#' Truncate transcripts at polyA sites
#' Truncate transcripts at overlapping polyadenylation (polyA) sites to infer likely 3' ends of
#' transcripts. This is crucial to correctly design TAP-seq primers that amplify fragments of
#' specific lengths. Typically the exons of all annotated transcripts per target gene are provided
#' as input. If a polyA site overlaps a single transcript of a given gene, this transcript is
#' truncated and returned. In case a polyA site overlaps multiple transcripts of the same gene, a
#' "metatranscript" consisting of all annotated exons of the overlapping transcripts is generated
#' and truncated. No statements about expressed transcripts can be made if no overlapping polyA
#' sites are found for any transcripts of a gene. In that case a "meta transcript" consisting of
#' the merged exons of that gene is generated and returned.
#' @param transcripts A \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}} or
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRangesList-class]{GRangesList}} object containing exons of the
#' transcripts to be truncated. Transcripts for multiple genes can be provided as \code{GRanges}
#' objects within a \code{GRangesList}.
#' @param polyA_sites A \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}} object containing the
#' polyA sites. This needs to contain a metadata entry names "score" if the option
#' \code{polyA_select = "score"} is used. PolyA sites can be either obtained via running
#' \code{\link[TAPseq]{inferPolyASites}} or imported from an existing .bed file via
#' \code{\link[rtracklayer:export]{import}}.
#' @param extend_3prime_end Specifies how far (bp) 3' ends of transcripts should be extended when
#' looking for overlapping polyA sites (default = 0). This enables capturing of polyA sites that
#' occur downstream of annotated 3' ends.
#' @param polyA_select Specifies which eurisic should be used to select the polyA site used to
#' truncate the transcripts if multiple overlapping polyA sites are found. By default
#' \code{"downstream"} is used which choses the most downstream polyA site. \code{"score"} selects
#' the polyA site with the highest score, which correspons to the read coverage when using
#' \code{\link[TAPseq]{inferPolyASites}} to estimate polyA sites.
#' @param transcript_id (character) Name of the column in the metadata of \code{transcripts}
#' providing transcript id for each exon (default: \code{"transcript_id"}). Set to \code{NULL} to
#' ignore transcript ids and assume that all exons per gene belong to the same transcript.
#' @param gene_id,exon_number (character) Optional names of columns in metadata of
#' \code{transcripts} containing gene id and exon number. These are only used to create new
#' metadata when merging multiple transcripts into a meta transcript.
#' @param ignore_strand (logical) Specifies whether the strand of polyA sites should be ignored when
#' looking for overlapping polyA sites. Default is \code{FALSE} and therefore only polyA sites on
#' the same strand as the transcripts are considered. PolyA sites with strand \code{*} has the
#' same effect as \code{ignore_strand = TRUE}.
#' @param parallel (logical) Triggers parallel computing using the \code{BiocParallel} package.
#' This requires that a parallel back-end was registered prior to executing the function.
#' (default: \code{FALSE}).
#' @return Either a \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}} or
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRangesList-class]{GRangesList}} object containing the truncated
#' transcripts.
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' # protein-coding exons of genes within chr11 region
#' data("chr11_genes")
#' target_genes <- split(chr11_genes, f = chr11_genes$gene_name)
#' # only retain first 2 target genes, because truncating transcripts is currently computationally
#' # quite costly. try using BiocParallel for parallelization (see ?truncateTxsPolyA).
#' target_genes <- target_genes[1:2]
#' # example polyA sites for these genes
#' data("chr11_polyA_sites")
#' # truncate target genes at most downstream polyA site (default)
#' truncated_txs <- truncateTxsPolyA(target_genes, polyA_sites = chr11_polyA_sites)
#' # change polyA selection to "score" (read coverage of polyA sites) and extend 3' end of target
#' # genes by 50 bp (see ?truncateTxsPolyA).
