utils::globalVariables(c("clinicalAttributeId", "value", "sampleId"))
#' @name cBioPortal-class
#' @title A class for representing the cBioPortal API protocol
#' @description The `cBioPortal` class is a representation of the cBioPortal
#' API protocol that directly inherits from the `Service` class in the
#' `AnVIL` package. For more information, see the 'AnVIL' package.
#' @details This class takes the static API as provided at
#' \url{} and creates an R object
#' with the help from underlying infrastructure (i.e., 'rapiclient' and
#' 'AnVIL') to give the user a unified representation of the API
#' specification provided by the cBioPortal group. Users are not
#' expected to interact with this class other than to use it as input
#' to the functionality provided by the rest of the package.
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @seealso \link{cBioPortal}, \link[AnVIL]{Service}
#' @examples
#' cBioPortal()
#' @export
.cBioPortal <- setClass("cBioPortal", contains = "Service")
#' @rdname cBioPortal
#' @aliases cBioPortal
#' @title The R interface to the cBioPortal API Data Service
#' @description This section of the documentation lists the functions that
#' allow users to access the cBioPortal API. The main representation of the
#' API can be obtained from the `cBioPortal` function. The supporting
#' functions listed here give access to specific parts of the API and
#' allow the user to explore the API with individual calls. Many of the
#' functions here are listed for documentation purposes and are
#' recommended for advanced usage only. Users should only need to use the
#' `cBioPortalData` main function to obtain data.
#' @param api An API object of class `cBioPortal` from the `cBioPortal`
#' function
#' @param hostname character(1) The internet location of the service
#' (default: '')
#' @param protocol character(1) The internet protocol used to access the
#' hostname (default: 'https')
#' @param api. character(1) The directory location of the API protocol within
#' the hostname (default: '/api/api-docs')
#' @param studyId character(1) Indicates the "studyId" as taken from
#' `getStudies`
#' @param keyword character(1) Keyword or pattern for searching through
#' available operations
#' @param molecularProfileId character(1) Indicates a molecular profile ID
#' @param molecularProfileIds character() A vector of molecular profile IDs
#' @param entrezGeneIds numeric() A vector indicating entrez gene IDs
#' @param sampleIds character() Sample identifiers
#' @param genePanelId character(1) Identifies the gene panel, as obtained
#' from the `genePanels` function
#' @return
#' cBioPortal: An API object of class 'cBioPortal'
#' cBioPortalData: A data object of class 'MultiAssayExperiment'
#' @importFrom AnVIL Service
#' @examples
#' cbio <- cBioPortal()
#' getStudies(api = cbio)
#' searchOps(api = cbio, keyword = "molecular")
#' ## obtain clinical data
#' acc_clin <- clinicalData(api = cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga")
#' acc_clin
#' molecularProfiles(api = cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga")
#' genePanels(cbio)
#' (gp <- getGenePanel(cbio, "AmpliSeq"))
#' muts <- mutationData(
#' api = cbio,
#' molecularProfileIds = "acc_tcga_mutations",
#' entrezGeneIds = 1:1000,
#' sampleIds = c("TCGA-OR-A5J1-01", "TCGA-OR-A5J2-01")
#' )
#' exps <- molecularData(
#' api = cbio,
#' molecularProfileIds = c("acc_tcga_rna_seq_v2_mrna", "acc_tcga_rppa"),
#' entrezGeneIds = 1:1000,
#' sampleIds = c("TCGA-OR-A5J1-01", "TCGA-OR-A5J2-01")
#' )
#' sampleLists(api = cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga")
#' samplesInSampleLists(
#' api = cbio,
#' sampleListIds = c("acc_tcga_rppa", "acc_tcga_cnaseq")
#' )
#' genePanels(api = cbio)
#' getGenePanel(api = cbio, genePanelId = "IMPACT341")
#' @export
cBioPortal <- function(
hostname = "", protocol = "https", api. = "/api/api-docs"
) {
apiUrl <- paste0(protocol, "://", hostname, api.)
