read.umtab2 <- function(dirs, sampleNames = NULL, rmZeroCov = FALSE,
readCycle = FALSE, keepFilt = FALSE,
pattern = NULL, keepU, keepM, verbose = TRUE) {
filesPerDir <- lapply(dirs, function(xx) sort(list.files(xx, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE)))
if(!all(sapply(filesPerDir, function(xx) all(basename(xx) == basename(filesPerDir[[1]])))))
warning("'dirs' does not contain the exact same file names")
allChrs <- as.list(seq_along(filesPerDir[[1]]))
for(ii in seq_along(filesPerDir[[1]])) {
chrRead <- read.umtab2.chr(sapply(filesPerDir, function(xx) xx[ii]),
keepM = keepM, keepU = keepU, sampleNames = sampleNames,
readCycle = readCycle, keepFilt = keepFilt,
verbose = verbose)
if(rmZeroCov && length(chrRead) != 0){
wh <- which(rowSums2(chrRead$U + chrRead$M) > 0)
chrRead$M <- chrRead$M[wh,]
chrRead$U <- chrRead$U[wh,]
if(readCycle) {
chrRead$Mcy <- chrRead$Mcy[wh,]
chrRead$Ucy <- chrRead$Ucy[wh,]
chrRead$chr <- chrRead$chr[wh]
chrRead$pos <- chrRead$pos[wh]
if(keepFilt) {
chrRead$filt_cycle <- chrRead$filt_cycle[wh,]
chrRead$filt_allele <- chrRead$filt_allele[wh,]
chrRead$filt_mapq <- chrRead$filt_mapq[wh,]
chrRead$filt_baseq <- chrRead$filt_baseq[wh,]
allChrs[[ii]] <- chrRead
chr <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$chr))
pos <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$pos))
M <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$M))
Cov <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$M)) +, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$U))
if(readCycle) {
Mcy <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$Mcy))
Ucy <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$Ucy))
} else {
Mcy <- NULL
Ucy <- NULL
if(keepFilt) {
filt_cycle <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$filt_cycle))
filt_allele <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$filt_allele))
filt_mapq <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$filt_mapq))
filt_baseq <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$filt_baseq))
} else {
filt_cycle <- filt_allele <- filt_mapq <- filt_baseq <- NULL
csums <- lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$csums)
names(csums) <- basename(filesPerDir[[1]])
BSdata <- BSseq(chr = chr, pos = pos, M = M, Cov = Cov, rmZeroCov = rmZeroCov)
return(list(BSdata = BSdata, filt_cycle = filt_cycle, filt_allele = filt_allele,
filt_mapq = filt_mapq, filt_baseq = filt_baseq,
Mcy = Mcy, Ucy = Ucy, csums = csums))
read.umtab2.chr <- function(files, sampleNames = NULL,
keepM, keepU, readCycle = FALSE, keepFilt = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE) {
columnHeaders <- strsplit(readLines(files[1], n = 1), "\t")[[1]]
if("strand" %in% columnHeaders)
stranded <- TRUE
what0 <- replicate(length(columnHeaders), integer(0))
names(what0) <- columnHeaders
what0[["ref"]] <- character(0)
what0[["strand"]] <- character(0)
if(!readCycle) {
what0 <- what0[! what0 %in% c("Mcy", "Ucy")]
if(!keepFilt) {
what0 <- what0[!grepl("^filt", what0)]
if(verbose) cat("[read.umtab2.chr] reading", files[1], "\n")
scanPars <- list(sep = "", quote = "", quiet = TRUE, skip = 1,
what = what0, na.strings = c("NA", "?"))
