#Copyright R. Gentleman, 2006, all rights reserved
##in some ways it would be better to have a .Rnw template, so that one
## could simply process that - but I think this will give us better
## ways to handle the errors
## I started thinking that the user might specify the output type -
## but then hardwired pdf in places - this might be revisited
rmQAReport = function(x)
unlink(x$loc, recursive=TRUE)
openQAReport = function(x)
openPDF(file.path(x$loc, paste(x$name, ".pdf", sep="")))
affyQAReport <- function(affyB, output = "pdf",
outdir=file.path(getwd(), "affyQA"), overwrite = FALSE,
repName) {
if(missing(repName) )
repName = deparse(substitute(affyB))
if( !inherits(affyB, "AffyBatch") )
stop("QA reports can only be generated for AffyBatch instances")
sN = sampleNames(affyB)
lcS = lcSuffix(sN)
if(nchar(lcS) > 0 )
sN = gsub(paste(lcS, "$", sep=""), "", sN)
##we need to replace names with _ with .
sN = gsub("_", ".", sN)
##this is expensive, but we need the names
sampleNames(affyB) = sN
if( !file.exists(outdir) )
if( !dir.create(outdir))
stop("could not create output directory")
outdir = file.path(outdir, repName)
if( file.exists(outdir) )
if( overwrite )
unlink(outdir, recursive=TRUE)
stop("report already exists")
if( !dir.create(outdir))
stop("could not create report directory")
cd = setwd(outdir)
outfiles = list(sA = "simpleaffy", RNAdeg = "rnadeg",
hist="affyhist", bxp = "affybxp", NUSE="NUSE", RLE="RLE")
outf = lapply(outfiles, function(x) paste(x, output, sep=".") )
numArrays = nrow(pData(affyB))
qcStats = qc(affyB)
dfout = data.frame(AvBg = avbg(qcStats), ScaleF=sfs(qcStats),
tab1 = xtable(dfout, label="table1",
caption="Average background, scale factor and percent present calls.")
tcon = textConnection("TAB1", "w", local=TRUE)
print(tab1, file=tcon)
TAB1 = paste(TAB1, collapse="\n")
##since these quantities are meant to be similar to
##each other, it makes some sense to look at ratios
## of the minimum to the maximum - these will indicate
## potential problems
CompStats = sapply(dfout, function(x) max(x)/min(x))
CS = paste("$", round(CompStats, 3), "$")
txtstrs = c("Since this ratio is less than 3 there is unlikely to be a problem. ", "Since this ratio is larger than 3 there is a potential problem. ")
CSoutstrs = ifelse(CompStats<=3, txtstrs[1], txtstrs[2])
names(CSoutstrs) = NULL
##output ratios
qcratios = ratios(qcStats)
rnrat = colnames(qcratios)
rn1 = gsub("^AFFX-", "", rnrat)
rn2 = strsplit(rn1, "\\.")
grumpf = if(any(listLen(rn2)!=2))
sapply(rn2, paste, collapse="\n")
tab2 = xtable(qcratios, label="table2", caption=paste(
"3'/5' ratios. ",
paste(colnames(qcratios), ") ", grumpf, sep="", collapse=" "),
".", sep=""))
tcon = textConnection("TAB2", "w", local=TRUE)
print(tab2, file=tcon)
TAB2 = paste(TAB2, collapse="\n")
biobOut = qcStats@spikes
cn = colnames(biobOut)
cn = gsub("AFFX-", "", cn, fixed=TRUE)
cn = gsub("-3_at", "", cn, fixed=TRUE)
colnames(biobOut) = cn
bbc = qcStats@bioBCalls
names(bbc) = gsub(".present", "", names(bbc))
bbO = cbind(BioBCall = bbc, round(biobOut, digits=3))
tab3 = xtable(bbO, label="table3", caption="BioB and friends")
tcon = textConnection("TAB3", "w", local=TRUE)
print(tab3, file=tcon)
TAB3 = paste(TAB3, collapse="\n")
acol=sample(brewer.pal(8, "Dark2"), numArrays, replace=(8<numArrays))
argb = sapply(acol, substring, first=c(2,4,6), last=c(3,5,7))
argb = apply(argb, 2, function(h) as.integer(paste("0x", h, sep=""))/255)
definecolor = paste(paste("\\definecolor{farbe", seq_along(acol),
"}{rgb}{",argb[1,], ",",argb[2,],",",argb[3,],"}", sep=""),
arrayNamesInColors = paste(paste("\\textcolor{farbe",
seq_along(acol), "}{", sN, "}", sep=""),
collapse=", ")
hist(affyB, lty=1, col=acol)
boxplot(affyB, col=acol, las = 3)
##RNA degradation plot
rnaDeg = AffyRNAdeg(affyB)
plotAffyRNAdeg(rnaDeg, cols=acol, lwd=2)
##MA plots - 8 of these per page seems like the right number
##normalize and bg correct
pp1 = preprocess(affyB)
epp = log2(exprs(pp1))
colnames(epp) = sN
medArray = rowMedians(epp)
M = epp-medArray
A = (epp+medArray)/2
##if we have 4 or 6 arrays try to make the plots larger
##if lots, then 8 arrays per plot
app = 4 + 2*(sum(numArrays>c(4,6)))
nfig = ceiling(numArrays/8)
plotNames = paste("MA", 1:nfig, sep="")
fNames = paste(plotNames, "pdf", sep=".")
