
Defines functions getQuery4ENSEMBL getQuery4OMIM getQuery4SP getQuery4TR getQuery4GO clearRepository getRepositories setRepository getCells pmAbst2HTML genelocator .transformAccession .efetch .getIdTag .getNcbiURL .handleXML accessionToUID getURL2 pubmed genbank pmidQuery entrezGeneQuery entrezGeneByID UniGeneQuery

Documented in accessionToUID clearRepository entrezGeneByID entrezGeneQuery genbank genelocator getCells getQuery4ENSEMBL getQuery4OMIM getQuery4SP getQuery4TR getRepositories pmAbst2HTML pmidQuery pubmed setRepository UniGeneQuery

#Copyright 2001 R.Gentleman, all rights reserved
#functions to look up particular genes at different sites
# Modifications to htmlpage and getQuery4XX functions added
# 7-12-04 by J. MacDonald

UniGeneQuery <- function(query, UGaddress="UniGene/",
                         type="CID") {
    if (missing(query))
        stop("No query, cannot proceed!")

    ##they are of the form HH.xxxx, where HH specifies the species
    q1 <- strsplit(query, "\\.")
    if( length(q1[[1]]) == 2 ) {
        id <- sapply(q1, function(x) x[2])
        species <- sapply(q1, function(x) x[1])

    ncbiURL <- .getNcbiURL()
    ## Build up the query URL

    query <- paste(ncbiURL, UGaddress,
    "clust.cgi?ORG=",species,"&", type, "=",id, sep="")


entrezGeneByID <- function(query) {
    if (missing(query))
        stop("No query, cannot proceed!")

    ncbiURL <- .getNcbiURL()
    ## Build up the query URL

    query <- paste(ncbiURL, "/sites/entrez?db=gene&cmd=search&term=",query, sep="")


entrezGeneQuery <- function(query) {

    if (missing(query))
        stop("No query, cannot proceed!")

    ncbiURL <- .getNcbiURL()
    ## Build up the query URL

    str = ""
    ##reduce the set of parameters so that they are all one concatenated thing
    for(i in seq_len(length(query))){
        str = paste(str,"%20",query[i],sep="")
    query <- paste(ncbiURL, "/sites/entrez?db=gene&cmd=search&term=",str, sep="")


pmidQuery <- function(query) {
    if (missing(query))
        stop("No query, cannot proceed!")

    query <- paste(query,collapse="%2c")
    ncbiURL <- .getNcbiURL()

    query <- paste(ncbiURL,"/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&",


genbank <- function(..., disp=c("data","browser"),
                    type=c("accession", "uid"),
                    pmaddress=.efetch("gene",disp,type)) {
    params <- list(...)
    params <- unlist(params)
    disp <- match.arg(disp)
    type <- match.arg(type)

    if (length(params) == 0) {
        stop("No Gene ID, cannot proceed")

    ncbiURL <- .getNcbiURL()

    ## Build up the query URL
    args <- paste(params,collapse="%2c")
    ## See if we need to transform accession based arguments
    err <- args
    args <- .transformAccession(args, disp, type,db="genbank")

   if (is.null(args)) {
        print(paste("No XML records available for accession number",err))

    id <- .getIdTag(disp,type)

    query <- paste(ncbiURL, pmaddress, id, args, sep="")

    ## Determine if we are displaying this data in a browser or
    ## returning an XMLDocument object
    if (disp == "data") {
    else {

## bad query string:
## query = "http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/entrez/utils/pmfetch.fcgi?report=xml&mode=text&tool=bioconductor&db=Nucleotide&id=571320,4103966"

pubmed  <- function(..., disp=c("data","browser"),
                    pmaddress=.efetch("PubMed",disp,type)) {
    params <- list(...)
    params <- unlist(params)

    disp <- match.arg(disp)
    type <- match.arg(type)

    if (length(params) == 0) {
        stop("No PMID, cannot proceed")

    ncbiURL <- .getNcbiURL()

    ## Build up the query URL
    args <- paste(params,collapse="%2c")
    ## See if we need to transform accession based arguments
    err <- args
    args <- .transformAccession(args, disp, type,"pubmed")

    if (is.null(args)) {
        message("No XML records available for accession number ", err)

    id <- .getIdTag(disp,type)

    query <- paste(ncbiURL, pmaddress, id, args, sep="")

    ## Determine if we are displaying this data in a browser or
    ## returning an XMLDocument object
    if (disp == "data") {
    else {

