#' Plot upstream distribution
#' @include util.R
#' @include distributions.R
#' @import ggplot2
#' @param upstreamDirectories list type. List of sample directories
#' @param upstreamOut string type. Output directory
#' @param expectedLength int type. Expected length of upstream sequences.
#' (i.e. upstream_end - upstream_start + 1).
#' @param upstreamLengthRange string type. start_end format
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with upstream directories
#' @param combinedNames string type. Title friendly "combined" sample names
#' @param mashedNames string type. File friendly "mashed-up" sample names
#' @param .save logical type. Save Rdata?
#' @return None
.plotUpstreamLength <-
function(upstreamDirectories, upstreamOut, expectedLength,
upstreamLengthRange, sampleNames,
combinedNames, mashedNames, .save = TRUE) {
message("Plotting upstream distributions for ", combinedNames)
# full lengthed upstream sequences and upstream seqs
# that are shorter than the expected length
if (!is.infinite(expectedLength)) {
lengths <- c("", "_short")
} else {
# Expected length is Inf
lengths <- c("")
lapply(lengths, function(lengthType) {
.plotUpstreamLengthDist(upstreamDirectories, upstreamOut,
upstreamLengthRange, lengthType,
sampleNames, combinedNames,
mashedNames, .save = .save)
.plotIGVUpstreamLenDist(upstreamDirectories, upstreamOut,
upstreamLengthRange, lengthType,
sampleNames, combinedNames,
mashedNames, .save = .save)
.plotIGVUpstreamLenDistDetailed(upstreamDirectories, upstreamOut,
upstreamLengthRange, lengthType,
sampleNames, combinedNames,
mashedNames, .save = .save)
#' Plots the validity of upstream sequences
#' @description Plots the distribution of valid, faulty, and missing start
#' codon in IGV germlines (repeated for gene and family levels).
#' @include util.R
#' @include distributions.R
#' @import ggplot2
#' @param upstreamDirectories list type. List of sample directories
#' @param upstreamOut string type. Output directory
#' @param expectedLength int type. Expected length of upstream sequences.
#' (i.e. upstream_end - upstream_start + 1). If this is infinite, no plots
#' will be generated.
#' @param upstreamLengthRange string type. start_end format
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with upstream directories
#' @param combinedNames string type. Title friendly "combined" sample names
#' @param mashedNames string type. File friendly "mashed-up" sample names
#' @param .save logical type. Save Rdata?
#' @return None
.analyzeUpstreamValidity <- function(upstreamDirectories, upstreamOut,
expectedLength, upstreamLengthRange,
sampleNames, combinedNames, mashedNames,
.save = TRUE) {
message("Starting upstream analysis on ", combinedNames)
if (!is.infinite(expectedLength)) {
lapply(c("gene", "family"), function(lvl) {
lapply(c("valid", "faulty", "no_atg"), function(status) {
requestedFiles <-
.listFilesInOrder(path = upstreamDirectories,
pattern = paste0( ".*_(secsig|5utr)_",
"_", status, "_", lvl,
if (length(requestedFiles)) {
fname <- if (grepl("secsig", requestedFiles[[1]])) {
} else {
stopifnot(grepl("5utr", requestedFiles[[1]]))
if (status == "valid") {
if (fname == "secsig") {
title <- "Valid Secretion Signals"
} else {
title <- "Valid 5'-UTRs"
} else if (status == 'faulty') {
title <- "Faulty Translations"
} else {
title <- "Upstream sequences without start codon"
subtitle <- paste("Total is ",
paste(lapply(requestedFiles, function(x) {
}), collapse = ", "))
plotVert <- .checkVert(requestedFiles[[1]])
g <- .plotDist(lapply(requestedFiles, read.csv, skip = 1),
sampleNames, title, vert = plotVert,
subs = subtitle)
if (plotVert) {
width <- V_WIDTH
height <- V_HEIGHT
} else {
width <- H_WIDTH
height <- H_WIDTH
saveName <-
paste0(mashedNames, "_", fname, "_",
upstreamLengthRange, "_", status, "_",
lvl, ".png"))
ggsave(saveName, plot = g, width = width, height = height)
.saveAs(.save, saveName, plot = g)
} else {
warning("Could not find ",
" distribution for ",
" for ",
#' 5' UTR analysis
#' @description Generates all the required plots for 5' UTR analysis. This
#' includes upstream length distributions and upstream sequence validity.
#' @param utr5Directories list type. 5UTR directories where files are located
#' @param utr5Out string type. Where to dump output
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with utr5Directories
#' @param combinedNames string type. Title friendly string
#' @param mashedNames string type. File name friendly string
#' @param upstreamRanges list type. Upstream ranges for each sample.
#' If length(utr5Directories) > 1, the plots will only be generated for
#' upstream ranges that are present in ALL samples. (i.e the intersection)
#' @param .save logical type, save Rdata?
