#' Delayed TileDB arrays
#' The TileDBArray class provides a \linkS4class{DelayedArray} backend for TileDB arrays (sparse and dense).
#' @section Constructing a TileDBArray:
#' \code{TileDBArray(x, attr)} returns a TileDBArray object given:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{x}, a string containing a URI to a TileDB backend, most typically a path to a directory.
#' \item \code{attr}, a string specifying the attribute to represent in the array.
#' Defaults to the first attribute.
#' }
#' Alternatively, \code{x} can be a TileDBArraySeed object, in which case \code{attr} is ignored.
#' \code{TileDBArraySeed(x, attr)} returns a TileDBArraySeed
#' with the same arguments as described for \code{TileDBArray}.
#' If \code{x} is already a TileDBArraySeed, it is returned
#' directly without further modification.
#' \code{\link{DelayedArray}(x)} returns a TileDBArray object
#' given \code{x}, a TileDBArraySeed.
#' In all cases, two-dimensional arrays will automatically generate a TileDBMatrix,
#' a subclass of the TileDBArray.
#' @section Available operations:
#' \code{\link{extract_array}(x, index)} will return an ordinary array containing values from the TileDBArraySeed \code{x},
#' subsetted to the indices specified in \code{index}.
#' The latter should be a list of length equal to the number of dimensions in \code{x},
#' where each entry is an integer vector or \code{NULL} (in which case the entirety of the dimension is used).
#' \code{\link{extract_sparse_array}(x, index)} will return a \linkS4class{SparseArraySeed}
#' containing the indices of non-zero entries in \code{x}, subsetted to the indices in \code{index}.
#' The latter should be a list of the same structure as described for \code{extract_array}.
#' \code{\link{type}(x)} will return a string containing the type of the TileDBArraySeed object \code{x}.
#' Currently, only \code{"integer"}, \code{"logical"} and \code{"double"}-precision is supported.
#' \code{\link{is_sparse}(x)} will return a logical scalar indicating
#' whether the TileDBArraySeed \code{x} uses a sparse format in the TileDB backend.
#' \code{\link{path}(x)} will return a string containing the path to the TileDB backend directory.
#' \code{\link{chunkdim}(x)} will return an integer vector containing the tile extent in each dimension.
#' This will be used as the chunk dimensions in methods like \code{\link{chunkGrid}}.
#' All of the operations described above are also equally applicable to TileDBArray objects,
#' as their methods simply delegate to those of the TileDBArraySeed.
#' All operations supported by \linkS4class{DelayedArray} objects are
#' also available for TileDBArray objects.
#' @aliases
#' TileDBArraySeed
#' TileDBArraySeed-class
#' TileDBArray
#' TileDBArray-class
#' TileDBMatrix
#' TileDBMatrix-class
#' show,TileDBArraySeed-method
#' is_sparse,TileDBArraySeed-method
#' type,TileDBArraySeed-method
#' extract_array,TileDBArraySeed-method
#' extract_sparse_array,TileDBArraySeed-method
#' DelayedArray,TileDBArraySeed-method
#' path,TileDBArraySeed-method
#' chunkdim,TileDBArraySeed-method
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @examples
#' data <- matrix(rpois(10000, 5), nrow=100, ncol=100)
#' B <- as(data, "TileDBArray")
#' B
#' # Apply typical DelayedArray operations:
#' as.matrix(B[1:10,1:10])
#' B %*% runif(ncol(B))
#' # This also works for sparse arrays:
#' sdata <- Matrix::rsparsematrix(nrow=100, ncol=100, density=0.1)
#' C <- as(sdata, "TileDBArray")
#' C
#' @name TileDBArray
#' @export
TileDBArraySeed <- function(x, attr) {
if (is(x, "TileDBArraySeed")) {
obj <- tiledb_array(x)
s <- schema(obj)
d <- dim(domain(s))
a <- attrs(s)
if (missing(attr)) {
attr <- names(a)[1]
} else if (!attr %in% names(a)) {
stop("'attr' not in the TileDB attributes")
my.type <- tiledb:::tiledb_datatype_R_type(datatype(a[[attr]]))
if (! my.type %in% c("logical", "double", "integer", "character")) {
