# previously
.url_location <- ""
getRelevantFilesFromStudy <- function(filelist) {
## Remove files that are corrupt / hidden (start with ._)
datafiles <- grep(x = filelist, pattern = "data.*\\.(txt|seg)$",
value = TRUE)
datafiles <- c(datafiles, grep("meta_study", filelist, value = TRUE),
grep("/LICENSE", filelist, value = TRUE))
cbioportal2metadata <- function(meta_file, lic_file) {
if (!length(meta_file) & !length(lic_file))
md <- readLines(meta_file, warn = FALSE)
mdl <- lapply(seq_along(md), function(i) {
sub(".+: ", "", md[[i]])
names(mdl) <- sub(":.+", "", md)
if (length(lic_file)) {
lic <- readLines(lic_file, warn = FALSE)
lic <- paste0(lic[lic != ""], collapse = "\n")
lic <- list(LICENSE = lic)
c(mdl, if (exists("lic")) lic)
.subBCLetters <- function(df, ptID = "PATIENT_ID") {
idVector <- df[[ptID]]
allBC <- all(grepl("[A-Z]{4}.[0-9]{2}.[0-9]{4}", idVector))
noTCGAstart <- is.character(idVector) && !all(startsWith(idVector, "TCGA"))
if (allBC && noTCGAstart) {
idVector <- gsub("^[A-Z]{4}", "TCGA", idVector)
df[[ptID]] <- idVector
.silentRead <- function(file, comm = "#", mxlines = Inf, ...) {
file, comment = comm, n_max = mxlines, progress = FALSE, ...
.processMeta <- function(clinmeta) {
cnames <- unlist(unname(clinmeta[5L, ]))
clinmeta <- clinmeta[-c(3L:5L), ]
clinmeta <- t(clinmeta)
clinmeta <- sub("^\\#", "", clinmeta)
colnames(clinmeta) <- c("column", "definition")
res <- lapply(setNames(seq_along(cnames), cnames), function(i) {
clinmeta[i, ]
as(res, "DataFrame")
.getClinMeta <- function(clinfiles) {
allmeta <- lapply(setNames(nm = clinfiles), function(x) {
.silentRead(x, comm = "", mxlines = 5L, col_names = FALSE)
lapply(allmeta, .processMeta)
.readAll <- function(namedlist) {
lapply(setNames(nm = names(namedlist)), function(x)
.readSeparateMerge <- function(datalist) {
alldata <- .readAll(datalist)
Reduce(function(x, y) {
merge(x, y, all = TRUE)
}, alldata)
cbioportal2clinicaldf <- function(files) {
if (length(files) > 1) {
mappers <- lapply(setNames(nm = files), function(file)
.whichMappers(.silentRead(file, mxlines = 5L))
hasMappers <- lengths(mappers) == 2L
if (any(hasMappers)) {
combdata <- mappers[hasMappers]
clindata <- .readSeparateMerge(combdata)
## try merge single mapper data to bigger merged
singleCols <- lengths(mappers) == 1L
if (all(singleCols)) {
clindata <- .readSeparateMerge(mappers[singleCols])
} else if (any(singleCols)) {
singles <- .readAll(mappers[singleCols])
clindata <- Reduce(function(x, y) {
merge(x, y, all = TRUE)
}, c(list(clindata), singles))
} else {
clindata <- .silentRead(file, mxlines = 5L)
clinmeta <- .getClinMeta(files)
clindata <- as(clindata, "DataFrame")
metadata(clindata) <- clinmeta
clindata <- .subBCLetters(clindata)
rownames(clindata) <- clindata[["PATIENT_ID"]]
.validStudyID <- function(cancer_study_id) {
if (missing(cancer_study_id))
stop("Provide a valid 'cancer_study_id' from 'studiesTable'")
!, length(cancer_study_id) == 1L)
cancer_study_id <- tolower(cancer_study_id)
## Load dataset to envir
loc_data <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
data("studiesTable", envir = loc_data, package = "cBioPortalData")
studiesTable <- loc_data[["studiesTable"]]
## Ensure study ID is valid
inTable <- cancer_study_id %in% studiesTable[["cancer_study_id"]]
if (!inTable)
stop("Study identifier not found in look up table")
.download_data_file <-
function(fileURL, cancer_study_id, verbose = FALSE, force = FALSE)
bfc <- .get_cache()
rid <- bfcquery(bfc, cancer_study_id, "rname", exact = TRUE)$rid
if (!length(rid)) {
rid <- names(bfcadd(bfc, cancer_study_id, fileURL, download = FALSE))
if (!.cache_exists(bfc, cancer_study_id) || force) {
if (verbose)
message("Downloading study file: ", cancer_study_id, ".tar.gz")
bfcdownload(bfc, rid, ask = FALSE)
} else
message("Study file in cache: ", cancer_study_id)