#' @return none
.UTR5Analysis <- function(utr5Directories,
.save = TRUE) {
message("Starting 5'UTR analysis on samples ", combinedNames)
upstreamRange <- unique(upstreamRanges)
if (length(upstreamRange) == 1 && is.numeric(upstreamRange[[1]])) {
upRange <- upstreamRange[[1]]
START <- 1
END <- 2
if (length(upRange) != 2) {
stop("Expected range to only have start and stop values, but got ",
upRange, " instead.")
expectedLength <-
as.numeric(upRange[END]) - as.numeric(upRange[START]) + 1
if (is.infinite(expectedLength)) {
upRangeString <- paste0(upRange[START], "_", "inf")
} else {
upRangeString <- paste0(expectedLength, "_", expectedLength)
.plotUpstreamLength(utr5Directories, utr5Out, expectedLength,
paste0(upRange[START], "_", upRange[END]),
sampleNames, combinedNames,
mashedNames, .save = .save)
.analyzeUpstreamValidity(utr5Directories, utr5Out, expectedLength,
upRangeString, sampleNames, combinedNames,
mashedNames, .save = .save)
} else if (length(upstreamRange) > 1) {
warning("Found multiple different upstream ranges for samples ",
": ",
". Will not plot comparisons.")
} else {
warning("UpstreamRange is not numeric for sample ", combinedNames)
#' Secretion signal analysis
#' @description Generates all the required plots for Secretion signal analysis.
#' This includes upstream length distributions and upstream sequence validity.
#' @param secDirectories list type. Secretion signal directories where files
#' are located
#' @param secOut string type. Where to dump output
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with secDirectories
#' @param combinedNames string type. Title friendly string
#' @param mashedNames string type. File name friendly string
#' @param upstreamRanges list type. Upstream ranges for each sample.
#' If length(secDirectories) > 1, the plots will only be generated for
#' upstream ranges that are present in ALL samples. (i.e. the intersection)
#' @param .save logical type, save Rdata?
#' @return none
.secretionSignalAnalysis <-
.save = TRUE) {
message("Starting secretion signal analysis on samples ", combinedNames)
upstreamRange <- unique(upstreamRanges)
if (length(upstreamRange) == 1 && is.numeric(upstreamRange[[1]])) {
upRange <- upstreamRange[[1]]
START <- 1
END <- 2
if (length(upRange) != 2) {
stop("Expected range to only have start and stop values,",
" but got ", upRange, " instead.")
expectedLength <-
as.numeric(upRange[END]) - as.numeric(upRange[START]) + 1
if (is.infinite(expectedLength)) {
upRangeString <- paste0(upRange[START], "_", "inf")
} else {
upRangeString <- paste0(expectedLength, "_", expectedLength)
upRangeTrimmedString <- paste0("1_", expectedLength - 1)
.plotUpstreamLength(secDirectories, secOut, expectedLength,
paste0(upRange[START], "_", upRange[END]),
sampleNames, combinedNames,
mashedNames, .save = .save)
.analyzeUpstreamValidity(secDirectories, secOut, expectedLength,
upRangeString, sampleNames, combinedNames,
mashedNames, .save = .save)
if (!is.infinite(expectedLength)) {
.analyzeUpstreamValidity(secDirectories, secOut,
expectedLength, upRangeTrimmedString,
sampleNames, combinedNames,
mashedNames, .save = .save)
} else if (length(upstreamRange) > 1) {
warning("Found multiple different upstream ranges for samples ",
": ",
". Will not plot comparisons.")
} else {
warning("UpstreamRange is not numeric for sample ", combinedNames)
#' Plot upstream sequence length distribution for upstream sequences (5'UTR or
#' secretion signal) for a given \code{upstreamLengthRange}
#' @description Given an upstream length range, plot the
#' distribution of upstream sequence lengths.
#' @param upstreamDirectories list type. List of sample directories
#' @param upstreamOut string type. Output directory
#' @param upstreamLengthRange The range of upstream sequences to be included in
#' this plot. This is usually determined by abseqPy and the format should be as
#' follows: "min_max", e.g.: 1_15 means range(1, 15) inclusive.string type.
#' @param lengthType string type. "" (the empty string) denotes everything
#' and "_short" denotes a short sequence. abseqPy dictates this because it's
#' used for locating the files.
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with upstream directories
#' @param combinedNames string type. Title friendly "combined" sample names
#' @param mashedNames string type. File friendly "mashed-up" sample names
#' @param .save logical type. Save Rdata?
#' @return None
.plotUpstreamLengthDist <- function(upstreamDirectories, upstreamOut,
upstreamLengthRange, lengthType,
sampleNames, combinedNames,
mashedNames, .save) {
seqLengthFiles <- .listFilesInOrder(path = upstreamDirectories,
pattern = paste0(".*_(secsig|5utr)_",
"_dist", lengthType,
if (length(seqLengthFiles)) {
# fname is either secsig or 5utr for now
fname <- if (grepl("secsig", seqLengthFiles[[1]])) {
} else {
stopifnot(grepl("5utr", seqLengthFiles[[1]]))
g <- .plotSpectratype(lapply(seqLengthFiles, read.csv),
sampleNames, title = "Sequence lengths",
xlabel = "Sequence Length(bp)",
ylabel = "Distribution")
saveName <- file.path(upstreamOut,
paste0(mashedNames, "_", fname,
"_", upstreamLengthRange,
"_dist", lengthType, ".png"))
ggsave(saveName , plot = g, width = V_WIDTH, height = V_HEIGHT)
.saveAs(.save, saveName, plot = g)
} else {
warning("Can't find upstream dist file for range ",
" for samples ",
#' Plot IGV family distribution for a given \code{upstreamLengthRange}
#' @description Given an upstream length range,
#' plot the distributions of IGV family without showing their actual lengths. If
#' their actual lengths matter, refer
#' to \code{\link{.plotIGVUpstreamLenDistDetailed}}.
