# The deveroper and the maintainer: #
# Lang Ho Lee ( #
# Sasha A. Singh ( #
# Mute warnings
#' @title calculate_centrality_scores
#' @description 'calculate_centrality_scores' computes network centrality scores
#' @param net protein-protein interaction network of igraph
#' @param centrality_type the maximum number of clusters
#' @import igraph
#' @return A vector of network centrality scores
calculate_centrality_scores <- function(net, centrality_type="Degree") {
if (centrality_type == "Degree") {
centrality_score <- degree(net, mode="all")
} else if (centrality_type == "Eigenvector") {
centrality_score <- eigen_centrality(net, directed=FALSE, weights=NA)$vector
} else if (centrality_type == "Hub") {
centrality_score <- hub_score(net, weights=NA)$vector
} else if (centrality_type == "Authority") {
centrality_score <- authority_score(net, weights=NA)$vector
} else if (centrality_type == "Closeness") {
centrality_score <- closeness(net, mode="all", weights=NA)
} else if (centrality_type == "Betweenness") {
centrality_score <- betweenness(net, directed=FALSE, weights=NA)
} else {
stop("'centrality_type' should be one of c('Degree', 'Eigenvector', 'Hub', 'Authority',
'Closeness', 'Betweenness')")
#' @title rank_centrality
#' @description Give ranks based on network centrality scores
#' @param centrality_score Network centrality score matrix
#' @param type Network centrality score type, such as 'Eigenvector'
#' @param num_breaks The number of ranks
#' @return A vector containing ranks
rank_centrality <- function(centrality_score, type, num_breaks=5){
if (type == "Closeness") {
rank <- as.numeric(cut(rank(centrality_score), breaks=num_breaks))
} else {
if (length(centrality_score)<num_breaks){
print("Since the number of centrality scores are less than 'num_breaks', so rank is not calculated")
rank <- as.numeric(cut(centrality_score, breaks=num_breaks))
if (length(unique(rank))==1){
rank <- rep(1,length(rank))
#' @title xina_enrichment
#' @description xina_enrichment conducts functional enrichment tests using gene ontology or KEGG pathway terms for a given protein list
#' @param string_db STRINGdb object
#' @param protein_list A vector of gene names to draw protein-protein interaction network.
#' @param enrichment_type A functional annotation for the enrichment test.
#' 'enrichment_type' should be one of 'GO' and 'KEGG',
#' @param pval_threshold P-value threshold to get significantly enriched terms from the given proteins
#' @param methodMT Method for p-value adjustment. See \link[STRINGdb]{get_enrichment}. Default is 'fdr'.
#' @return A list of data frames containing enrichment results
#' @export
#' @import STRINGdb
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(STRINGdb)
#' library(Biobase)
#' # load XINA example data
#' data(xina_example)
#' # Get STRING database for protein-protein intereaction information
#' string_db <- STRINGdb$new( version="10", species=9606, score_threshold=0, input_directory="" )
#' string_db
#' # XINA analysis with STRING DB
#' xina_result <- xina_analysis(example_clusters, string_db)
#' # Select proteins that showed cluster #1 in the Stimulus2 condition
#' subgroup <- subset(example_clusters$aligned, Stimulus2==1)
#' protein_list <- as.vector(subgroup$`Gene name`)
#' # Enrichment test using KEGG pathway terms that have adjuseted p-value less than 0.1
#' kegg_enriched <- xina_enrichment(string_db, protein_list,
#' enrichment_type = "KEGG", pval_threshold=0.1)
#' plot_enrichment_results(kegg_enriched$KEGG, num_terms=10)
#' # Enrichment test using GO terms that have adjuseted p-value less than 0.1
#' go_enriched <- xina_enrichment(string_db, protein_list,
#' enrichment_type = "GO", pval_threshold=0.1)
#' plot_enrichment_results(go_enriched$Component, num_terms=10)
#' }
xina_enrichment <- function(string_db, protein_list, enrichment_type="GO",
pval_threshold=0.05, methodMT='fdr') {
STRING_id <- pvalue_fdr <- NULL
string_id <- string_db$map(data.frame(Accession=protein_list), "Accession")
string_id <- subset(string_id, !
