
Defines functions getDataByGenePanel getSampleInfo getGenePanelMolecular genePanelMolecular getGenePanel genePanels allSamples sampleLists samplesInSampleLists geneTable searchOps molecularData mutationData .sampleMolIds molecularProfiles clinicalData getStudies cBioPortal

Documented in allSamples cBioPortal clinicalData genePanelMolecular genePanels geneTable getDataByGenePanel getGenePanel getGenePanelMolecular getSampleInfo getStudies molecularData molecularProfiles mutationData sampleLists samplesInSampleLists searchOps

utils::globalVariables(c("clinicalAttributeId", "value", "sampleId"))

#' @name cBioPortal-class
#' @title A class for representing the cBioPortal API protocol
#' @description The `cBioPortal` class is a representation of the cBioPortal
#'     API protocol that directly inherits from the `Service` class in the
#'     `AnVIL` package. For more information, see the 'AnVIL' package.
#' @details This class takes the static API as provided at
#'     \url{https://www.cbioportal.org/api/api-docs} and creates an R object
#'     with the help from underlying infrastructure (i.e., 'rapiclient' and
#'     'AnVIL') to give the user a unified representation of the API
#'     specification provided by the cBioPortal group. Users are not
#'     expected to interact with this class other than to use it as input
#'     to the functionality provided by the rest of the package.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @seealso  \link{cBioPortal}, \link[AnVIL]{Service}
#' @examples
#' cBioPortal()
#' @export
.cBioPortal <- setClass("cBioPortal", contains = "Service")

#' @rdname cBioPortal
#' @aliases cBioPortal
#' @title The R interface to the cBioPortal API Data Service
#' @description This section of the documentation lists the functions that
#'     allow users to access the cBioPortal API. The main representation of the
#'     API can be obtained from the `cBioPortal` function. The supporting
#'     functions listed here give access to specific parts of the API and
#'     allow the user to explore the API with individual calls. Many of the
#'     functions here are listed for documentation purposes and are
#'     recommended for advanced usage only. Users should only need to use the
#'     `cBioPortalData` main function to obtain data.
#' @param api An API object of class `cBioPortal` from the `cBioPortal`
#'     function
#' @param hostname character(1) The internet location of the service
#'     (default: 'www.cbioportal.org')
#' @param protocol character(1) The internet protocol used to access the
#'     hostname (default: 'https')
#' @param api. character(1) The directory location of the API protocol within
#'     the hostname (default: '/api/api-docs')
#' @param studyId character(1) Indicates the "studyId" as taken from
#'     `getStudies`
#' @param keyword character(1) Keyword or pattern for searching through
#'     available operations
#' @param molecularProfileId character(1) Indicates a molecular profile ID
#' @param molecularProfileIds character() A vector of molecular profile IDs
#' @param entrezGeneIds numeric() A vector indicating entrez gene IDs
#' @param sampleIds character() Sample identifiers
#' @param genePanelId character(1) Identifies the gene panel, as obtained
#'     from the `genePanels` function
#' @return
#'     cBioPortal: An API object of class 'cBioPortal'
#'     cBioPortalData: A data object of class 'MultiAssayExperiment'
#' @importFrom AnVIL Service
#' @examples
#' cbio <- cBioPortal()
#' getStudies(api = cbio)
#' searchOps(api = cbio, keyword = "molecular")
#' ## obtain clinical data
#' acc_clin <- clinicalData(api = cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga")
#' acc_clin
#' molecularProfiles(api = cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga")
#' genePanels(cbio)
#' (gp <- getGenePanel(cbio, "AmpliSeq"))
#' muts <- mutationData(
#'     api = cbio,
#'     molecularProfileIds = "acc_tcga_mutations",
#'     entrezGeneIds = 1:1000,
#'     sampleIds = c("TCGA-OR-A5J1-01", "TCGA-OR-A5J2-01")
#' )
#' exps <- molecularData(
#'     api = cbio,
#'     molecularProfileIds = c("acc_tcga_rna_seq_v2_mrna", "acc_tcga_rppa"),
#'     entrezGeneIds = 1:1000,
#'     sampleIds = c("TCGA-OR-A5J1-01", "TCGA-OR-A5J2-01")
#' )
#' sampleLists(api = cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga")
#' samplesInSampleLists(
#'     api = cbio,
#'     sampleListIds = c("acc_tcga_rppa", "acc_tcga_cnaseq")
#' )
#' genePanels(api = cbio)
#' getGenePanel(api = cbio, genePanelId = "IMPACT341")
#' @export
cBioPortal <- function(
    hostname = "www.cbioportal.org", protocol = "https", api. = "/api/api-docs"
) {
    apiUrl <- paste0(protocol, "://", hostname, api.)
            service = "cBioPortal",
            host = hostname,
            config = httr::config(
                ssl_verifypeer = 0L, ssl_verifyhost = 0L, http_version = 0L
            authenticate = FALSE,
            api_reference_url = apiUrl,
            api_reference_md5sum = "7745df0eac880003358d224e9af4afe2",
            package = "cBioPortalData",
            schemes = protocol

