# first stab at providing xtable methods for dataframes with hyperlinks
# for inclusion in Sweave reports
# Author: Tobias Verbeke, 2008-05-19
#' Class 'annotationTable'
#' Class to represent both displayed information and hyperlink information
#' to prepare tabular output for LaTeX (with hyperlinks)
#' @section Objects from the Class:
#' Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("annotationTable", ...)}
#' or using the wrapper function \code{annotationTable}
#' @section Slots:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{displayData}:}{Object of class \code{"data.frame"} containing the columns to be
#' displayed in the table}
#' \item{\code{displayCols}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} giving key-value pairs that allow
#' to automatically generate the hyperlinks for the corresponding columns of the \code{displayData}}
#' \item{\code{hrefData}:}{Object of class \code{"data.frame"} giving the hyperlink information for
#' the corresponding columns of the \code{displayData}}
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "annotationTable")}: print an annotationTable
#' (without displaying the hyperlink information)}
#' }
#' @author Tobias Verbeke
#' @examples showClass("annotationTable")
#' @keywords classes
#' @exportClass annotationTable
representation = representation(displayData = "data.frame",
displayCols = "list",
hrefData = "data.frame"),
prototype = list(displayData = data.frame(character()),
displayCols = list(),
hrefData = data.frame(character())))
### validity
.annotationTable.valid <- function(object){
dimD <- dim(object@displayData)
dimH <- dim(object@hrefData)
if (!all.equal(dimD, dimH)) {
warning("The displayData and hrefData should have the same dimensions")
} else {
setValidity("annotationTable", .annotationTable.valid)
### annotationTable object ###
# utility functions for automatic generation of hrefData
#' Transform an ENTREZ ID into a hyperlink
#' Utility function to transform an ENTREZ ID into a hyperlink on
#' the NCBI Entrez page for the given gene
#' @param x vector of Entrez IDs
#' @return vector of hyperlinks for the corresponding Entrez IDs
#' @author Tobias Verbeke
#' @note Snippet taken from the \code{annaffy} package
#' @seealso \code{\link{generateGOIdLinks}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' generateEntrezIdLinks(c("5230", "18655"))
#' @export
generateEntrezIdLinks <- function(x){
# code from annaffy package
url <- ""
if (!length(x))
return(paste(url, x, sep = ""))
#' Transform a GO ID into a hyperlink
#' Utility function to transform a GO ID into a hyperlink
#' to the corresponding page on the gene ontology website
#' @param x vector of GO IDs
#' @return vector of hyperlinks
#' @author Tobias Verbeke
#' @note Snippet taken from the \code{annaffy} package
#' @seealso \code{\link{generateEntrezIdLinks}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
generateGOIdLinks <- function(x){
# code from annaffy package
url <- ""
if (!length(x))
url <- paste(url, x, sep = "")
for(i in 2:length(x))
url <- paste(url, x, sep = "%0a")
#' Function to Create an annotationTable
#' This function takes data to be displayed as well as
#' data containing hyperlinks corresponding to displayed
#' data and constructs an object of class annotationTable
#' @param displayData data frame containing data that is meant to be displayed
#' in a LaTeX table
#' @param displayCols list of named character vectors (of length one) that function
#' as key-value pairs; the names (keys) correspond to columns for which
#' the hyperlinks should be generated whereas the strings (values)
#' indicate what kind of link should be produced based on the
#' corresponding column in the \code{displayData}. The values should be
#' one of \code{"EntrezId"} or \code{"GOId"}.
#' @param hrefData data frame containing hyperlink information for the columns of
#' the same name in the \code{displayData} data frame
#' @details
#' If \code{hrefData} is given, the \code{displayCols} are not taken into account.
#' If no \code{hrefData} is given, the information in \code{displayCols} allows to
#' automatically create the \code{hrefData}.
