#' @useDynLib bambu, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @noRd
.onUnload <- function(libpath) {
library.dynam.unload("bambu", libpath)
## Functions to set basic parameters and check inputs
#' setBiocParallelParameters
#' @noRd
setBiocParallelParameters <- function(reads, readClass.file, ncore, verbose){
bpParameters <- BiocParallel::bpparam()
#===# set parallel options: otherwise use parallel to distribute samples
bpParameters$workers <- ifelse(max(length(reads),
length(readClass.file)) == 1, 1, ncore)
bpParameters$progressbar <- (!verbose)
#' setIsoreparameters
#' @noRd
setIsoreParameters <- function(isoreParameters){
# ===# set default controlling parameters for isoform reconstruction #===#
isoreParameters.default <- list(
remove.subsetTx = TRUE, min.readCount = 2,
min.readFractionByGene = 0.05, min.sampleNumber = 1,
min.exonDistance = 35, min.exonOverlap = 10, prefix = "")
isoreParameters <-
updateParameters(isoreParameters, isoreParameters.default)
#' setEmParameters
#' @noRd
setEmParameters <- function(emParameters){
emParameters.default <- list(bias = TRUE, maxiter = 10000, conv = 10^(-4))
emParameters <- updateParameters(emParameters, emParameters.default)
#' check parameters for isore and em
#' @param Parameters parameters inputted by user
#' @param Parameters.default default parameters
#' @noRd
updateParameters <- function(Parameters, Parameters.default) {
if (!is.null(Parameters)) {
for (i in names(Parameters)) {
Parameters.default[[i]] <- Parameters[[i]]
Parameters <- Parameters.default
#' check valid inputs
#' @param annotations path to GTF file or TxDb object
#' @param reads path to BAM file(s)
#' @param readClass.file path to readClass file(s)
#' @param readClass.outputDir path to readClass output directory
#' @noRd
checkInputs <- function(annotations, reads, readClass.file,
readClass.outputDir, genomeSequence){
# ===# Check annotation inputs #===#
if (!is.null(annotations)) {
if (methods::is(annotations, "TxDb")) {
annotations <- prepareAnnotations(annotations)
} else if (methods::is(annotations, "CompressedGRangesList")) {
## check if annotations is as expected
if (!all(c("TXNAME", "GENEID", "eqClass") %in%
stop("The annotations is not properly prepared.\nPlease
prepareAnnnotations using prepareAnnotations function.")
} else {
stop("The annotations is not a GRangesList object.")
} else {
stop("Annotations is missing.")
## When SE object from bambu.quantISORE is provided ##
if (!is.null(reads) & (!is.null(readClass.file))) stop("At least bam file or
path to readClass file needs to be provided.")
# ===# Check whether provided readClass.outputDir exists #===#
if (!is.null(readClass.outputDir)) {
if (!dir.exists(readClass.outputDir))
stop("output folder does not exist")
# ===# Check whether provided readclass files are all in rds format #===#
if (!is.null(readClass.file)) {
if (!all(grepl(".rds", readClass.file)))
stop("Read class files should be provided in rds format.")
## check genomeSequence can't be FaFile in Windows as faFile will be dealt
## strangely in windows system
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
if (methods::is(genomeSequence, "FaFile"))
warning("Note that use of FaFile using Rsamtools in Windows is a bit
fuzzy, recommend to provide the path as a string variable to avoid
use of Rsamtools for opening.")
#' process reads
#' @param reads path to BAM file(s)
#' @param annotations path to GTF file or TxDb object
#' @param genomeSequence path to FA file or BSgenome object
#' @param readClass.outputDir path to readClass output directory
#' @param yieldSize yieldSize
#' @param bpParameters BioParallel parameter
#' @param stranded stranded
#' @param ncore ncore
#' @param verbose verbose
#' @noRd
processReads <- function(reads, readClass.file, annotations, genomeSequence,
readClass.outputDir, yieldSize, bpParameters, stranded, ncore, verbose) {
# ===# create BamFileList object from character #===#
if (methods::is(reads, "BamFile")) {
if (!is.null(yieldSize)) {
Rsamtools::yieldSize(reads) <- yieldSize
} else {
yieldSize <- Rsamtools::yieldSize(reads)
reads <- Rsamtools::BamFileList(reads)
names(reads) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(BiocGenerics::basename(reads))
} else if (methods::is(reads, "BamFileList")) {
if (!is.null(yieldSize)) {
Rsamtools::yieldSize(reads) <- yieldSize
} else {
yieldSize <- min(Rsamtools::yieldSize(reads))
} else if (any(!grepl("\\.bam$", reads))) {
stop("Bam file is missing from arguments.")
} else {
if (is.null(yieldSize)) yieldSize <- NA
reads <- Rsamtools::BamFileList(reads, yieldSize = yieldSize)
names(reads) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(BiocGenerics::basename(reads))
if (!verbose) message("Start generating read class files")
readClassList <- BiocParallel::bplapply(names(reads),
function(bamFileName) {
bambu.constructReadClass(bam.file = reads[bamFileName],
readClass.outputDir = readClass.outputDir,
genomeSequence = genomeSequence,annotations = annotations,
stranded = stranded,ncore = ncore,verbose = verbose)},
BPPARAM = bpParameters)
if (!verbose)
message("Finished generating read classes from genomic alignments.")
#' @noRd
helpFun <- function(chr, chrRanges, bamFile) {
file = bamFile,
param = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(
flag = Rsamtools::scanBamFlag(isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE),
which = chrRanges[chr]),
use.names = FALSE)))
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