#' alpine: bias corrected transcript abundance estimation
#' alpine is a package for estimating and visualizing many forms of sample-specific
#' biases that can arise in RNA-seq, including fragment length
#' distribution, positional bias on the transcript, read
#' start bias (random hexamer priming), and fragment GC content
#' (amplification). It also offers bias-corrected estimates of
#' transcript abundance (FPKM). It is currently designed for
#' un-stranded paired-end RNA-seq data.
#' See the package vignette for a detailed workflow.
#' The main functions in this package are:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \link{buildFragtypes} - build out features for fragment types from exons of a single gene (GRanges)
#' \item \link{fitBiasModels} - fit parameters for one or more bias models over a set of ~100 medium to highly expressed single isoform genes (GRangesList)
#' \item \link{estimateAbundance} - given a set of genome alignments (BAM files) and a set of isoforms of a gene (GRangesList), estimate the transcript abundances for these isoforms (FPKM) for various bias models
#' \item \link{extractAlpine} - given a list of output from \code{estimateAbundance}, compile an FPKM matrix across transcripts and samples
#' \item \link{predictCoverage} - given the exons of a single gene (GRanges) predict the coverage for a set of samples given fitted bias parameters and compute the observed coverage
#' }
#' Some helper functions for preparing gene objects:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \link{splitGenesAcrossChroms} - split apart "genes" where isoforms are on different chromosomes
#' \item \link{splitLongGenes} - split apart "genes" which cover a suspiciously large range, e.g. 1 Mb
#' \item \link{mergeGenes} - merge overlapping isoforms into new "genes"
#' }
#' Some other assorted helper functions:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \link{normalizeDESeq} - an across-sample normalization for FPKM matrices
#' \item \link{getFragmentWidths} - return a vector estimated fragment lengths given a set of exons for a single gene (GRanges) and a BAM file
#' \item \link{getReadLength} - return the read length of the first read across BAM files
#' }
#' The plotting functions are:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item \link{plotGC} - plot the fragment GC bias curves
#' \item \link{plotFragLen} - plot the framgent length distributions
#' \item \link{plotRelPos} - plot the positional bias (5' to 3')
#' \item \link{plotOrder0}, \link{plotOrder1}, \link{plotOrder2} - plot the read start bias terms
#' \item \link{plotGRL} - a simple function for visualizing GRangesList objects
#' }
#' @references
#' Love, M.I., Hogenesch, J.B., and Irizarry, R.A.,
#' Modeling of RNA-seq fragment sequence bias reduces
#' systematic errors in transcript abundance estimation.
#' Nature Biotechnologyh (2016) doi: 10.1038/nbt.3682
#' @author Michael Love
#' @importFrom splines ns
#' @importFrom speedglm speedglm.wfit
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @importFrom graph ftM2graphNEL
#' @importFrom RBGL connectedComp
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures mapToTranscripts
#' @importFrom graphics abline legend lines par plot points segments
#' @importFrom stats density dpois formula glm model.matrix poisson
#' @importFrom methods as is
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevels keepSeqlevels
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame queryHits subjectHits
#' @import Biostrings IRanges GenomicRanges GenomicAlignments Rsamtools SummarizedExperiment
#' @docType package
#' @name alpine-package
#' @aliases alpine-package
#' @keywords package
#' Build fragment types from exons
#' This function constructs a DataFrame of fragment features used for
#' bias modeling, with one row for every potential fragment type that could
#' arise from a transcript. The output of this function is used by
#' \link{fitBiasModels}, and this function is used inside \link{estimateAbundance}
#' in order to model the bias affecting different fragments across isoforms
#' of a gene.
