#' Fit mixture model
#' Fit a mixture model to estimate mosaicism and XCI-escape.
#' @param genic_dt A \code{data.table}. The table as outputted by \code{getGenicDP}.
#' @param model A \code{character} indicating which model to use to estimate
#' the mosaicism. Valid choices are "AUTO", "BB", "MM", "MM2", "MM3". See details.
#' @param plot A \code{logical}. If set to TRUE, information about the training
#' set and the skewing estimate will be plotted.
#' @param hist A \code{logical}. If set to TRUE, an histogram of the skewing
#' estimates will be displayed.
#' @param flag A \code{numeric}. Specify how to handle convergence issues. See
#' details.
#' @param xciGenes A \code{character} or NULL. To be passed to \code{readXCI} to
#' select the training set of inactivated genes.
#' @param a0 A \code{numeric} or NULL. Starting values for the optimization. This
#' should not be used with more than one model as different models have
#' different parameters. Leave NULL unless you know what you're doing.
#' @param optimizer A \code{character}. The optimization function to use for minimization
#' of the log-likelihood. Should be one of "nlminb" or "optim".
#' @param method A \code{character}. The method to be passed to \code{optim}
#' when it is the selected \code{optimizer}.
#' @param limits A \code{logical}. If set to TRUE, the optimization will be
#' constrained. Using upper bounds on the probability of sequencing error and
#' escape in the training set ensures that the dominant mixture represents the
#' skewing for inactivated genes.
#' @param debug A \code{logical}. If set to TRUE, information about each iteration
#' will be printed (Useful to identify problematic samples).
#' @details
#' The model determines the number of components used in the mixture model. By
#' default, "AUTO" tries all combinations of mixtures and the best estimate is
#' kept using backward selection based on AIC.
#' BB is a simple beta-binomial. MM adds a binomial component to model the
#' sequencing errors. MM2 jointly models the probability of misclasification
#' in the training set. MM3 include all 3 components.
#' Flags in the output reports issues in convergence. If \code{flag} is set to 0,
#' nothing is done. If set to 1, the model selection will avoid flagged models
#' (will favor parcimonious models).
#' If set to 2, calls for which the best selected model had convergence issue
#' will be removed.
#' @return A \code{data.table} with an entry per sample and per gene.
#' @example inst/examples/betaBinomXI.R
#' @seealso getGenicDP readXCI
#' @export
betaBinomXI <- function(genic_dt, model = "AUTO", plot = FALSE, hist = FALSE,
flag = 0, xciGenes = NULL, a0 = NULL,
optimizer = c("nlminb", "optim"), method = NULL, limits = TRUE,
debug = FALSE){
dt <- copy(genic_dt)
dt[, dp1 := pmin(AD_hap1, AD_hap2)]
dt[, tot := AD_hap1 + AD_hap2]
# Use XCI to estimate parameters
#if(xci > 0){
xcig <- readXCI(xciGenes)
inactivated_genes <- xcig
dt_xci <- dt[GENE %in% inactivated_genes]
if(nrow(dt_xci) == 0){
warning("No known silenced gene found in data.")