#' @return object of class 'annotationTable'
#' @author Tobias Verbeke
#' @examples
#' ## some dummy data
#' dData <- data.frame(someSymbol = LETTERS[1:5],
#' accessionNumber = c("X83928", "V00540", "U21090", "L38487", "M34057"))
#' at <- annotationTable(displayData = dData,
#' displayCols = list(accessionNumber = "EntrezId"))
#' @keywords manip
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @export
annotationTable <- function(displayData,
displayCols = NULL,
hrefData = NULL){
if (!is.null(displayCols)){
if (any(!(unlist(displayCols) %in% c("EntrezId", "GOId"))))
stop("'displayCols' should be a named list of strings 'EntrezId' or 'GOId'")
if (is.null(hrefData) & length(displayCols)){
# create and populate hrefData
hrefData <-"", nrow = nrow(displayData),
ncol = ncol(displayData)))
names(hrefData) <- names(displayData)
for (iCol in seq(along = displayCols)){
iLinkCol <- which(names(displayData) %in% names(displayCols)[iCol])
iLinkColType <- displayCols[[iCol]]
iLinkColValues <- switch(iLinkColType,
EntrezId = generateEntrezIdLinks(displayData[, iLinkCol]),
GOId = generateGOIdLinks(displayData[, iLinkCol]))
hrefData[, iLinkCol] <- iLinkColValues
} else {
origHrefData <- hrefData
hrefData <-"", nrow = nrow(displayData),
ncol = ncol(displayData)))
names(hrefData) <- names(displayData)
if (any(!(names(origHrefData) %in% names(hrefData))))
stop("The column names of 'hrefData' should be all present in the column names of 'displayData'")
hrefData[, names(origHrefData)] <- origHrefData
# create new annotationTable object
res <- new("annotationTable", displayData = displayData,
hrefData = hrefData)
### define a particular show method
#' @rdname annotationTable-class
#' @param object annotationTable object
setMethod("show", "annotationTable", function(object){
cat("annotationTable with hyperlink annotation for columns:\n")
hlinkedCols <- which(!sapply(object@hrefData, function(x) all(
cat(paste(names(object@displayData)[hlinkedCols], collapse = ", "), "\n\n")
### TODO [strip off all annotation information]
### xtable formatting ###
# turn S3 generic to S4
#' @exportMethod xtable
setGeneric(name = "xtable")
annotationTableSanitize <- function(str) {
result <- str
# only sanitize part that will be displayed i.e. content of second
# curly braces \href{}{}
isHref <- length(grep("^\\\\href\\{.*\\}\\{.*\\}$", result))
if (isHref) displayPart <- gsub("(^\\\\href\\{(.*)\\}\\{).*\\}", "\\1", result)
result <- gsub("^\\\\href\\{(.*)\\}\\{(.*)\\}", "\\2", result)
result <- gsub("\\\\","SANITIZE.BACKSLASH",result)
result <- gsub("$","\\$",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub(">","$>$",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub("<","$<$",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub("|","$|$",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub("{","\\{",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub("}","\\}",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub("%","\\%",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub("&","\\&",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub("_","\\_",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub("#","\\#",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub("^","\\verb|^|",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub("~","\\~{}",result,fixed=TRUE)
result <- gsub("SANITIZE.BACKSLASH","\\",result,fixed=TRUE)
if (isHref) result <- paste(displayPart, result, "}", sep = "")
# TODO: add methods for other signatures
#' @rdname xtable-methods
#' @importFrom xtable xtable
#' @param x annotationTable object
#' @inheritParams xtable::xtable
signature(x="annotationTable", caption = "missing", label = "missing", align = "missing",
digits = "missing", display = "missing"), # for an object of class ...