#' @param upstreamDirectories list type. List of sample directories
#' @param upstreamOut string type. Output directory
#' @param upstreamLengthRange The range of upstream sequences to be included in
#' this plot. This is usually determined by abseqPy and the format should be as
#' follows: "min_max", e.g.: 1_15 means range(1, 15) inclusive.string type.
#' @param lengthType string type. "" (the empty string) denotes everything
#' and "_short" denotes a short sequence. abseqPy dictates this because it's
#' used for locating the files.
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with upstream directories
#' @param combinedNames string type. Title friendly "combined" sample names
#' @param mashedNames string type. File friendly "mashed-up" sample names
#' @param .save logical type. Save Rdata?
#' @return None
.plotIGVUpstreamLenDist <- function(upstreamDirectories, upstreamOut,
upstreamLengthRange, lengthType,
sampleNames, combinedNames,
mashedNames, .save = TRUE) {
seqClassLengthFiles <-
.listFilesInOrder(path = upstreamDirectories,
pattern = paste0( ".*_(secsig|5utr)_",
"_dist", lengthType, "_class",
if (length(seqClassLengthFiles)) {
fname <- if (grepl("secsig", seqClassLengthFiles[[1]])) {
} else {
stopifnot(grepl("5utr", seqClassLengthFiles[[1]]))
subtitle <- paste("Total is ", paste(
function(x) {
collapse = ", "
plotVert <- .checkVert(seqClassLengthFiles[[1]])
g <- .plotDist(lapply(seqClassLengthFiles, read.csv, skip = 1),
paste("IGV Abundance in Sample", combinedNames),
plotVert, subs = subtitle)
if (plotVert) {
plotWidth <- V_WIDTH
plotHeight <- V_HEIGHT
} else {
plotWidth <- H_WIDTH
plotHeight <- H_HEIGHT
saveName <-
file.path(upstreamOut, paste0(mashedNames, "_", fname, "_",
"_dist", lengthType,
"_class", ".png"))
ggsave(saveName, plot = g,
width = plotWidth, height = plotHeight)
.saveAs(.save, saveName, plot = g)
} else {
warning("Can't find upstream dist file for samples ", combinedNames)
#' Plots the detailed length distribution for IGV families
#' @description A boxplot for each IGV families showing the IQR of upstream
#' lengths. In contrast to \code{\link{.plotIGVUpstreamLenDist}},
#' which only shows the distribution of IGV families
#' over \code{upstreamLengthRange}.
#' @param upstreamDirectories list type. List of sample directories
#' @param upstreamOut string type. Output directory
#' @param upstreamLengthRange The range of upstream sequences to be included in
#' this plot. This is usually determined by abseqPy and the format should be as
#' follows: "min_max", e.g.: 1_15 means range(1, 15) inclusive.string type.
#' @param lengthType string type. "" (the empty string) denotes everything
#' and "_short" denotes a short sequence. abseqPy dictates this because it's
#' used for locating the files.
#' @param sampleNames vector type. 1-1 with upstream directories
#' @param combinedNames string type. Title friendly "combined" sample names
#' @param mashedNames string type. File friendly "mashed-up" sample names
#' @param .save logical type. Save Rdata?
#' @return None
.plotIGVUpstreamLenDistDetailed <- function(upstreamDirectories,
upstreamOut, upstreamLengthRange,
lengthType, sampleNames,
combinedNames, mashedNames,
.save = TRUE) {
# Plot upstream lengths for each IGV family ----------------------
seqClassLengthBoxFiles <-
.listFilesInOrder(path = upstreamDirectories,
pattern = paste0(".*_(5utr|secsig)_",
upstreamLengthRange, "_dist",
lengthType, "_class",
if (length(seqClassLengthBoxFiles)) {
fname <- if (grepl("secsig", seqClassLengthBoxFiles[[1]])) {
} else {
stopifnot(grepl("5utr", seqClassLengthBoxFiles[[1]]))
g <- .boxPlot(lapply(seqClassLengthBoxFiles, read.csv),
sampleNames, paste("Sequence Lengths in",
saveName <- file.path(upstreamOut,
paste0(mashedNames, "_", fname, "_",
upstreamLengthRange, "_dist", lengthType,
"_class", "_box.png"))
ggsave(saveName, plot = g, width = V_WIDTH, height = V_HEIGHT)
.saveAs(.save, saveName, plot = g)
} else {
warning("Can't find upstream dist files for samples ", combinedNames)
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