#' Generates an heatmap visualization of the mean Importance Index
#' of pairs of transcription factors.
#' A square matrix (TFs x TFs) is built. The element (i,j) of such matrix
#' contains the mean Importance Index (II) of the couple of transcription
#' factors (TFi, TFj). This is represented in a heatmap visualization,
#' where the scale color from blue to white indicates low mean
#' importance of the couple and from white to red indicates
#' high mean importance of the couple.
#' @param TFs a string vector with names of transcription factors.
#' @param I a vector of mean II of pairs of transcription factors in TFs.
#' @return The Importance index of pairs of Transcription Factors as a heatmap
#' @export
#' @import fields
#' @import gplots
#' @importFrom graphics par axis title
#' @examples
#' # Load p_TFs and I_c_2 from the data_man collection of datasets:
#' data('data_man')
#' # Heatmap visualization of the mean importances of transcription factors in p
#' # and their combinations in two elements:
#' heatI(p_TFs, I_c_2)
heatI <- function (TFs, I)
estract <- function(x) {
vec <- vapply(TFs, function(TFs) gregexpr(TFs, x)[[1]][1] !=
-1, numeric(1))
l <- length(TFs)
aa <- t(sapply(I[, 1], estract))
matrix_imp <- matrix(0, l, l)
pos <- apply(aa == 1, 1, function(x) which(x)[1:2])
matrix_imp[cbind(pos[1, which(![2, ]))], pos[2,
which(![2, ]))])] <- I[which(![2, ])),
matrix_imp[cbind(pos[2, which(![2, ]))], pos[1,
which(![2, ]))])] <- I[which(![2, ])),
rownames(matrix_imp) = TFs
colnames(matrix_imp) = TFs
im <-heatmap.2(matrix_imp, col=bluered(20),dendrogram = 'row',cexRow = 1.6,
cexCol = 1.6,key.xlab = "", key.title = "", margins =c(8, 8),
trace='none','none', symm=F,symkey=F,
symbreaks = FALSE, scale="none")
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