
Defines functions pspline

Documented in pspline

##wrapper function for two colour microarray normalization
##input either MarrayRaw object or limma RGList

pspline <- function(object, background = c("none", "substract"), weights = NULL, nintervals = 100, subset = NULL, showArrays=0, verbose=FALSE, line.col=2, line.lty=1, line.lwd=2, ...)
  ##parameter checking
  background <- match.arg(background)
  ##determine class of object
  RawData <- switch(class(object),         
                    marrayRaw = object,
                    RGList = as(object, "marrayRaw"),
                    stop("Unknown type: ", class(object)))

  ##set background too zero
  if(background == "none")
    maRb(RawData) <- maGb(RawData) <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(RawData), ncol=ncol(RawData))

  ##extract M- and A-values and thus optionally background corrected
  A <- maA(RawData)	
  M <- maM(RawData)
  ##determine weight
    weights <- rep(1, nrow(A))

  ##test nintervals
  if(nintervals < 10 | nintervals > nrow(RawData))
    stop("The nintervals need to be between 10 and the number of datapoints!")

  ##determine subset
    weights[!subset] <- 0

  ##test weights
  if(length(weights) != nrow(A))
    stop("Weights are of wrong length!")

  ##construct marrayNorm-object for holding the results
  NormData <- as(RawData, "marrayNorm")

  nArrays <- length(showArrays)
  if(min(showArrays) < 0 | max(showArrays) > ncol(A))
    stop("Wrong number of arrays selected for plotting!")

  if(nArrays > 0 & showArrays[1] != 0){
    layout(matrix(1:nArrays, nrow=n2mfrow(nArrays)[1], ncol=n2mfrow(nArrays)[2]))

  ##apply P-spline normalization
  for(j in 1:ncol(A))
      ##add print statement for progress
      ##maybe capture error messages and skip to next array
      tt <- turbotrend(A[,j], M[,j], w = weights, n = nintervals)
      ##catch error
      if(inherits(tt, "try-error"))
        print(paste("CATCHED ERROR:\n", tt, "\n Skip to the next array!"))  

      maM(NormData)[,j] <- M[,j] - tt$y

      if(is.element(j, showArrays))
          plot(A[,j], M[,j], xlab="A", ylab="M", main=paste("Raw data array:", j), ...)			
          lines(tt$x[order(tt$x)], tt$y[order(tt$x)], col=line.col, lty=line.lty, lwd=line.lwd)

  ##conversion too normalized object 
  ##maybe set weights to zero in MAList otherwise weights will be used in lmFit (see limma userguide page 29)
  conversion <- list(RGList="MAList", marrayRaw="marrayNorm")
  as(NormData, conversion[[class(object)]])

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TurboNorm documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:46 p.m.