bfcrpath(bfc, rids = rid)
.manageLocalFile <- function(cancer_study_id, inpath) {
bfc <- .get_cache()
rid <- bfcquery(bfc, cancer_study_id, "rname", exact = TRUE)$rid
if (!length(rid))
stop("Can't update non-existing cache item")
cachedir <- bfccache(bfc)
finalname <- paste0(gsub("file", "", basename(tempfile())), "_",
cancer_study_id, ".tar.gz")
fileLoc <- file.path(cachedir, finalname)
file.copy(inpath, fileLoc)
bfcupdate(bfc, rids = rid, rpath = fileLoc)
bfcrpath(bfc, rids = rid)
.altDownload <- function(fileURL, cancer_study_id, verbose = FALSE) {
if (verbose)
message("Downloading study file: ", cancer_study_id, ".tar.gz")
tmpFile <- file.path(tempdir(), paste0(cancer_study_id, ".tar.gz"))
utils::download.file(fileURL, destfile = tmpFile, quiet = TRUE,
method = "wget")
.manageLocalFile(cancer_study_id, tmpFile)
#' @name downloadStudy
#' @title Manually download, untar, and load study tarballs
#' @description **Note** that these functions should be used when a particular
#' study is _not_ currently available as a `MultiAssayExperiment`
#' representation. Otherwise, use `cBioDataPack`. Provide a `cancer_study_id`
#' from the `studiesTable` and retrieve the study tarball from cBioPortal.
#' These functions are used by `cBioDataPack` under the hood to download,
#' untar, and load the tarball datasets with caching. As stated in
#' `?cBioDataPack`, not all studies are currently working as
#' `MultiAssayExperiment` objects. As of July 2020, about ~80% of
#' datasets can be successfully imported into the `MultiAssayExperiment` data
#' class. Please open an issue if you would like the team to prioritize a
#' study. You may also check `studiesTable$pack_build` for a more current
#' status.
#' @param cancer_study_id character(1) The study identifier from cBioPortal as
#' in \url{}
#' @param use_cache logical(1) (default TRUE) create the default cache location
#' and use it to track downloaded data. If data found in the cache, data will
#' not be re-downloaded. A path can also be provided to data cache location.
#' @param force logical(1) (default FALSE) whether to force re-download data from
#' remote location
#' @param url_location character(1)
#' (default "") the URL location for
#' downloading packaged data. Can be set using the 'cBio_URL' option (see
#' `?cBioDataPack` for more details)
#' @param names.field A character vector of possible column names for the column
#' that is used to label ranges from a mutations or copy number file.
#' @param cancer_study_file character(1) indicates the on-disk location
#' of the downloaded tarball
#' @param exdir character(1) indicates the folder location to *put*
#' the contents of the tarball (default `tempdir()`; see also `?untar`)
#' @param filepath character(1) indicates the folder location where
#' the contents of the tarball are *located* (usually the same as `exdir`)
#' @return \itemize{
#' \item {downloadStudy - The file location of the data tarball}
#' \item {untarStudy - The directory location of the contents}
#' \item {loadStudy - A MultiAssayExperiment-class object}
#' }
#' @md
#' @seealso \link{cBioDataPack}, \linkS4class{MultiAssayExperiment}
#' @examples
#' (acc_file <- downloadStudy("acc_tcga"))
#' (file_dir <- untarStudy(acc_file, tempdir()))
#' loadStudy(file_dir)
#' @export
downloadStudy <- function(cancer_study_id, use_cache = TRUE, force = FALSE,
url_location = getOption("cBio_URL", .url_location))
url_file <- file.path(url_location, paste0(cancer_study_id, ".tar.gz"))
if (is.character(use_cache) && length(use_cache) == 1L)
cBioCache(directory = use_cache)
else if (isTRUE(use_cache))
stop("Use 'setCache' or specify a download location")
.download_data_file(url_file, cancer_study_id, verbose = TRUE,
force = force)
error = function(cond) {
message("\n", cond)
message("\nRetrying download with alternative function...")