#' @param exons a GRanges object with the exons for a single transcript
#' @param genome a BSgenome object
#' @param readlength the length of the reads. This doesn't necessarily
#' have to be exact (+/- 1 bp is acceptable)
#' @param minsize the minimum fragment length to model. The interval between
#' \code{minsize} and \code{maxsize} should contain the at least the
#' central 95 percent of the fragment length distribution across samples
#' @param maxsize the maximum fragment length to model
#' @param gc logical, whether to calculate the fragment GC content
#' @param gc.str logical, whether to look for presence of
#' stretches of very high GC within fragments
#' @param vlmm logical, whether to calculate the Cufflinks Variable Length
#' Markov Model (VLMM) for read start bias
#' @return a DataFrame with bias features (columns) for all
#' potential fragments (rows)
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.NCBI.GRCh38)
#' data(preprocessedData)
#' readlength <- 100
#' minsize <- 125 # see vignette how to choose
#' maxsize <- 175 # see vignette how to choose
#' fragtypes <- buildFragtypes([["ENST00000624447"]],
#' Hsapiens, readlength,
#' minsize, maxsize)
#' @export
buildFragtypes <- function(exons, genome, readlength,
minsize, maxsize,
gc=TRUE, gc.str=TRUE, vlmm=TRUE) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(minsize) & is.numeric(maxsize) & is.numeric(readlength))
stopifnot(sum(width(exons)) >= maxsize)
stopifnot(all(c("exon_rank","exon_id") %in% names(mcols(exons))))
stopifnot(!any(strand(exons) == "*"))
# these parameters must be fixed, as dictated by fitVLMM()
npre <- 8
npost <- 12
map <- mapTxToGenome(exons)
l <- nrow(map)
strand <- as.character(strand(exons)[1])
start <- rep(seq_len(l-minsize+1),each=maxsize-minsize+1)
end <- as.integer(start + minsize:maxsize - 1)
mid <- as.integer(0.5 * (start + end))
relpos <- mid/l
fraglen <- as.integer(end - start + 1)
id <- IRanges(start, end)
fragtypes <- DataFrame(start=start,end=end,relpos=relpos,fraglen=fraglen,id=id)
fragtypes <- fragtypes[fragtypes$end <= l,,drop=FALSE]
exon.dna <- getSeq(genome, exons)
tx.dna <- unlist(exon.dna)
if (vlmm) {
# strings needed for VLMM
fragtypes$fivep.test <- fragtypes$start - npre >= 1
fragtypes$fivep <- as(Views(tx.dna, fragtypes$start - ifelse(fragtypes$fivep.test, npre, 0),
fragtypes$start + npost), "DNAStringSet")
fragtypes$threep.test <- fragtypes$end + npre <= length(tx.dna)
fragtypes$threep <- as(Views(tx.dna, fragtypes$end - npost,
fragtypes$end + ifelse(fragtypes$threep.test, npre, 0),),
# reverse complement the three prime sequence
fragtypes$threep <- reverseComplement(fragtypes$threep)
if (gc) {
# get the GC content for the entire fragment
fragrange <- minsize:maxsize
gc.vecs <- lapply(fragrange, function(i) {
letterFrequencyInSlidingView(tx.dna, view.width=i, letters="CG", as.prob=TRUE)
fragtypes <- fragtypes[order(fragtypes$fraglen),,drop=FALSE]
fragtypes$gc <-, gc.vecs)