service = "cBioPortal",
host = hostname,
config = httr::config(
ssl_verifypeer = 0L, ssl_verifyhost = 0L, http_version = 0L
authenticate = FALSE,
api_reference_url = apiUrl,
api_reference_md5sum = "7745df0eac880003358d224e9af4afe2",
package = "cBioPortalData",
schemes = protocol
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#' * getStudies - Obtain a table of studies and associated metadata
#' @export
getStudies <- function(api) {
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
query <- .invoke_fun(api, "getAllStudiesUsingGET")
studies <- httr::content(query)
studies <- lapply(studies, function(x) {
if (is.null(x[["pmid"]]))
x[["pmid"]] <- NA_character_
if (is.null(x[["citation"]]))
x[["citation"]] <- NA_character_
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Patient Data:
#' * clinicalData - Obtain clinical data for a particular study identifier
#' ('studyId')
#' @export
clinicalData <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_) {
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
studyId <- force(studyId)
digi <- digest::digest(list("clinicalData", api, studyId))
cacheloc <- .getHashCache(digi)
if (file.exists(cacheloc)) {
} else {
pttable <- .invoke_bind(
api = api, name = "getAllPatientsInStudyUsingGET",
use_cache = FALSE, studyId = studyId
clin <- .invoke_bind(
api = api, name = "getAllClinicalDataInStudyUsingGET",
use_cache = FALSE, studyId = studyId
full <- tidyr::pivot_wider(
data = clin,
names_from = "clinicalAttributeId",
values_from = "value"
save(full, file = cacheloc)
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Molecular Profiles:
#' * molecularProfiles - Produce a molecular profiles dataset for a given
#' study identifier ('studyId')
#' @param projection character(default: "SUMMARY") Specify the projection
#' type for data retrieval for details see API documentation
#' @export
molecularProfiles <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_,
projection = c("SUMMARY", "ID", "DETAILED", "META"))
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
projection <- match.arg(projection)
mols <- .invoke_fun(
api = api, name = "getAllMolecularProfilesInStudyUsingGET",
use_cache = FALSE, studyId = studyId, projection = projection
cmols <- httr::content(mols)
if (projection %in% c("SUMMARY", "ID"))
.sampleMolIds <- function(molecularProfileIds, sampleIds)
SampMolIds <- S4Vectors::expand.grid(
molecularProfileId = sort(molecularProfileIds),
sampleId = sort(sampleIds)
SampMolIds[order(SampMolIds[["molecularProfileId"]]), ]
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Mutation Data:
#' * mutationData - Produce a dataset of mutation data using
#' `molecularProfileId`, `entrezGeneIds`, and `sampleIds`
#' @export
mutationData <- function(api, molecularProfileIds = NA_character_,
entrezGeneIds = NULL, sampleIds = NULL)
endpoint <-
if (length(molecularProfileIds) == 1L)
if (length(molecularProfileIds) > 1L) {
SampMolIds <- .sampleMolIds(molecularProfileIds, sampleIds)
args <- list(api = api, name = endpoint, use_cache = FALSE)
if (length(molecularProfileIds) == 1L)
args <- c(args, list(
molecularProfileId = molecularProfileIds,
entrezGeneIds = sort(entrezGeneIds),
sampleIds = sort(sampleIds)
args <- c(args, list(
molecularProfileIds = molecularProfileIds,
sampleMolecularIdentifiers = SampMolIds
byGene <-, args)
if ("message" %in% names(byGene) || !length(byGene)) {
msg <- byGene[["message"]]
if (length(msg))
"No data found for molecularProfileId: ", molecularProfileIds
} else {
split(byGene, byGene[["molecularProfileId"]])
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Molecular Profiles:
#' * molecularData - Produce a dataset of molecular profile data based on
#' `molecularProfileId`, `entrezGeneIds`, and `sampleIds`
#' @export
molecularData <- function(api, molecularProfileIds = NA_character_,
entrezGeneIds = NULL, sampleIds = NULL)
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
if (is.null(entrezGeneIds))
stop("Provide a character vector of 'entrezGeneIds'")