## A replacement for RCurl::getURL()
## Oct 13, 2020: RCurl::getURL() started to fail recently on Windows for
## some HTTPS requests e.g. we started to see the following error on all
## the Bioconductor Windows build machines (tokay1, riesling1, tokay2):
##   > library(RCurl)
##   > query <- "https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=gene&to$
##   > doc <- RCurl::getURL(query)
##   Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE)  :
##     error:1407742E:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert protocol version
## The reason is not clear but we suspect a server-side issue with the SSL
## certificate that only manifests itself with RCurl::getURL() on Windows.
## httr::GET() doesn't seem to be affected so starting with annotate 1.67.2
## accessionToUID() and blastSequences() use this instead of RCurl::getURL().
getURL2 <- function(url)
    response <- httr::GET(url)

accessionToUID <- function(...,db=c("genbank","pubmed")) {
    ## Passed an accession #, returns a pubmed UID
    accNum <- list(...)
    accNum <- unlist(accNum)
    accNum <- paste(accNum,collapse="+OR+")

    db <- match.arg(db)

    ## Certain functions will be passing in a single string of comma
    ## deliminated Accession #s.  Change the commas to "+OR+"
    accNum <- gsub("\\,","+OR+",accNum)

    if (db == "genbank") {
        db <- "gene"
    else {
        db <- "PubMed"
    query <- paste(.getNcbiURL(), "entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=", db,

    ## parse using XML package
    Sys.sleep(0.15)  # avoid HTTP Error 429 "Too Many Requests"
    doc <- xmlParse(getURL2(query))  # RCurl::getURL() has issues, see above
    res <- xpathApply(doc=doc, path="/eSearchResult/IdList/Id",
    retVal <- unlist(res)
    if (length(retVal)==0){retVal <- NULL} else {
	retVal <- paste(retVal, collapse=",")


.handleXML <- function(query,handlers=NULL) {
    ## In the case of an error retrieving proper XML output,
    ## will return NA to the calling function
    options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
    on.exit(options(show.error.messages = TRUE))

    ## get the XML file contents from URL, and remove extra
    ## text strings before <xml...
    Sys.sleep(0.15)  # avoid HTTP Error 429 "Too Many Requests"
    query <- paste(scan(query, what="", sep="\n"), "\n", collapse="\n")
    query <- sub("^[^<]*<(.*)", "<\\1",query)

    retVal <- NULL
    xml <- try(xmlTreeParse(query,asText=TRUE,handlers=NULL,asTree=TRUE))

    if (inherits(xml,"try-error") == TRUE) {


.getNcbiURL <- function() {
    ## Returns the URL for NCBI, which should be located in Annotate's
    ## option set
    BioCOpt <- getOption("BioC")

    if (!is.null(BioCOpt)) {
        ncbiURL <- BioCOpt$annotate$urls$ncbi

    if (!exists("ncbiURL")) {
        ncbiURL <- "https://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov"
        ## old one: "http://www.ncbi.nih.gov/"


.getIdTag <- function(disp=c("data","browser"),
                      type=c("uid","accession")) {
    disp <- match.arg(disp)
    type <- match.arg(type)

    if (disp == "data") {
    else {
        if (type == "uid") {
        else {

## TODO: retire this method by replacing it with .efetch (NCBI is no longer supporting URLs of this ilk)
## .pmfetch <- function(db="PubMed", disp=c("data","browser"),
##                      type=c("uid","accession")) {
##     ## Returns the base query string for the pmfetch engine @ pubmed

##     disp <- match.arg(disp)
##     type <- match.arg(type)

##     if (disp == "data") {
##         base <-
##     "entrez/utils/pmfetch.fcgi?report=xml&mode=text&tool=bioconductor&db="
##     }
##     else {
##         base1 <- "entrez/query.fcgi?tool=bioconductor&cmd="
##         if (type == "uid") {
##             base2 <- "Retrieve&db="
##         }
##         else {
##             base2 <- "Search&db="
##         }
##         base <- paste(base1,base2,sep="")
##     }
##     return(paste(base,db,sep=""))
## }

## Needed to replace the aging (and obsoleted by NCBI) pmfetch...
.efetch <- function(db="PubMed", disp=c("data","browser"),
                     type=c("uid","accession")) {

    ## Returns the base query string for the efetch engine

    disp <- match.arg(disp)
    type <- match.arg(type)

    if (disp == "data") {
        base <-
    else {
        base1 <- "entrez/query.fcgi?tool=bioconductor&cmd="
        if (type == "uid") {
            base2 <- "Retrieve&db="
        else {
            base2 <- "Search&db="
        base <- paste(base1,base2,sep="")

.transformAccession <- function(args, disp, type, db) {
    ## Used to change accession ID arguments to query functions
    ## into UIDs if necessary.  Returns NULL if there aren't any left.
    if ((disp == "data")&&(type=="accession")) {
        args <- accessionToUID(args,db=db)


genelocator <- function(x) {
    .Defunct("none", package="annotate", msg = "is no longer supported")

pmAbst2HTML <- function(absts, filename, title, frames = FALSE,
                      table.center=TRUE) {
    ## Currently just a very naive implementation of a pmid2html type
    ## of thing.  Intended to be temporary just while I'm testing some
    ## of this stuff.

    if (!is.list(absts)) {
        if (is(absts,"pubMedAbst"))
            absts <- list(absts)
            stop("'absts' parameter does not seem to be valid.")

