.null(isDrugActivityDirectlyProportionalToSensitivity)) {
stop("attribute 'isDrugActivityProportionalToSensitivity' for argument",
" 'expressionDrugSensitivityCor' cannot be NULL")
rankedDrugs <- compareAgainstReference(
input, expressionDrugSensitivityCor, method=method, geneSize=geneSize,
cellLines=cellLines, cellLineMean=FALSE,
colnames(rankedDrugs)[[1]] <- "compound"
# Inherit input settings and other relevant information
attr(rankedDrugs, "expressionDrugSensitivityCor") <- attributes(
class(rankedDrugs) <- c("targetingDrugs", class(rankedDrugs))
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_point geom_rug geom_density_2d xlab ylab
#' theme_bw theme
#' @keywords internal
plotTargetingDrug <- function(x, drug, method=c("spearman", "pearson", "gsea"),
genes=c("both", "top", "bottom"),
data=NULL, title=NULL) {
method <- match.arg(method)
drug <- as.character(drug)
if (is.null(data)) {
info <- attr(x, "expressionDrugSensitivityCor")
data <- loadExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation(info$source,
cor <- data[ , drug]
input <- attr(x, "input")
if (method %in% c("spearman", "pearson")) {
intersecting <- intersect(names(input), names(cor))
df <- data.frame(input=input[intersecting], cor=cor[intersecting])
plot <- ggplot(df, aes_string("input", "cor")) +
geom_point(alpha=0.1) +
geom_rug(alpha=0.1) +
geom_density_2d() +
xlab("Differentially expressed genes (input)") +
ylab(drug) +
theme_bw() +
if (!is.null(title)) {
plot <- plot +
ggtitle(title) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
} else if (method == "gsea") {
geneset <- c(attr(x, "pathways"), # legacy
attr(x, "geneset"))
if (is.null(title)) title <- drug
plot <- plotGSEA(cor, geneset, genes, title=title)
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