optimizer <- match.arg(optimizer)
model <- .check_model(model)
modl <- vector("list", length(model))
for(i in seq_along(modl)){
modi <- model[i]
if(modi == "BB"){
dt <- BB(dt_xci, dt, a0, optimizer, method, limits, debug)
} else if(modi == "MM"){
dt <- MM(dt_xci, dt, a0, optimizer, method, limits, debug)
} else if(modi == "MM2"){
dt <- MM2(dt_xci, dt, a0, optimizer, method, limits, debug)
} else if(modi == "MM3"){
dt <- MM3(dt_xci, dt, a0, optimizer, method, limits, debug)
modl[[i]] <- dt
if(length(modl) > 1){
dt <- .back_sel(modl, flag = flag)
} else{
dt <- modl[[1]]
dt[, f := a_est/(a_est + b_est)]
dt[, fg := dp1/tot]
# Use the estimated a and b to calculate var_fg and the test statistic
# Under H0, f_g ~ BB
dt[, var_fg := (tot * a_est * b_est * (a_est + b_est + tot))]
dt[, var_fg := var_fg/((a_est + b_est)^2 * (a_est + b_est + 1))]
dt[, var_fg := var_fg/tot^2] # Because we want the variance for the fraction, not the variance for the counts
dt[, t := (fg-f)/sqrt(var_fg)] #Test statistic
# dt[, pbb := pbb(dp1, tot, a_est, b_est, type = "midp"), by = c("GENE", "sample")]
dt[, pbb := .pbb_midp(dp1, tot, a_est, b_est), by = c("GENE", "sample")]
dt[, p_value := pnorm(t, lower.tail = FALSE)]
#tau is the Xi expression
dt[, tau := (f-fg)/(2*f-1)]
# tau is a fraction (0<tau<1) but estimate can be < 0 if fg < f
# Which could only happens if a gene is tightly inactivated
dt[, tau := ifelse(tau < 0, 0, tau)]
dt[, var_tau := (2*f-1)^-2 * var_fg]
dt[, ivw_tau := tau/sqrt(var_tau)]
hist(unique(dt[, f]), breaks = seq(0, .5, .01), main = "Cell fraction", xlab="Cell fraction", ylab = "samples")
plotBBCellFrac(xci_dt = dt[GENE %in% xcig])
.check_model <- function(model){
model <- unique(toupper(model))
validmodels <- c("BB", "MM", "MM2", "MM3")
if("AUTO" %in% model){
model <- validmodels
if(any(!model %in% validmodels)){
err <- paste("Invalid models:", paste(model[!model %in% validmodels], collapse=", "),
"should be one of", paste(validmodels, collapse=", "))
dbb <- function(x, n, a, b){#Beta binomial
#y <- choose(n, x) * beta(x+a, n-x+b)/beta(a,b)
c <- choose(n, x)
bn <- beta(x+a, n-x+b)
bd <- beta(a, b)
y <- c * bn / bd
ninf <- sum(is.infinite(y))
#if(ninf > 0){
# warning(paste("dbb returns",ninf, "infinite values"))
y <- y[is.finite(y)]
# Calculate log likelihood directly to avoid computation overflow
ldbb <- function(x, n, a, b){
lc <- lchoose(n, x)
lbn <- lbeta(x+a, n-x+b)
lbd <- lbeta(a, b)
ly <- lc + lbn - lbd
ninf <- sum(is.infinite(ly))
if(ninf > 0){
warning(paste("ldbb returns",ninf, "infinite values"))
ly <- ly[is.finite(ly)]
## P-values for exact inference
#pbb <- function(x, n, a, b, type = "midp"){ #p-value for exact inference
# if( |{
# return(as.numeric(NA))
# }
# if(x >= n)
# return(0)
# if(type == "gt"){
# from <- x+1
# sump <- sum(dbb(from:n, n, a, b), na.rm = TRUE)
# } else if(type == "geq"){
# from <- x
# sump <- sum(dbb(from:n, n, a, b), na.rm = TRUE)
# } else if(type == "midp"){
# from <- x+1
# t0 <- dbb(x, n, a, b)
# t1 <- sum(dbb(from:n, n, a, b), na.rm = TRUE)
# sump <- .5*t0 + t1
# } else{
# stop("Type should be one of 'gt', 'geq', 'midp'")
# }
# return(sump)
.pbb_midp <- function(x, n, a, b){
if( |{
if(x >= n)
from <- x+1
t0 <- exp(ldbb(x, n, a, b))
t1 <- sum(exp(ldbb(from:n, n, a, b)), na.rm = TRUE)
sump <- .5*t0 + t1
# Beta-binomial model:
BB <- function(dt_xci, full_dt, a0 = NULL, optimizer = "nlminb", method = NULL,
limits = FALSE, debug = FALSE){
dt <- copy(full_dt)
samples <- unique(dt_xci$sample)
a0 <- c(1,1)
for(sample_i in samples){
dp1 <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, dp1]