#' truncated_txs <- truncateTxsPolyA(target_genes, polyA_sites = chr11_polyA_sites,
#' polyA_select = "score", extend_3prime_end = 50)
#' @export
function(transcripts, polyA_sites, extend_3prime_end = 0,
polyA_select = c("downstream", "upstream", "score"),
transcript_id = "transcript_id", gene_id = "gene_id",
exon_number = "exon_number", ignore_strand = FALSE, parallel = FALSE)
#' @describeIn truncateTxsPolyA Truncate transcripts of one gene provided as \code{GRanges} object
#' @export
setMethod("truncateTxsPolyA", "GRanges",
function(transcripts, polyA_sites, extend_3prime_end = 0,
polyA_select = c("downstream", "upstream", "score"),
transcript_id = "transcript_id", gene_id = "gene_id",
exon_number = "exon_number", ignore_strand = FALSE, parallel = FALSE) {
message("Verifying input...")
# abort if polyA_sites has wrong format
if (!is(polyA_sites, "GRanges")) {
stop("polyA_sites needs to be of class GRanges!", call. = FALSE)
# check for transcript_id column and add dummy transcript_id if set to NULL
if (is.null(transcript_id)) {
message("transcript_id = NULL, assuming all exons to be from same transcript.")
tx_id_col <- paste0("dummy_tx_id_", floor(stats::runif(1, 1000000, 9999999)))
mcols(transcripts)[[tx_id_col]] <- "transcript1"
} else {
missing_tx_ids <- check_missing_tx_id(transcripts, transcript_id = transcript_id)
if (missing_tx_ids) {
stop("transcript_id column '", transcript_id, "' not found!", call. = FALSE)
} else {
tx_id_col <- transcript_id
# check for NA in transcript ids and raise warning if any are found
na_tx_ids <- check_na_tx_id(transcripts, transcript_id = tx_id_col)
if (na_tx_ids) {
warning("NA transcript_id values found! These exons are dropped.", call. = FALSE)
# abort if transcripts have conflicting strand information
if (check_conflict_strand(transcripts)) {
stop("Conflicting strand information in provided transcripts!", call. = FALSE)
# abort if transcripts map to more than one chromosome
if (check_conflict_chr(transcripts)) {
stop("Conflicting chromosome (seqname) information in provided transcripts!", call. = FALSE)
# check for transcripts with overlapping exons and abort if any are found
overlapping_exons <- check_overlap_exons(transcripts, transcript_id = tx_id_col)
if (length(overlapping_exons) > 0) {
stop("Overlapping exons found for transcripts:\n", print_max(overlapping_exons),
call. = FALSE)
# if all input is fine, truncate transcripts at overlapping polyA sites
message("Truncating transcripts...")
output <- truncate_tx_polyA(transcripts, polyA_sites = polyA_sites,
extend_3prime_end = extend_3prime_end,
polyA_select = polyA_select, transcript_id = tx_id_col,
gene_id = gene_id,
exon_number = exon_number,
ignore_strand = ignore_strand)
# remove dummy transcript id if added
if (is.null(transcript_id)) {
mcols(output)[tx_id_col] <- NULL
#' @describeIn truncateTxsPolyA Truncate transcripts of multiple genes provided as
#' \code{GRangesList}
#' @export
setMethod("truncateTxsPolyA", "GRangesList",
function(transcripts, polyA_sites, extend_3prime_end = 0,
polyA_select = c("downstream", "upstream", "score"),
transcript_id = "transcript_id", gene_id = "gene_id",
exon_number = "exon_number", ignore_strand = FALSE, parallel = FALSE) {
message("Verifying input...")
# abort if polyA_sites has wrong format
if (!is(polyA_sites, "GRanges")) {
stop("polyA_sites needs to be of class GRanges!", call. = FALSE)
# check for transcript_id column and add dummy transcript_id if set to NULL
if (is.null(transcript_id)) {
message("transcript_id = NULL, assuming all exons to be from same transcript.")