stop("'attr' refers to an unsupported type")
meta <- .get_metadata(x, attr, sparse=is.sparse(s))
if (my.type=="integer" && identical(meta$type, "logical")) {
my.type <- meta$type
dimnames <- vector("list", length(d))
if (!is.null(meta$dimnames)) {
dimnames <- meta$dimnames
new("TileDBArraySeed", dim=d, dimnames=dimnames, path=x,
sparse=is.sparse(s), attr=attr, type=my.type, extent=meta$extent)
.get_metadata <- function(path, attr, sparse) {
if (sparse) {
obj <- tiledb_sparse(path, attrs=attr)
} else {
obj <- tiledb_dense(path, attrs=attr)
obj <- tiledb_array_open(obj, "READ")
on.exit(tiledb_array_close(obj), add=TRUE)
type <- tiledb_get_metadata(obj, "type")
dimnames <- tiledb_get_metadata(obj, "dimnames")
if (!is.null(dimnames)) {
dimnames <- .unpack_dimnames(dimnames)
D <- dimensions(schema(obj))
extent <- vapply(D, tile, 0L)
list(type=type, dimnames=dimnames, extent=extent)
#' @importFrom S4Vectors setValidity2
setValidity2("TileDBArraySeed", function(object) {
msg <- .common_checks(object)
d <- dim(object)
dn <- dimnames(object)
if (length(dn)!=length(d)) {
msg <- c(msg, "'dimnames' must the same length as 'dim'")
if (!all(d==lengths(dn) | vapply(dn, is.null, FALSE))) {
msg <- c(msg, "each 'dimnames' must be NULL or the same length as the corresponding dimension")
if (length(msg)) {
} else {
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods show
setMethod("show", "TileDBArraySeed", function(object) {
cat(sprintf("%i x %i TileDBArraySeed object\n", nrow(object), ncol(object)))
#' @export
setMethod("is_sparse", "TileDBArraySeed", function(x) x@sparse)
#' @export
setMethod("type", "TileDBArraySeed", function(x) x@type)
#' @export
setMethod("chunkdim", "TileDBArraySeed", function(x) {
#' @export
#' @importFrom DelayedArray path
setMethod("path", "TileDBArraySeed", function(object, ...) {
#' @export
setMethod("extract_array", "TileDBArraySeed", function(x, index) {
fill <- switch(type(x), double=0, integer=0L, logical=FALSE)
d2 <- .get_block_dims(x, index)
output <- array(fill, dim=d2)
# Hack to overcome zero-length indices that cause tiledb to throw.
if (any(d2==0L)) {
obj <- tiledb_array(path(x), attrs=x@attr, query_type="READ",
# Can't help but feel this is not the most efficient way to do it.
df <- .extract_values(obj, index)
output[df$indices] <- as(df$values, type(x))
.get_block_dims <- function(x, index) {
d <- dim(x)
for (i in seq_along(index)) {
if (!is.null(index[[i]])) {
d[i] <- length(index[[i]])
#' @export
setMethod("extract_sparse_array", "TileDBArraySeed", function(x, index) {
d2 <- .get_block_dims(x, index)
if (any(d2==0L)) {
fill <- switch(type(x), double=0, integer=0L, logical=FALSE)
return(SparseArraySeed(d2, nzindex=matrix(0L, 0, length(index)), nzdata=fill[0]))
obj <- tiledb_array(path(x), attrs=x@attr, query_type="READ")
df <- .extract_values(obj, index)
SparseArraySeed(d2, nzindex=df$indices, nzdata=as(df$values, type(x)))
#' @export
TileDBArray <- function(x, ...) {
DelayedArray(TileDBArraySeed(x, ...))
#' @export
setMethod("DelayedArray", "TileDBArraySeed",
function(seed) new_DelayedArray(seed, Class="TileDBMatrix")
.format_indices <- function(index) {
ndim <- length(index)
contiguous <- remapping <- vector("list", ndim)
for (i in seq_len(ndim)) {
cur.index <- index[[i]]
if (!is.null(cur.index)) {
o <- order(cur.index)
runs <- rle(cur.index[o])
rv <- runs$value
remapping[[i]] <- list(
is.not.contig <- which(diff(rv)!=1L)
contiguous[[i]] <- cbind(
rv[c(1L, is.not.contig + 1L)],
rv[c(is.not.contig, length(rv))]
list(contiguous=contiguous, remapping=remapping)
.extract_values <- function(obj, indices) { <- .format_indices(indices)
selected_ranges(obj) <-$contiguous
extracted <- obj[]
# Resolves a 1-to-many mapping between the extracted and requested indices.
ndim <- length(indices)
output <- remap_indices(as.list(extracted[seq_len(ndim)]),$remapping)
indices=output$indices,[[ndim + 1L]], output$expand)
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