dp <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, tot]
Nxcig <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, .N]
lowb <- c(0, 0)
upb <- c(Inf, Inf)
upb <- c(699, 700)
method <- "L-BFGS-B"
} else{
lowb <- -Inf
upb <- Inf
if(optimizer == "nlminb"){
res_optim <- nlminb(a0, .logL_BB, dp1 = dp1, dp = dp,
lower = lowb, upper = upb)
negLogLname <- "objective"
} else if(optimizer == "optim"){
res_optim <- optim(par = a0, fn = .logL_BB, method = method,
dp1 = dp1, dp = dp,
lower = lowb, upper = upb)
negLogLname <- "value"
} else{
stop("Unknown optimizer. Should be one of 'nlminb', 'optim'")
message <- res_optim$message
message <- ifelse(is.null(message), "", message)
dt[sample == sample_i, a_est := exp(res_optim$par[1]) + 1]
dt[sample == sample_i, b_est := exp(res_optim$par[2]) + 1]
dt[sample == sample_i, model := "BB"]
dt[sample == sample_i, k := length(res_optim$par)]
dt[sample == sample_i, logL := res_optim[[negLogLname]]] #-logL
dt[sample == sample_i, convergence := res_optim$convergence]
dt[sample == sample_i, flag := message]
dt[sample == sample_i, AIC := 2*k + 2*logL]
dt[sample == sample_i, Ntrain := Nxcig]
dt[sample == sample_i, BIC := log(Ntrain)*k + 2*logL]
.logL_BB <- function(a, dp1, dp){
a1 <- exp(a[1]) + 1
b1 <- exp(a[2]) + 1
logLbb <- sum(ldbb(dp1,dp,a1,b1)*(-1), na.rm = TRUE)
# Mixture models:
# 1 Binom for sequencing errors and 1 BB for inactivated heterozygous SNP
MM <- function(dt_xci, full_dt, a0 = NULL, optimizer = "nlminb", method = NULL,
limits = FALSE, debug = FALSE){
dt <- copy(full_dt)
samples <- unique(dt_xci$sample)
a0 <- c(1, 1, log(0.98/0.02), log(0.02/0.98))
for(sample_i in samples){
dp1 <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, dp1]
dp <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, tot]
Nxcig <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, .N]
lowb <- c(0, 0, 0, -Inf)
upb <- c(Inf, Inf, Inf, log(0.2/0.8))
method <- "L-BFGS-B"
} else{
lowb <- -Inf
upb <- Inf
if(optimizer == "nlminb"){
res_optim <- nlminb(a0, .logL_MM, dp1 = dp1, dp = dp,
lower = lowb, upper = upb)
negLogLname <- "objective"
} else if(optimizer == "optim"){
res_optim <- optim(par = a0, fn = .logL_MM, method = method,
dp1 = dp1, dp = dp,
lower = lowb, upper = upb)
negLogLname <- "value"
} else{
stop("Unknown optimizer. Should be one of 'nlminb', 'optim'")
message <- res_optim$message
message <- ifelse(is.null(message), "", message)
dt[sample == sample_i, a_est := exp(res_optim$par[1]) + 1]
dt[sample == sample_i, b_est := exp(res_optim$par[2]) + 1]
dt[sample == sample_i, p_het := exp(res_optim$par[3])/(1 + exp(res_optim$par[3]))]
dt[sample == sample_i, pi_err := exp(res_optim$par[4])/(1 + exp(res_optim$par[4]))]
dt[sample == sample_i, model := "MM"]
dt[sample == sample_i, k := length(res_optim$par)]
dt[sample == sample_i, logL := res_optim[[negLogLname]]] #Actually -logL
dt[sample == sample_i, convergence := res_optim$convergence]
dt[sample == sample_i, flag := message]
dt[sample == sample_i, AIC := 2*k + 2*logL]
dt[sample == sample_i, Ntrain := Nxcig]
.logL_MM <- function(a, dp1, dp) {
a1 <- exp(a[1]) +1
b1 <- exp(a[2]) +1
# Proportions have to be kept as an exponent ratio to avoid issues with boundaries
p_het <- exp(a[3])/(1+exp(a[3])); # Proba that the SNP is indeed bi-allelic (initial proba = .98)
pi_err <- 0.001+0.999*exp(a[4])/(1+exp(a[4])); # (initial proba = .02)
pb <- dbinom(dp1, dp, pi_err)
# Operations on the log scale to avoid infinite values
lpbb <- ldbb(dp1, dp, a1, b1)
p_tot <- p_het * exp(lpbb) + (1-p_het)*pb
logL <- -sum(log(p_tot))