intab <-, c(scanPars, file = files[1]))
if(length(intab[[1]]) == 0)
pos <- intab[["off"]]
chr <- intab[["ref"]]
nPos <- length(pos)
nSamples <- length(files)
M <- matrix(0L, nrow = nPos, ncol = nSamples)
colnames(M) <- sampleNames
U <- M
Mcy <- Ucy <- M
Mcy <- Ucy <- NULL
filt_cycle <- filt_allele <- filt_mapq <- filt_baseq <- M
filt_cycle <- filt_allele <- filt_mapq <- filt_baseq <- NULL
allMnames <- grep("^M[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]*", names(intab), value = TRUE)
allUnames <- grep("^U[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]*", names(intab), value = TRUE)
csums <- matrix(0, nrow = length(c(allMnames, allUnames)), ncol = length(files))
colnames(csums) <- sampleNames
rownames(csums) <- c(allMnames, allUnames)
if(missing(keepM)) keepM <- allMnames
if(missing(keepU)) keepU <- allUnames
stopifnot(all(c(keepM, keepU) %in% c(allMnames, allUnames)))
M[,1] <- as.integer(Reduce("+", intab[keepM]))
U[,1] <- as.integer(Reduce("+", intab[keepU]))
csums[,1] <- as.integer(sapply(intab[c(allMnames, allUnames)], sum))
if(readCycle) {
Mcy[,1] <- intab[["Mcy"]]
Ucy[,1] <- intab[["Ucy"]]
if(keepFilt) {
filt_cycle[,1] <- intab[["filt_cycle"]]
filt_allele[,1] <- intab[["filt_allele"]]
filt_mapq[,1] <- intab[["filt_mapq"]]
filt_baseq[,1] <- intab[["filt_baseq"]]
for(ii in seq_along(files[-1]) + 1) {
if(verbose) cat("reading", files[ii], "\n")
intab <-, c(scanPars, file = files[ii]))
if(length(intab[[1]]) == 0)
stopifnot(all(pos == intab[["Off"]]) && all(chr == intab[["Chr"]]))
M[,ii] <- as.integer(Reduce("+", intab[keepM]))
U[,ii] <- as.integer(Reduce("+", intab[keepU]))
csums[,ii] <- as.integer(sapply(intab[c(allMnames, allUnames)], sum))
if(readCycle) {
Mcy[,ii] <- intab[["Mcy"]]
Ucy[,ii] <- intab[["Ucy"]]
if(keepFilt) {
filt_cycle[,ii] <- intab[["filt_cycle"]]
filt_allele[,ii] <- intab[["filt_allele"]]
filt_mapq[,ii] <- intab[["filt_mapq"]]
filt_baseq[,ii] <- intab[["filt_baseq"]]
return(list(chr = chr, pos = pos, M = M, U = U,
Mcy = Mcy, Ucy = Ucy,
filt_cycle = filt_cycle, filt_allele = filt_allele,
filt_mapq = filt_mapq, filt_baseq = filt_baseq,
csums = csums))
read.umtab2.chr2 <- function(files, sampleNames = NULL,
keepM, keepU, verbose = TRUE) {
columnHeaders <- strsplit(readLines(files[1], n = 1), "\t")[[1]]
if("strand" %in% columnHeaders)
stranded <- TRUE
what0 <- replicate(length(columnHeaders), integer(0))
names(what0) <- columnHeaders
what0[["ref"]] <- character(0)
what0[["strand"]] <- character(0)
if(verbose) cat("[read.umtab2.chr] parsing all samples first\n")
scanPars <- list(sep = "", quote = "", quiet = TRUE, skip = 1,
what = what0, na.strings = c("NA", "?"))
## First we get the locations of everything in all files
getLocs <- function(file) {
if(stranded) {
intab <- scan(file, what = list("ref" = character(0),
"off" = integer(0),
"strand" = character(0)),
flush = TRUE, skip = 1, quote = "", sep = "")
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = intab[["ref"]],
strand = ifelse(intab[["strand"]]== "W", 1L, -1L),
ranges = IRanges(start = intab[["off"]], width = 1))
} else {
intab <- scan(file, what = list("ref" = character(0),
"off" = integer(0)),
flush = TRUE, quote = "", sep = "")
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = intab[["ref"]],
ranges = IRanges(start = intab[["pos"]], width = 1))
grLoc <- as.list(files)
grLoc[[1]] <- getLocs(files[1])
grLoc <- Reduce(function(gr, file) {
union(gr, getLocs(file))
}, grLoc)
nPos <- length(grLoc)
nSamples <- length(files)
M <- matrix(0L, nrow = nPos, ncol = nSamples)
colnames(M) <- sampleNames
U <- Mcy <- Ucy <- M
filt_cycle <- filt_allele <- filt_mapq <- filt_baseq <- M
allMnames <- grep("^M[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]*", columnHeaders, value = TRUE)
allUnames <- grep("^U[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]*", columnHeaders, value = TRUE)
csums <- matrix(0, nrow = length(c(allMnames, allUnames)), ncol = length(files))
colnames(csums) <- sampleNames