    ## Assign a default filename.  If we're using frames, then
    ## 'filename' is really just the base filename, so make it empty
    if (missing(filename))
        if (frames)
            fileName <- ""
            filename <- "absts.html"

    if (missing(title))
        title <- "BioConductor Abstract List"

    nrows = length(absts)
    pmids <- unlist(lapply(absts,pmid))
    dates <- unlist(lapply(absts,pubDate))
    queries <- unlist(lapply(absts,
                             function(x){pm <- pmid(x);out<-pmidQuery(pm);out}))
    titles <- unlist(lapply(absts, articleTitle))
    ## If we're using frames, need to point the anchors to
    ## the main frame, otherwise not.
    anchors <- makeAnchor(queries, titles, toMain=frames)

    topText <- paste("<html>\n<head>\n<title>", title, "</title>",
                     "\n</head>\n<body bgcolor=#708090>\n",
                     "<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>", title, "</H1>\n",
                     "</body></title>", sep="")
    head <- c("Article Title", "Publication Date")
    headOut <- paste("<TH>", head, "</TH>", collapse="\n")

    if (frames) {
        top <- new("HTMLPage", fileName=paste(filename,"Top.html",sep=""),
                   pageText= topText)
        tableHeader <- paste("<TR>",headOut,"</TR>", sep="\n")
        sideText <- paste("<TABLE BORDER=1>", tableHeader, sep="\n")

        tds <- paste("<TD>",anchors,"</TD><TD>",dates,"</TD>",sep="",
        tds <- paste("<TR>",tds,"</TR>")
        sideText <- paste(sideText, tds)
        if (table.center)
            sideText <- paste("<CENTER>",sideText,"</CENTER>", sep="\n")
        sideText <- paste("<html>", "<head>",
                          "<title>BioConductor Abstract List</title>",
                          "</head>","<body bgcolor=#708090>",
                          sideText, "</body>", "</html>", sep="\n")
        side <- new("HTMLPage",

        metaText <- paste("<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\"REFRESH\" CONTENT=\"1;",
        mainText <- paste("<html>", "<head>",
                          "<title>BioConductor Abstract List</title>",
                          "</head>","<body bgcolor=#708090>",
                          "</body>","</html>", sep="\n")

        main <- new("HTMLPage",

        page <- new("FramedHTMLPage", topPage=top, sidePage=side, mainPage=main,
    else {
        outfile <- file(filename,"w")
        cat(topText, file = outfile)
        if( table.center )
            cat("<CENTER> \n", file=outfile)

        cat("<TABLE BORDER=1>", file = outfile, sep = "\n")
        cat("<TR>",headOut,"</TR>", file=outfile, sep="\n")

        tds <- paste("<TD>",anchors,"</TD><TD>",dates,"</TD>",sep="")
        for (td in tds)
            cat("<TR>", td, "</TR>", file=outfile,sep="\n")

        if( table.center )
            cat("</CENTER> \n", file=outfile)
        cat("</body>", "</html>", sep = "\n", file = outfile)

htmlpage <- function (genelist, filename, title, othernames, table.head,
                      table.center=TRUE, repository = list("en"), ...){
        stop("The repository argument must be a list!", call. = FALSE)
    chklen <- function(x){
        if(is.data.frame(x) || is.matrix(x)) dim(x)[1]
        else length(x)
    getRows <- function(x){
        paste("<P>", x, "</P>", collapse="", sep="")

        len.vec <- chklen(genelist)
            len.vec <- sapply(genelist, chklen)
            stop("The 'genelist' should be either a data.frame or a list",
    if(!missing(othernames)) {
        len.vec <- c(len.vec, chklen(othernames))
       else if( is.list(othernames))
            len.vec <- c(len.vec, sapply(othernames, chklen))
            stop("The 'othernames' should be either a data.frame or a list",
    if(any(len.vec != len.vec[1]))
        stop(paste("Some items in either", genelist, "or", othernames,
                   "have mis-matched lengths.\nPlease check this",
                   "discrepancy and re-run.\n"), .call=FALSE)