function(x, caption, label, align, digits, display){
# strategy: construct new data frame with hyperlinks
# and use classical xtable on this one
d <- x@displayData
h <- x@hrefData
at <- character(prod(dim(d))) # annotationTable
dim(at) <- dim(d)
colnames(at) <- names(d)
numericCols <- which(sapply(d, is.numeric))
for (iCol in seq(ncol(d))){
d[[iCol]] <- as.character(d[[iCol]])
h[[iCol]] <- as.character(h[[iCol]])
if (all(h[[iCol]] == "") | all([[iCol]]))){ # no hyperlinks
at[, iCol] <- d[[iCol]] # display data only, not transformed into character
} else {
tm <- matrix(c(h[[iCol]], d[[iCol]]), ncol = 2)
at[, iCol] <- paste("\\", "href{",
apply(tm, 1, paste, collapse = "}{"), "}", sep = "")
at <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (iCol in numericCols)
at[, iCol] <- as.numeric(as.character(at[, iCol])) # quick and dirty
# \href{}{wikibooks home}
xt <- xtable(at)
class(xt) <- c("xtableAnnotationTable", class(xt))
#' @rdname xtable-methods
#' @importFrom xtable xtable
#' @param x annotationTable object
#' @inheritParams xtable::xtable
signature(x="annotationTable", caption="ANY", label="ANY",
align="ANY", digits = "ANY", display = "ANY"), # for an object of class ...
function(x, caption, label, align, digits, display){
# strategy: construct new data frame with hyperlinks
# and use classical xtable on this one
d <- x@displayData
h <- x@hrefData
at <- character(prod(dim(d)))
dim(at) <- dim(d)
colnames(at) <- names(d)
numericCols <- which(sapply(d, is.numeric))
for (iCol in seq(ncol(d))){
d[[iCol]] <- as.character(d[[iCol]])
h[[iCol]] <- as.character(h[[iCol]])
if (all(h[[iCol]] == "") | all([[iCol]]))){ # no hyperlinks
at[, iCol] <- d[[iCol]] # display data only, not transformed into character
} else {
tm <- matrix(c(h[[iCol]], d[[iCol]]), ncol = 2)
at[, iCol] <- paste("\\", "href{",
apply(tm, 1, paste, collapse = "}{"), "}", sep = "")
at <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (iCol in numericCols)
at[, iCol] <- as.numeric(as.character(at[, iCol])) # quick and dirty
# \href{}{wikibooks home}
xt <- xtable(at, caption = caption,
label = label, align = align, digits = digits, display = display)
class(xt) <- c("xtableAnnotationTable", class(xt))
#' @rdname xtable-methods
#' @importFrom xtable xtable
#' @param x annotationTable object
#' @inheritParams xtable::xtable
signature(x="annotationTable", caption="ANY", label="ANY",
align="ANY", digits = "numeric", display = "ANY"), # for an object of class ...
function(x, caption, label, align, digits, display){
# strategy: construct new data frame with hyperlinks
# and use classical xtable on this one
d <- x@displayData
h <- x@hrefData
at <- character(prod(dim(d)))
dim(at) <- dim(d)
colnames(at) <- names(d)
numericCols <- which(sapply(d, is.numeric))
for (iCol in seq(ncol(d))){
d[[iCol]] <- as.character(d[[iCol]])
h[[iCol]] <- as.character(h[[iCol]])
if (all(h[[iCol]] == "") | all([[iCol]]))){ # no hyperlinks
at[, iCol] <- d[[iCol]] # display data only, not transformed into character
} else {
tm <- matrix(c(h[[iCol]], d[[iCol]]), ncol = 2)
at[, iCol] <- paste("\\", "href{",
apply(tm, 1, paste, collapse = "}{"), "}", sep = "")
at <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (iCol in numericCols)
at[, iCol] <- as.numeric(as.character(at[, iCol])) # quick and dirty
# \href{}{wikibooks home}
xt <- xtable(at, caption = caption,
label = label, align = align, digits = digits, display = display)
class(xt) <- c("xtableAnnotationTable", class(xt))
#' Print method for 'xtableAnnotationTable' objects
#' @param x Object of class 'xtableAnnotationTable'
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{print.xtable}
#' @return No returned value, the object is printed.
#' @details
#' Wrapper to be able to use a specific \code{sanitize.text} function
#' in the \code{print.xtable} call
#' @author Tobias Verbeke
#' @seealso \code{\link[xtable]{print.xtable}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
print.xtableAnnotationTable <- function(x, ...){
# xtable:::print.xtable(x, sanitize.text = annotationTableSanitize, ...)
NextMethod(x, sanitize.text = annotationTableSanitize, ...)
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