rownames(csums) <- c(allMnames, allUnames)
if(missing(keepM)) keepM <- allMnames
if(missing(keepU)) keepU <- allUnames
stopifnot(all(c(keepM, keepU) %in% c(allMnames, allUnames)))
for(ii in seq_along(files)) {
if(verbose) cat("[read.umtab2.chr] reading", files[ii], "\n")
intab <-, c(scanPars, file = files[ii]))
if(length(intab[[1]]) == 0)
if(stranded) {
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = intab[["ref"]],
strand = ifelse(intab[["strand"]] == "W", 1L, -1L),
ranges = IRanges(start = intab[["off"]], width = 1))
} else {
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = intab[["ref"]],
ranges = IRanges(start = intab[["off"]], width = 1))
sh <- subjectHits(findOverlaps(gr, grLoc))
stopifnot(length(sh) == length(intab$ref) & !anyDuplicated(sh))
M[sh,ii] <- as.integer(Reduce("+", intab[keepM]))
U[sh,ii] <- as.integer(Reduce("+", intab[keepU]))
Mcy[sh,ii] <- intab[["Mcy"]]
Ucy[sh,ii] <- intab[["Ucy"]]
filt_cycle[sh,ii] <- intab[["filt_cycle"]]
filt_allele[sh,ii] <- intab[["filt_allele"]]
filt_mapq[sh,ii] <- intab[["filt_mapq"]]
filt_baseq[sh,ii] <- intab[["filt_baseq"]]
csums[,ii] <- as.integer(sapply(intab[c(allMnames, allUnames)], sum))
return(list(chr = as.character(seqnames(grLoc)), pos = start(grLoc), M = M, U = U,
Mcy = Mcy, Ucy = Ucy,
filt_cycle = filt_cycle, filt_allele = filt_allele,
filt_mapq = filt_mapq, filt_baseq = filt_baseq,
csums = csums))
read.umtab <- function(dirs, sampleNames = NULL, rmZeroCov = FALSE,
pattern = NULL,
keepU = c("U10", "U20", "U30", "U40"),
keepM = c("M10", "M20", "M30", "M40"), verbose = TRUE) {
filesPerDir <- lapply(dirs, function(xx) sort(list.files(xx, pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE)))
if(!all(sapply(filesPerDir, function(xx) all(basename(xx) == basename(filesPerDir[[1]])))))
warning("'dirs' does not contain the exact same file names")
allChrs <- as.list(seq_along(filesPerDir[[1]]))
for(ii in seq_along(filesPerDir[[1]])) {
chrRead <- read.umtab.chr(sapply(filesPerDir, function(xx) xx[ii]),
keepM = keepM, keepU = keepU, sampleNames = sampleNames,
verbose = verbose)
if(rmZeroCov && length(chrRead) != 0){
wh <- which(rowSums2(chrRead$U + chrRead$M) > 0)
chrRead$M <- chrRead$M[wh,]
chrRead$U <- chrRead$U[wh,]
chrRead$Mcy <- chrRead$Mcy[wh,]
chrRead$Ucy <- chrRead$Ucy[wh,]
chrRead$chr <- chrRead$chr[wh]
chrRead$pos <- chrRead$pos[wh]
chrRead$Map <- chrRead$Map[wh]
chrRead$GC <- chrRead$GC[wh]
allChrs[[ii]] <- chrRead
BSdata <- BSseq(chr =, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$chr)),
pos =, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$pos)),
M =, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$M)),
Cov =, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$M)) +, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$U)),
rmZeroCov = rmZeroCov)
GC <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$GC))
Map <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$Map))
Mcy <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$Mcy))
Ucy <-, lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$Ucy))
csums <- lapply(allChrs, function(xx) xx$csums)
names(csums) <- basename(filesPerDir[[1]])
return(list(BSdata = BSdata, GC = GC, Map = Map,
Mcy = Mcy, Ucy = Ucy, csums = csums))
read.umtab.chr <- function(files, sampleNames = NULL,
keepM = c("M10", "M20", "M30", "M40"),
keepU = c("U10", "U20", "U30", "U40"), verbose = TRUE) {
columnHeaders <- c("Chr", "Off", "M0", "M10", "M20", "M30", "M40", "Mqual", "Mcy",
"U0", "U10", "U20", "U30", "U40", "Uqual", "Ucy",
"MapaFW", "MapaRC", "CGContFW", "CGContRC")
what0 <- c(list(character(0)), replicate(19, integer(0)))
names(what0) <- columnHeaders
line1 <- readLines(files[1], n = 1)
if(length(line1) == 0)
line1 <- strsplit(line1, "\t")[[1]]
stopifnot(all(line1 == columnHeaders))
if(verbose) cat("[read.umtab.chr] reading", files[1], "\n")
scanPars <- list(sep = "", quote = "", quiet = TRUE, skip = 1,
what = what0, na.strings = c("NA", "?"))
