#The file should be a vcf file with
#Chr, pos, ref, AD_hap1, AD_hap2
#' Read SNPs from RNA-Seq
#' Read SNPs from RNA-Seq that have not been phased.
#' @param vcf_file A \code{character}. The path to a vcf file.
#' @details
#' For phased samples, use \code{readXVcf}.
#' @return A \code{data.table} of allele specific read counts.
#' @example inst/examples/workflow.R
#' @importFrom S4Vectors unstrsplit
#' @importFrom IRanges CharacterList
#' @importFrom VariantAnnotation ScanVcfParam readVcf geno ref alt
#' @export
readRNASNPs <- function(vcf_file){
vcf_param <- ScanVcfParam(fixed = c("ALT"), info = NA, geno = c("AD"))
vcf <- readVcf(vcf_file, genome = "chrX", param = vcf_param)
x = CharacterList(alt(vcf))
x = unstrsplit(x)
keep = which(nchar(x)==1) # Removes empty (monomorphic) and multiple (indels).
nomono <- vcf[keep]
# Extract allelic depth
AD <- geno(nomono)$AD #We use unfiltered allele depth b/c filters are usually made for DNA data
# AD is n1,n2, where n1 is the number of copies of ref and n2 is the number of copies of alt
dt <- .makeDTFromGeno(AD)
dt[, ID := keep] #To filter the vcf when dt is filtered
ref <- as.character(ref(nomono))
alt <- unstrsplit(CharacterList(alt(nomono)))
dt[, REF := ref]
dt[, ALT := alt]
dt <- dt[nchar(REF) == 1] #indels are a lot harder to analyse and will move the reading frame. Remove them.
nomono <- vcf[dt$ID] # At this point it's vcf - monomorphic sites - indels on ALT - indels on REF
samples <- colnames(dt)[!colnames(dt) %in% c("POS", "CHROM", "ID", "REF", "ALT") ]
mdt <- melt(dt, measure.vars = samples, = "sample", = "AD")
mdt[, ID := NULL]
mdt[, POS := as.numeric(POS)]
#mdt[, `:=`(c("AD_hap1", "AD_hap2"), tstrsplit(AD, split = ","))] #It doesn't actually matter which is REF and ALT
#mdt[, AD_hap1 := as.numeric(AD_hap1)]
#mdt[, AD_hap2 := as.numeric(AD_hap2)]
mdt[, AD_hap1 := as.numeric(sapply(AD, "[[", 1))]
mdt[, AD_hap2 := as.numeric(sapply(AD, "[[", 2))]
#' Read VCF file
#' Read ASE from a VCF file
#' @param vcf_file A \code{character}. The path to a vcf file.
#' The file must have the REF, ALT and AD fields.
#' @return A \code{data.table} of allele specific read counts.
#' @example inst/examples/workflow.R
#' @importFrom S4Vectors unstrsplit
#' @export
readVCF4 <- function(vcf_file){
vcf_param <- ScanVcfParam(fixed = c("ALT"), info = NA, geno = c("AD"))
vcf <- readVcf(vcf_file, genome = "chrX", param = vcf_param)
alts <- as.character(unstrsplit(alt(vcf)))
refs <- as.character(ref(vcf))
# Remove monomorphic and indels
keep <- which(nchar(gsub("<\\*>", "", alts)) == 1 & nchar(refs) == 1)
nomono <- vcf[keep]
# Make a table with genotypes and counts
geno <- geno(nomono)
AD <- geno$AD
sampleNames <- gsub("\\..*", "", basename(colnames(AD)))
rn <- rownames(AD)
chr <- gsub(":.*", "", rn)
pos <- as.numeric(gsub("_.*", "", gsub("^.*:", "", rn)))
ret <- data.table(CHROM = chr, POS = pos, REF = refs[keep], ALT = alts[keep])
# Check for alternate alleles formats
alt2 <- unique(substr(alts[keep], 2, 4))
alt2 <- alt2[alt2 != ""]
if(length(alt2) > 0){ #Are there multiple alternate
if(alt2 != "<*>"){ #If so, is it just structural variants
err <- "There are more than one secondary alternate allele or it is not a deletion '<*>'"
nref <- sapply(AD, "[[", 1)
nalt1 <- sapply(AD, "[[", 2)
refDT <- data.table(matrix(nref, ncol = ncol(AD)))
setnames(refDT, sampleNames)
refDT[, `:=`(c("CHROM", "POS"), list(chr, pos))]
mref <- melt(refDT, id.vars = c("CHROM", "POS"), = "AD_hap1", = "sample")
# ALT (Consider only the first ALT)
altDT <- data.table(matrix(nalt1, ncol = ncol(AD)))
setnames(altDT, sampleNames)
altDT[, `:=`(c("CHROM", "POS"), list(chr, pos))]
malt <- melt(altDT, id.vars = c("CHROM", "POS"), = "AD_hap2", = "sample")
counts <- merge(mref, malt, by = c("CHROM", "POS", "sample"))
ret <- merge(ret, counts, by = c("CHROM", "POS"))[order(CHROM, POS)]
# New functions for samtools v4.3
.makeDTFromGeno <- function(geno){
sampleNames <- gsub("\\..*", "", basename(colnames(geno)))
rn <- rownames(geno)
chr <- gsub(":.*", "", rn)
pos <- gsub("_.*", "", gsub("^.*:", "", rn))
dt <- data.table(geno)
setnames(dt, sampleNames)
dt[, CHROM := chr]
dt[, POS := pos]
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