    out <- mapply(getCells, genelist, repository, ..., SIMPLIFY=TRUE)

    if (!missing(othernames)) {
            out <- data.frame(out, othernames)
            if (is.list(othernames)) {
                ## if othernames is a list, we have to ensure we handle
                ## the contents of the list correctly
                ## e.g., cbind()ing a factor will coerce things incorrectly
                ## here we just put everything in another list that we can
                ## then coerce to a data.frame
                others <- vector("list", length(othernames))
                for(i in seq(along=othernames)){
                        others[[i]] <-  othernames[[i]]
                            ## if othernames[[i]] is a list, the assumption
                            ## here is that we want a multi-line table entry
                            ## in the HTML page
                            others[[i]] <- sapply(othernames[[i]],
                            others[[i]] <- othernames[[i]]
                out <- data.frame(out, as.data.frame(others))

    colnames(out) <- table.head
    out <- xtable(out, caption=if(!missing(title)) title, ...)
    print(out, type="html", file=filename, caption.placement="top",
          include.rownames=FALSE, sanitize.text.function=function(x) x,

getCells <-  function(ids, repository = "ug", ...){
  # This function allows us to insert multiple links in each cell by
  # building up the HTML more incrementally. Passing a list of character
  # vectors will result in multiple links per cell. Otherwise we get one link per cell.

    out <- vector()
    temp <- lapply(ids, getQueryLink, repository=repository, ...)
    for(i in seq(along = ids)){
      if(temp[i] != "&nbsp;")
        out[i] <- paste("<P><A HREF=\"", temp[[i]], "\">",
                        ids[[i]], "</A></P>", sep = "", collapse="")
        out[i] <- temp[i]
    temp <- getQueryLink(ids, repository, ...)
    blanks <- temp == "&nbsp;"
    out <- paste(" <A HREF=\"", temp, "\">",
                 ids, "</A>", sep = "")
    out[blanks] <- "&nbsp;"

## getQueryLink <-function (ids, repository = "ug", ...){
##   switch(tolower(repository), ug = return(getQuery4UG(ids)),
##          gb = return(getQuery4GB(ids)), sp = return(getQuery4SP(ids)),
##          omim = return(getQuery4OMIM(ids)), fb = return(getQuery4FB(ids)),
##          en = return(getQuery4EN(ids)), tr = return(getQuery4TR(ids)),
##          go = return(getQuery4GO(ids)), ens = return(getQuery4ENSEMBL(ids, ...)),
##          random = return(getQuery4Random(ids)), stop("Unknown repository name"))
## }

## Code from Martin Morgan that allows end user to add arbitrary
## repository

## the interface: set, get, clear
setRepository <- function(repository, FUN, ..., verbose=TRUE) 
    ## checs on repository, FUN, then...
    if (verbose && exists(repository, .repositories))
        warning("replacing repository '", repository, "'")
    .repositories[[repository]] <- FUN

getRepositories <- function()

clearRepository <- function(repository, verbose=TRUE)
    if (!(length(repository) == 1 && is.character(repository)))
        stop("argument 'repository' must be character(1)")
    ## check repository, then
    if (exists(repository, .repositories))
        rm(list=repository, envir=.repositories)
    else if (verbose)
        warning("undefined repository '", repository, "'")

## this should be backward compatible
getQueryLink <- function (ids, repository = "ug", ...) 
    if (!exists(repository, .repositories))
        stop("unknown repository '", repository, "'")
    .repositories[[repository]](ids, ...)

getTDRows <- function (ids, repository = "ug", ...){
  # Modification of Jianhua's original code to allow for multiple links per cell.
  out <- paste("<TD>", getCells(ids, repository), "</TD>", sep="")

getQuery4GO <- function(ids, ...) {
##GO IDs
  blanks <- ids == "&nbsp;"
  AMIGO_URL <- "http://amigo.geneontology.org/cgi-bin/amigo/term_details?term="
  out <- paste(AMIGO_URL, ids, sep = "")
  out[blanks] = "&nbsp;"

getQuery4Affy <- function (ids, ...){
  # Affy IDs are all over the map, so there is no good way to catch any garbage input.
  # Here we have to rely on the end user to filter out garbage by passing an empty cell.
  blanks <- ids == "&nbsp;"
  out <- paste("https://www.affymetrix.com/LinkServlet?&probeset=",
               ids, sep="")
  out[blanks] <- "&nbsp;"

getQuery4UG <- function (ids, ...){
  # Slight modification of Jianhua's original code, replacing error message with
  # empty cells in the table.
    ugs <- strsplit(as.character(ids), "\\.")
    ugs <- strsplit(ids, "\\.")
  badUG <- function(x) if (length(x) != 2 || nchar(x[1]) < 2)
  else return(FALSE)
  bIDs <- sapply(ugs, badUG)
  temp <- vector()
  for( i in seq(along=ids)){
    temp[i] <- paste("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/UniGene/clust.cgi?ORG=",
                     ugs[[i]][1], "&CID=", ugs[[i]][2], sep = "")
    temp[i] <- "&nbsp;"

getQuery4LL <- function (ids, ...) {
  .Defunct(msg="The 'll' repository argument is deprecated. Please use 'en'\n.")