if (is.null(sampleIds))
stop("Provide a character vector of 'sampleIds'")
byGeneList <- vector("list", length(molecularProfileIds))
names(byGeneList) <- molecularProfileIds
mutation <- grepl("mutation", molecularProfileIds)
if (any(mutation))
byGeneList[mutation] <- mutationData(
api, molecularProfileIds[mutation], entrezGeneIds, sampleIds
molecularProfileIds <- molecularProfileIds[!mutation]
if (length(molecularProfileIds) == 1L) {
endpoint <- "fetchAllMolecularDataInMolecularProfileUsingPOST"
byGene <- .invoke_bind(api,
use_cache = FALSE,
molecularProfileId = molecularProfileIds,
entrezGeneIds = sort(entrezGeneIds),
sampleIds = sort(sampleIds)
} else if (length(molecularProfileIds)) {
endpoint <- "fetchMolecularDataInMultipleMolecularProfilesUsingPOST"
byGene <- .invoke_bind(api,
use_cache = FALSE,
projection = "SUMMARY",
entrezGeneIds = sort(entrezGeneIds),
sampleMolecularIdentifiers = .sampleMolIds(
molecularProfileIds, sampleIds
} else {
byGene <- dplyr::tibble(molecularProfileId = NA_character_)
byGene <- split(byGene, byGene[["molecularProfileId"]])
byGeneList[names(byGene)] <- byGene
## remove empty responses (e.g., in ov_tcga_pub_mirna)
byGeneList <- Filter(length, byGeneList)
for (gnames in names(byGeneList)) {
byG <- byGeneList[[gnames]]
if ("message" %in% names(byG) || !length(byG)) {
msg <- byG[["message"]]
if (length(msg))
"No data found for molecularProfileId: ",
byGeneList[[gnames]] <- dplyr::tibble()
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#' * searchOps - Search through API operations with a keyword
#' @export
searchOps <- function(api, keyword) {
grep(keyword, names(AnVIL::operations(api)),
value = TRUE, = TRUE)
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#' * geneTable - Get a table of all genes by 'entrezGeneId' or
#' 'hugoGeneSymbol'
#' @param pageSize numeric(1) The number of rows in the table to return
#' @param pageNumber numeric(1) The pagination page number
#' @param ... Additional arguments to lower level API functions
#' @export
geneTable <- function(api, pageSize = 1000, pageNumber = 0, ...) {
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
.invoke_bind(api, "getAllGenesUsingGET", TRUE, pageSize = pageSize,
pageNumber = pageNumber, ...)
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Sample Data:
#' * samplesInSampleLists - get all samples associated with a 'sampleListId'
#' @param sampleListIds character() A vector of 'sampleListId' as obtained from
#' `sampleLists`
#' @export
samplesInSampleLists <-
function(api, sampleListIds = NA_character_) {
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
sampleListIds <- sort(sampleListIds)
sampleListIds <- setNames(sampleListIds, sampleListIds)
meta <- structure(vector("list", length(sampleListIds)),
.Names = sampleListIds)
res <- lapply(sampleListIds, function(x) {
res <- .invoke_fun(
api, "getSampleListUsingGET", FALSE, sampleListId = x
res2 <- httr::content(res)
meta[[x]] <<- res2[names(res2) != "sampleIds"]
res <- IRanges::CharacterList(res)
meta <- dplyr::bind_rows(meta)
metadata(res) <- meta
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#' * sampleLists - obtain all `sampleListIds` for a particular `studyId`
#' @export
sampleLists <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_) {
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
.invoke_bind(api, "getAllSampleListsInStudyUsingGET", FALSE,
studyId = studyId)
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#' * allSamples - obtain all samples within a particular `studyId`
#' @export
allSamples <- function(api, studyId = NA_character_) {
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
.invoke_bind(api, "getAllSamplesInStudyUsingGET", FALSE, studyId = studyId)
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section API Metadata:
#' * genePanels - Show all available gene panels
#' @export
genePanels <- function(api) {
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
.invoke_bind(api, "getAllGenePanelsUsingGET", FALSE)