# 1 BB for inactivated SNP and 1 BB for escaped SNP
MM2 <- function(dt_xci, full_dt, a0 = NULL, optimizer = "nlminb", method = NULL,
limits = FALSE, roundmax = TRUE, debug = FALSE){
dt <- copy(full_dt)
samples <- unique(dt_xci$sample)
a0 <- c(1, 1, #Beta for the inactivated genes mean = a/(a+b) = .5
2, 2, #Beta for the escape #2 has more density around 0.5
log(0.9/0.1)) #Initial proba that a training gene is indeed inactivated in this sample
for(sample_i in samples){
dp1 <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, dp1]
dp <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, tot]
Nxcig <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, .N]
err <- try({
# ai,bi,ae,be > .5 to have a mode
# p_inac > log(0.75/0.25) 3/4 of the training genes should be inactivated
# res_optim <- nlminb(a0, .logL_MM2, dp1 = dp1, dp = dp,
# lower = c(0, 0, -Inf, -Inf, log(0.75/0.25)), # 0 mins min(p_inac) > .5
# upper = c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf))
lowb <- c(0, 0, -Inf, -Inf, log(0.75/0.25))
upb <- c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf)
method <- "L-BFGS-B"
} else{
# res_optim <- nlminb(a0, .logL_MM2, dp1 = dp1, dp = dp)
lowb <- -Inf
upb <- Inf
if(optimizer == "nlminb"){
res_optim <- nlminb(a0, .logL_MM2, dp1 = dp1, dp = dp,
lower = lowb, upper = upb)
negLogLname <- "objective"
} else if(optimizer == "optim"){
res_optim <- optim(par = a0, fn = .logL_MM2, method = method,
dp1 = dp1, dp = dp,
lower = lowb, upper = upb)
negLogLname <- "value"
} else{
stop("Unknown optimizer. Should be one of 'nlminb', 'optim'")
message <- res_optim$message
message <- ifelse(is.null(message), "", message)
#p_inac_i <- exp(res_optim$par[5])/(1 + exp(res_optim$par[5]))
expar5 <- exp(res_optim$par[5])
p_inac_i <- expar5/(1 + expar5)
} else if(expar5 == Inf){
p_inac_i <- 1
} else{
stop("Something went wrong with the estimation of the inactivated mixture proportion")
# Selecting the right component to get alpha/beta corresponding to the inactivated group
a_est_i <- exp(res_optim$par[1]) +1
b_est_i <- exp(res_optim$par[2]) +1
a_est_e <- exp(res_optim$par[3]) +1
b_est_e <- exp(res_optim$par[4]) +1
flagi <- message
fi <- a_est_i/(a_est_i + b_est_i)
fe <- a_est_e/(a_est_e + b_est_e)
# Exponentiated differences
if(roundmax){ #If we hit maximum numeric
a_est_e <- .Machine$double.xmax
b_est_e <- .Machine$double.xmax
fe <- 0.5
if(!is.finite(fi) | !is.finite(fe)){
stop(paste("For sample", sample_i, "fi is", fi, "and fe is", fe))
} else if(fi > fe){
flagi <- "MM2: fi>fe"
if(inherits(err, "try-error")){
dt[sample == sample_i, a_est := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, b_est := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, p_inac := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, pi_escape := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, model := "MM2"]
dt[sample == sample_i, k := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, logL := NA] #Actually -logL
dt[sample == sample_i, convergence := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, flag := "MM2: Error"]
dt[sample == sample_i, AIC := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, Ntrain := Nxcig]
} else{
dt[sample == sample_i, a_est := a_est_i]
dt[sample == sample_i, b_est := b_est_i]
dt[sample == sample_i, p_inac := p_inac_i]
dt[sample == sample_i, pi_escape := a_est_e/(a_est_e + b_est_e)]
dt[sample == sample_i, model := "MM2"]
dt[sample == sample_i, k := length(res_optim$par)]
dt[sample == sample_i, logL := res_optim[[negLogLname]]] #Actually -logL
dt[sample == sample_i, convergence := res_optim$convergence]
