#' Main function
#' @title long read isoform reconstruction and quantification
#' @description This function takes bam file of genomic alignments and performs
#' isoform recontruction and gene and transcript expression quantification.
#' It also allows saving of read class files of alignments, extending provided
#' annotations, and quantification based on extended annotations. When multiple
#' samples are provided, extended annotations will be combined across samples to
#' allow comparison.
#' @param reads A string or a vector of strings specifying the paths of bam
#' files for genomic alignments, or a \code{BamFile} object or a
#' \code{BamFileList} object (see \code{Rsamtools}).
#' @param rcFile A string or a vector of strings specifying the read
#' class files that are saved during previous run of \code{\link{bambu}}.
#' @param rcOutDir A string variable specifying the path to where
#' read class files will be saved.
#' @param annotations A \code{TxDb} object or A GRangesList object
#' obtained by \code{\link{prepareAnnotations}}.
#' @param genome A fasta file or a BSGenome object.
#' @param stranded A boolean for strandedness, defaults to FALSE.
#' @param ncore specifying number of cores used when parallel processing
#' is used, defaults to 1.
#' @param yieldSize see \code{Rsamtools}.
#' @param opt.discovery A list of controlling parameters for isoform
#' reconstruction process:
#' \itemize{
#' \item prefix specifying prefix for new gene Ids (genePrefix.number),
#' defaults to empty
#' \item remove.subsetTx indicating whether filter to remove read classes
#' which are a subset of known transcripts(), defaults to TRUE
#' \item min.readCount specifying minimun read count to consider a read
#' class valid in a sample, defaults to 2
#' \item min.readFractionByGene specifying minimum relative read count per
#' gene, highly expressed genes will have many high read count low relative
#' abundance transcripts that can be filtered, defaults to 0.05
#' \item min.sampleNumber specifying minimum sample number with minimum read
#' count, defaults to 1
#' \item min.exonDistance specifying minum distance to known transcript
#' to be considered valid as new, defaults to 35
#' \item min.exonOverlap specifying minimum number of bases shared with
#' annotation to be assigned to the same gene id, defaults 10 base pairs
#' }
#' @param opt.em A list of controlling parameters for quantification
#' algorithm estimation process:
#' \itemize{
#' \item maxiter specifying maximum number of run interations,
#' defaults to 10000.
#' \item bias specifying whether to correct for bias, defaults to FALSE.
#' \item conv specifying the covergence trheshold control,
#' defaults to 0.0001.
#' }
#' @param discovery A logical variable indicating whether annotations
#' are to be extended for quantification.
#' @param verbose A logical variable indicating whether processing messages will
#' be printed.
#' @details
#' @return A list of two SummarizedExperiment object for transcript expression
#' and gene expression.
#' @examples
#' ## =====================
#' test.bam <- system.file("extdata",
#' "SGNex_A549_directRNA_replicate5_run1_chr9_1_1000000.bam",
#' package = "bambu")
#' fa.file <- system.file("extdata",
#' "Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna_sm.primary_assembly_chr9_1_1000000.fa",
#' package = "bambu")
#' gr <- readRDS(system.file("extdata",
#' "annotationGranges_txdbGrch38_91_chr9_1_1000000.rds",
#' package = "bambu"))
#' se <- bambu(reads = test.bam, annotations = gr,
#' genome = fa.file, discovery = FALSE)
#' @export
bambu <- function(reads = NULL, rcFile = NULL,
rcOutDir = NULL, annotations = NULL, genome = NULL,
stranded = FALSE, ncore = 1, yieldSize = NULL, opt.discovery = NULL,
opt.em = NULL, discovery = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
annotations <-
checkInputs(annotations, reads, readClass.file = rcFile,
readClass.outputDir = rcOutDir, genomeSequence = genome)
isoreParameters <- setIsoreParameters(isoreParameters = opt.discovery)
emParameters <- setEmParameters(emParameters = opt.em)
bpParameters <- setBiocParallelParameters(reads, readClass.file = rcFile,
ncore, verbose)
if (bpParameters$workers > 1) ncore <- 1
rm.readClassSe <- FALSE
if (!is.null(reads)) {
#===# When more than 10 samples, files saved to temporary directory
if (length(reads) > 10 & (is.null(rcOutDir))) {
rcOutDir <- tempdir()
message(paste0("There are more than 10 samples, read class files
will be temporarily saved to ", rcOutDir,
" for more efficient processing"))
rm.readClassSe <- TRUE # remove temporary read class files
readClassList <- processReads(reads, readClass.file = rcFile,
annotations, genomeSequence = genome,
readClass.outputDir = rcOutDir,
yieldSize, bpParameters, stranded,
ncore, verbose)
} else {
readClassList <- rcFile
if (discovery) {
annotations <- bambu.extendAnnotations(readClassList, annotations,
isoreParameters, verbose = verbose)
if (!verbose) message("Finished extending annotations.")
if (!verbose) message("Start isoform quantification")
countsSe <- BiocParallel::bplapply(readClassList,
bambu.quantify,annotations = annotations,
min.exonDistance = isoreParameters[["min.exonDistance"]],
emParameters = emParameters, ncore = ncore,
verbose = verbose, BPPARAM = bpParameters)
countsSe <-, countsSe)
rowRanges(countsSe) <- annotations
if (!verbose) message("Finished isoform quantification.")
# ===# Clean up temp directory
if (rm.readClassSe) file.remove(unlist(readClassList))
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