if (enrichment_type=="GO"){
categories <- c("Process","Function","Component")
} else if (enrichment_type=="KEGG"){
categories <- c(enrichment_type)
} else {
stop("'enrichment_type' should be one of c(GO, KEGG)")
return_list <- list()
for (cat in categories){
enrich_result <- string_db$get_enrichment(string_id$STRING_id, category=cat, methodMT=methodMT, iea=TRUE)
return_list[[cat]] <- subset(enrich_result, pvalue_fdr<pval_threshold)
#' @title xina_analysis
#' @description xina_analysis is to analyze protein-protein interaction(PPI) networks using STRINGdb and igraph R package. This module computes PPI networks within each XINA clusters.
#' @param clustering_result A list containing XINA clustering results. See \link[XINA]{xina_clustering}
#' @param ppi_db STRINGdb object
#' @param is_stringdb If it is TRUE (default), XINA will process 'ppi_db' as STRINGdb,
#' but it is FALSE, XINA will accepts your 'ppi_db' as it is.
#' You can make your own igraph network using customized PPI information instead of STRINGdb.
#' @param flag_simplify If it is TRUE (default), XINA will exclude unconnected proteins
#' @param node_shape You can choose node shape. Default is "sphere". See \link[igraph]{shapes}
#' @param num_clusters_in_row The number of clusters in a row on the XINA network plot. Default is 5.
#' @param img_size Set the image size. For width=1000 and height=1500, it is img_size=c(1000,1500).
#' @param img_qual Set the image resolution. Default is 300.
#' @return A PNG file (XINA_Cluster_Networks.png) displaying PPI network plots of all the clusters
#' and a list containing XINA network analysis results.
#' \tabular{rl}{
#' \strong{Item} \tab \strong{Description}\cr
#' All_network \tab PPI network of all the input proteins\cr
#' Sub_network \tab A list containing PPI networks of each clusters\cr
#' Data \tab XINA clustering results. See \link[XINA]{xina_clustering}\cr
#' Nodes \tab A list of proteins in each cluster\cr
#' Conditions \tab A list of experimental condition of proteins in each cluster\cr
#' Titles \tab A list of plot titles for XINA plotting\cr
#' out_dir \tab A directory path storing XINA network analysis results\cr
#' is_stringdb \tab False = different PPI DB and TRUE = STRING DB\cr
#' }
#' @import igraph
#' @import grDevices
#' @import graphics
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # load XINA example data
#' data(xina_example)
#' # use the following code for utilizing up-to-date STRING DB
#' tax_id <- 9606 # for human
#' # tax_id <- 10090 # for mouse
#' library(STRINGdb)
#' library(igraph)
#' string_db <- STRINGdb$new( version='10', species=tax_id, score_threshold=0, input_directory='' )
#' string_db
#' xina_result <- xina_analysis(example_clusters, string_db, flag_simplify=FALSE)
#' # Run XINA with a protein-protein interaction edgelist
#' data(HPRD)
#' net_all <- simplify(graph_from_data_frame(d=hprd_ppi, directed=FALSE),
#' remove.multiple = FALSE, remove.loops = TRUE)
#' xina_result <- xina_analysis(example_clusters, net_all, is_stringdb=FALSE, flag_simplify=FALSE)
#' }
xina_analysis <- function(clustering_result, ppi_db, is_stringdb=TRUE, flag_simplify=TRUE,
node_shape="sphere", num_clusters_in_row=5, img_size=NULL, img_qual=300) {
# Collect cluster information by proteins
na_dir <- clustering_result$out_dir
nClusters <- clustering_result$nClusters
data_column <- clustering_result$data_column
column_numbers <- seq_len(length(data_column))
super_ds <- clustering_result$clusters
num_conditions <- length(unique(super_ds$Condition))
uniq_condition <- unique(super_ds$Condition)
max_cluster <- clustering_result$max_cluster
num_clusters_in_col <- as.integer(max_cluster/num_clusters_in_row) + if(max_cluster%%num_clusters_in_row>0){1}else{0}
if (!is.vector(img_size)){
unit_size <- 750
img_size <- c(unit_size*num_clusters_in_row,unit_size*num_clusters_in_col)
# get required colors
color_for_graph <- clustering_result$color_for_clusters
color_for_nodes <- clustering_result$color_for_condition
# analyze STRINGdb
if (is_stringdb){
superset_string <- ppi_db$map(super_ds, "Accession")
colnames(superset_string) <- c("Accession", data_column,
"Description", "Condition",
"Key", "Cluster", "STRING_id")
net_stringDB <- ppi_db$graph
vertices <- as.vector(V(net_stringDB)$name)
# Get protein lists that are matched to the PPI network
prots <- unique(superset_string$STRING_id)
nodes <- c()
for (k in seq_len(length(prots))) {
nodes <- c(nodes, match(prots[k], vertices))
# Get a subnetwork using the matched proteins
subnet <- induced_subgraph(net_stringDB, nodes[!])
