
Defines functions generateMap

Documented in generateMap

#' Create a sampleMap from an experiment list and phenoData dataframe
#' This function helps create a sampleMap in preparation of a
#' \code{MultiAssayExperiment} object. This especially useful when the
#' sample identifiers are not very different, as in the case of TCGA barcodes.
#' An \code{idConverter} function can be provided to truncate such sample
#' identifiers and obtain patient identifiers.
#' @param experiments A named \code{list} of experiments compatible with the
#' MultiAssayExperiment API
#' @param colData A \code{data.frame} of clinical data with patient identifiers
#' as rownames
#' @param idConverter A function to be used against the sample or specimen
#' identifiers to match those in the rownames of the \code{colData}
#' (default NULL)
#' @param sampleCol A single string indicating the sample identifiers
#' column in the colData dataset
#' @param patientCol A single string indicating the patient identifiers
#' in colData, "row.names" extracts the colData row names
#' @param ... Additonal arguments to pass to the 'idConverter' function.
#' @return A \code{DataFrame} class object of mapped samples and patient
#' identifiers including assays
#' @author M. Ramos, M. Morgan, L. Schiffer
#' @examples
#' ## Minimal example
#' expList <- list(assay1 = matrix(1:6, ncol = 2L,
#'         dimnames = list(paste0("feature", 1:3), c("A-J", "B-J"))),
#'     assay2 = matrix(1:4, ncol = 2,
#'         dimnames = list(paste0("gene", 1:2), c("A-L", "B-L"))))
#' ## Mock colData
#' myPheno <- data.frame(var1 = c("Yes", "No"), var2 = c("High", "Low"),
#'     row.names = c("a", "b"))
#' ## A look at the identifiers
#' vapply(expList, colnames, character(2L))
#' rownames(myPheno)
#' ## Use 'idConverter' to correspond sample names to patient identifiers
#' generateMap(expList, myPheno,
#'     idConverter = function(x) substr(tolower(x), 1L, 1L))
#' @export generateMap
generateMap <- function(experiments, colData, idConverter = identity,
    sampleCol, patientCol, ...) {
    if (!is(experiments, "ExperimentList"))
        experiments <- ExperimentList(experiments)
    samps <- colnames(experiments)
    expnames <- names(samps)
    assay <- factor(rep(expnames, lengths(samps)), levels=expnames)
    colname <- unlist(samps, use.names=FALSE)
    if (!missing(sampleCol) && !missing(patientCol)) {
        if (!S4Vectors::isSingleString(sampleCol) ||
            stop("Provide character names in colData for mapping")
        pts <- if (patientCol == "row.names") rownames(colData)
            else colData[[patientCol]]
        samples <- colData[[sampleCol]]
        autoMap <- cbind.data.frame(assay = NA_character_, primary = pts,
            colname = samples, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        autoMap <- Map(function(cnames, i) {
            submap <- autoMap[autoMap[["colname"]] %in% cnames, ]
            submap[["assay"]] <- i
        }, cnames = samps, i = names(samps))
        autoMap <- do.call(function(...) {
            rbind(..., make.row.names = FALSE)
        }, autoMap)
        autoMap[["assay"]] <- factor(autoMap[["assay"]])
    } else {
        matches <- match(idConverter(colname, ...), rownames(colData))
        if (length(matches) && all(is.na(matches)))
            stop("no way to map colData to ExperimentList")
        primary <- rownames(colData)[matches]
        autoMap <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(assay=assay,
            primary=primary, colname=colname)
    missingPrimary <- is.na(autoMap[["primary"]])
    if (nrow(autoMap) && any(missingPrimary)) {
        notFound <- autoMap[missingPrimary, ]
        warning("Data from rows:",
            sprintf("\n %s - %s", notFound[, "primary"],
                notFound[, "colname"]),
                "\ndropped due to missing phenotype data")
        autoMap <- autoMap[!is.na(autoMap[["primary"]]), ]

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TCGAutils documentation built on April 17, 2021, 6:04 p.m.