# Testing all of the statements (to make sure none of them crash)
# Testing for acutal responses is more tricky, as the responses may change from one
# release to the next...
if(FALSE) {
library( "RUnit" )
library( "annmap" )
## Utility methods
.get.functions = function( func.type, func.pattern, min.len, ) {
.functions = ls( envir=annmap:::.xmap.queries )
.queries = strsplit( .functions[ grep( func.pattern, .functions ) ], '\\.' )
checkTrue( length( .queries ) >= min.len, paste( "Should have at least ", min.len, " '", func.type, "' functions", sep="" ) )
r = lapply( .queries, function(i) {
name = i )
c( name, getFunction( name ) )
} )
.run.full.test.suite = function() {
1 == length( grep( '',[ 'nodename' ] ) )
.run.functions = function( functions, executor ) {
lapply( c( 'hs-test', 'mm-test', 'rn-test', 'pb-test' ), function( db ) {
data = tryCatch( annmapConnect( db ), error=function(e) { FALSE } )
if( length( data ) == 1 ) {
print( paste( "Cannot find datasource '", db, "', so skipping these tests.", sep="" ) )
else {
# Set this to true if this species has no arrays
no.arrays = is.null( allArrays( as.vector=F ) )
lapply( functions, function( func ) {
if( no.arrays && length( grep( "rray|robe|hit|Hit|Est|est|rediction", func[[1]] ) ) == 1 ) {
print( paste( "Skipping", func[[1]], "on", annmap:::.xmap.internals$ ) )
else {
print( paste( "Running", func[[1]], "on", annmap:::.xmap.internals$ ) )
tryCatch( executor( func[[1]], func[[2]] ), error=function(e) {
print( e )
} )
} )
} )
## SetUp is called before each test method
.setUp = function() {
## TearDown is called after each test method
.tearDown = function() {
capitalise = function( name, initial=TRUE ) {
name = sapply( name, function( s ) {
s = strsplit( s, "_" )[[1]]
s = paste( toupper( substring( s, 1, 1 ) ), substring( s, 2 ), sep="", collapse="" )
if( !initial ) {
s = paste( tolower( substring( s, 1, 1 ) ), substring( s, 2 ), sep="", collapse="" )
} )
test.gotsomefunctions = function() {
checkTrue( length( ls( envir=annmap:::.xmap.queries ) ) >= 96, "Should have at least 96 functions" )
test.range.queries = function() {
# Get all 'range' functions (of which there should be at least 9)
.functions = .get.functions( 'range', '\\.range$', 9, function(i) { paste( capitalise( i[1], F ), 'InRange', sep="" ) } )
# And run them (searching chromosome 1 for 1000 bases on the forward strand)
.run.functions( .functions, function( name, f ) { f( '1', 1000, 2000, 1 ) } )
test.multi.queries = function() {
data = tryCatch( annmapConnect( 'hs-test' ), error=function(e) { FALSE } )
if( length( data ) == 1 ) {
print( "Cannot find datasource 'hs-test', so skipping these tests." )
else {
tp53 = geneDetails( symbolToGene( 'tp53' ) )
shh = geneDetails( symbolToGene( 'shh' ) )
.chrf = if( annmap:::.usegranges() ) seqnames else space
loc = data.frame( chr = c( as.character( annmapGetParam( 'spacefn' )( tp53 ) ), as.character( annmapGetParam( 'spacefn' )( shh ) ) ),
start = c( as.integer( start( tp53 ) ), as.integer( start( shh ) ) ),
end = c( as.integer( end( tp53 ) ), as.integer( end( shh ) ) ),
strand= c( strandAsInteger( tp53 ), strandAsInteger( shh ) ) )
# ok, try with vectors for params
checkTrue( length( geneInRange( loc$chr, loc$start, loc$end, loc$strand ) ) >= 2, 'Should be at least 2 genes returned for vector range query' )
checkTrue( annmap:::.attr( tp53, 'stable_id' ) %in% geneInRange( loc$chr, loc$start, loc$end, loc$strand, as.vector=T ), 'TP53 should be in range of itself and others' )
checkTrue( annmap:::.attr( tp53, 'stable_id' ) %in% geneInRange( loc$chr, loc$start, loc$end, loc$strand, as.vector=T ), 'SHH should be in range of itself and others' )
# Test return types
checkTrue( is.vector( geneInRange( loc$chr, loc$start, loc$end, loc$strand, as.vector=T ) ), 'as.vector=T should return vector' )
checkTrue( class( geneInRange( loc$chr, loc$start, loc$end, loc$strand, as.vector=F ) )[1] == annmapGetParam( 'defaultclass' ), paste( 'as.vector=F should return', annmapGetParam( 'defaultclass' ) ) )
checkTrue( geneInRange( loc$chr, loc$start, loc$end, loc$strand, as.vector='data.frame' ) ), 'as.vector="data.frame" should return data.frame' )
# Try with a data.frame as the x param
checkTrue( length( geneInRange( loc, as.vector=T ) ) >= 2, 'Should be at least 2 genes returned for data.frame range query' )
checkTrue( annmap:::.attr( tp53, 'stable_id' ) %in% geneInRange( loc, as.vector=T ), 'TP53 should be in range of itself and others with data.frame' )
checkTrue( annmap:::.attr( shh, 'stable_id' ) %in% geneInRange( loc, as.vector=T ), 'SHH should be in range of itself and others with data.frame' )
# Try with a RangedData object as the x param
colnames(loc)[colnames(loc) == 'chr'] = 'space'
rd.loc = as( loc, 'RangedData' )
checkTrue( length( geneInRange( rd.loc, as.vector=T ) ) >= 2, 'Should be at least 2 genes returned for RangedData range query' )
checkTrue( annmap:::.attr( tp53, 'stable_id' ) %in% geneInRange( rd.loc, as.vector=T ), 'TP53 should be in range of itself and others with RangedData' )
checkTrue( annmap:::.attr( shh, 'stable_id' ) %in% geneInRange( rd.loc, as.vector=T ), 'SHH should be in range of itself and others with RangedData' )
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