.altDownload(url_file, cancer_study_id, verbose = TRUE)
#' @rdname downloadStudy
#' @export
untarStudy <- function(cancer_study_file, exdir = tempdir()) {
exarg <- if (identical(.Platform$OS.type, "unix") &&["sysname"] != "Darwin")
"--warning=no-unknown-keyword" else NULL
filelist <- untar(cancer_study_file, list = TRUE, extras = exarg)
filelist <- gsub("^\\.\\/", "", filelist)
filekeepind <- grep("^\\._", basename(filelist), invert = TRUE)
filelist <- filelist[filekeepind]
datafiles <- getRelevantFilesFromStudy(filelist)
folder <- basename(cancer_study_file)
exdir <- file.path(exdir, gsub(".tar.gz", "", folder))
if (!dir.exists(exdir))
untar(cancer_study_file, files = datafiles, exdir = exdir, extras = exarg)
#' @rdname downloadStudy
#' @export
loadStudy <-
filepath, names.field = c("Hugo_Symbol", "Entrez_Gene_Id", "Gene")
datafiles <- getRelevantFilesFromStudy(
list.files(filepath, recursive = TRUE)
exptfiles <- file.path(filepath,
grep("clinical|study|LICENSE|fusion|gistic", datafiles, invert = TRUE,
value = TRUE))
clinicalfiles <- file.path(filepath,
grep("clinical", datafiles, value = TRUE))
mdatafile <- file.path(filepath,
grep("meta_study", datafiles, value = TRUE))
licensefile <- file.path(filepath,
grep("/LICENSE", datafiles, value = TRUE))
fusionExtra <- file.path(filepath, grep("fusion", datafiles,
value = TRUE, = TRUE))
gisticExtra <- file.path(filepath, grep("gistic", datafiles,
value = TRUE, = TRUE))
expnames <- sub(".*data_", "", sub("\\.txt", "", basename(exptfiles)))
expseq <- seq_along(exptfiles)
names(expseq) <- expnames
coldata <- cbioportal2clinicaldf(clinicalfiles)
exptlist <- lapply(expseq, function(i, files, xpnames) {
fname <- files[[i]]
message(paste0("Working on: ", fname))
dat <- utils::read.delim(
fname, sep = "\t", comment.char = "#", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
check.names = FALSE
dat <- .cleanHugo(dat)
dat <- .cleanStrands(dat)
dat <- .standardizeBuilds(dat)
names.field <- .findValidNames(dat, names.field)
names.field <- .findUniqueField(dat, names.field)
names.field <- .findMinDupField(dat, names.field)
dat <- as(dat, "DataFrame")
if (!RTCGAToolbox:::.hasExperimentData(dat, coldata[["PATIENT_ID"]]))
cexp <- xpnames[[i]]
if (grepl("meth", cexp)) {
.getMixedData(dat, names.field)
} else {
.biocExtract(dat, names.field, coldata[["PATIENT_ID"]])
}, files = exptfiles, xpnames = expnames)
names(exptlist) <-
sub(".*data_", "", sub("\\.txt", "", basename(exptfiles)))
.checkNonExpData <- function(exp) {
is(exp, "GRanges") || is(exp, "DataFrame")
metadats <- Filter(.checkNonExpData, exptlist)
exptlist <- Filter(function(expt) {!.checkNonExpData(expt)}, exptlist)
mdat <- cbioportal2metadata(mdatafile, licensefile)
if (length(fusionExtra))
fudat <- list(Fusion = .silentRead(fusionExtra))
fudat <- list()
if (length(gisticExtra))
gist <- lapply(gisticExtra, function(x) {
gfile <- .silentRead(x)
gist <- list()
mdat <- c(mdat, metadats, fudat, gist)
exptlist <- MultiAssayExperiment::ExperimentList(exptlist)
if (any(.TCGAcols(coldata))) {
gmap <- TCGAutils::generateMap(exptlist, coldata,
} else if (.hasMappers(coldata)) {
gmap <- TCGAutils::generateMap(exptlist, coldata,
sampleCol = "SAMPLE_ID", patientCol = "PATIENT_ID")
} else {
stop("Experiment data could not be mapped to colData")
MultiAssayExperiment(experiments = exptlist,
colData = coldata, sampleMap = gmap, metadata = mdat)
#' @name cBioDataPack
#' @title Obtain pre-packaged data from cBioPortal and represent as
#' a MultiAssayExperiment object
#' @description The `cBioDataPack` function allows the user to
#' download and process cancer study datasets found in MSKCC's cBioPortal.