SIDs <- V(subnet)$name
sub_acc <- c()
sub_desc <- c()
for (k in seq_len(length(SIDs))) {
sub_tmp <- subset(superset_string, STRING_id==SIDs[k])
sub_acc <- c(sub_acc, as.vector(sub_tmp$Accession)[1])
sub_desc <- c(sub_desc, as.vector(sub_tmp$Description)[1])
V(subnet)$name <- sub_acc
V(subnet)$desc <- sub_desc
net_all <- subnet
# analyze user-defined PPI database
} else {
superset_string <- super_ds
net_all <- ppi_db
vertices <- as.vector(V(net_all)$name)
# Draw all the XINA plots into one page
out <- paste(na_dir,"/","XINA_Cluster_Networks.png",sep="")
png(filename=out, width=img_size[1], height=img_size[2], res=img_qual)
par(mfrow = c(num_clusters_in_col, num_clusters_in_row))
list_nodes <- list()
list_conditions <- list()
list_subnets <- list()
titles <- c()
# Draw networks
for (i in seq_len(max_cluster)) {
prots_clustered <- subset(super_ds, super_ds$Cluster==as.character(i))
if (nrow(prots_clustered)>0) {
prots <- toupper(prots_clustered$Accession)
conditions <- prots_clustered$Condition
# Get protein lists that are matched to the PPI network
nodes <- c()
for (k in seq_len(length(prots))) {
nodes <- c(nodes, match(prots[k], vertices))
# Get a subnetwork using the matched proteins
nodes <- nodes[!]
subnet <- induced_subgraph(net_all, nodes)
# If TRUE, exclude isolated nodes.
if (flag_simplify) {
isolated_nodes <- V(subnet)[degree(subnet)==0]
subnet_simplified <- delete.vertices(subnet, isolated_nodes)
subnet <- subnet_simplified
if (length(V(subnet)) > 0) {
# Get condition information of subnetwork nodes
nodes_subnet <- as.vector(V(subnet)$name)
node_condition <- c()
for (k in seq_len(length(nodes_subnet))) {
p <- as.vector(nodes_subnet[k])
node_condition <- c(node_condition,
as.character(conditions[match(p, prots)]))
# node list
list_nodes[[i]] <- nodes_subnet
# condition list
list_conditions[[i]] <- node_condition
# plot title
plot_title <- paste("#",i," (n=", length(V(subnet))," of ",
length(conditions),")", sep='')
titles <- c(titles, plot_title)
# plot a network
edge_color <- color_for_graph[i]
V(subnet)$condition <- node_condition
vertex_color <- c()
for (j in seq_len(length(node_condition))) {
vertex_color <- c(vertex_color,
E(subnet)$edge.color <- edge_color
V(subnet)$vertex.color <- vertex_color
list_subnets[[i]] <- subnet
plot(subnet, vertex.label.color="black", vertex.label=NA,
vertex.label.dist=.6, vertex.label.cex=0.8,
edge.arrow.size=.4, vertex.size=10, vertex.color=vertex_color,
edge.color=edge_color, vertex.shape=node_shape, main=plot_title,
} else {
} else {
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