getQuery4EN <- function (ids, ...){
  ## Here we rely on Entrez Gene IDs being all numeric to filter out garbage
  ## that will result in busted links.
    options(warn = -1)
    ids <- as.numeric(as.character(ids))
    options(warn = 0)
    blanks <- is.na(ids)
    options(warn = -1)
    ids <- as.numeric(ids)
    options(warn = 0)
    blanks <- is.na(ids)
    blanks <- is.na(ids)
  out <- paste("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=gene&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=Graphics&list_uids=",
               ids, sep = "")
  out[blanks] <- "&nbsp;"

getQuery4TR <- function(ids, ...){
    ## No automatic garbage checking. The ath1121501 has accnum values of 'multiple'
    ## that we can convert to blanks however.
    blanks <- ids == "&nbsp;" || ids == "multiple"
    out <- paste("http://www.arabidopsis.org/servlets/Search?type=general&search_action=detail&method=1&name=", ids,
                 "&sub_type=gene", sep="")
    out[blanks] <- "&nbsp;"

getQuery4GB <- function (ids, ...){
  # GenBank ids can be either GB or RefSeq, so there is no good way to filter garbage.
  # Again we rely on end user to pass blanks.
  blanks <- ids == "&nbsp;"
  out <- paste("https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=Nucleotide&cmd=search&term=",
               ids, sep="")
  out[blanks] <- "&nbsp;"

getQuery4SP <- function(ids, ...){
  ## SwissProt ids are not consistent enough to do any sort of garbage checking
  ## so here we rely on a blank being passed by the end user.
  blanks <- ids == "&nbsp;"
  ## http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot?query=1&AC=P21108
  out <- paste("http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/", ids, sep="")
  out[blanks] <- "&nbsp;"

getQuery4OMIM <- function(ids, ...){
  # Conversion here relies on the assumption that OMIM ids are all numeric
  # so any non-numeric entry must be some sort of garbage that will result in
  # a broken link.
    options(warn = -1)
    ids <- as.numeric(as.character(ids))
    options(warn = 0)
    blanks <- is.na(ids)
    options(warn = -1)
    ids <- as.numeric(ids)
    options(warn = 0)
    blanks <- is.na(ids)
    blanks <- is.na(ids)

  out <- paste("http://www.omim.org/entry/", ids, sep="")
    out[blanks] <- "&nbsp;"



getQuery4FB <- function (ids, ...){
  ## Function to build links to flybase for drosophila arrays
  ## Here I rely on the flybase number starting with FBgn
  ## The end user can also pass an empty cell identifier
    fbs <- strsplit(as.character(ids), "FBgn")
    fbs <- strsplit(ids, "FBgn")
  badFB <- function(x) if(length(x) != 2 || nchar(x[1]) != 0)
    return(TRUE) else return(FALSE)
  bIDS <- sapply(fbs, badFB)
  out <- paste("http://flybase.bio.indiana.edu/.bin/fbidq.html?",
                    ids, sep = "")
  out[bIDS] <- "&nbsp;"

getQuery4ENSEMBL <- function(ids, ...){
    ## function to build links to Ensembl
    ## Ensembl IDs can start with ENSG, ENSE, ENSP or ENST at the very least

    ids[is.na(ids)] <- "&nbsp;"
        enids <- strsplit(as.character(ids), "ENS")
        enids <- strsplit(ids, "ENS")
    badENS <- function(x) if(length(x) !=2 || nchar(x[1]) != 0)
        return(TRUE) else return(FALSE)
    bIDS <- sapply(enids, badENS)
    ##FIXME: should we do some error checking on the species?
    ## it should be e.g., Homo_sapiens
        species <- list(...)$species
        stop("To make links for Ensembl, you need to pass a 'species' argument.",
             call. = FALSE)
    out <- paste("http://www.ensembl.org/", species, "/Gene/Summary?g=",
                 ids, sep = "")
    out[bIDS] <- "&nbsp;"

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

annotate documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:14 p.m.