intab <-, c(scanPars, file = files[1]))
if(length(intab[[1]]) == 0)
GC <- as.integer(intab[["CGContFW"]] + intab[["CGContRC"]])
Map <- as.integer(intab[["MapaFW"]] + intab[["MapaRC"]])
pos <- intab[["Off"]]
chr <- intab[["Chr"]]
nPos <- length(pos)
nSamples <- length(files)
M <- matrix(0L, nrow = nPos, ncol = nSamples)
U <- matrix(0L, nrow = nPos, ncol = nSamples)
Mcy <- matrix(0L, nrow = nPos, ncol = nSamples)
Ucy <- matrix(0L, nrow = nPos, ncol = nSamples)
csums <- matrix(0, nrow = 10, ncol = length(files))
colnames(M) <- colnames(U) <- colnames(csums) <- sampleNames
allMnames <- c("M0", "M10", "M20", "M30", "M40")
allUnames <- c("U0", "U10", "U20", "U30", "U40")
stopifnot(all(c(keepM, keepU) %in% c(allMnames, allUnames)))
rownames(csums) <- c(allMnames, allUnames)
M[,1] <- as.integer(Reduce("+", intab[keepM]))
U[,1] <- as.integer(Reduce("+", intab[keepU]))
Mcy[,1] <- intab[["Mcy"]]
Ucy[,1] <- intab[["Ucy"]]
csums[,1] <- as.integer(sapply(intab[c(allMnames, allUnames)], sum))
for(ii in seq_along(files[-1]) + 1) {
if(verbose) cat("[read.umtab2] reading", files[ii], "\n")
intab <-, c(scanPars, file = files[ii]))
if(length(intab[[1]]) == 0)
stopifnot(all(pos == intab[["Off"]]) && all(chr == intab[["Chr"]]))
M[,ii] <- as.integer(Reduce("+", intab[keepM]))
U[,ii] <- as.integer(Reduce("+", intab[keepU]))
Mcy[,ii] <- intab[["Mcy"]]
Ucy[,ii] <- intab[["Ucy"]]
csums[,ii] <- as.integer(sapply(intab[c(allMnames, allUnames)], sum))
return(list(chr = chr, pos = pos, Map = Map, GC = GC, M = M, U = U,
Mcy = Mcy, Ucy = Ucy, csums = csums))
read.bsmoothDirRaw <- function(dir, seqnames = NULL, keepCycle = FALSE, keepFilt = FALSE,
header = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) {
dir <- normalizePath(dir)
inpattern <- "\\.cpg\\.tsv(|\\.gz)$"
if(length(dir) != 1 || !$isdir)
stop("argument 'dir' needs to be a single directory")
allChrFiles <- list.files(dir, pattern = inpattern, full.names = TRUE)
allChrFiles <- allChrFiles[sub(inpattern, "", basename(allChrFiles)) %in% seqnames]
if(length(allChrFiles) == 0) {
warning(sprintf("dir '%s' is empty or has no output from 'seqnames'", dir))
if(header) {
columnHeaders <- sapply(allChrFiles, function(thisfile) {
if(grepl("\\.gz$", thisfile))
con <- gzfile(thisfile)
con <- file(thisfile, open = "r")
out <- readLines(con, n = 1)
columnHeaders <- strsplit(columnHeaders, "\t")
if(!all(sapply(columnHeaders, function(xx) all.equal(columnHeaders[[1]], xx))))
stop(sprintf("input files in dir '%s' does not have the same headers", dir))
columnHeaders <- columnHeaders[[1]]
} else
columnHeaders <- c("ref", "off", "strand", "Mstr", "Mcy", "Ustr", "Ucy",
"filt_cycle", "filt_readlen", "filt_allele", "filt_mapq", "filt_baseq")
what0 <- replicate(length(columnHeaders), character(0))
names(what0) <- columnHeaders
int <- c(which(columnHeaders %in% c("off", "Mcy", "Ucy")), grep("^filt", columnHeaders))
what0[int] <- replicate(length(int), integer(0))
what0[c("Mcy", "Ucy")] <- replicate(2, NULL)
what0[grep("^filt", names(what0))] <- replicate(length(grep("^filt", names(what0))), NULL)
outList <- lapply(allChrFiles, function(thisfile) {
cat(sprintf("[read.bsmoothDirRaw] Reading '%s'\n", thisfile))
if(grepl("\\.gz$", thisfile))
con <- gzfile(thisfile)
con <- file(thisfile)
out <- scan(con, skip = header, what = what0, sep = "\t",
quote = "", na.strings = "NA", quiet = TRUE)
listNames <- names(outList[[1]])
names(listNames) <- listNames
out <- lapply(listNames, function(name) {, lapply(outList, function(xx) xx[[name]]))
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = paste0("chr", out[["ref"]]),
ranges = IRanges(start = out[["off"]], width = 1))
out[["ref"]] <- out[["off"]] <- NULL
names(out)[names(out) == "strand"] <- "bstrand"
out <- out[!sapply(out, is.null)]
df <- DataFrame(out)
mcols(gr) <- df