dt[sample == sample_i, flag := flagi]
dt[sample == sample_i, AIC := 2*k + 2*logL]
dt[sample == sample_i, Ntrain := Nxcig]
.logL_MM2 <- function(a, dp1, dp) {
# Inactivated gene from XCI
ai <- exp(a[1]) + 1
bi <- exp(a[2]) + 1
# Escape gene in XCI list
ae <- exp(a[3]) + 1
be <- exp(a[4]) + 1
p_inac <- exp(a[5])/(1+exp(a[5])) #Proba that the gene is indeed inactivated (0.9)
lpbbi <- ldbb(dp1, dp, ai, bi)
lpbbe <- ldbb(dp1, dp, ae, be)
p_tot <- p_inac * exp(lpbbi) + (1-p_inac) * exp(lpbbe)
logL <- -sum(log(p_tot))
# 1 BB for inac SNPs 1 BB for escaped SNP and 1 Binom for sequencing err
MM3 <- function(dt_xci, full_dt, a0 = NULL, optimizer ="nlminb", method = NULL,
limits = FALSE, debug = FALSE){
dt <- copy(full_dt)
samples <- unique(dt_xci$sample)
a0 <- c(1, 1, #Beta for the inactivated genes mean = a/(a+b) = .5
2, 2, #Beta for the escape #2 has more density around 0.5
log(0.9/0.1), #Initial proba that a training gene is indeed inactivated in this sample
log(0.98/0.02), #Proba of SNP being actually het
for(sample_i in samples){
dp1 <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, dp1]
dp <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, tot]
Nxcig <- dt_xci[sample == sample_i, .N]
err <- try({
# res_optim <- nlminb(a0, .logL_MM3, dp1 = dp1, dp = dp,
# lower = c(0, 0, -Inf, -Inf, 0, 0, -Inf),
# upper = c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, log(0.2/0.8)))
lowb <- c(0, 0, -Inf, -Inf, 0, 0, -Inf)
upb <- c(Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, Inf, log(0.2/0.8))
method <- "L-BFGS-B"
} else{
lowb <- -Inf
upb <- Inf
# res_optim <- nlminb(a0, .logL_MM3, dp1 = dp1, dp = dp)
if(optimizer == "nlminb"){
res_optim <- nlminb(a0, .logL_MM3, dp1 = dp1, dp = dp,
lower = lowb, upper = upb)
negLogLname <- "objective"
} else if(optimizer == "optim"){
res_optim <- optim(par = a0, fn = .logL_MM3, method = method,
dp1 = dp1, dp = dp,
lower = lowb, upper = upb)
negLogLname <- "value"
} else{
stop("Unknown optimizer. Should be one of 'nlminb', 'optim'")
message <- res_optim$message
message <- ifelse(is.null(message), "", message)
expar5 <- exp(res_optim$par[5])
p_inac_i <- expar5/(1 + expar5)
} else if(expar5 == Inf){
p_inac_i <- 1
} else{
stop("Something went wrong with the estimation of the inactivated mixture")
# if(p_inac_i >= .5){ # We assume that the list should always have a majority of inactivated genes
# a_est_i <- exp(res_optim$par[1])
# b_est_i <- exp(res_optim$par[2])
# a_est_e <- exp(res_optim$par[3])
# b_est_e <- exp(res_optim$par[4])
# } else{
# p_inac_i <- 1-p_inac_i
# a_est_i <- exp(res_optim$par[3])
# b_est_i <- exp(res_optim$par[4])
# a_est_e <- exp(res_optim$par[1])
# b_est_e <- exp(res_optim$par[2])
# }
a_est_i <- exp(res_optim$par[1]) + 1
b_est_i <- exp(res_optim$par[2]) + 1
a_est_e <- exp(res_optim$par[3]) + 1
b_est_e <- exp(res_optim$par[4]) + 1
flagi <- message
fi <- a_est_i/(a_est_i + b_est_i)
fe <- a_est_e/(a_est_e + b_est_e)
ferr_i <- exp(res_optim$par[7])/(1 + exp(res_optim$par[7]))
if(fi > fe){
flagi <- "MM3: fi>fe"
} else if(fi < ferr_i){
flagi <- "MM3: ferr>fi"
if(inherits(err, "try-error")){
dt[sample == sample_i, a_est := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, b_est := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, p_inac := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, p_het := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, pi_escape := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, model := "MM3"]
dt[sample == sample_i, k := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, logL := NA] #Actually -logL