fragtypes <- fragtypes[order(fragtypes$start),,drop=FALSE]
if (gc.str) {
# additional features: GC in smaller sections
gc.40 <- as.numeric(letterFrequencyInSlidingView(tx.dna, 40, letters="CG", as.prob=TRUE))
max.gc.40 <- max(Views(gc.40, fragtypes$start, fragtypes$end - 40 + 1))
gc.20 <- as.numeric(letterFrequencyInSlidingView(tx.dna, 20, letters="CG", as.prob=TRUE))
max.gc.20 <- max(Views(gc.20, fragtypes$start, fragtypes$end - 20 + 1))
fragtypes$GC40.90 <- as.numeric(max.gc.40 >= 36/40)
fragtypes$GC40.80 <- as.numeric(max.gc.40 >= 32/40)
fragtypes$GC20.90 <- as.numeric(max.gc.20 >= 18/20)
fragtypes$GC20.80 <- as.numeric(max.gc.20 >= 16/20)
# these are the fragment start and end in genomic space
# so for minus strand tx, gstart > gend
fragtypes$gstart <- txToGenome(fragtypes$start, map)
fragtypes$gend <- txToGenome(fragtypes$end, map)
fragtypes$gread1end <- txToGenome(fragtypes$start + readlength - 1, map)
fragtypes$gread2start <- txToGenome(fragtypes$end - readlength + 1, map)
#message("nrow fragtypes: ",nrow(fragtypes))
######### unexported core functions #########
startLeft <- function(x) { <- as.logical(strand(first(x)) == "+")
ifelse(, start(first(x)), start(last(x)))
endRight <- function(x) { <- as.logical(strand(first(x)) == "+")
ifelse(, end(last(x)), end(first(x)))
mapTxToGenome <- function(exons) {
strand <- as.character(strand(exons)[1])
stopifnot(all(exons$exon_rank == seq_along(exons)))
bases <- S4Vectors:::fancy_mseq(width(exons), start(exons)-1L,
rev=(strand == "-"))
exon_rank=rep(exons$exon_rank, width(exons)))
genomeToTx <- function(genome, map) map$tx[match(genome, map$genome)]
txToGenome <- function(tx, map) map$genome[match(tx, map$tx)]
txToExon <- function(tx, map) map$exon_rank[match(tx, map$tx)]
gaToReadsOnTx <- function(ga, grl, fco=NULL) {
reads <- list()
for (i in seq_along(grl)) {
exons <- grl[[i]]
strand <- as.character(strand(exons)[1])
read.idx <- if (is.null(fco)) {
} else {
queryHits(fco)[subjectHits(fco) == i]
map <- mapTxToGenome(exons)
# depending on strand of gene:
# start of left will be the first coordinate on the transcript (+ gene)
# or start of left will be the last coordinate on the transcript (- gene)
if (strand == "+") {
start <- genomeToTx(startLeft(ga[read.idx]), map)
end <- genomeToTx(endRight(ga[read.idx]), map)
} else if (strand == "-") {
start <- genomeToTx(endRight(ga[read.idx]), map)
end <- genomeToTx(startLeft(ga[read.idx]), map)
valid <- start < end & ! & !
reads[[i]] <- IRanges(start[valid], end[valid])
names(reads) <- names(grl)
matchReadsToFraglist <- function(reads, fraglist) {
for (tx.idx in seq_along(fraglist)) {
uniq.reads <- unique(reads[[tx.idx]])
readtab <- table(match(reads[[tx.idx]], uniq.reads))
fraglist[[tx.idx]]$count <- 0
# this can be slow (up to 1 min) when fraglist has many millions of rows
match.uniq <- match(uniq.reads, fraglist[[tx.idx]]$id) <- !
# uniq.reads <- uniq.reads[] # not needed
readtab <- readtab[]