sampleRawToBSseq <- function(gr, qualityCutoff = 20, sampleName = NULL, rmZeroCov = FALSE) {
numberQualsGreaterThan <- function(cvec) {
onestring <- paste(cvec, collapse = "")
greater <- (as.integer(charToRaw(onestring)) - 33L >= qualityCutoff)
out <- tapply(greater, rep(1:length(cvec), times = nchar(cvec)), sum)
strToCov <- function(vec) {
Cov <- rep(0, length(vec))
wh <- which(! vec %in% c("", "0"))
if(length(wh) > 0)
Cov[wh] <- numberQualsGreaterThan(vec[wh])
M <- matrix(strToCov(mcols(gr)[, "Mstr"]), ncol = 1)
Cov <- M + strToCov(mcols(gr)[, "Ustr"])
mcols(gr) <- NULL
BSseq(gr = gr, M = M, Cov = Cov, sampleNames = sampleName, rmZeroCov = rmZeroCov)
read.bsmooth <- function(dirs, sampleNames = NULL, seqnames = NULL, returnRaw = FALSE,
qualityCutoff = 20, rmZeroCov = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
dirs <- normalizePath(dirs, mustWork = TRUE)
stop("argument 'dirs' has to be directories")
stop("duplicate entries in 'dirs'")
if(is.null(sampleNames) && !anyDuplicated(basename(dirs)))
sampleNames <- basename(dirs)
sampleNames <- dirs
if(!is.null(sampleNames) && (length(sampleNames) != length(dirs) || anyDuplicated(sampleNames)))
stop("argument 'sampleNames' (if not NULL) has to have the same length as argument 'dirs', without duplicate entries")
idxes <- seq_along(dirs)
names(idxes) <- sampleNames
allOut <- lapply(idxes, function(ii) {
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("[read.bsmooth] Reading dir '%s' ... ", dirs[ii]))
ptime1 <- proc.time()
if(returnRaw) {
out <- read.bsmoothDirRaw(dir = dirs[ii], seqnames = seqnames, keepCycle = TRUE,
keepFilt = TRUE, header = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
} else {
raw <- read.bsmoothDirRaw(dir = dirs[ii], seqnames = seqnames, keepCycle = FALSE,
keepFilt = FALSE, header = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
out <- sampleRawToBSseq(raw, qualityCutoff = qualityCutoff, rmZeroCov, sampleName = sampleNames[ii])
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("done in %.1f secs\n", stime))
if(!returnRaw) {
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("[read.bsmooth] Joining samples ... "))
ptime1 <- proc.time()
allOut <- combineList(allOut)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("done in %.1f secs\n", stime))
parsingPipeline <- function(dirs, qualityCutoff = 20, outDir, seqnames = NULL,
subdir = "ev_bt2_cpg_tab", timing = FALSE) {
stop("not all directories in 'dirs' exists.")
cat("[parsingPipeline] Parsing all files.\n")
oneDir <- function(dir) {
cat("[parsingPipeline] dir", basename(dir), ": ")
base <- basename(dir)
cat("parsing, ")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
raw <- read.bsmoothDirRaw(file.path(dir, subdir),
keepCycle = TRUE, keepFilt = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE)
assign(paste0(base, ".raw"), raw)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(timing) {
cat(sprintf("\ndone in %.1f secs\n", stime))
cat("saving, ")
save(list = paste0(base, ".raw"),
file = file.path(outDir, paste0(base, ".raw.rda")))
cat("converting, ")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
bsseq <- sampleRawToBSseq(raw, qualityCutoff = qualityCutoff,
sampleName = base)
seqlevels(bsseq)[seqlevels(bsseq) == "chrgi|9626243|ref|NC_001416.1|"] <- "chrLambda"
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(timing) {
cat(sprintf("\ndone in %.1f secs\n", stime))
cat("ordering, ")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
bsseq <- chrSelectBSseq(bsseq, order = TRUE,
seqnames = seqnames)
assign(paste0(base, ".bsseq"), bsseq)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(timing) {
cat(sprintf("\nIn %.1f secs\n", stime))
cat("saving, ")
save(list = paste0(base, ".bsseq"),
file = file.path(outDir, paste0(base, ".bsseq.rda")))
for(dir in dirs)
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