#' Design primers
#' Design primers based on \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIO-class]{TsIO}} or
#' \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIOList-class]{TsIOList}} objects. Creates boulder-IO records, passes input
#' to Primer3 and parses the output.
#' @param object \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIO-class]{TsIO}} or
#' \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIOList-class]{TsIOList}} object for which primers should be designed.
#' @param thermo_params_path Optional path (character) to the \code{primer3_config} directory. Only
#' required when using Primer3 < 2.5.0.
#' @param primer3_core Path (character) to the \code{primer3_core} executable. Usually this is
#' inferred when loading/attaching the package.
#' @return A new \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIO-class]{TsIO}} or
#' \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIOList-class]{TsIOList}} object containing Primer3 output.
#' @seealso \url{} for Primer3 manual and
#' \link[TAPseq:TsIO-class]{TsIO} for TsIO class objects.
#' @examples
#' # chromosome 11 truncated transcript sequences and annotations
#' data("chr11_truncated_txs_seq")
#' # create TsIOList object for the first two sequence templates
#' tapseq_io <- TAPseqInput(chr11_truncated_txs_seq[1:2], product_size_range = c(350, 500))
#' # design primers
#' \dontrun{
#' tapseq_io <- designPrimers(tapseq_io)
#' }
#' # designed primers are stored in the tapseq_primers slot
#' tapseq_primers(tapseq_io)
#' @export
function(object, thermo_params_path = NA,
primer3_core = getOption("TAPseq.primer3_core"))
#' @describeIn designPrimers Design primers using Primer3 from a \code{TsIO} object
#' @export
setMethod("designPrimers", "TsIO", function(object, thermo_params_path, primer3_core) {
# create boulder-IO record
message("Converting to intput for Primer3...")
io <- createIORecord(object, thermo_params_path = thermo_params_path)
# design primers
message("Running Primer3...")
primer3_output <- system2(command = primer3_core, input = io, stdout = TRUE)
# parse output and add it to input TsIO object(s)
message("Processing output...")
output <- parsePrimer3Output(object, primer3_output)
# return output
#' @describeIn designPrimers Design primers using Primer3 from a \code{TsIOList} object
#' @export
setMethod("designPrimers", "TsIOList", function(object, thermo_params_path, primer3_core) {
# create boulder-IO record
message("Converting to input for Primer3...")
io <- createIORecord(object, thermo_params_path = thermo_params_path)
# design primers
message("Running Primer3...")
primer3_output <- system2(command = primer3_core, input = io, stdout = TRUE)
# parse output and add it to input TsIO object(s)
message("Processing output...")
output <- parsePrimer3Output(object, primer3_output)
# return output
#' Parse Primer3 Output
#' Parse Primer3 output and add to input \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIO-class]{TsIO}} or
#' \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIOList-class]{TsIOList}} object. This function is usually not used by the
#' user, as \code{\link[TAPseq]{designPrimers}} handles Primer3 output parsing.
#' @param object The \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIO-class]{TsIO}} or
#' \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIOList-class]{TsIOList}} object used to design primers. No errors or
#' warnings if this is a different \code{TsIO} or \code{TsIOList} object!
#' @param primer3_output Character vector containing raw Primer3 output.
#' @return \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIO-class]{TsIO}} or \code{\link[TAPseq:TsIOList-class]{TsIOList}}
#' object with added Primer3 output
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # chromosome 11 truncated transcript sequences
#' data("chr11_truncated_txs_seq")
#' # create TsIOList object for the first two sequence templates
#' tapseq_io <- TAPseqInput(chr11_truncated_txs_seq[1:2], product_size_range = c(350, 500))
#' # create boulder IO records
#' io_record <- createIORecord(tapseq_io)
#' # design primers and store raw Primer3 output
#' primer3_core <- getOption("TAPseq.primer3_core")
#' primer3_output <- system2(command = primer3_core, input = io_record, stdout = TRUE)
#' # parse output and add it to input TsIO object(s)
#' tapseq_io <- parsePrimer3Output(tapseq_io, primer3_output)
#' tapseq_primers(tapseq_io)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
parsePrimer3Output <- function(object, primer3_output) {
# create a TsIOList object if a TsIO object is passed as input
if (is(object, "TsIO")) {
TsIO_input <- TRUE
object <- TsIOList(object)
} else {
TsIO_input <- FALSE
# parse primer3 output into a list
primer3_output <- parse_primer3_output(primer3_output)
# parse every record in primer3_output to extract designed primers
primers <- lapply(primer3_output, FUN = parse_primer3_record)
# add designed primers to TsIO object(s)
output <- mendoapply(FUN = `tapseq_primers<-`, object, primers)
# infer pcr products
output <- endoapply(output, FUN = infer_pcr_products)
# return output
if (TsIO_input == TRUE) {
} else {
## HELPER FUNCTIONS ================================================================================
# Parse Primer3 output into a list of lists with named character vectors containing output per entry
parse_primer3_output <- function(x) {
# get indices of final elements of each record (separators)
seps <- which(x == "=")
# drop record separators, as we now have their indices stored in seps
xnosep <- x[-seps]