dt[sample == sample_i, convergence := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, flag := "MM3: Error"]
dt[sample == sample_i, AIC := NA]
dt[sample == sample_i, Ntrain := Nxcig]
} else{
dt[sample == sample_i, a_est := a_est_i]
dt[sample == sample_i, b_est := b_est_i]
dt[sample == sample_i, p_inac := p_inac_i]
dt[sample == sample_i, p_het := exp(res_optim$par[6])/(1+exp(res_optim$par[6]))]
dt[sample == sample_i, pi_escape := a_est_e/(a_est_e + b_est_e)]
dt[sample == sample_i, pi_err := ferr_i]
dt[sample == sample_i, model := "MM3"]
dt[sample == sample_i, k := length(res_optim$par)]
# dt[sample == sample_i, logL := res_optim$objective] #Actually -logL
dt[sample == sample_i, logL := res_optim[[negLogLname]]] #Actually -logL
dt[sample == sample_i, convergence := res_optim$convergence]
dt[sample == sample_i, flag := flagi]
dt[sample == sample_i, AIC := 2*k + 2*logL]
dt[sample == sample_i, Ntrain := Nxcig]
.logL_MM3 <- function(a, dp1, dp){
# Inactivated gene from XCI
ai <- exp(a[1]) + 1
bi <- exp(a[2]) + 1
# Escape gene in XCI list
ae <- exp(a[3]) + 1
be <- exp(a[4]) + 1
p_inac <- exp(a[5])/(1+exp(a[5])) #Proba that the gene is not a training set error
} else if(exp(a[5]) == Inf){
p_inac <- 1 #Tends to 1
} else{
stop("Something is wrong with the a[5]")
p_het <- exp(a[6])/(1+exp(a[6])) #Proba that the gene is indeed heterozygous
} else if(exp(a[6]) == Inf){
p_het <- 1 #Tends to 1
} else{
stop("Something is wrong with the a[6]")
pi_err <- .01 + .99*exp(a[7])/(1+exp(a[7]))
lpbb_i <- ldbb(dp1, dp, ai, bi)
lpbb_e <- ldbb(dp1, dp, ae, be)
pb_err <- dbinom(dp1, dp, pi_err)
## TODO: Handle cases where exp lpbb_i/lpbb_e > 0
## lpbb should be between 0 and 1
p_tot <- p_het * (p_inac * exp(lpbb_i) + # Reads from component1
(1-p_inac) * exp(lpbb_e)) + # Reads from component2
(1-p_het) * pb_err # Reads from sequencing error
logL <- -sum(log(p_tot))
# Model selection
.back_sel <- function(modl, criterion = "AIC", flag = 0){
cols <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(modl, names))
modl <- lapply(modl, function(XX){XX[, cols, with = FALSE]})
aics <- rbindlist(modl)
if(flag == 1){# Models where the sample had errors are discarded
aics <- aics[!grep("^MM", flag)]
aics <- aics[aics[, .I[which.min(AIC)], by = "sample,GENE"]$V1] #Model that minimizes AIC
if(flag == 2){# Remove samples where the selected model had errors
aics <- aics[!grep("^MM", flag)]
# Can also be used to visualize the cell frac from the calls
#' Plot cell fraction estimates
#' Plot cell fraction estimates from list of known XCI genes
#' @param xci_dt A \code{data.table}. The data to be used for the estimate
#' of skewing (i.e: limited to XCI genes).
#' @param xcig A \code{logical}. If \code{xci_dt} was not subset for training
#' genes only, setting xcig to TRUE will filter the data.
#' @param gene_names A \code{character}. If left blank, only genes that are
#' further than 20% away from the estimated skewing will be annotated, if set
#' to "all", all genes will be named. Set to "none" to remove all annotations.
#' Alternately, a \code{character} vector can be passed to annotate specific
#' genes of interest.
#' @param color_col A \code{character}. One of the columns of \code{xci_dt} can
#' be used to color genes.
#' @param xist A \code{logical}. Set to TRUE to display XIST in addition to
#' the training genes.
#' @return NULL
#' @details
#' This function is mostly used in \code{betaBinomXI} to ensure that the cell
#' fraction is estimated properly. However, it can be used from the output
#' of \code{betaBinomXI} to troubleshoot estimation issues.