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * getStudies - Obtain a table of studies and associated metadata
#' @export
getStudies <- function(api) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    query <- .invoke_fun(api, "getAllStudiesUsingGET")
    studies <- httr::content(query)
    studies <- lapply(studies, function(x) {
        if (is.null(x[["pmid"]]))
            x[["pmid"]] <- NA_character_
        if (is.null(x[["citation"]]))
            x[["citation"]] <- NA_character_

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Patient Data:
#'      * clinicalData - Obtain clinical data for a particular study identifier
#'      ('studyId')
#' @export
clinicalData <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    studyId <- force(studyId)
    digi <- digest::digest(list("clinicalData", api, studyId))
    cacheloc <- .getHashCache(digi)
    if (file.exists(cacheloc)) {
    } else {
        pttable <- .invoke_bind(
            api = api, name = "getAllPatientsInStudyUsingGET",
            use_cache = FALSE, studyId = studyId
        clin <- .invoke_bind(
            api = api, name = "getAllClinicalDataInStudyUsingGET",
            use_cache = FALSE, studyId = studyId
        full <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
            data = clin,
            names_from = "clinicalAttributeId",
            values_from = "value"
        save(full, file = cacheloc)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Molecular Profiles:
#'      * molecularProfiles - Produce a molecular profiles dataset for a given
#'      study identifier ('studyId')
#' @param projection character(default: "SUMMARY") Specify the projection
#'   type for data retrieval for details see API documentation
#' @export
molecularProfiles <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_,
    projection = c("SUMMARY", "ID", "DETAILED", "META"))
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    projection <- match.arg(projection)
    mols <- .invoke_fun(
        api = api, name = "getAllMolecularProfilesInStudyUsingGET",
        use_cache = FALSE, studyId = studyId, projection = projection
    cmols <- httr::content(mols)
    if (projection %in% c("SUMMARY", "ID"))

.sampleMolIds <- function(molecularProfileIds, sampleIds)
    SampMolIds <- S4Vectors::expand.grid(
        molecularProfileId = sort(molecularProfileIds),
        sampleId = sort(sampleIds)
    SampMolIds[order(SampMolIds[["molecularProfileId"]]), ]

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Mutation Data:
#'     * mutationData - Produce a dataset of mutation data using
#'     `molecularProfileId`, `entrezGeneIds`, and `sampleIds`
#' @export
mutationData <- function(api, molecularProfileIds = NA_character_,
    entrezGeneIds = NULL, sampleIds = NULL)
    endpoint <-
        if (length(molecularProfileIds) == 1L)

    if (length(molecularProfileIds) > 1L) {
        SampMolIds <- .sampleMolIds(molecularProfileIds, sampleIds)
    args <- list(api = api, name = endpoint, use_cache = FALSE)

    if (length(molecularProfileIds) == 1L)
        args <- c(args, list(
            molecularProfileId = molecularProfileIds,
            entrezGeneIds = sort(entrezGeneIds),
            sampleIds = sort(sampleIds)
        args <- c(args, list(
            molecularProfileIds = molecularProfileIds,
            sampleMolecularIdentifiers = SampMolIds

    byGene <- do.call(.invoke_bind, args)

    if ("message" %in% names(byGene) || !length(byGene)) {
        msg <- byGene[["message"]]
        if (length(msg))
                "No data found for molecularProfileId: ", molecularProfileIds
    } else {
        split(byGene, byGene[["molecularProfileId"]])