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Gene Panels:
#' * getGenePanels - Obtain the gene panel for a particular 'genePanelId'
#' @export
getGenePanel <- function(api, genePanelId = NA_character_) {
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
res <- .invoke_fun(api, "getGenePanelUsingGET", FALSE,
genePanelId = genePanelId)
res <- httr::content(res)[["genes"]]
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Gene Panels:
#' * genePanelMolecular - get gene panel data for a paricular
#' `molecularProfileId` and `sampleListId` combination
#' @param sampleListId character(1) A sample list identifier as obtained from
#' `sampleLists()``
#' @export
genePanelMolecular <-
function(api, molecularProfileId = NA_character_, sampleListId = NULL,
sampleIds = NULL)
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
if (!is.null(sampleListId))
.invoke_bind(api, "getGenePanelDataUsingPOST", use_cache = FALSE,
molecularProfileId = molecularProfileId,
sampleListId = list(sampleListId = sampleListId)
else if (!is.null(sampleIds))
.invoke_bind(api, "getGenePanelDataUsingPOST", use_cache = FALSE,
molecularProfileId = molecularProfileId,
sampleIds = list(sampleIds = sort(sampleIds))
stop("Provide either 'sampleIds' or a 'sampleListId'")
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Gene Panels:
#' * getGenePanelMolecular - get gene panel data for a combination of
#' `molecularProfileId` and `sampleListId` vectors
#' @export
getGenePanelMolecular <-
function(api, molecularProfileIds = NA_character_, sampleIds)
if (missing(sampleIds))
paste0("Provide valid 'sampleIds' from 'samplesInSampleLists()'",
" or 'allSamples()'")
SampMolIds <- S4Vectors::expand.grid(
molecularProfileId = sort(molecularProfileIds),
sampleId = sort(sampleIds)
SampMolIds <- SampMolIds[order(SampMolIds[["molecularProfileId"]]), ]
api = api,
name = "fetchGenePanelDataInMultipleMolecularProfilesUsingPOST",
use_cache = FALSE,
sampleMolecularIdentifiers = SampMolIds
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Sample Data:
#' * getSampleInfo - Obtain sample metadata for a particular `studyId` or
#' `sampleListId`
#' @export
getSampleInfo <-
function(api, studyId = NA_character_, sampleListIds = NULL,
projection = c("SUMMARY", "ID", "DETAILED", "META"))
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
projection <- match.arg(projection)
if (!is.null(sampleListIds))
queryobj <- list(sampleListIds = sampleListIds)
queryobj <- list(sampleIdentifiers =
allSamples(api, studyId)[, c("sampleId", "studyId")]
.invoke_bind(api = api, name = "fetchSamplesUsingPOST", use_cache = FALSE,
projection = projection, sampleIdentifiers = queryobj
#' @name cBioPortal
#' @section Gene Panels:
#' * getDataByGenePanel - Download data for a gene panel and
#' `molecularProfileId` combination, optionally a `sampleListId` can be
#' provided.
#' @examples
#' getDataByGenePanel(cbio, studyId = "acc_tcga", genePanelId = "IMPACT341",
#' molecularProfileId = "acc_tcga_rppa", sampleListId = "acc_tcga_rppa")
#' @export
getDataByGenePanel <-
function(api, studyId = NA_character_, genePanelId = NA_character_,
molecularProfileIds = NULL, sampleListId = NULL, sampleIds = NULL)
if (missing(api))
stop("Provide a valid 'api' from 'cBioPortal()'")
if (!is.null(sampleListId))
sampleIds <- samplesInSampleLists(api, sampleListId)[[1L]]
if (is.null(sampleIds))
stop("Provide either a 'sampleListId' or 'sampleIds'")
panel <- getGenePanel(api, genePanelId = genePanelId)
digi <- digest::digest(
list("getDataByGenePanel", api, studyId, panel,
sampleIds, molecularProfileIds)
cacheloc <- .getHashCache(digi)
if (file.exists(cacheloc)) {
} else {
molData <- molecularData(api = api,
molecularProfileIds = molecularProfileIds,
entrezGeneIds = panel[["entrezGeneId"]],
sampleIds = sampleIds
molData <- lapply(molData, function(x) suppressMessages({
dplyr::left_join(x, panel)
save(molData, file = cacheloc)
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