#' Output datasets use the \linkS4class{MultiAssayExperiment} data
#' representation to faciliate analysis and data management operations.
#' @details The list of datasets can be found in the `studiesTable` dataset
#' by doing `data("studiesTable")`. Some datasets may not be available
#' for download and are not guaranteed to be represented as MultiAssayExperiment
#' data objects. After taking a random sample of 100
#' (using \code{set.seed(1234)}), we were able to succesfully represent about
#' 76 percent of the study identifiers as MultiAssayExperiment objects. Please
#' refer to the #' \href{}{website} for the
#' full list of available datasets. Users who would like to prioritize
#' particular datasets should open GitHub issues at the URL in the `DESCRIPTION`
#' file. For a more fine-grained approach to downloading data from the
#' cBioPortal API, refer to the `cBioPortalData` function.
#' @section cBio_URL:
#' The `cBioDataPack` function accesses data from the `cBio_URL` option.
#' By default, it points to an Amazon S3 bucket location. Previously, it
#' pointed to ''. This recent change
#' (> 2.1.17) should provide faster and more reliable downloads for all users.
#' See the URL using `cBioPortalData:::.url_location`. This can be changed
#' if there are mirrors that host this data by setting the `cBio_URL` option
#' with `getOption("cBio_URL", "")` before running the
#' function.
#' @inheritParams downloadStudy
#' @param names.field A character vector of possible column names for the column
#' that is used to label ranges from a mutations or copy number file.
#' @param ask A logical vector of length one indicating whether to prompt the
#' the user before downloading and loading study `MultiAssayExperiment`. If
#' TRUE, the user will be prompted to continue for studies that are not
#' currently building as `MultiAssayExperiment` based on previous testing
#' (in a non-interactive session, no data will be downloaded and built unless
#' `ask = FALSE`).
#' @return A \linkS4class{MultiAssayExperiment} object
#' @seealso \url{}, \link{cBioPortalData}
#' @author Levi Waldron, Marcel R., Ino dB.
#' @include utils.R
#' @md
#' @examples
#' data(studiesTable)
#' head(studiesTable[["cancer_study_id"]])
#' # ask=FALSE for non-interactive use
#' mae <- cBioDataPack("acc_tcga", ask = FALSE)
#' @export
cBioDataPack <- function(cancer_study_id, use_cache = TRUE,
names.field = c("Hugo_Symbol", "Entrez_Gene_Id", "Gene"), ask = TRUE) {
denv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
data("studiesTable", package = "cBioPortalData", envir = denv)
studiesTable <- denv[["studiesTable"]]
intable <- studiesTable[["cancer_study_id"]] %in% cancer_study_id
if (!any(intable))
stop("'cancer_study_id', ", cancer_study_id, ", not found.",
" See 'data(\"studiesTable\")'.")
builds <- studiesTable[["pack_build"]]
hasbuilt <- unlist(builds[intable])
if (!hasbuilt && any(builds)) {
qtxt <- sprintf(
paste0("Based on our tests, '%s' is not currently building.",
"\n Proceed anyway? [y/n]: "),
if (ask && .getAnswer(qtxt, allowed = c("y", "Y", "n", "N")) == "n")
stop("'", cancer_study_id, "' is not yet supported.",
" \n Use 'downloadStudy()' to obtain the study files.")
cancer_study_file <- downloadStudy(cancer_study_id, use_cache)
exdir <- untarStudy(cancer_study_file)
loadStudy(exdir, names.field)
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