#' @return The plot object in class \code{ggplot}.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_blank scale_colour_manual facet_wrap
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_point geom_text geom_hline theme_bw
plotBBCellFrac <- function(xci_dt, xcig = NULL, gene_names = "",
color_col = NULL, xist = TRUE){
plotfrac <- xci_dt[order(sample)]
xcig <- readXCI(xcig)
plotfrac <- plotfrac[GENE %in% xcig]
Nt <- plotfrac[, .N, by = "sample"]
plotfrac <- merge(plotfrac, Nt, by = "sample")
plotfrac[, index := unlist(sapply(Nt[, N], function(x){seq_len(x)}))]
plotfrac[, label := ""]
if(length(gene_names) > 1){
plotfrac[GENE %in% gene_names, label := GENE]
} else if(gene_names == "all"){
plotfrac[, label := GENE]
} else if(gene_names == "none"){
plotfrac[, label := ""]
} else if(gene_names == ""){
plotfrac[abs(fg - f) > .2, label := GENE]
} else{
plotfrac[GENE %in% gene_names, label := GENE]
if("model" %in% colnames(plotfrac)){
gp <- geom_point(aes(shape = model))
} else{
gp <- geom_point()
p <- ggplot(plotfrac, aes(x = index, y = fg))
} else{
p <- ggplot(plotfrac, aes(x = index, y = fg, color = plotfrac[[color_col]]))
## TODO: Add the other components when available (also add option to return components from all models to betaBinomXI)
p <- p + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = f))
p <- p + gp + geom_text(aes(label = label))
#p <- p + geom_text(aes(x = N - 5, y= max(fg) + .01, label = paste("N =", N)))
p <- p + geom_text(aes(x = 0, y= max(fg) + .01, label = paste("N =", N)), hjust = "left")
p <- p + facet_wrap(~sample, scales = "free_x")
p <- p + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank())
xists <- xci_dt[GENE == "XIST"]
p <- p + geom_point(data = xists, aes(x = Ntrain/2, y = fg), color = "red", shape = 4, size = 4)
#' Plot QC
#' This plot shows QC for skewing estimates
#' @param xci_table A \code{data.table}. Data to plot. Should be the results of
#' \code{betaBinomXI}, \code{getGenicDP} or one of the annotation functions.
#' @param xcig A \code{character} vector. The names of the genes in the
#' inactivated training set.
#' @param gene_names A \code{character}. If left blank, only genes that are
#' further than 20% away from the estimated skewing will be annotated, if set
#' to "all", all genes will be named. Set to "none" to remove all annotations.
#' Alternately, a \code{character} vector can be passed to annotate specific
#' genes of interest.
#' @return An invisible plot object.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes theme theme_bw element_blank facet_wrap
#' geom_point geom_hline geom_text
#' @example inst/examples/betaBinomXI.R
#' @export
plotQC <- function(xci_table, xcig = NULL, gene_names = ""){
sd_f <- f_sd_up <- f_sd_lo <- meanf <- NULL
# TODO: Order the genes along X OR by their allelic ratio
# TODO: Add confint based on the distribution:
# TODO: Add the gene names
plottable <- xci_table[order(sample)]
plottable[, index := rowid(plottable$sample)]
plottable[, set := "Test"]
plottable[GENE %in% xcig, set := "Training"]
plottable[GENE %in% xcig, meanf := mean(fg), by = "sample"]
# Add standard deviation of estimates
plottable[, sd_f := sqrt((a_est + b_est)/((a_est + b_est)^2 * (a_est + b_est + 1)))]
plottable[, f_sd_up := pmin(0.5, f + sd_f)]
plottable[, f_sd_lo := pmax(0, f - sd_f)]
xists <- plottable[GENE == "XIST"]
# Compute index
p <- ggplot(plottable, aes(x = index, y = fg))
# Plot the skewing
p <- p + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = f))
p <- p + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = f_sd_up), lty = "dashed")
p <- p + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = f_sd_lo), lty = "dashed")
# Plot basic mean for comparison
p <- p + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = meanf), color = "blue", lty = "dotted")
p <- p + geom_text(aes(0,meanf,label = "mean", hjust = -1), colour = "blue")
# Plot the allelic ratios
p <- p + geom_point(aes(shape = model, color = set))
# Handle gene names
# Color by readcount
# Add theme
theme_QC <- theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank())
p <- p + facet_wrap(~sample, scales = "free_x") + theme_QC
# Plot XIST
p <- p + geom_point(data = xists, aes(x = Ntrain/2, y = fg), color = "red", shape = 4, size = 4)
# Add training gene count
p <- p + geom_text(aes(x = 0, y= max(fg) + .01, label = paste("N =", Ntrain)), hjust = "left")
#TODO: A QC plot based on the annotated dataframe instead of the gene summary.
# It requires keeping track of all SNPs (instead of the sums or just top SNPs)
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