#' calculate distance between first and last exon matches
#' @param uniqueJunctions uniqueJunctions
#' @param unlisted_junctions unlisted_junctions
#' @param readGrgList reads GRangesList
#' @param firstseg firstseg
#' @param intronStartTMP intronStartTMP
#' @param intronEndTMP intronEndTMP
#' @param readStrand readStrand
#' @param allJunctionToUniqueJunctionOverlap
#' allJunctionToUniqueJunctionOverlap
#' @noRd
createReadTable <- function(uniqueJunctions, unlisted_junctions, readGrgList,
firstseg, intronStartTMP, intronEndTMP, readStrand,
allJunctionToUniqueJunctionOverlap) {
readTable <- as_tibble(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 7,
nrow = length(readGrgList))))
colnames(readTable) <- c("chr", "start", "end", "strand", "intronEnds",
"intronStarts", "confidenceType")
# chr
readTable[, "chr"] <- as.factor(seqnames(unlist(readGrgList)[firstseg]))
# intron start and end
readRanges <- unlist(range(ranges(readGrgList)), use.names = FALSE)
readTable[, "intronStarts"] <- unstrsplit(splitAsList(as.character(
intronStartTMP), mcols(unlisted_junctions)$id), sep = ",")
readTable[, "intronEnds"] <- unstrsplit(splitAsList(as.character(
intronEndTMP), mcols(unlisted_junctions)$id), sep = ",")
# start and end
intronStartCoordinatesInt <- as.integer(min(splitAsList(intronStartTMP,
mcols(unlisted_junctions)$id)) - 2)
intronEndCoordinatesInt <- as.integer(max(splitAsList(intronEndTMP,
mcols(unlisted_junctions)$id)) + 2)
readTable[, "start"] <- pmin(start(readRanges), intronStartCoordinatesInt)
readTable[, "end"] <- pmax(end(readRanges), intronEndCoordinatesInt)
# strand
readTable[, "strand"] <- readStrand
# confidence type (note: can be changed to integer encoding)
readTable[, "confidenceType"] <- "highConfidenceJunctionReads"
lowConfidenceReads <- which(sum(
mcols(unlisted_junctions)$id))) > 0)
## currently the 80% and 20% quantile of reads is used to
## identify start and end sites
readTable[lowConfidenceReads, "confidenceType"] <-
readTable <- readTable %>% group_by( chr, strand, intronEnds,
intronStarts) %>% summarise( readCount = n(), start = nth(
x = start, n = ceiling(readCount / 5), order_by = start),
end = nth(x = end, n = ceiling(readCount / 1.25), order_by = end),
confidenceType = dplyr::first(confidenceType)) %>%
ungroup() %>% arrange(chr, start, end)
readTable$readClassId <- paste("rc", seq_len(nrow(readTable)), sep = ".")
#' reconstruct spliced transripts
#' @importFrom unstrsplit getFromNamespace
#' @noRd
constructSplicedReadClassTables <- function(uniqueJunctions,
unlisted_junctions, readGrgList, stranded = FALSE) {
options(scipen = 999)
uniqueReadIds <- unique(mcols(unlisted_junctions)$id)
if (any(order(uniqueReadIds) != seq_along(uniqueReadIds)))
warning("read Id not sorted, can result in wrong assignments.
Please report error")
readGrgList <- readGrgList[match(uniqueReadIds, mcols(readGrgList)$id)]
firstseg <- start(PartitioningByWidth(readGrgList))
allJunctionToUniqueJunctionOverlap <- findOverlaps(unlisted_junctions,
uniqueJunctions, type = "equal", ignore.strand = TRUE)
intronStartTMP <- createIntronTmp(uniqueJunctions,
intronEndTMP <- createIntronTmp(uniqueJunctions,
if (!stranded) {
readStrand <- correctReadTableStrand(uniqueJunctions,
unlisted_junctions, allJunctionToUniqueJunctionOverlap)
readStrand <- as.character(strand(unlist(readGrgList)[firstseg]))
readTable <- createReadTable(
uniqueJunctions, unlisted_junctions, readGrgList,
firstseg, intronStartTMP, intronEndTMP, readStrand,
exonsByReadClass <- createExonsByReadClass(readTable)
## combine new transcripts with annotated transcripts
## based on identical intron pattern
readTable <- readTable %>% dplyr::select(chr.rc = chr, strand.rc = strand,
intronStarts, intronEnds, confidenceType, readCount)
mcols(exonsByReadClass) <- readTable
options(scipen = 0)
#' @noRd
correctReadTableStrand <- function(uniqueJunctions,
unlisted_junctions, allJunctionToUniqueJunctionOverlap){
unlisted_junctions_strand <-
plusCount <- as.integer(sum(splitAsList( unlisted_junctions_strand,
mcols(unlisted_junctions)$id) == "+"))
minusCount <- as.integer(sum(splitAsList(unlisted_junctions_strand,
mcols(unlisted_junctions)$id) == "-"))
strandJunctionSum <- minusCount - plusCount
