## ----experimentPrep, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------
# library(BiocParallel)
# dir.create("fastq", showWarnings = FALSE)
# extractSRA <- function(sra_accession, exe_path = 'fastq-dump',
# args = '--split-3 --gzip', outdir = 'fastq',
# dry_run = FALSE) {
# cmdline = sprintf('%s %s --outdir %s %s',
# exe_path, args, outdir, sra_accession)
# if (dry_run) {
# message("will run with this command line:\n", cmdline)
# } else {
# return(system(cmdline))
# }
# }
# samples <- c("SRR5273705", "SRR5273689", "SRR5273699", "SRR5273683")
# bplapply(samples, extractSRA, BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(4))
# annotation <- data.frame(samples,
# tissue = c("brain", "brain", "heart", "heart"))
## ----downloadReference, eval = FALSE------------------------------------------
# dir.create("reference/raw", recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
# download.file("",
# destfile = "reference/raw/transcriptome.fa.gz")
## ----indexBuild, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------
# dir.create("reference/index", showWarnings = FALSE)
# system("kallisto index -i reference/index/kallistoIdx.idx reference/raw/transcriptome.fa.gz")
# system("salmon index -t reference/raw/transcriptome.fa.gz -i reference/index/salmon_index")
# system("gunzip -c reference/raw/transcriptome.fa.gz > reference/raw/transcriptome.fa && sailfish index -t reference/raw/transcriptome.fa -o reference/index/sailfish_index")
# library(Biostrings)
# dnSt <- names(readDNAStringSet("reference/raw/transcriptome.fa.gz"))
# dnSt <- sapply(strsplit(dnSt, "\\||\\."), "[[", 1)
## ----versions, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
# library(SummarizedBenchmark)
# getKallistoVersion <- function() {
# vers <-
# suppressWarnings(system("kallisto", intern = TRUE)[1])
# strsplit(vers, " ")[[1]][2]
# }
# getSalmonVersion <- function() {
# vers <-
# suppressWarnings(system("salmon --version 2>&1", intern = TRUE)[1])
# strsplit(vers, " ")[[1]][2]
# }
# getSailfishVersion <- function() {
# vers <-
# suppressWarnings(system("sailfish --version 2>&1", intern = TRUE)[1])
# strsplit(vers, " ")[[1]][3]
# }
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# dir.create("out/kallisto", showWarnings = FALSE)
# dir.create("out/salmon", showWarnings = FALSE)
# dir.create("out/sailfish", showWarnings = FALSE)
# runKallisto <- function(sample, args = "") {
# fastqFile1 <- sprintf( "fastq/%s_1.fastq.gz", sample)
# fastqFile2 <- gsub( "_1", "_2", fastqFile1)
# output <- sprintf("out/kallisto/%s.out", sample)
# cmd <- sprintf("kallisto quant -i reference/index/kallistoIdx.idx -o %s %s %s %s",
# output, args, fastqFile1, fastqFile2)
# system(cmd)
# require(tximport)
# ab <- tximport(file.path(output, "abundance.h5"),
# type = "kallisto", txOut = TRUE)
# counts <- ab$counts[, 1]
# names(counts) <- sapply(strsplit(names(counts), "\\||\\."), "[[", 1)
# counts
# }
# runSalmon <- function(sample, args = "-l A -p 4") {
# fastqFile1 <- sprintf("fastq/%s_1.fastq.gz", sample)
# fastqFile2 <- gsub( "_1", "_2", fastqFile1)
# output <- sprintf("out/salmon/%s.out", sample)
# cmd <- sprintf("salmon quant -i reference/index/salmon_index %s -o %s -1 %s -2 %s",
# args, output, fastqFile1, fastqFile2)
# system(cmd)
# require(tximport)
# counts <- tximport(file.path(output, "quant.sf"),
# type = "salmon", txOut = TRUE)$counts[, 1]
# names(counts) <- sapply(strsplit(names(counts), "\\||\\."), "[[", 1)
# counts
# }
# runSailfish <- function(sample, args = "-l IU") {
# fastqFile1 <- sprintf( "fastq/%s_1.fastq.gz", sample)
# fastqFile2 <- gsub( "_1", "_2", fastqFile1)
# output <- sprintf("out/sailfish/%s.out", sample)
# cmd <- sprintf("echo \"sailfish quant -i reference/index/sailfish_index %s -o %s -1 <(zcat %s) -2 <(zcat %s)\" | bash",
# args, output, fastqFile1, fastqFile2)
# cat(cmd)
# system(cmd)
# counts <- tximport(file.path(output, "quant.sf"),
# type = "sailfish", txOut = TRUE)$counts[, 1]
# names(counts) <- sapply(strsplit(names(counts), "\\||\\."), "[[", 1)
# counts
# }
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# library(SummarizedBenchmark)