tx_id_col <- paste0("dummy_tx_id_", floor(stats::runif(1, 1000000, 9999999)))
transcripts <- endoapply(X = transcripts, FUN = function(x) {
mcols(x)[[tx_id_col]] <- "transcript1"
} else {
missing_tx_ids <- vapply(transcripts, FUN = check_missing_tx_id, FUN.VALUE = logical(1),
transcript_id = transcript_id)
if (any(missing_tx_ids)) {
stop("transcript_id column '", transcript_id, "' not found!", call. = FALSE)
} else {
tx_id_col <- transcript_id
# check for NA in transcript ids
na_tx_ids <- vapply(transcripts, FUN = check_na_tx_id, FUN.VALUE = logical(1),
transcript_id = tx_id_col)
# raise warning if any NA transcript ids are found
if (any(na_tx_ids)) {
warning("NA transcript_id values found! These exons will be dropped for:\n",
print_max(names(na_tx_ids)[na_tx_ids]), call. = FALSE)
# abort if transcripts have conflicting strand information
conflicting_strand <- vapply(transcripts, FUN = check_conflict_strand, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
if (any(conflicting_strand)) {
stop("Conflicting strand information in provided transcripts for:\n",
names(conflicting_strand)[conflicting_strand], call. = FALSE)
# abort if transcripts map to more than one chromosome
conflicting_chr <- vapply(transcripts, FUN = check_conflict_chr, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
if (any(conflicting_chr)) {
stop("Conflicting chromosome (seqname) information in provided transcripts for:\n",
names(conflicting_chr)[conflicting_chr], call. = FALSE)
# check for transcripts with overlapping exons
if (parallel == TRUE) {
overlapping_exons <- BiocParallel::bplapply(transcripts, FUN = check_overlap_exons,
transcript_id = tx_id_col)
} else {
overlapping_exons <- lapply(transcripts, FUN = check_overlap_exons,
transcript_id = tx_id_col)
# convert to gene - transcript pairs for printing and abort if any were found
overlapping_txs <- list_to_print(overlapping_exons)
if (length(overlapping_txs) > 0) {
stop("Overlapping exons found for transcripts:\n", print_max(overlapping_txs), call. = FALSE)
# if all input is fine, truncate transcripts at overlapping polyA sites
message("Truncating transcripts...")
if (parallel == TRUE) {
output <- BiocParallel::bplapply(X = transcripts, FUN = truncate_tx_polyA,
polyA_sites = polyA_sites, polyA_select = polyA_select,
extend_3prime_end = extend_3prime_end,
transcript_id = tx_id_col, gene_id = gene_id,
exon_number = exon_number, ignore_strand = ignore_strand)
} else {
output <- lapply(X = transcripts, FUN = truncate_tx_polyA, polyA_sites = polyA_sites,
polyA_select = polyA_select, extend_3prime_end = extend_3prime_end,
transcript_id = tx_id_col, gene_id = gene_id, exon_number = exon_number,
ignore_strand = ignore_strand)
# convert ouptut to GRangesList, remove dummy transcript id if added
output <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(output)
if (is.null(transcript_id)) {
output <- endoapply(output, FUN = function(x) {
mcols(x)[[tx_id_col]] <- NULL
## HELPER FUNCTIONS ================================================================================
# check for missing transcript id column
check_missing_tx_id <- function(txs, transcript_id) {
if (is.null(mcols(txs)[[transcript_id]])) {
} else {
# check if a gene contains NA transcript ids (these transcripts will be dropped!)
check_na_tx_id <- function(txs, transcript_id) {
if (any([[transcript_id]]))) {
} else {
# check if transcripts for a given gene have conflicting strand information (txs as GRanges object)
check_conflict_strand <- function(txs) {
tx_strand <- unique(strand(txs))
if (length(tx_strand) > 1) {
} else {
# check if transcripts map to more than one chromosome (seqnames)
check_conflict_chr <- function(txs) {
tx_chrs <- unique(seqnames(txs))
if (length(tx_chrs) > 1) {
} else {
# check for transcripts with overlapping exons and return their transcript ids
check_overlap_exons <- function(txs, transcript_id) {
txs <- split(txs, f = mcols(txs)[[transcript_id]])
overlap_exons <- vapply(txs, FUN = function(x) any(countOverlaps(x) != 1), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
# convert list of vectors to "name-value" pairs for printing
list_to_print <- function(x) {
name_reps <- vapply(x, FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
names <- rep(names(x), times = name_reps)
values <- unlist(x)
paste(names, values, sep = " - ")
# create a string of a maximumn of n elements from x, separated by new lines
print_max <- function(x, n = 19) {
output <- paste0(utils::head(x, n), collapse = "\n")
if (length(x) > n) {
output <- paste(output, paste(length(x) - n, "more..."), sep = "\n")
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