## function that returns 2nd half of expression column names
## (regardless of whether they have '.' in them)
half2 = function(x) paste(x[-1], collapse='.')
#' subset ballgown objects to specific samples or genomic locations
#' @name subset
#' @exportMethod subset
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname subset
#' @aliases subset,ballgown-method
#' @param x a ballgown object
#' @param cond Condition on which to subset. See details.
#' @param genomesubset if TRUE, subset \code{x} to a specific part of the
#' genome. Otherwise, subset x to only include specific samples. TRUE by
#' default.
#' @return a subsetted ballgown object, containing only the regions or samples
#' satisfying \code{cond}.
#' @details To use \code{subset}, you must provide the \code{cond} argument as a
#' string representing a logical expression specifying your desired subset.
#' The subset expression can either involve column names of
#' \code{texpr(x, "all")} (if \code{genomesubset} is \code{TRUE}) or of
#' \code{pData(x)} (if \code{genomesubset} is \code{FALSE}). For example, if
#' you wanted a ballgown object for only chromosome 22, you might call
#' \code{subset(x, "chr == 'chr22'")}. (Be sure to handle quotes within
#' character strings appropriately).
#' @author Alyssa Frazee
#' @examples
#' data(bg)
#' bg_twogenes = subset(bg, "gene_id=='XLOC_000454' | gene_id=='XLOC_000024'")
#' bg_twogenes
#' # ballgown instance with 4 assembled transcripts and 20 samples
#' bg_group0 = subset(bg, "group == 0", genomesubset=FALSE)
#' bg_group0
#' # ballgown instance with 100 assembled transcripts and 10 samples
setMethod("subset", "ballgown", function(x, cond, genomesubset=TRUE){
stopifnot(class(cond) == 'character')
# if you are subsetting by something in the genome (say, a chromosome):
trans = subset(expr(x)$trans, eval(parse(text=cond)))
thetx = trans$t_id
inttmp = split(indexes(x)$i2t$i_id, indexes(x)$i2t$t_id)
theint = as.numeric(unique(unlist(inttmp[names(inttmp) %in% thetx])))
intron = subset(expr(x)$intron, i_id %in% theint)
extmp = split(indexes(x)$e2t$e_id, indexes(x)$e2t$t_id)
theex = as.numeric(unique(unlist(extmp[names(extmp) %in% thetx])))
exon = subset(expr(x)$exon, e_id %in% theex)
e2t = subset(indexes(x)$e2t, t_id %in% thetx)
i2t = subset(indexes(x)$i2t, t_id %in% thetx)
t2g = subset(indexes(x)$t2g, t_id %in% thetx)
introngr = structure(x)$intron[elementMetadata(structure(x)$intron)$id
%in% theint]
exongr = structure(x)$exon[elementMetadata(structure(x)$exon)$id
%in% theex]
grltxids = as.numeric(names(structure(x)$trans))
transgrl = structure(x)$trans[grltxids %in% thetx]
return(new("ballgown", expr=list(intron=intron, exon=exon, trans=trans),
indexes=list(e2t=e2t, i2t=i2t, t2g=t2g,
bamfiles=indexes(x)$bamfiles, pData=indexes(x)$pData),
structure=list(intron=introngr, exon=exongr, trans=transgrl),
dirs=dirs(x), mergedDate=mergedDate(x), meas=x@meas, RSEM=x@RSEM))
# you're doing a phenotype subset
# structure, some indexes, dirs, and mergedDate stay the same
# change: data, indexes(pData), and indexes(bamfiles)
## pData
newpd = subset(pData(x), eval(parse(text=cond)))
newpd = droplevels(newpd)
## bamfiles
newsampnames = newpd[,1]
rowIndsToKeep = which(pData(x)[,1] %in% newsampnames)
newbamfiles = indexes(x)$bamfiles[rowIndsToKeep]
newbamfiles = NULL
## transcript data
txcolsamples = sapply(strsplit(names(texpr(x, 'all')), '\\.'), half2)
txKeepCols = c(1:10, which(txcolsamples %in% newsampnames))
newtdat = texpr(x, 'all')[,txKeepCols]
## exon data
excolsamples = sapply(strsplit(names(eexpr(x, 'all')), '\\.'), half2)
exKeepCols = c(1:5, which(excolsamples %in% newsampnames))
newedat = eexpr(x, 'all')[,exKeepCols]
## intron data
icolsamples = sapply(strsplit(names(iexpr(x, 'all')), '\\.'), half2)
iKeepCols = c(1:5, which(icolsamples %in% newsampnames))
newidat = iexpr(x, 'all')[,iKeepCols]
expr=list(intron=newidat, exon=newedat, trans=newtdat),
indexes=list(e2t=indexes(x)$e2t, i2t=indexes(x)$i2t,
t2g=indexes(x)$t2g, bamfiles=newbamfiles, pData=newpd),
structure=list(intron=structure(x)$intron, exon=structure(x)$exon,
dirs=dirs(x)[rowIndsToKeep], mergedDate=mergedDate(x),
meas=x@meas, RSEM=x@RSEM))
} )
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