# library(tximport)
# b <- BenchDesign() %>%
# addMethod(label = "kallisto-default",
# func = runKallisto,
# params = rlang::quos(sample = sample,
# args = "-t 16"),
# meta = list(pkg_vers = rlang::quo(getKallistoVersion()))
# ) %>%
# addMethod(label = "kallisto-bias",
# func = runKallisto,
# params = rlang::quos(sample = sample,
# args = "--bias -t 16"),
# meta = list(pkg_vers = rlang::quo(getKallistoVersion()))
# ) %>%
# addMethod(label = "salmon-default",
# func = runSalmon,
# params = rlang::quos(sample = sample,
# args = "-l IU -p 16"),
# meta = list(pkg_vers = rlang::quo(getSalmonVersion()))
# ) %>%
# addMethod(label = "salmon-gcBias",
# func = runSalmon,
# params = rlang::quos(sample=sample,
# args="-l IU --gcBias -p 16"),
# meta = list(pkg_vers = rlang::quo(getSalmonVersion()))
# ) %>%
# addMethod(label = "sailfish-default",
# func = runSailfish,
# params = rlang::quos(sample=sample,
# args="-l IU -p 16"),
# meta = list(pkg_vers = rlang::quo(getSailfishVersion()))
# )
# printMethods(b)
## ----runBenchmark, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------
# dat <- list(txIDs = dnSt)
# allSB <- lapply(samples, function(sample) {
# dat[["sample"]] <- sample
# sb <- buildBench(b, data = dat, sortIDs = "txIDs",
# catchErrors = FALSE, parallel = TRUE,
# BPPARAM = SerialParam())
# colData( sb )$sample <- sample
# colData( sb )$tissue <- as.character(annotation$tissue[annotation$sample == sample])
# sb
# })
## ----subsample, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------
# keepRows <- sapply(allSB, function(x) { rowSums( })
# keepRows <- rowSums(keepRows) == 0
# allSB <- lapply(allSB, function(x) { x[keepRows, ] })
# set.seed(12)
# keepRows <- sample(seq_len(nrow(allSB[[1]])), 50000)
# allSB <- lapply(allSB, function(x) { x[keepRows, ] })
# #save(allSB, file = "../data/quantSB.rda",
# # compress = "xz", compression_level = 9)
## ----loadSB, message=FALSE----------------------------------------------------
## ----metadata-----------------------------------------------------------------
colData(allSB[[1]])[, c("param.args", "meta.version", "sample", "tissue")]
## ----pcaPlot------------------------------------------------------------------
keep <- !rowSums( assays( allSB[[1]] )[["default"]] ) ) > 0
pcaRes <-
prcomp( log10( t( assays( allSB[[1]] )[["default"]][keep,] ) + 1 ) )
varExp <- round( 100*(pcaRes$sdev/sum( pcaRes$sdev )), 2)
tidyData <- data.frame(
sample=colData( allSB[[1]] )$sample,
label=gsub("\\d+$", "", rownames( colData(allSB[[1]]) ) ) )
tidyData <- tidyData %>%
method=gsub( "-.*$", "", label) )
tidyData %>%
ggplot( aes( PC1, PC2, colour=label ) ) +
geom_point() + coord_fixed() +
ylab(sprintf( "PC2 (%0.2f %%)", varExp[2]) ) +
xlab(sprintf( "PC1 (%0.2f %%)", varExp[1]) ) +
theme(legend.pos="top") +
guides(col = guide_legend(nrow = 5),
shape = guide_legend(nrow = 4))
## ----rnaseqcomp, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------------------------
# library(rnaseqcomp)
# library(biomaRt)
# data(simdata)
# houseHuman <- simdata$meta$gene[simdata$meta$house]
# houseHuman <- gsub("\\.\\d+", "", houseHuman )
# mart <- useMart( "ensembl", "mmusculus_gene_ensembl" )
# geneMap <- getBM( c( "ensembl_transcript_id",
# "hsapiens_homolog_ensembl_gene",
# "hsapiens_homolog_orthology_type" ),
# mart = mart)
# geneMap <-
# geneMap[geneMap$`hsapiens_homolog_orthology_type` == "ortholog_one2one",]
# houseMouse <-
# geneMap$ensembl_transcript_id[geneMap$hsapiens_homolog_ensembl_gene %in%
# houseHuman]
# allSB <- cbind, allSB )
# colData( allSB )$label <- gsub("\\d+$", "", rownames( colData( allSB ) ) )
# condInfo <-
# colData( allSB )[colData( allSB )$label == "kallisto-default","tissue"]
# replicateInfo <- condInfo
# evaluationFeature <- rep( TRUE, length.out = nrow( allSB ) )
# calibrationFeature <- rownames(allSB) %in% houseMouse
# unitReference <- 1
# quantificationList <- lapply(
# split( seq_along( colnames( allSB ) ), colData( allSB )$label ),
# function(x) { assay( allSB )[,x] })
# compObject <- signalCalibrate(
# quantificationList,
# factor(condInfo), factor(replicateInfo),
# evaluationFeature, calibrationFeature, unitReference,
# calibrationFeature2 = calibrationFeature)
# compObject
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