readStrand <- rep("*", length(strandJunctionSum))
readStrand[strandJunctionSum < 0] <- "+"
readStrand[strandJunctionSum > 0] <- "-"
#' @noRd
createIntronTmp <- function(uniqueJunctions,
intronStartTMP <-
intronEndTMP <-
exon_0size <-
which(intronStartTMP[-1] <= intronEndTMP[-length(intronEndTMP)] &
mcols(unlisted_junctions)$id[-1] ==
if (length(exon_0size))
intronStartTMP[-1][exon_0size] <-
intronEndTMP[-length(intronEndTMP)][exon_0size] + 1
return(list(intronStartTMP, intronEndTMP))
#' @noRd
createExonsByReadClass <- function(readTable){
exonsByReadClass <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesListFromFeatureFragments(
seqnames = readTable$chr, fragmentStarts = paste(readTable$start - 1,
readTable$intronEnds,sep = ","),
fragmentEnds = paste(readTable$intronStarts, readTable$end + 1,
sep = ","), strand = readTable$strand)
exonsByReadClass <- narrow(exonsByReadClass, start = 2, end = -2)
# correct junction to exon differences in coordinates
names(exonsByReadClass) <- readTable$readClassId
unlistData <- unlist(exonsByReadClass, use.names = FALSE)
partitioning <- PartitioningByEnd(cumsum(elementNROWS(exonsByReadClass)),
names = NULL)
exon_rank <- lapply(width((partitioning)), seq, from = 1)
# add exon rank and exon_endRank
exon_rank[which(readTable$strand == "-")] <-
lapply(exon_rank[which(readTable$strand == "-")], rev)
# * assumes positive for exon ranking
exon_endRank <- lapply(exon_rank, rev)
unlistData$exon_rank <- unlist(exon_rank)
unlistData$exon_endRank <- unlist(exon_endRank)
exonsByReadClass <- relist(unlistData, partitioning)
#' initiate the hits dataframe
#' @param hitsWithin hitsWithin
#' @param grangesReference grangesReference
#' @param stranded stranded
#' @noRd
initiateHitsDF <- function(hitsWithin, grangesReference, stranded) {
hitsDF <- as_tibble(hitsWithin)
hitsDF$chr <-
hitsDF$start <- start(grangesReference)[subjectHits(hitsWithin)]
hitsDF$end <- end(grangesReference)[subjectHits(hitsWithin)]
if (stranded == FALSE) {
hitsDF$strand <- "*"
} else {
hitsDF$strand <-
#' reconstruct read classes using unspliced reads that fall
#' within exons from annotations
#' @noRd
constructUnsplicedReadClasses <- function(granges, grangesReference,
confidenceType = "unspliced", stranded = TRUE) {
if (is.null(mcols(granges)$id))
stop("ID column is missing from mcols(granges)")
# seqLevelList <- unique(c(seqlevels(granges),
# seqlevels(grangesReference)))
hitsWithin <- findOverlaps(granges, grangesReference,
ignore.strand = !stranded, type = "within", select = "all")
# find reads that overlap with reference ranges
hitsDF <- initiateHitsDF(hitsWithin, grangesReference, stranded)
## create single exon read class by using the minimum end
## and maximum start of all overlapping exons (identical to
## minimum equivalent class)
hitsDF <- hitsDF %>% dplyr::select(queryHits, chr, start, end, strand) %>%
group_by(queryHits, chr, strand) %>%
summarise(start = max(start), end = min(end)) %>%
group_by(chr, start, end, strand) %>%
mutate(readClassId = paste0("rc", confidenceType, ".",
cur_group_id())) %>% ungroup()
readIds <- mcols(granges[hitsDF$queryHits])$id
hitsDF <- hitsDF %>% dplyr::select(chr, start, end, strand, readClassId) %>%
group_by(readClassId) %>% mutate(readCount = n()) %>% distinct() %>%
ungroup() %>% mutate(confidenceType = confidenceType, intronStarts = NA,
intronEnds = NA) %>% dplyr::select(
chr, start, end, strand, intronStarts,
intronEnds, confidenceType, readClassId, readCount)
exByReadClassUnspliced <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = hitsDF$chr,
ranges = IRanges(
start = hitsDF$start,
end = hitsDF$end),
strand = hitsDF$strand
exByReadClassUnspliced$exon_rank <- 1
exByReadClassUnspliced$exon_endRank <- 1
partitioning <- PartitioningByEnd(seq_along(exByReadClassUnspliced))
exByReadClassUnspliced <- relist(exByReadClassUnspliced, partitioning)
names(exByReadClassUnspliced) <- hitsDF$readClassId
hitsDF <- dplyr::select(hitsDF, chr.rc = chr, strand.rc = strand,
intronStarts, intronEnds, confidenceType, readCount)
mcols(exByReadClassUnspliced) <- hitsDF
# seqlevels(exByReadClassUnspliced) <- seqLevelList
return(list(exonsByReadClass = exByReadClassUnspliced, readIds = readIds))
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