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Molecular Profiles:
#'     * molecularData - Produce a dataset of molecular profile data based on
#'     `molecularProfileId`, `entrezGeneIds`, and `sampleIds`
#' @export
molecularData <- function(api, molecularProfileIds = NA_character_,
    entrezGeneIds = NULL, sampleIds = NULL)
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    if (is.null(entrezGeneIds))
        stop("Provide a character vector of 'entrezGeneIds'")
    if (is.null(sampleIds))
        stop("Provide a character vector of 'sampleIds'")

    byGeneList <- vector("list", length(molecularProfileIds))
    names(byGeneList) <- molecularProfileIds

    mutation <- grepl("mutation", molecularProfileIds)
    if (any(mutation))
        byGeneList[mutation] <- mutationData(
            api, molecularProfileIds[mutation], entrezGeneIds, sampleIds
    molecularProfileIds <- molecularProfileIds[!mutation]

    if (length(molecularProfileIds) == 1L) {
        endpoint <- "fetchAllMolecularDataInMolecularProfileUsingPOST"
        byGene <- .invoke_bind(api,
            use_cache = FALSE,
            molecularProfileId = molecularProfileIds,
            entrezGeneIds = sort(entrezGeneIds),
            sampleIds = sort(sampleIds)
    } else if (length(molecularProfileIds)) {
        endpoint <- "fetchMolecularDataInMultipleMolecularProfilesUsingPOST"
        byGene <- .invoke_bind(api,
            use_cache = FALSE,
            projection = "SUMMARY",
            entrezGeneIds = sort(entrezGeneIds),
            sampleMolecularIdentifiers = .sampleMolIds(
                molecularProfileIds, sampleIds
    } else {
        byGene <- dplyr::tibble(molecularProfileId = NA_character_)

    byGene <- split(byGene, byGene[["molecularProfileId"]])
    byGeneList[names(byGene)] <- byGene
    ## remove empty responses (e.g., in ov_tcga_pub_mirna)
    byGeneList <- Filter(length, byGeneList)

    for (gnames in names(byGeneList)) {
        byG <- byGeneList[[gnames]]
        if ("message" %in% names(byG) || !length(byG)) {
            msg <- byG[["message"]]
            if (length(msg))
                    "No data found for molecularProfileId: ",
            byGeneList[[gnames]] <- dplyr::tibble()

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * searchOps - Search through API operations with a keyword
#' @export
searchOps <- function(api, keyword) {
    grep(keyword, names(AnVIL::operations(api)),
        value = TRUE, ignore.case = TRUE)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * geneTable - Get a table of all genes by 'entrezGeneId' or
#'     'hugoGeneSymbol'
#' @param pageSize numeric(1) The number of rows in the table to return
#' @param pageNumber numeric(1) The pagination page number
#' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level API functions
#' @export
geneTable <- function(api, pageSize = 1000, pageNumber = 0, ...) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    .invoke_bind(api, "getAllGenesUsingGET", TRUE, pageSize = pageSize,
        pageNumber = pageNumber, ...)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Sample Data:
#'     * samplesInSampleLists - get all samples associated with a 'sampleListId'
#' @param sampleListIds character() A vector of 'sampleListId' as obtained from
#'     `sampleLists`
#' @export
samplesInSampleLists <-
    function(api, sampleListIds = NA_character_) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    sampleListIds <- sort(sampleListIds)
    sampleListIds <- setNames(sampleListIds, sampleListIds)

    meta <- structure(vector("list", length(sampleListIds)),
        .Names = sampleListIds)
    res <- lapply(sampleListIds, function(x) {
        res <- .invoke_fun(
            api, "getSampleListUsingGET", FALSE, sampleListId = x
        res2 <- httr::content(res)
        meta[[x]] <<- res2[names(res2) != "sampleIds"]
    res <- IRanges::CharacterList(res)
    meta <- dplyr::bind_rows(meta)
    metadata(res) <- meta


#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * sampleLists - obtain all `sampleListIds` for a particular `studyId`
#' @export
sampleLists <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    .invoke_bind(api, "getAllSampleListsInStudyUsingGET", FALSE,
        studyId = studyId)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * allSamples - obtain all samples within a particular `studyId`
#' @export
allSamples <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    .invoke_bind(api, "getAllSamplesInStudyUsingGET", FALSE, studyId = studyId)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#'     * genePanels - Show all available gene panels
#' @export
genePanels <- function(api) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    .invoke_bind(api, "getAllGenePanelsUsingGET", FALSE)