# adjust seps so that they match the last entry of every record. we removed the original separator
# element for each record, so the separator indices must be adjusted to match the final element of
# each record: ei = si - i, where ei is the end of the record i, and si is the separator index of
# record i from seps.
rend <- seps - seq_along(seps)
# split x into tags and values and transform into list of values with tags as names
xsplit <- vapply(X = xnosep, FUN = strsplit, split = "=", FUN.VALUE = list(1),
xlist <- vapply(X = xsplit, "[", 2, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
names(xlist) <- tolower(vapply(X = xsplit, "[", 1, FUN.VALUE = character(1)))
# assign each element in x_list to a record based on the indices of the last index of each record
# inferred earlier
record_indices <- = seq_along(rend), times = diff(c(0, rend)))
# spit xlist into individual records
split(xlist, f = record_indices)
# Parse one Primer3 output record and extract designed primers and return them as IRanges object
parse_primer3_record <- function(x) {
# get sequence id and template
seq_id <- x["sequence_id"]
seq_template <- x["sequence_template"]
# get entires in x that contain designed primers
primers_idx <- grepl(names(x), pattern = "^primer_left_\\d+")
primers <- x[primers_idx]
# get primer id for every primer
primer_ids <- sub("(primer_left_\\d+).*", "\\1", names(primers))
# split primers by primer id
primers_split <- split(primers, f = primer_ids)
# create IRange objects for every primer
primer_ranges <- lapply(X = primers_split, FUN = function(x) {
parse_primer(x, seq_template = seq_template, seq_id = seq_id)
}, warning = function(w){
message("Warning in parse_primer() for: ", seq_id)
message(w, "")
}, error = function(e){
message("Error in parse_primer() for: ", seq_id)
message(e, "")
# convert to one IRanges object
names(primer_ranges) <- NULL
# parse a primer into a IRanges object containing the binding site in the sequence template and all
# primer3 stats as attached metadata columns
parse_primer <- function(primer, seq_template, seq_id){
# get primer id
primer_id <- unique(sub("(primer_left_\\d+).*", "\\1", names(primer)))
# remove old primer coordinates entry, which has just the primer id as name
primer <- primer[names(primer) != primer_id]
# remove primer3 primer ids from names
names(primer) <- sub(paste0(primer_id, "_"), "", names(primer))
# prepare primer meta data
primer_meta <- t(data.frame(primer))
primer_meta <- data.frame(primer_meta, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
primer_meta <- utils::type.convert(primer_meta, = TRUE)
# extract primer sequence and transform to DNAString
primer_seq <- DNAString(primer["sequence"])
# find binding site of primer in sequence
primer_site <- matchPattern(primer_seq, subject = seq_template)
# create IRanges object with primer and it's binding site in the sequence template
if (length(primer_site) == 1){
# extract primer site coordinates and add meta data
primer_range <- ranges(primer_site)
mcols(primer_range) <- primer_meta
# set name and return parsed primer
id_parts <- c(seq_id, primer_id)
names(primer_range) <- paste(id_parts[!], collapse = ".")
} else if (length(primer_site) < 1) {
stop("No matching sequence found for primer '", primer_id, "' in template!", call. = FALSE)
} else {
stop("More than 1 matching sequence found for primer '", primer_id, "' in template!",
call. = FALSE)
# infer pcr products based on designed primers. input must be a TsIO object with designed primers!
infer_pcr_products <- function(object) {
# get sequence template and designed primers
seq_template <- sequence_template(object)
primers <- tapseq_primers(object)
# find binding site of provided reverse primer
rev_primer <- reverse_primer(object)
rc_rev_primer <- reverseComplement(rev_primer)
rev_primer_site <- matchPattern(rc_rev_primer, subject = seq_template)
# create pcr products (if any primers are provided)
pcr_products <- lapply(start(primers), FUN = subseq, x = seq_template, end = end(rev_primer_site))
# convert to DNAstringSet and set primer ids as names
pcr_products <- DNAStringSet(pcr_products)
names(pcr_products) <- names(primers)
# add pcr products to object and return object
pcr_products(object) <- pcr_products
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