## nprint = 1
xlim = quantile(A, probs=1e-4*c(1,-1)+c(0,1))
ylim = quantile(M, probs=1e-4*c(1,-1)+c(0,1))
dummy.df <-
data.frame(sN = factor(sN, levels = sN),
x = seq_along(sN),
y = seq_along(sN))
trobj <-
xyplot(y ~ x | sN, dummy.df,
xlim = xlim,
ylim = ylim,
xlab = "A",
ylab = "M",
### possible substitute for xlim and ylim:
## prepanel = function(x, y, ...) {
## x <- A[, x]
## y <- M[, y]
## list(xlim = range(x, na.rm = TRUE),
## ylim = range(y, na.rm = TRUE),
## dx = diff(x),
## dy = diff(y))
## },
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
x <- A[, x]
y <- M[, y]
panel.smoothScatter(x, y, ...)
layout = c(app/2, 2, 1))
id.firstpage <- seq_len(app)
for(i in seq_len(nfig))
pdf(file = fNames[i])
id.thispage <- (i-1) * app + id.firstpage
id.thispage <- id.thispage[id.thispage <= numArrays]
## print(id.thispage)
## print(trobj[id.thispage]) # should work, bug?
print(update(trobj, index.cond = list(id.thispage)))
## par(mfrow=c(app/2, 2))
## for(j in seq_len(app)) {
## if(nprint <= numArrays) {
## smoothScatter(A[,nprint], M[,nprint],
## main=sN[nprint],
## xlab="A", ylab="M", xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
## abline(h=0, col="#fe0020")
## ## ma.plot(A[,nprint],M[,nprint], main=title, xlab="A",
## ## ylab="M", pch=".", show.statistics=FALSE)
## nprint <- nprint + 1
## }
## }
MALatex = paste("\\begin{figure}[tp]",
paste("\\includegraphics{", plotNames, "}", sep=""),
"\\caption{\\label{fig:ma}MA plots.",
"A \\textit{reference array} array is calculated from",
"the median across arrays, and for each array $M$ and $A$ values are",
"calculated for the comparison to that reference.}",
"\\end{center}\\end{figure}", sep=" \n", collapse="\n\n")
##WH's distance plots here
outM = dist2(epp)
pdf(file="MADimage.pdf", height=6, width=(6-0.7)*1.25+0.7)
par(mai=c(0.7, 0.7, 0.01, 0.01))
layout(cbind(1,2), widths=c(4, 1))
imcol=colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "RdPu"))(256)
rg=range(outM, na.rm=TRUE)
image(1:numArrays, 1:numArrays, outM, xlab="", ylab="", zlim=rg,
main="", col=imcol, axes=FALSE)
axis(1, at=1:numArrays, labels=sN, las=3)
axis(2, at=1:numArrays, labels=sN, las=2)
image(1, seq(rg[1], rg[2], length=length(imcol)), rbind(seq_along(imcol)),
xaxt="n", ylab="", col=imcol)
text(1, 0, "MAD", xpd=NA)
##affyPLM stuff
## by using pp1 from above we
## only need to do summarization, and that will make this run
## quite a bit faster
dataPLM = fitPLM(pp1, background=FALSE, normalize=FALSE)
#Normalized Unscaled Standard Error (NUSE)
Mbox(dataPLM, ylim = c(-1, 1), names = sN, col="lightblue",
whisklty=0, staplelty=0, main="RLE", las=3)
boxplot(dataPLM, ylim = c(0.95, 1.5), names = sN,
outline = FALSE, col="lightblue", main="NUSE", las=3)
##write the LaTeX
texTemp = system.file("Templates/affyQAtemplate.tex",
#get version numbers and sessionInfo
pkVers = packageDescription("affyQCReport")$Version
sessInfo = paste(toLatex(sessionInfo()), collapse="\n")
symVals = c(repName=repName, outfiles, TABLE1=TAB1, TABLE2=TAB2,
TABLE3=TAB3, MAPLOTS = MALatex, MADimage="MADimage",
affyQCVersNO= pkVers, sessionInfo=sessInfo,
definecolor=definecolor, arrayNamesInColors=arrayNamesInColors,
numArrays=as.character(numArrays), chipName = affyB@cdfName,
BGRATIOTEXT = CSoutstrs[1], SFRATIOTEXT=CSoutstrs[2],
PPRATIOTEXT = CSoutstrs[3] )
outFile = file.path(outdir, paste(repName, ".tex", sep=""))
copySubstitute(texTemp, outFile, symbolValues = symVals)
##fix directory structure for latex/win32
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
outFile = shortPathName(outFile)
##set up call to pdflatex and run it twice for x-refs
syscall = paste("pdflatex", outFile)
return(list(qcStats=qcStats, affyPLM=dataPLM, MADS=outM, loc=outdir,
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