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Gene Panels:
#'     * getGenePanels - Obtain the gene panel for a particular 'genePanelId'
#' @export
getGenePanel <- function(api, genePanelId = NA_character_) {
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    res <- .invoke_fun(api, "getGenePanelUsingGET", FALSE,
        genePanelId = genePanelId)
    res <- httr::content(res)[["genes"]]

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Gene Panels:
#'     * genePanelMolecular - get gene panel data for a paricular
#'     `molecularProfileId` and `sampleListId` combination
#' @param sampleListId character(1) A sample list identifier as obtained from
#'     `sampleLists()``
#' @export
genePanelMolecular <-
    function(api, molecularProfileId = NA_character_, sampleListId = NULL,
        sampleIds = NULL)
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")

    if (!is.null(sampleListId))
        .invoke_bind(api, "getGenePanelDataUsingPOST", use_cache = FALSE,
            molecularProfileId = molecularProfileId,
            sampleListId = list(sampleListId = sampleListId)
    else if (!is.null(sampleIds))
        .invoke_bind(api, "getGenePanelDataUsingPOST", use_cache = FALSE,
            molecularProfileId = molecularProfileId,
            sampleIds = list(sampleIds = sort(sampleIds))
        stop("Provide either 'sampleIds' or a 'sampleListId'")

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Gene Panels:
#'     * getGenePanelMolecular - get gene panel data for a combination of
#'     `molecularProfileId` and `sampleListId` vectors
#' @export
getGenePanelMolecular <-
    function(api, molecularProfileIds = NA_character_, sampleIds)
    if (missing(sampleIds))
            paste0("Provide valid 'sampleIds' from 'samplesInSampleLists()'",
            " or 'allSamples()'")

    SampMolIds <- S4Vectors::expand.grid(
        molecularProfileId = sort(molecularProfileIds),
        sampleId = sort(sampleIds)
    SampMolIds <- SampMolIds[order(SampMolIds[["molecularProfileId"]]), ]

        api = api,
        name = "fetchGenePanelDataInMultipleMolecularProfilesUsingPOST",
        use_cache = FALSE,
        sampleMolecularIdentifiers = SampMolIds

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Sample Data:
#'     * getSampleInfo - Obtain sample metadata for a particular `studyId` or
#'     `sampleListId`
#' @export
getSampleInfo <-
    function(api, studyId = NA_character_, sampleListIds = NULL,
        projection = c("SUMMARY", "ID", "DETAILED", "META"))
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    projection <- match.arg(projection)
    if (!is.null(sampleListIds))
        queryobj <- list(sampleListIds = sampleListIds)
        queryobj <- list(sampleIdentifiers =
                allSamples(api, studyId)[, c("sampleId", "studyId")]

    .invoke_bind(api = api, name = "fetchSamplesUsingPOST", use_cache = FALSE,
        projection = projection, sampleIdentifiers = queryobj

#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Gene Panels:
#'     * getDataByGenePanel - Download data for a gene panel and
#'     `molecularProfileId` combination, optionally a `sampleListId` can be
#'     provided.
#' @examples
#' getDataByGenePanel(cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga", genePanelId = "IMPACT341",
#'    molecularProfileId = "acc_tcga_rppa", sampleListId = "acc_tcga_rppa")
#' @export
getDataByGenePanel <-
    function(api, studyId = NA_character_, genePanelId = NA_character_,
        molecularProfileIds = NULL, sampleListId = NULL, sampleIds = NULL)
    if (missing(api))
        stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
    if (!is.null(sampleListId))
        sampleIds <- samplesInSampleLists(api, sampleListId)[[1L]]

    if (is.null(sampleIds))
        stop("Provide either a 'sampleListId' or 'sampleIds'")

    panel <- getGenePanel(api, genePanelId = genePanelId)
    digi <- digest::digest(
        list("getDataByGenePanel", api, studyId, panel,
            sampleIds, molecularProfileIds)
    cacheloc <- .getHashCache(digi)
    if (file.exists(cacheloc)) {
    } else {
        molData <- molecularData(api = api,
            molecularProfileIds = molecularProfileIds,
            entrezGeneIds = panel[["entrezGeneId"]],
            sampleIds = sampleIds
        molData <- lapply(molData, function(x) suppressMessages({
            dplyr::left_join(x, panel)
        save(molData, file = cacheloc)

Try the cBioPortalData package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

cBioPortalData documentation built on April 17, 2021, 6:07 p.m.