# the map between {uniq.reads that are in fraglist} and {rows of fraglist} <- match.uniq[!]
fraglist[[tx.idx]][,"count"] <- as.numeric(readtab)
subsetAndWeightFraglist <- function(fraglist, downsample=20, minzero=2000) { <- list()
for (tx in seq_len(length(fraglist))) {
# need to make a unique id for each fragment
fraglist[[tx]]$ <- str_c(fraglist[[tx]]$gstart,"-",
fraglist[[tx]]$gend)[[tx]] <- fraglist[[tx]]$[fraglist[[tx]]$count == 0]
} <- unique(,
sumzero <- length(
numzero <- round(sumzero / downsample)
numzero <- max(numzero, minzero)
numzero <- min(numzero, sumzero)
unique.ids <- sample(, numzero, replace=FALSE)
# once again, this time grab all fragments with positive count or in our list of zeros
fraglist.sub <- list()
for (tx in seq_len(length(fraglist))) {
idx.pos <- which(fraglist[[tx]]$count > 0) <- which(fraglist[[tx]]$ %in% unique.ids)
fraglist.sub[[tx]] <- fraglist[[tx]][c(idx.pos,,,drop=FALSE]
fragtypes <-, fraglist.sub)
# the zero weight is the number of unique zero count fragtypes in the original fraglist
# divided by the current (down-sampled) number of zero count fragtypes
zero.wt <- sumzero / numzero
# return fragtypes, but with duplicate rows for selected fragments
fragtypes$wts <- rep(1, nrow(fragtypes))
fragtypes$wts[fragtypes$count == 0] <- zero.wt
matchToDensity <- function(x, d) {
idx <- cut(x, c(-Inf, d$x, Inf))
pdf <- c(0, d$y)
pdf.x <- pdf[ idx ] + 1e-6
stopifnot(all(pdf.x > 0))
getFPBP <- function(genes, bam.file) {
gene.ranges <- unlist(range(genes))
gene.lengths <- sum(width(genes))
res <- countBam(bam.file, param=ScanBamParam(which=gene.ranges))
# two records per fragment
out <- (res$records / 2)/gene.lengths
names(out) <- names(genes)
getLogLambda <- function(fragtypes, models, modeltype, fitpar, bamname) {
# knots and boundary knots need to come from the fitted parameters object
# (just use the first sample, knots will be the same across samples)
model.params <- fitpar[[1]][["model.params"]]
gc.knots <- model.params$gc.knots
gc.bk <- model.params$gc.bk
relpos.knots <- model.params$relpos.knots
relpos.bk <- model.params$relpos.bk
# which formula to use
f <- models[[modeltype]]$formula
offset <- numeric(nrow(fragtypes))
if ("fraglen" %in% models[[modeltype]]$offset) {
# message("-- fragment length correction")
offset <- offset + fragtypes$logdfraglen
if ("vlmm" %in% models[[modeltype]]$offset) {
# message("-- VLMM fragment start/end correction")
offset <- offset + fragtypes$fivep.bias + fragtypes$threep.bias
if (!is.null(f)) {
stopifnot(modeltype %in% names(fitpar[[bamname]][["coefs"]]))
# assume: no intercept in formula
# sparse.model.matrix produces different column names, so don't use
# mm.big <- sparse.model.matrix(f, data=fragtypes)
mm.big <- model.matrix(formula(f), data=fragtypes)
beta <- fitpar[[bamname]][["coefs"]][[modeltype]]
stopifnot(any(colnames(mm.big) %in% names(beta)))
if (all( stop("all coefs are NA")
beta[] <- 0 # replace NA coefs with 0: these were not observed in the training data
# this gets rid of the gene1, gene2 and Intercept terms
beta <- beta[match(colnames(mm.big), names(beta))]
# add offset
log.lambda <- as.numeric(mm.big %*% beta) + offset
} else {
log.lambda <- offset
if (!all(is.finite(log.lambda))) stop("log.lambda is not finite")
namesToModels <- function(model.names, fitpar) {
# create the <- c(fitpar[[1]][["models"]],
list("null"=list(formula=NULL, offset=NULL),
"fraglen"=list(formula=NULL, offset="fraglen"),
"vlmm"=list(formula=NULL, offset="vlmm"),
"fraglen.vlmm"=list(formula=NULL, offset=c("fraglen","vlmm"))))
models <-[model.names]
# replace '+ gene' with '+ 0' in formula
for (m in model.names) {
if (!is.null(models[[m]]$formula)) {
if (!grepl("\\+ gene$",models[[m]]$formula)) {
stop("was expecting '+ gene' to be at the end of the formula string from fitpar")
models[[m]]$formula <- sub("\\+ gene$","\\+ 0",models[[m]]$formula)
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