Man pages for blacksheepr
Outlier Analysis for pairwise differential comparison

annotationlist_builderCreate the annotation object for plotting in a heatmap
comparison_groupingsCreate all of the groups based on the input metadata
count_outliersCount up the outlier information for each of the groups you...
create_heatmapPlot out a heatmap
devaRun the entire blacksheep Function from Start to finish
deva_normalizationNormalization of data to prepare for deva. Uses a Median of...
deva_resultsUtility function that allows easier grabbing of data
make_comparison_columnsUtility function that will take in columns with several...
make_outlier_tableSeparate out the "i"th gene, take the bounds, and then create...
outlier_analysisWith the grouptablist generated by count_outliers - run...
outlier_heatmapWith the grouptablist generated by count_outliers - run...
blacksheepr documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:57 p.m.